Under the maximum output of the Steel Light Wing behind him, in less than 2 minutes, the port in the East District had already appeared in Exia's eyes. After arriving directly above it, he looked at what was shown below. Exia couldn't help but curl her lips at the sight that came out.

"It's really here..."

Compared to the somewhat blurry scene she saw on the TV, now that she was actually here and saw a clearer scene, Alexia's heart suddenly sank!

Below is a tragic scene that can make people imagine [ice cubes shattering to pieces].

The port was completely shattered, as if it had been completely shattered. There were a large number of shipwrecks floating on the sea. It is estimated that there must be more sunk under the sea. The charred blackness spread out in a fan shape on the intact edges. The traces should have been burned by the flames.

On the other side of the warehouse not far away, the huge Warehouse Street seemed to have been eaten by something. A large part of it disappeared from the original whole. The cross section was as smooth as a mirror, which looked quite weird. .

Slowly descending from the air to the edge of the shattered block, Exia put away the Holy Sword of Soaring, squatted down and reached into the sea water.

"...Ice cubes?"

Looking at what she took out from the water, Exia couldn't help but frown.

It was obviously an explosion, so why are there ice cubes here?

(However, with things like this here, it’s almost certain that Aguro pulls her... Let’s call Akatsuki first.)

He took out his personal terminal from his pocket and flipped to Xiao Gucheng's phone number. Exia was just about to call——

(The prince, behind)


Shatiao Aige suddenly reminded, and then, a strange space fluctuation emerged behind Ixia. The space itself seemed to be rippled, starting from a certain core and moving outward. It exudes circles of ripples.



In the dark vortex formed by the ripples, a pair of slender white legs shrouded in white tulle stepped out, and then a young girl in a white dress walked out of it.

Her long light green hair is like a gem, her eyes are as emerald as a deep lake, and her appearance is so delicate and beautiful that it can be called dreamy and unreal.


The moment she walked out of the dark vortex, the girl's eyes were locked on Alexia, as if she was sizing him up, scanning his body up and down.

Exia was a little uncomfortable with the overly direct gaze, and she didn't know if her fingers pressed it down accidentally——

【Kaslana? !How is the situation over there? !Have you reached Agulola? ! 】

Xiao Gucheng's voice sounded from the personal terminal in his hand.

Alexia was hesitant to answer, but the emerald-colored girl smiled and stretched out her hand, signaling for Alexia to end the call with Xiao Gucheng.

"...I'm already here, Akatsuki. The explosion was indeed where Agurola lives."

【What about Agurola! ?Is she okay? ? 】

On the other end of the phone, Xiao Gucheng's tone sounded extremely anxious and uneasy.

Her whereabouts are unknown - Ixia was about to say this, but her eyes saw the girl making a mouth gesture, as if to say...

"She...is fine..."

【Really?Is Agulola okay? ! 】

"...Well. I have already met up with her and will bring her back later. Just wait at home. That's it, we'll talk later."

Without giving Xiao Gucheng time to answer, Exia hung up the phone and turned off the personal terminal.

After watching Exia finish all this, the girl - the third true ancestor Jiada - smiled and said: "What about the mechanical device I haven't seen before? Is it the crystallization of technology from another world? Can I borrow it? How about I watch and study it?"

"Unfortunately, no."

Exia put away her personal terminal.

"Keeping you waiting - so, who are you?"

"Who am I? Hahaha, it's really troublesome to answer this question. After all, I have had many incarnations, and I have walked the earth with different identities in the past." Jia Da smiled pretending to be distressed, "But , for you now, I think this identity is more suitable - [the initiator who shattered this place to this point], and [the mastermind who imprisoned No. 12]."

She was the one who attacked this place! ?

Alexia instantly pulled out the Seven Thunders of Purification from her waist!The barrel of the gun filled with lightning was aimed at Jiada's head!

"You're really murderous. Is this a unique way of greeting someone from another world?"

"...Hand over Agurola."

Without answering Jada's question directly, Exia ordered coldly.

Jiada smiled slightly: "If I say no, will you pull the trigger on me? A person from another world."

(She knows I come from a different world...)

"who are you?"

Alexia asked the question again.

"Tell me your name! And where is Agurola!"

"My name...is Jiada, you must have never heard of it, then - [Third True Ancestor]."

Garda gave her most well-known name.

"I am one of the four True Ancestors in this world, the [Third True Ancestor] who leads the [Chaos Realm] and is known as the [Prince of Chaos], Jiada Kukokkan."

"Are you satisfied with this answer? A person from another world."

53. Alexia, who has a strong painting style and is curious about the topic

The third true ancestor!Princess of Chaos!

Hearing the girl in front of her give such a name, Alexia's first reaction was disbelief!How could the dignified Third True Ancestor come to a small place like Xian Shen Island?The realm of chaos is far away from here.


(She is probably telling the truth, Prince.)

Shatiao Aige reminded.

(She did not conceal or suppress her own magic power, so I could feel that the magic power in her body was several dimensions far higher than the physical bodies of the Fourth True Ancestor. It was a completely different field of magic power.)

If the magic power of the physical bodies is compared to one, then the magic power of the third true ancestor in front of him is definitely above [-].And this only refers to pure quality, and does not include the total amount of magic power.

[The little girl is right, partner]

Ddraig's voice also sounded on Alexia's left hand.

[This woman is not someone you can deal with in her normal state. Be ready to use magic or my power at any time]

(Even Ddraig...)

Exia 100% trusts the judgment of Ddraig and Sajo Aige, and now that both of them are saying this, it means that the girl in front of her who claims to be the Third True Ancestor...may be really her true self!

"...Why does the Third True Ancestor appear here?"

Without moving the Seven Thunders of Purification, Exia asked coldly.

"Why did you attack Agulola? Where did you take her?"

"You really have a lot of problems."

Jiada sighed slightly, not caring at all that she was being pointed at by a gun, and came to sit on a stone pile that was still intact, with her long and smooth legs crossed together.

"I didn't attack No. 12, but she is of some use to me, so I just borrowed her for use. As for the situation in this port... Hahaha, you have to ask. This little girl is gone."

When Jiada finished speaking, a dark whirlpool quietly emerged in the open space between the two of them, and Valtiana, covered in blood, immediately emerged from it!He looked like he was seriously injured and dying!

"What did you do to her?"

"She didn't do anything. She overestimated her own capabilities. As a young [noble], she wanted to attack me. So I gave her some small lessons and trials on behalf of the First True Ancestor." Jiada did not. Pay attention to Valtiana.

(In order to protect Agurola from being taken away by the Third True Ancestor, did you fight back?)

Reading Valdiana's behavior from Jada's words, Exia lightly stepped on the ground, and a line of frost instantly extended from his feet, and came to Valdiana's side in the blink of an eye. Then——


An icicle rose from the ground, lifting Valtiana directly into the sky!

Then, as she fell from the sky, Ixia steadily caught her and carried her on her shoulders.

Jiada did not stop Alexia's little move, but clapped her hands after reading it: "It's not a familiar beast, it's not magic or spells, and of course it's not any kind of magic system in the world today... Interesting , an ability unique to another world?"

"I think I have no obligation to answer you - answer the rest of my questions, Miss Third True Ancestor. Where is Agurola? Why did you take Agurola away?"

"...You are really a man with strong curiosity."

As Jiada spoke, the dark whirlpool appeared again, and soon, as if she had escaped from the darkness, Agulola's fleeing figure suddenly rushed out of the darkness!It hit Aixia's chest straight up!

"Wow! It hurts!"

Agulola immediately covered her head and squatted down, subconsciously raising her head to see what she had hit, but just when she saw Alexia very close to her——

"H-Herd of Chaos Beasts!?"

In an instant!Agulola's face turned completely pale!



In the eyes of Ixia and Jiada, Agulola was so frightened that he fainted!



Unlike Alexia who was stunned, Jiada couldn't help laughing when she saw this scene!

"Interesting! It's really interesting! This is probably one of the most interesting things I have seen in my infinite and eternal life, right? The physical body of the Fourth True Ancestor was actually frightened and fainted... Hahahaha! What a ridiculous scene! Don’t you think so? A person from another world?"


Wordlessly, she picked up Agurola. Ixia carried Valtiana with one hand and held Agurola under her arm with the other. She looked at Jiada with her blue eyes doubtfully.

He didn't know why Jia Da did this. He thought Jia Da would not let Agulola go.

"...What do you mean? Miss Third True Ancestor."

"No. 12 is no longer useful to me - or to put it more bluntly, I only need the blood servant of No. 12, or if you come here, then my goal has been achieved." Jiada smiled.

"Your target is... me or Akatsuki?"

"No, my target is only you."

Jiada stood up from the stone pile: "Do you know why No. 12 is so afraid of you, afraid of you, and even fainted on the spot like now?"

"......do not know."

"Because in the eyes of us vampires, you are a [monster]."

Vampires are a race that is very sensitive to blood. In their understanding, the smell of everyone's blood is different. With just a slight sniff, vampires can know the quality of a person's blood.

Of course, it's not absolute, just roughly.

But the smell of blood exuded by Exia is extremely special!

If a normal person's blood is a drink with a single taste, then Ixia's blood is a mixture and fusion of countless drinks with different tastes!They even made a fortified drink with a rather weird and chaotic taste!

Moreover, the higher the level of a vampire, the more able he is to distinguish what kinds of [drinks] his blood is mixed with.

"Let me describe you to me, alien."

"You have dozens of animal heads that I can't understand, a large number of wings of different shapes, a stitched body made of countless kinds of biological limbs, hundreds of pairs of hands and feet that seem to be connected, and lingering all over your body. The weird aura and dim light...you should understand it by saying it's [Chimera], right?"


A monster in Greek mythology, a monster with the characteristics of several beasts.

"This is you in my eyes, and this is also you in the eyes of No. 12. Maybe you look like this in the eyes of other true ancestors."

"Tell me, how can NO.12 not be afraid?"

54. Vampire’s view of love

The appearance that Jada described made Exia a little stunned for a moment.

He actually looks so strange and terrifying in the eyes of vampires!

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