It hit the ice hard, and before the Fourth True Ancestor could scream in agony, Exia was already following close behind!

Countless thorns rushed out from under the ice and wrapped around the limbs and body of the Fourth True Ancestor like shackles, fixing her to the ice!


Alexia said coldly.

"It's over, Fourth True Ancestor."

72. The Seven Thunders of Purification·The Zeroth Rated Power

For the Fourth True Ancestor, this was the most sudden defeat that had ever been imagined.

She couldn't even understand how she was defeated.

"You...what did you do to my beast!"

"Crushed it, that's all."

Facing the vicious eyes of the Fourth True Ancestor, Exia raised his foot and stepped heavily on her chest, aiming the Seven Thunders of Purification in his hand at her.

At this time, the Fourth True Ancestor suddenly discovered——

(The different?)

The Fourth True Ancestor has seen the sword mode of the Seven Thunders of Purification. Although it is surrounded by thunder and lightning and has a power that is almost superior to the gold of a lion, in terms of appearance, at least it is still a sword.

but now.......

"Buzz buzz buzz~~~~~!"

The Seven Thunders of Purification have lost the shape of the sword blade.

The original sword body seemed to have been shattered into countless pieces, but the blade itself was not completely deformed, and it was not even sure whether the sword body could be said to be broken.

Because among the large number of fragments, there are countless amethyst lines that connect them all and pulsate with light like blood vessels.

"Seven thunderbolts to purify sin, zero rated power."

Alexia said in a deep voice.

"Activate [Gun Mode] and [Blade Mode] at the same time, and all the energy of the Conquering Stone will burst out in an instant, releasing a slashing [Super Railgun], which is more than ten times more powerful than normal .”

Use speed to throw away [Dragon Snake's Mercury] and then knock it down?Use a charged attack to penetrate the defense of [King Kong of the God Sheep]?

Totally unnecessary!

"Miss Ai Ge said that I am very strong now, and I can defeat you head-on. Therefore, I will not dodge, but accumulate strength, and just knock you down with the strongest blow."

Use the [-]th rated power of the Seven Thunders of Purification in sub-species forbidden hand mode.

This is what Exia can release now, a [full blow] in another sense!

The reason why the Seven Thunders of Purification in his hand now looks like this is because it has changed its shape in order to match the zero rated power. Each amethyst line is transformed from soul steel, and the middle The hollow part is used to release the space for the electromagnetic gun.

Of course, according to normal circumstances, the God Key will fall into a period of weakness after using the zero rated power. Therefore, the Seventh Thunder of Purification is actually in a down state and cannot be used for the time being - unless it is used. Alexia forcibly injected Honkai energy to accelerate her awakening.

[You are really messing around, bastard master]

The Herrscher of Thunder complained weakly.

[You have drained all my power. I told you not to use this mode indiscriminately!I will be broken! 】

(Ah la la, is this unbearable?)

Shajo Aige laughed and joked.

(I remember someone said that as long as I agreed to her request, it didn’t matter even if I messed with her... You said such big words, but you couldn’t even satisfy the prince once? Still? You really can only speak beautiful words, but if you can’t, leave this burden to me. Prince-sama, you can use me no matter how many times you want.)

[Shut up you hopeless idiot! 】

(You two, stop arguing.)

Asking Sajo Aige and the Herrscher of Thunder to stop, Exia leaned down to suppress the Fourth True Ancestor: "This is the end, the Fourth True Ancestor - I will give you one last chance, from Miss Nagisa Come out of the body, if possible, I don’t want to continue to hurt Miss Nagisa’s body.”

"...You are still so naive."

The Fourth True Ancestor said with a ferocious smile.

"We have already reached this point, with only one step left to take my life, and you are still worried about the body of this miko——[Lion's——]"


Seeing the Fourth True Ancestor trying to summon a familiar beast, Exia punched her in the face!A small piece of her face was dented!

(Sorry, Miss Nagisa...I will try my best to apologize to you later.)

Alexia thought apologetically.

However, the face of the Fourth True Ancestor, who was beaten to a dent, was like going back in time. It only took two or three seconds for it to recover as before, without even the slightest sign of being beaten.

"Does vampires have the ability to heal themselves?"

"A painless beating, you will only torture this body, but it will have no effect at all." The Fourth True Ancestor said with a smile.

And just as she smiled, her body turned into silver mist bit by bit.

(She is going to atomize and escape, Mr. Prince.)


Exia stepped hard on the Fourth True Ancestor again, and the accompanying frost impact directly froze the Fourth True Ancestor, leaving only his head and shoulders outside!


"I should have said that it's over and you can't escape." Alexia said coldly, "Since you are unwilling to leave Miss Nagisa's body voluntarily, then I can only use a more brutal method. ...I don’t actually want to use it if I can.”

After lifting the Fourth True Ancestor up, Exia tore off the black skirt near her neck, exposing her white neck to his eyes. Then she lowered her head and leaned closer, as if she wanted to smell the scent of her hair. generally.

Looking at this scene, Shajo Aige couldn't help but feel a little jealous.

(To be able to be treated like a lover by a prince... It would be great if Miss Nagisa were me.)


(Miss Lawyer, did you say something?)

【I said you are a bitch】

Shajo Aige and Thunder Herrscher once again had a disagreement and began to attack each other personally.

But this time Alexia ignored the two of them. When she got close to the Fourth True Ancestor's neck, her weak body fragrance immediately poured into Alexia's nose.

( smells a bit fragrant? No, now is not the time to think about that!)

The solution she heard before echoed in her mind, and Exia opened her mouth slightly.

"Wait, you...could it be that you are planning to——!"

At this moment, the Fourth True Ancestor suddenly realized what Exia wanted to do!



The Fourth True Ancestor only had time to scream, and Exia had already bit her on the neck!The sharp teeth pierced her skin, and the delicious blood immediately flowed into Alexia's mouth!

And this moment-


A slightly stimulating and refreshing feeling suddenly rushed into the brain of the Fourth True Ancestor!

She...actually had her blood sucked! ?

No, the point is - this person from another world is actually a vampire! ?Isn’t it the power of the dragon that he carries? ?

(This guy... ugh - no, give me... stop!)

Consciousness is about to fall.

As the blood continued to be absorbed, the Fourth True Ancestor could clearly feel that his consciousness seemed to be falling towards a certain place, and everything in his field of vision gradually fell into darkness.


"Hey, I'm finally here."

The dark world was suddenly replaced by endless snowfields.

A voice that was as cold as solid ice, but had a hint of wildness, reached her ears.

And the next moment-

The Fourth True Ancestor saw the ocher-red dragon and...another [Exia].

73. A step toward the beginning

"Do you have a way to save Miss Nagisa?"

Time goes back to when Exia was still at Nangong Nayue's house.

Because Ddraig said that the other [Exia] had something to say, Exia sat down on the sofa and came to her own realm of consciousness.

As soon as he came here, [Exia] told Exia the above things.


"Do I need to lie to you?"

Sitting on the Ice Throne with her legs crossed, [Exia] fiddled with the ice flowers in her hand: "In principle, it is similar to the [same-kind devouring] between vampires that you know."

——Devoured by the same kind.

This is a behavior of vampires that Ixia has read about before, and was also taught in the elective course on demon biology at Akaihai Academy.

Vampires can devour other vampires and directly seize their magic power and familiar beasts to achieve a significant increase in power. However, it is usually impossible to devour the blood of vampires who are more powerful than themselves, because even if they absorb all the blood of the other vampire, they will be sucked out from the inside of the body. Possessing the body and consciousness, causing the object that is supposed to be swallowed to swallow itself.

Therefore, if they are not quite confident in their own strength, basically no vampire will devour their own kind.

"It's just that what we want to do is not the vampire type of phagocytosis, but [consciousness devourment]."

The consciousness of the Fourth True Ancestor and Akatsuki Sa's consciousness are definitely not the same, and in the same body, only one consciousness can dominate.

Just like the situation with Exia.

"As long as the consciousness of the Fourth True Ancestor can be swallowed up, then even if Akatsuki Nagisa's consciousness is not willing, she will have to start to control the body again, but I think her consciousness should still be sleeping, and the rest is waiting for her. Consciousness revives itself.”

"...Why do you know this method?"

After listening to [Exia]'s explanation, Exia couldn't help but asked in confusion.

This should not be a method that Exia and [Exia] can know. At least Exia herself would never think of this method. Why would [Exia] know?

"Think carefully about the difference between you and me, idiot." [Exia] sneered, "You have been relying on external forces so far and have never truly explored your own power. There are many things you don't know. Go - as for the method of swallowing her consciousness, all you need to do is suck her blood, and I will take care of the rest."

"That's all there is to say, go and fight."


At that time, after saying this, [Exia] kicked Exia out of the realm of consciousness.

And time has come to now——

Looking at the Fourth True Ancestor who suddenly appeared in front of him, with blond hair and flaming eyes, who was exactly the same as Agurola, [Exia] walked down from the throne, showed a smile that he thought was kind, and opened his hands.

"You really made me wait for too long. That idiot actually spent so much time. If it were me, I would lose if I could keep you awake for more than one minute."

Even if he was facing a god-killing weapon, [Exia] was still so arrogant. To him, it didn't matter who the Fourth True Ancestor was. As long as he was weaker than him, it didn't matter to him.

Climbing up from the snowfield, the Fourth True Ancestor looked at [Exia] in front of him, then at the ocher red dragon beside him, and at the boundless snowfield around him.

"Where is this place? Who are you?"

"The realm of consciousness, the spiritual world - so you probably understand it, right? As for who we are, it actually doesn't matter to you. Anyway, you will no longer exist in this world soon."


The Fourth True Ancestor was silent for a moment: "...I see, it is indeed what I thought. You actually want to devour me. As expected of the [Herd of Chaos Beasts], there is really no satisfaction." The greedy beast of the heart.”

There was no reason why the Fourth True Ancestor couldn't see something that even the naked body could see.

"How many beasts have you devoured so far?"

"Ha! Who knows? I'm not interested in remembering this kind of thing, after all, it's not what I did. Neither I nor he just inherited this power based on blood, or in other words, we were burdened with this curse. That’s all.—And you don’t need to know such unnecessary things.”

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