"...But Vertiana has been in contact with me before, and she doesn't seem to be afraid of me."

Alexia glanced at the girl on her shoulder.

When the two met yesterday, Valtiana did not show any obvious fear or fear towards him.

"Haha, that's because she doesn't have the qualifications." Jiada smiled, "To put it more bluntly, just like a beauty only deserves to be owned by the strong, I think the one who can understand the smell of your blood is at least Only a third-generation vampire would have some possibility. She is still too young, and a little guy who is only about a hundred years old cannot taste blood that is too high-grade."

In other words, is it because Vertiana is too young and too weak as a vampire to even understand the smell of blood on Alexia?

Thinking about it carefully, this doesn't seem to be unreasonable. After all, Ixia has been living on Gengami Island for two weeks, and she must have passed many vampires unintentionally. If every vampire saw something similar to Jada If it is the same as described, it will probably cause great chaos.

"Okay, this way I have answered all your questions. Are you satisfied? A person from another world."


Looking at Jiada in silence, Alexia sighed slightly: "Thank you for your answer, Miss Third True Ancestor, then I will take my leave - according to what you said, if you want to see me, actually come directly to Caihai Just go to the academy, you don’t need to go around in a big circle to do this kind of thing.”

"I didn't know you were in that kind of place. But..."

A strange smile curved at the corner of Jiada's mouth: "From your tone, it seems that you are ready to leave just like this?"

"...Do you have anything else?"

"Why do you think I'm fine? As I said, my target has been you from the beginning. Now that I've finally managed to seduce you, do you think I'll let you leave easily?"

(As expected, I have no good intentions.)

Alexia was not surprised. Since Jiada wanted to meet with him even if she made such a big noise, it was conceivable that she must have some purpose for him.Originally out of etiquette, Exia planned to fool around, but now it seems...


The Light Wings of Steel sprayed out sacred flames, and Alexia, who had no intention of continuing with Jada, was just about to fly into the sky and leave——

"Don't leave in a hurry, alien."

Jiada, who was standing on a stone pile not far away one second, was in front of Ikexia the next second, and put her hand on his shoulder. The burst of suppressive force actually forced Iike Xia was held down in place!


"Can't you escape?" Jia Da smiled and said, "If you didn't take this little girl and No. 12, I think you can definitely escape, but you still want to leave in front of me openly with two burdens. This is the first time I have been underestimated to this extent——"


Before Jia Da had time to finish her words, a strong cold air suddenly rushed out from the place where her and Alexia's bodies were in contact, completely freezing her arms almost in an instant!


The flames burst out and flew into the sky while retreating. Exia looked down at Jiada: "I'm sorry, Miss Third Ancestor, if you really have something to tell me, please wait until I have time. I don’t have time to talk to you right now.”

"...Really? It's okay to take away all the irrelevant people in a hurry."

She casually smashed the ice cubes in her hand and moved her slightly frozen arms. Jiada raised her head and looked at Ixia: "I will allow you to leave this time, a person from another world, since you If your attention is not on me, then there is no need for me to waste too much time talking to you. The business between us will be discussed next time when you and I can talk without distractions."

"Thank you for your understanding, Miss Third True Ancestor."

Nodding slightly to Jia Da, Exia turned into a meteor and rushed towards the direction where she came from.

After watching Alexia leave, Jiada stood on the wreckage of the port for a while, then her body suddenly swayed, as if she was a little weak, she lightly covered her mouth and sat down on the stone pile again.

"I didn't expect...it would be like this..."

Jiada licked her lips.

"I was actually attracted by the smell of his blood... Hahaha, this is really the first time in thousands of years."

In ordinary people's impression, vampires are species that feed on blood, but in fact, vampires' blood-sucking behavior is not just about eating. In more cases, vampires have the urge to suck blood just because of pure desire.

In any case, a vampire is a kind of creature after all, possessing most of the characteristics that a creature should have.

Therefore, for vampires, sucking blood is an act of expressing their love. Throughout the ages, it is not uncommon for their lovers to be sucked to death due to the urge to suck blood.

But one thing also needs to be noted, that is, the object that a vampire loves is not an individual, but the blood itself.

As the third true ancestor, Jiada has tasted countless bloods in her long and long life. Although she has not completely lost interest in blood, there are almost no bloods that may attract her attention. At most, she appreciates them. That’s all.

If anything, the other two true ancestors like her and the physical bodies of the fourth true ancestor are worth tasting.

But just now, when facing Ixia, Jiada felt the urge to suck blood for the first time in a long time - in fact, it may have been more than a thousand years -.

Although the image of Alexia described by Jia Da is quite strange and terrifying, for Jia Da, appearance is not the point. The strong and turbid smell of blood on his body, which seems to change every minute, is enough to make Jia Da. Da ignored his external existence.

To use a very vivid example to describe it, it is like a mature girl who has been living in the country coming into contact with a young boy from a big city for the first time.

Tasting the heartbeat and throbbing that now existed in her heart, the accelerated blood in her body made Jiada's cheeks turn slightly red, and her body gradually became hotter.

"In this case... I guess you won't be able to bear it next time we meet, right?"

With her emerald eyes looking far away in the direction where the meteor of light left, Jiada stretched out her hands.

"Be prepared, people from other worlds. When you and I meet next time, I think I will definitely regard you as my favorite darling, and I will drink every drop of your blood until it is dry."

"If you don't want to... then do your best to please me."

55.Can’t calm down


Alexia left ten minutes later.

"Da da da... da da da..."

Like an ant on a hot pot, Xiao Gucheng walked back and forth in the living room, sometimes with his hands on his waist, sometimes picking up his mobile phone to constantly refresh the communication interface, sometimes sitting on a chair and tiptoing.

He has been in this situation since Alexia called him just now and hung up suddenly.

Both Agulola and Valtiana were fine, which was good news for Xiao Gucheng, but there was something obviously wrong with Alexia's behavior when she hung up the phone later, as if she was in a hurry to do something.

Seeing his brother's appearance, Akatsuki Nagisa, who was sitting on the sofa, couldn't help but asked in confusion: "What's wrong with you? Furujo-kun, you've been acting weird since just now."

"Eh? Ah...I...I'm fine."

Xiao Gucheng was stunned for a moment and then shook his head.

"I'm just thinking about something. It's really nothing."

"...Is it because of the news about the previous port explosion?" Akatsukisa hit the nail on the head, "Ever since you saw the news, Furujo-kun, you look like you are worried about something. Kaslana-kun next door also left immediately... Are you hiding something from me?"

"Uh! No, no!"

Being stared at by his sister with suspicious eyes, Xiao Gucheng quickly waved his hands several times to deny: "Yes...it was Kaslana who said that he forgot something at school! I was a little worried about whether he would He doesn’t know the way to school, he just moved here not long ago, so he’s not very familiar with this place yet!”

"Is that right?"

"That's really it! So it's really nothing serious! Don't worry, Nagisa!"

Beep beep!

As soon as Xiao Gucheng finished speaking, the cell phone in his pocket made a sound. Almost as soon as it buzzed, he picked it up and looked at what was displayed on it with all his concentration.

It was a message from Exia.

[I have come back. Come to my house. Agulola and Valtiana are both there. I have the door open.]


Xiao Gucheng's anxious look instantly turned into joy!

"Nagisa, I'm going out!"


Akatsuki Nagisa couldn't help but be stunned, but before she could say anything, Akatsuki Kojou had already put on his shoes and rushed out of the entrance!

(Furujo-kun, what’s going on here?)

Looking at the door that was hit hard, Akatsukisa thought with doubts.


On the other side, is the Exia's house next door.

"Agurola! You-"

Rushing into the door of Alexia's house impatiently, Xiao Gucheng had just walked into the living room, but the first thing he saw was Alexia who had not put away the flying holy sword behind him.

(Then, what is that!?)

"You're here, Akatsuki."

Looking at the stunned Akatsuki, Alexia, who had just put down Agulola and Valtiana, put away the Holy Sword of Soaring and pointed at the two people she had placed on the floor.

"I have brought Agulola and Valtiana back. You wait over there, I want to check their bodies."

"body check?"

Xiao Gucheng frowned: "Are they all injured?"

"I'm not sure. Although it doesn't look like there are any superficial injuries, I'm not sure there are any hidden injuries left in the body, so I need to check it. What you see next, please remember to keep it secret from me."

"Keep it secret? What are you going to do to Agulola and Miss Vere?"

"It's not me who does it, but someone else - please, Miss Aige."

Following Alexia's call, from Akatsuki's perspective, Shajo Aige's figure seemed to be separated from Alexia, appearing next to Agulola and Valtiana.

"Let's give them a physical examination."

"I see, my lord prince."

Shajo Aige responded, then squatted down, stretched out his hand to the chests of Agulola and Valtiana, and then inserted it directly as if it penetrated their bodies.


Wire-like lines of light gradually spread across the two people's bodies.

Seeing this scene, Xiao Gucheng frowned tightly and couldn't help but asked Aikexia: "Kaslana, you...she...what on earth is going on here?" What's going on? Prince?"

"Well... I can't explain the details in detail. To put it simply, just think of me as a person possessed by a being like a god of death." Alexia thought for a while and explained. He said, "Miss Aige is my friend, but because of some things, she is now possessed by me."

"In other words... familiars and shikigami are like that?"

"Absolutely. As for this one, it's...a magic tool, right?"

Exia waved the Holy Sword of Soaring in her hand.

"The gift I got from someone before can be turned into wings to let me fly. It can be regarded as a means of transportation. By the way, as I just said, you must not tell these things. Keep it a secret for me.”


Xiao Gucheng looked at the obviously sharp sword in Exia's hand, and then thought about the pair of steel wings he just saw...

"Who...are you? Kaslana."

"Now I am just your classmate, neighbor, and a companion who is willing to help you solve the problem of the Feast of Flames." Exia smiled, "Besides this, you should have other things you want to know, right? After what happened to me I’ll talk to you again when I get a chance.”


Xiao Gucheng quickly returned to the topic: "What happened at the port? Could it be that Agulola and Miss Weier were attacked by other Fourth True Ancestor bodies?"

"It's much more serious than that. And speaking of it... maybe they were attacked because of me."

Alexia sighed and sat down on the sofa: "The person who attacked them is called Jiada. She claims to be the third true ancestor. I guess she should be me."

Third... True Ancestor! ?

The prisoner whom he had never expected made Xiao Gucheng stunned for a moment as if he had been struck by lightning!

The third true ancestor appeared on Xian Shen Island? !

"This... you are not joking, right? Kaslana? Why did the Third True Ancestor appear on Xian Shen Island? And you just said that they were attacked because of you... ....What the hell is going on!”

Perhaps because he was too excited, Xiao Gucheng couldn't help but stepped forward, grabbed Alexia by the collar, and questioned him sharply.

"Calm down, Xiao." Ixia calmly swatted his hand away, "I will explain it to you, but now you calm down first, your sister is next door, and making too much noise will attract her. ——Doesn’t she have a phobia of demons?”


After being reminded by Alexia, the impatience on Xiao Gucheng's face suddenly disappeared: "...I'm sorry, I...I'm a little..."

"It's okay. I understand how you feel. An important person was attacked. If it were me, I probably wouldn't be able to calm down."


"Let's get down to business. According to what the Third True Ancestor said, she might have attacked Agulola and Valtiana specifically to lure me out - she seemed to want to meet me."

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