"So please don't worry, I won't do anything to you, I just want to negotiate a condition with you, Miss Lan Yu."


After a moment of tense silence with a frown on his face, Lan Yu Qiancong said, "So... what conditions do you want to put forward to me?"

"For some reasons that are inconvenient to explain, I need a body that I can rely on, and your qualifications are quite good in my opinion, so I hope you can be my object of support, and in exchange, I will I’ll do whatever I can to help you.”


Lan Yu Qiancong frowned: "Is it similar to being possessed by a spirit?"

"Hmm... It should be said that it is the insertion of consciousness. If the human body is compared to a car, then I want to sit in the driver's seat, and you will temporarily move to the passenger seat during this period. . In addition, I can also assure you that this kind of possession will not have any adverse effects on your body, and even if we form a contract of possession, I will obtain your consent before carrying out the possession, and lifting the possession will also It’s up to you to decide, you have absolute initiative.”


The conditions that were too favorable to him made Lan Yu Qiancong even more confused.

Shajo Aige simply made the greatest concession from the beginning.

"What do you want to do with my body?"

Lan Yu Qian Chong asked the most important question. This body belongs to her. If Shajo Aige uses it to do something dangerous in every sense, then the problem will be huge!

Shajo Aige smiled: "At this stage, I don't have anything I want to do. At best, I just want to have a temporary body that can carry out activities. As for what I will do after relying on your body, I don't know. Know."

"In that case I refuse."

Now that he knew that Shajo Aige was just a virtual image, Lanyu Asakon stopped being afraid and nervous and sat down again: "I am not prepared to hand over my body to an unknown person."

"Well, I know. I understand your thoughts, so I didn't think I could convince you once, but it doesn't matter, I will come again next time." Shajo Aige smiled, "Please be prepared to go to the toilet Sometimes a face suddenly appears from the floor, or it appears on the rice bowl while eating——"

"Are you a devil!"

Just imagining that scene, Lan Yu Qiancong had goosebumps all over her body!

"It's just some exaggerated metaphors. In fact, the most I can do is forcefully wake you up from your deep sleep at two or three in the morning."

(This is scary enough!)

If that's the case, wouldn't Lan Yu Qiancong have to accept harassment from Shatiao Aige 24 hours a day?


【Hey hey hey!We really have encountered a difficult situation, Miss]

On the computer, Moguwai said sarcastic words without conscience.

Lan Yu Qiancong glared at it angrily: "Come and help me if you have time to watch the fun, be careful I feed you a virus!"

[Don’t force others to make things difficult for you, young lady, how can I help you?Notify the security officer that you are being haunted by an avatar?That would probably be considered a mental patient]

[Besides, compared to this kind of thing, don’t you think what the crazy lady just said is more intriguing? 】

What did Shajo Aige just say?

Lan Yu Qianqing thought about what happened before: "What you said is indeed... right! Since you are someone related to Exia, then I can call him and ask him to take you Take it! Moguwai!"

【Oh, this is——】


Before Moguwai's voice could finish, along with a sound like a tripping switch, all the lights in the room suddenly disappeared, and only a little bit of the setting sun's light came in from the window.

Lan Yu Qian Cong was immediately shocked!

And then, she felt as if her body was being strangled, and the voice of Shajo Aige came from behind.

"No foul play, Miss Lan Yu. This is a matter between you and me. It would be against the rules to allow a third party to intervene."

"You...you did...what?"

(Isn’t she a disembodied virtual image?!)

"Well, it's true that I can't do anything, but just because I can't do it, it doesn't mean that [I] can't do it - let [Lan Yu Qiancong's house fall into a state of full functional paralysis for 3 minutes] - this I can still realize this level of wish." Sajo Aige smiled, "The touch you feel is not an entity, but a mental interference magic accomplished by affecting the five senses, although it is only conscious. Projection, but things like magic can be used just by looking at it with your eyes."

"It's all your fault for wanting to do something outrageous, so in order to stop you, I can only go a little bit outrageous. Don't blame me, after all, it was you who committed the foul first."

(Then you should explain the rules clearly first... Damn it, Moguwai should have made an outgoing call, right?)

"You can't make calls." Shajo Aige saw through Lan Yu Qiancong's thoughts, "[I] have interfered with all the prince's communication methods. Now only the prince can make calls unilaterally, and no one else can use it." There is no way to contact him, either indirectly or directly.”

"In other words, we have three full minutes to negotiate properly again."

Released the illusory hand on Lan Yu Qian Cong's neck, Sha Tiao Ai Ge floated in front of her and sat on the computer desk, looking down at Lan Yu Qian Cong: "So, Miss Lan Yu, please answer me again. .”

"Can [please] you accept my conditions of dependence just now?"

25. Learning is more important

It's all over.

There was only one option in front of Lan Yu Qiancong: "Accept the conditions of Shatiao's love song".

Although there was a possibility of being silent for 3 minutes to delay Moguwai's recovery, Lan Yu Qiancong did not think that Shajo Aige would give him the opportunity to remain silent for 3 minutes.

As for escaping... Actually, Lan Yu Qiancong is really doubtful about whether the Shajo Aige in front of her is really a virtual image!

How could there be a virtual image that could instantly make her isolated and helpless, and also use mental manipulation magic to subdue her?

"...I have no choice but to accept it, right?"

"Thank you for your understanding, Miss Lan Yu. If you had cooperated like this from the beginning, then I wouldn't have had to do the rude behavior just now." Sha Tiao Ai Ge floated to Lan Yu Qian Cong's bed, "Don't look at me In this way, I am actually a very peace-loving person."

Touching his neck, Lan Yu Qiancong curled his lips angrily: "Are you really going to say... Okay, okay, I accepted what the contract specifically asked me to do. ah?"

"You don't have to do anything, I just need a verbal promise from you."

Shatiao Aige laughed.

"When I get to school tomorrow, I will naturally complete the rest of the contract and perfect the contract between us. You don't need to do anything."


"Are you thinking about going back on your word?" Sajo Aige sat on the bed and arched her legs, "But I advise you not to do that. Although the forms and fields of magic are different, because the basic framework is similar, I You can also take some magical actions here."

"You have just accepted the contract with me. Even if there is no evidence, you and I both know it. This has already reached a connection in the field of consciousness. If you regret it, I can't guarantee that you will not pass this kind of contract." What kind of things can I do to you?"

threaten!A blatant threat!

However, Lan Yu Qiancong has no way to deal with this threat!She now has no idea which of what Shajo Aige said was true and which was false.

(This woman... really looks like a witch.)

A witch who plays with people's hearts.

The image of Sha Tiao Ai Ge in Lan Yu Qian Cong's eyes is this.

"Well, since you have voluntarily accepted my request, I will say goodbye. See you at school tomorrow, Miss Lan Yu - by the way, please don't mention anything about the relationship between you and me to the prince. It’s a matter of fact.”

Before leaving, Shatiao Aige approached Lan Yu Qiancong and told her with a serious look: "I have been watching you, I watch every move you make, and treat it as if it is for the sake of the relationship between us. Happy cooperation, please be strict with your mouth."

After saying this, Shatiao Aige disappeared on the spot in front of Lan Yu Qiancong, and with her disappearance, the lights in the room immediately recovered, illuminating the dim room brightly, and the computer monitor displayed Moguwai's figure also appeared immediately.

(Is even the 3 minutes a lie?)

【Miss!Are you okay? ! 】

"How can it be okay..."

Lan Yu Qiancong, who was slumped on the computer chair with cold sweat on his forehead and some moisture on his back, weakly responded: "I have been completely tricked by her. Damn it... I will do it after this." How's it going - Moguwai, have you contacted Exia?"

[Not at all. Every time I call, the number is either empty or the wrong person is called.Do you still want to try it now? 】

"no need."

If he calls now, Lan Yu Qianqing thinks that Exia should be able to receive it, but thinking of the warning left by Shajo Aige before... Although I don't believe that Shajo Aige will really keep watching. She was worried about herself, but what if what she said was true?

Lan Yu Qiancong was completely unable to judge whether Sha Tiao Ai Ge's words were true or false.

So, in the end, all she could do was remain silent and stand still.

"Moguwai, where is the ancient city?"

[Happily eating omelette rice with Agurola in a demon cafe called Jigomakan]


This is the news that Lan Yu Qiancong least wants to hear in this century.

She was sure she wouldn't be able to sleep tonight!

(Tsk...forget it, just read a book and prepare for next week's final exam.)

In the end, Lan Yu Qian Cong chose to study.


at the same time.

Inside Alexia's apartment.

"...To sum up, that's pretty much it."

After briefly explaining to Nangong Nayue the process of his previous encounter with the five blond girls, Exia added: "Of course, I don't think I caused any huge damage. At most, I It’s just a few holes on the roof, but the biggest impact is on the opposite side.”

"There is no need for you to emphasize this point. If you had made a huge impact, you would already be sitting in the interrogation room of the SAR Police."

Nangong Nayue, who was sitting on the sofa opposite Alexia, moved her little feet wrapped in black pantyhose.

"However, those few things actually took the initiative to get together and come into contact with you... This is really strange. Is there something about you that attracts them?"

"I don't know, but they ended up calling me [Incarnation of the Herd], which I couldn't figure out myself."

The embodiment of the herd.

Nangong Nayue lowered her head and thought for a while, then jumped down from the sofa: "Anyway, as long as you didn't argue with them, remember to walk around them when you see them in the future, and it's best not to deal with them again, you know Is it done?"

"I try my best."

"I want to say [I promise]." Nangong Nayue corrected, "That's it, I'll go first -"

"Wait a minute, Nangong...teacher."

Seeing that Nangong was about to leave that month, Alexia quickly called out to her: "Can you answer me before you leave... Who are those girls with similar looks? What they said [ What do [banquet] and [emperor elector] mean? And—"

"What do numbers like [No. [-]] and [No. [-]] mean?"

Aixia's question made Nangong Nayue pause for a moment, and the expression on his face changed, as if he was struggling with something. After a few seconds, he sat down again: "Forget it, I just told you that there should be no problem, but I have to To explain these things, I must first let you know about an existence."

"——[Fourth True Ancestor]."

26. The Fourth True Ancestor and the Banquet of Flame

There are three true ancestors in this world.

Eastern Europe, West Asia, Central America.

The three true ancestors occupied these three places in the world and competed with each other.

This is something everyone in the world knows.

But in addition to these three true ancestors, there is actually another true ancestor who is like an urban legend.

That is the so-called [Fourth True Ancestor].

It is immortal and immortal, does not have any blood compatriots, and does not seek to rule. It leads twelve familiar beasts that are like the incarnation of disaster, and only cares about drinking human blood, killing, and destroying.He is a ruthless vampire, a monster who is beyond the world and has destroyed many cities in the past.

"The Fourth True Ancestor..."

Listening to Nangong Nayue's explanation, Alexia muttered with some concern.

"So, those girls are related to the Fourth True Ancestor?"

"To be precise, they are all [parts of] the Fourth True Ancestor."


"How to say?"

"Unlike the other three True Ancestors, the Fourth True Ancestor was not born in a normal way, but was an artificially created True Ancestor."

Nangong Nayue explained: "A long time ago, there was a kind of super ancient human being called [Tianbu] in this world. They were said to be a subspecies of the ancient gods. They had science far beyond the current level. Technology built a high degree of civilization in prehistory and produced a variety of weapons."

"And the Fourth True Ancestor is one of the weapons created by the Tianbu - a weapon used to kill gods."

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