"So...what are you talking about!"

The other party's complete lack of answer made Alexia a little annoyed. A cold air burst out around her, and the roof of the warehouse was instantly frozen, forming a thick layer of ice!

Looking at this scene, the expressions of the four girls changed to varying degrees.

"Is it a similar ability to No. 12? I just don't know how strong it is?"

"If you care, just stay, No. [-] (Enatos). Get ready to leave, No. [-] (Tetartos), No. [-] (Toritos)."

As if they didn't want to talk more, the armored girl and the armored girl stood together, and the girl holding the black ball in her hand also came to them at some point.

A strong thick fog immediately filled the air!


Alexia suddenly roared, and the cold air condensed into a substantial wave of ice!Rushing towards the four girls who were almost completely hidden by the thick fog!

However, the moment it came into contact with the thick fog, the wave of ice seemed to be assimilated and turned into a vast thick fog, covering the figures of the four girls even more tightly!

(Don’t chase me, Prince.)

Shajo Aige suppressed Alexia's idea of ​​walking up.

(It’s better not to come into contact with that fog - I have such an intuition.)


"Then farewell. I think we won't see each other again in the future. People from other worlds... No, [Incarnation of the Beast Herd]."

The voice of the armored girl echoed in the thick fog, and when the thick fog completely dissipated, there was nothing left in front of Exia, only a part of the ground was missing.

Dispersing the ice sword and stuffing the Seven Thunders of Purification back into her schoolbag, Ixia looked at the direction where the thick fog was drifting away: "Who are these people? Why do they seem to know me so well? What does it look like?”

[I’m afraid I don’t know you well, partner]

Ddraig's voice sounded on his left hand.

[Through what I said just now, I think they should regard you as a kindred spirit, or an individual with a similar aura to them... It's like they have the same kind of thoughts. 】


Whispering this word, Exia looked at her palms.

The embodiment of the herd.

The girl in platinum armor finally called him that. Why did she call him that?

(Is it possible that there are some secrets about me that I don’t know about?)

[Maybe, even in my opinion, why do you feel that you have no secrets?partner】

"...Kaslana's bloodline?"

Alexia remembered her own life experience. She was born in the Kaslana family. When she awakened the grace of God, she received a skill called [Kaslana's Blood], and there are still two people with this skill. The effect did not show up.

Is it possible that the inexplicable title [Incarnation of the Herd] is related to those two effects?

"The other me...should know some inside information, right?"

【Probably...eh?Let your partner go back and figure it out on your own? 】

Ddraig suddenly changed his tone mid-sentence - did it sound like another Exia was telling him to repeat it?

"That rascal......."

"Okay, okay, don't pay too much attention to this matter, Prince-sama." Shajo Aige smiled and hugged Alexia's body, "Although this is indeed a puzzling matter, it is still Let’s go back first and then talk about it.”

"makes sense."

Alexia picked up her schoolbag and said, "But...where did I run to? I was chasing him before and didn't pay attention to the road."

"Don't worry, I have recorded the entire route. You should be able to meet Lan Yu Qiancong by returning along the original route."

"Well, please give me some directions, Miss Ai Ge."

"We are happy to help."

23. I want to negotiate a deal with you

Back to the burger joint.

"Oh, you're back?"

Still sitting in the same position, having finished all the seven or eight burgers, Lan Yu Qiang, who was now leisurely eating chicken nuggets, saw Alexia leaving and returning, and raised her hand to wave to him. A few times: "Have you caught that girl?"


Sitting down opposite Lan Yu Qian Cong, Ixia picked up a hamburger: "The other party escaped... Well, even though I didn't pursue it seriously, I should be able to do it if I want to stay. ."

Whether it was the ability to swallow space or the thick silver mist, although the specific situation was not clear yet, if there was to be a fight, Exia didn't think she would lose.

After all, his "He Will Save the World" magic has not yet been used, the sub-species forbidden hand transformation is still suppressed, and even the zero rated power of the Seven Thunders of Purification has not been exposed.

The reason why they didn't make every effort to keep them was partly due to Shajo Aige's reminder, out of caution.On the other hand is his own position.

It had not been long since he arrived at Xian Shen Island, and today was only the fourth day. He had promised Nangong Nayue not to cause her any trouble as much as possible. It would be really inappropriate to start a fight today.

It would be bad if it caused large-scale destruction on Genkami Island - we can't freeze the entire Minami District, right?Besides, demolishing the port warehouse will definitely cause trouble to Genkami Island, and may even cause a large-scale power outage.

Borrowing also requires the attitude and consciousness of borrowing.


Listening to what Ixia said, Lan Yu Qiancong narrowed his eyes: "Listen to your tone... Could it be that you are not an ordinary person? A demon attacker?"

"No." Alexia denied, "Speaking of which, Lan Yu, you are really calm, and so are those around you."

Just now, Alexia rushed out in front of all the customers in the store. Many people also witnessed her following the girl on the street, although it only lasted for less than three or four seconds.

But whether inside the store or outside on the street, people looked like they were used to it.

"Where do you think this is? This is the Demon Clan's Special Zone, Xian Shen Island. I just went out to chase someone, and it's not a particularly unusual thing." Lan Yu Qingsong explained, "I can also be regarded as the completion of Xing Shen Island. People who have lived here since the beginning will not be shocked by such trivial things."

That's right.

Unlike Exia, the residents of this island can see demons in their daily lives. From time to time, they can see news on TV that demons caused certain accidents. In comparison, Exia Nothing more normal to do.

(Is this what the world is like?)

"Okay, I'm done."

After finishing the last piece of fried chicken, Lan Yu Qianqiong leaned on the sofa and touched his belly: "I really haven't felt so full for a long time. I probably won't be able to eat supper at night - thank you very much this time, Ai Kesia, it cost you money.”

"I didn't spend much money. As the price for you telling me about Agulola, this level of reward is natural." Axia smiled, "Are you going home next? Do you want me to send you off? go back?"

"No, it's not that far from my home. It's a quick tram ride away."

After clearing his plate, Lan Yu Qiancong stood up and said, "Then I'll leave first. See you at school tomorrow, Alexia."

"Well, see you tomorrow, Lan Yu."

After watching Lan Yu Qianqiong leave the burger restaurant, Exia glanced at the burgers piled up in front of her: "With this quantity... why don't you pack it back and eat it?"

"Ding dong!"

At this moment, Exia's personal terminal suddenly received a text message.

The sender is [Nangong Nayue].

[Come to the address below within an hour and give me a good explanation about the things you caused at the port just now]

Looking at the message on the screen, Exia sighed helplessly and took a bite of the burger.

"The news is really fast... Is there surveillance installed in that place?"


It is also in the southern area of ​​Genkami Island, in a high-end residential area near the Cornerstone Gate.

After taking the train back to his apartment, and throwing his schoolbag casually on the sofa, Lan Yu Qianqing went directly back to his room, and then habitually turned on the super computer with several monitors in the room. It's opened.

【Hey, missy】

As the display screen lit up, a slightly naughty electronic synthesized sound sounded, and at the same time, a blue little monster image appeared on the computer.

[The things you want have been sorted out]

"Thank you for your hard work, Moguwai."

Moguwai - this is the name given to this thing by Lan Yu Qiancong. Its essence is an auxiliary artificial intelligence AI, which is the electronic image of the five supercomputers that manage all urban functions of String Kami Island.In terms of mechanical calculation capabilities, there is no doubt that it is at the top level in the world.

Sitting in front of the computer, Lan Yu Qiancong expertly tapped the keyboard a few times, switching several video windows to the screen, and what was displayed in them was the surveillance video of the port area where Ixia was previously.

Previously, shortly after Ixia chased him out, Lan Yu Qiancong asked Moguwai to start collecting surveillance videos related to him.

[However, I didn’t expect you, Miss, would be so interested in this transfer student. Are you ready to fall in love with him? 】

"It's so annoying, I just care a little bit."

Lan Yu Qiancong pressed fast forward as he spoke, and the surveillance video immediately accelerated part of the playback.

"Is it really an exaggerated physical ability to jump out so far all at once, orc?"

[That’s not all, there are also magic tools that can shoot electromagnetic cannons, and freezing abilities that are not like magic or spells]

Just as Moguwai said, Lan Yu Qiancong also saw the scene in the video where Ixia used the Seven Thunders of Purification and her frost ability.

"The level of suspicion is high...who is he?"

【Who knows?maybe--】

"He is the prince who is destined to save the world."

Not Lan Yu Qian Cong, nor Mo Gu Wai.

The third voice interrupted Moguwai's words without warning, and reached Lan Yu Qiancong's ears as if it rang directly in his ears.


Quickly standing up from the chair, Lan Yu Qiancong looked behind her nervously - was she being followed? !And the other party actually followed up on his own home? !

And the next second, in front of Lan Yu Qiancong——

"No need to be too nervous, Lan Yu Qian Cong."

As if he walked directly out of the space, Shatiao Aige's figure slowly came into Lan Yu Qiancong's eyes.

"Hello, Miss Lan Yu, and the little one called Moguwai. I am Shajo Aige, and I am a person who has some destined fate with the prince."

"It may be presumptuous to say this, but... I want to negotiate a condition with you."

(who is she?)

At this moment, Lan Yu Qiancong had only one thought in his mind.

24. You were the one who flipped the table first

Shatiao Aige came to see Lan Yu Qiancong without telling Ixia.

According to her understanding of her prince, if she directly proposed that she wanted a body, there would be an [-]% to [-]% chance that she would be denied, because Alexia is a person who doesn’t like to cause trouble to others. .

So Shajo Aige acted without permission.

Before Lan Yu Qianqing left, he remotely placed a magic mark on her, and then used the mark to project his consciousness in front of her at a super long distance - the current Shatiao Aige can only do this.

Looking at Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was still vigilant in front of him, Shatiao Aige smiled slightly, took a step forward, and raised his hand to reach for her chest.



Lan Yu Qianqing subconsciously wanted to retreat, but with the computer behind her, she couldn't retreat anywhere. She could only watch as Shajo Aige's hand passed through her heart...


Through the heart?

Not feeling the expected pain, Lan Yu Qianqing looked down at the arm that penetrated her body, and then grabbed Sha Tiao Aige's arm with her backhand.


There is no entity, as if it is grasping a ball of air.

Shajo Aige smiled and said: "I don't have any entity. Of course, I am not a spirit body. What is in front of you now is at best a virtual image, so I can't do anything. At most, I am like you. Just talking and talking.”

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