Killing God? !

Alexia's eyes trembled violently for a moment, and at the same time, he also felt his left hand trembling uncontrollably.


[Sorry, partner, I'm a little excited]

Her left hand returned to calmness with Ddraig's voice. Exia covered her left hand: "The Fourth True Ancestor is...a god-killing weapon?"

"Well. [God of Guilty] Cain, the ancestor of the demon clan. In order to kill this god, the Tianbu created a god-killing weapon like the Fourth True Ancestor - but as a weapon, the Fourth True Ancestor is It is too powerful, even the Heavenly Ministry that created it is afraid of the power of this god-killing weapon."

"In the end, the Fourth True Ancestor was divided into twelve parts, and the twelve beasts he held were sealed into the bodies of twelve girls, and the twelve bodies were also sealed all over the world. You The four guys I saw are four of the twelve bodies of the Fourth True Ancestor."

Trumpet three, trumpet four, trumpet five, trumpet seven.

Are those five girls originally the beings harboring the power of the Fourth True Ancestor?

"Then... what do [Feast] and [Emperor Chosen] mean?"

"Feast of Fire."

Nangong changed his sitting position that month: "The Fourth True Ancestor, who was divided into twelve parts, is actually in a sealed state. When the seal is lifted, the twelve bodies gather together, making the Fourth True Ancestor The magic ritual of complete resurrection—that is the [Feast of Fire].”

Vampires are creatures that are older and more powerful, their power being equal to the amount of time they have been around.

However, the Fourth True Ancestor, who is known as the "Strongest", is an artificial product. Even if he is resurrected and awakened, he will not have time and memory that is huge enough to surpass them like other True Ancestors and vampires.

The so-called [Feast of Flames] is the ritual magic activated by the sealed Fourth True Ancestor when he was resurrected. Its effect is to extract the memory of all targets indiscriminately on a very large scale!

What you lack, you plunder from other beings.

Anyone within the effect range of the Feast of Fire, whether they are humans or demons, will have all their memories taken away, lose their intelligence, and eventually die.And those stolen memories will all be absorbed by the Fourth True Ancestor, becoming the strongest force that allows him to reach his peak.


Alexia couldn't help but think of her own situation.

Although it was not taken away, he had also lost his memory, the feeling of being unable to remember anything, not even who he was... The Fourth True Ancestor would actually do such a thing for his own resurrection. ?

(Everyone is really unreasonable, the Fourth True Ancestor...)

"As for the emperor chooser... this is an insignificant thing. To put it bluntly, it is the person who holds the fourth true ancestor's body. The current emperor chooser... should only be one It’s time.”

Ending with these words, Nangong Nayue put away the folding fan in her hand: "That's all I know. Is there anything else you want to ask?"

"...No more for now. Thank you for telling me these things, Teacher Nangong. I wasted your time."

"Hmph, talking to teachers and students is not a waste of time." Nangong Nayue snorted coldly, "I am telling you these things to let you know that the matter of the Fourth True Ancestor is a troublesome thing, and you are an outsider. Just don’t get too involved with it.”

"I know."

Just by listening to Nangong Nayue's description, Alexia could understand how complex the Fourth True Ancestor was. If he was involved, it was almost certain that he would be involved in trouble.

(Trouble...? If it is really troublesome to me...)

"By the way, maybe you already know that the entrance exam will be held next week, so remember to be prepared."

Nangong Nayue suddenly changed the topic.

"But it's useless if I take the exam, right?" Alexia asked, "I can't go to higher school. In Japan, don't you still have to attend the school to attend school?"

"Just modify the information for that kind of thing - what's more, even if you fail the exam, the management commune will force you to enter a higher school. After all, I am the one monitoring you, and it won't work if you are not in my class. "

In other words, whether Alexia wants it or not, he will eventually be promoted to the high school of Saikai Academy and become a high school student.

The purpose was to allow Nangong Nayue to monitor him better.

"Well, I don't have any objections to further education... But Teacher Nangong, could you please tell me how long this kind of surveillance will last?" Alexia asked, "It may not be possible as long as I am still in Xian Shen. Dao, you have to keep monitoring me, right?"

"That's not necessarily the case. If you behave well, maybe the surveillance will be lifted soon. And if you shoot dangerous electromagnetic cannons from the rooftop every day like today, then people will be watching you 24 hours a day. is normal."

(This is basically treating me as a dangerous person!)

Alexia sighed helplessly: "I don't think it's necessary at all. I'm quite a peaceful person."

"What do you mean by peace, do you mean playing parkour on the roof and firing electromagnetic cannons randomly?"


Well, it seems that after today's encounter with the five girls, the surveillance of Exia will not be canceled in the short term.

(Compared to the Fourth True Ancestor, I think it’s more troublesome here, hey...)

27. Want to hug as much as you want

After Nangong Nayue left, night came quickly.

Because she had already had dinner at a burger restaurant and brought back the remaining hamburgers and fried chicken, Alexia did not go out after that, but returned to the room to discuss the fourth issue. All kinds of things about the True Ancestor are recorded in the personal terminal.

And just when Aixia had almost finished recording.


An information window suddenly popped up.

【Are you there?Alexia, are you free? 】


Opening the chat bar with Bianca, Ixia quickly typed out a reply: "I'm free, what's the matter? Aren't you still out on a mission?"

[The mission has come to an end for the time being. I thought you had been there for three or four days, so I wanted to contact you.]

It's basically a matter of seconds.

Alexia looked at the message, cut out to write the last one or two lines of the report, then cut back again, and made a video call to Bianca.

【Dududu~~~~Hello?Alexia? 】

Soon, Bianca's appearance appeared on the display screen of the personal terminal.

[Long time no see, how are you living there? 】

"What do you mean [Long time no see]? I've only been gone for less than four days, right?" Ixia said with a smile, "Life here has stabilized, and now we are in a place called [Xiangami Island] He lives in an apartment. In addition, he transferred to a local school today and is currently a middle school student."

middle School student?

Bianca was obviously surprised, surprise and surprise appeared on her face.

[Exia, are you going to be a student again?I remember that you were a student in Kuoh Town before, right? 】

"Yes, and coincidentally they are all in Japan."

[As a shouldn't have anything to learn, right? 】

Alexia and Bianca received Valkyrie training together, and they naturally took cultural classes together. However, compared to Alexia, Bianca is actually not a very good person in studies, and is often evaluated as [ A stupid idiot with no brains].

Therefore, although she did not fail the exam like Kiana, Bianca's results that year were a bit dangerous - fortunately, she worked hard enough and relied on pure hard work, as well as the support of Exia and Bishop Otto. Tutoring completed the studies.

"So I just sleep every day at school. At most I just make some friends from this world. Forget about me, what about your side? The mission is not over yet, right?"

[Overall, it’s not over yet, but it’s come to an end here in Southeast Asia where I am now.]

When we last contacted, Alexia remembered that Bianca was in Australia with Rita, and then she was scheduled to go to New Zealand and Argentina. Unexpectedly, only three or four days had passed, and she had already mentioned the things about those two places. After processing it, I ran to Southeast Asia.

Alexia couldn't help but ask: "Have you had a good rest during such a high-intensity battle?"

[When traveling long distances, I will take a break on the plane. Calculating, I can get about five hours of sleep every two days. 】


Is this rest time too short? !

"Can you endure like this? Bianca, how about I go talk to the bishop and ask him to reduce your workload?"

No matter how strong Bianca is.After all, she is still a 14-year-old girl. With such high-intensity fighting, it would not be surprising if she collapses from exhaustion one day.

Get five hours of sleep every two days.

Who can stand this routine?

[I accept your concern, Alexia, but you don’t have to worry about my condition. I am aware of my own physical condition, and Rita is always helping me, so nothing will happen to me. 】

[Besides, when I solve all the Honkai Impact events in the world, I will naturally have a vacation. Then I will take a good vacation for myself.]

Solve the collapse events around the world.

If anyone else had said this, Ixia would definitely treat it as a joke and not take it seriously.

But now it was Bianca who said it.

"As expected of the most powerful Valkyrie, you are the only one who can accomplish such a feat, right?"

[Stop flattering me, you can definitely do it now, right? 】

Bianca laughed.

[Compared to you who are constantly getting stronger in another world, even if I become your 'Queen', I'm still far behind. Being praised by you makes me a little uncomfortable.]

"Then when I go back next time, I can try it on your behalf?"

[Okay, I will let you be the captain of the Immortal Blade for the time being. I think the bishop and Rita will also agree]

"Speaking of Rita - isn't she with you?"

[Rita is in another area, it will take a while before she can come and join me]

"That's it."


For more than an hour, Exia and Bianca kept chatting like this.

Although the two of them had not been separated for long, and nothing particularly important happened during this period, the two of them could chat happily even if it was just trivial matters in daily life.

In fact, rather than saying that the two of them were chatting, it was better to say that they just wanted to experience the feeling of meeting each other.

For Exia and Bianca, who agreed to always be with each other, as long as they could be with each other, it didn't matter if they didn't say anything, just having each other by their side was enough.

It wasn't until the time came to almost eight o'clock in the evening, and Bianca said that they were preparing to go to the next mission location, that the two of them ended the phone call.

"Your Majesty the Prince."

At the same time that the communication with Bianca ended, Sajo Aige immediately appeared next to Alexia.

"Is the call with Miss Bianca over?"

"Well, what happened?"

"It's nothing."

Hugging Alexia from behind, although she couldn't actually smell it and it felt like she was just hugging the air, Sajo Aige still buried her head in Alexia's hair.

(It would be great if I could have a body now.)

Shajo Aige couldn't help but think of this.

Shajo Aige was very satisfied with becoming the Great Holy Grail and realizing her wish to be with the prince forever. Even if she lost her body for it, she didn't think there was anything wrong with it at first.

But if there is a body that can be relied upon at this time, then one can truly feel the temperature of Aikesia and truly embrace Aikesia's body.

"My lord prince..."

"What's wrong? Miss Aige?"

"I love you."

The sudden confession made Exia stunned for a moment: "...Why did you say that to me all of a sudden?"

Because Shajo Aige had expressed her love in this way several times before, Alexia was not too touched at this time, but she was a little surprised as to why she had to emphasize it again at this time.

"That's what I wanted to say." Shajo Aige smiled, "It would be best if the prince could also say [I love you] to me."

(In that case, I can definitely do anything.)

(Sigh... I really want to have a body that can be used for a long time, and then I can hug the prince to my heart's content.)

28. Lan Yu Qian Cong has nowhere to escape

The next day, early in the morning.

Caihai Academy.

When Lan Yu Qiancong came to the class, it was almost time for the morning meeting.

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