[Exia] sneered, and at the same time, an icy blue flame ignited in his hand, then he grasped the hilt of the sword that appeared from it, and walked towards the Fourth True Ancestor.

The Fourth True Ancestor subconsciously wanted to retreat.


However, as if one step directly crossed the space, [Exia] quickly arrived in front of the Fourth True Ancestor, grabbed her neck and sent the burning flame in his hand into her chest!

"Do you think you can escape?"

"Ugh...damn it...you vicious beast!"

"The mouth is still quite hard."

A sinister smile appeared at the corner of his mouth, and under the horrified eyes of the Fourth True Ancestor, [Exia] suddenly bit her lips with his own!

It’s not a description, but it really bites me!The power was so strong that he almost bit off the lips of the Fourth True Ancestor!

Bright red blood flowed from the corners of the Fourth True Ancestor's mouth.

Immediately afterwards, the dripping blood turned into bursts of light, converging into a stream of light and slowly submerged into [Exia]'s body, and her pierced body also gradually dissipated, and then Absorbed by the flame sword in [Exia]'s hand.

The devouring of consciousness begins.

(Damn...my power...should...don't...)

He didn't even have the strength to resist. The only thing the Fourth True Ancestor could do was stare at [Exia] with anger and hatred. But the more he stared at it, the faster the Fourth True Ancestor felt that his power was draining away.

And until the end—

"...It was really a terrible first kiss experience."

After completely devouring the Fourth True Ancestor, [Exia] licked the blood from her lips: "If you have the chance to use this body next time, then just find someone to experience it."

"If your partner heard what you said, he might not let you use his body for the rest of his life, right?"

Ddraig, who had been watching from the side, spoke up.

[Axia] smiled: "Ha, I have the final say over my body... Well, it's just too much to just find someone casually - Okay, old man! I'll handle it from here. It’s over! I’ll leave it to you next!”

In the second half of the sentence, [Exia] said it to the sky over the vast snowfield.

"——Use [Chimera] to swallow up the [Power] of the Fourth True Ancestor."


the present.

Alexia was still hugging Akatsuki Nagisa and biting her neck to suck the blood.

(Isn’t it over yet?)

After all, Akatsuki Nagisa is also Akatsuki's younger sister. Even if it was to save her, Exia didn't think that she could do something to a young girl. It would be nice if [Exia] could end it as soon as possible. .

at this time--


The grace of God behind Ixia lit up with ice-blue light without any warning!And gradually, from the shape of [Kaslana Family Emblem], it changed bit by bit into the shape of the mythical monster [Chimera]!

And with the emergence of this change, Ixia suddenly felt an impulse!The hand that was not exerting force at first suddenly hugged Akatsuki Sa's body tightly!The intensity of blood-sucking suddenly increased a lot!

(Wait a minute, I... No, if you suck blood like this, Miss Nagisa will——)

【This is necessary power】

Suddenly a strange voice sounded in my mind.

Alexia suddenly felt a vague figure of a man appear in front of her.

[In order to fight Honkai, and to allow you to reach the starting point of the real 'me' in another way, the power of the so-called true ancestor may be effective]

[So, even if it’s just for a glimmer of possibility and hope, swallow it up, my descendants]

(No! Wait! What are you talking about! You——)

Who are you! ?

Before she could ask this question, Exia lost her consciousness.

And at the same time...


Exia's body in the present world suddenly sprouted several vampire wings!

Dare to ask for leave

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74. Kaslana’s Will

A world of ice and snow.

Alexia's realm of consciousness.

The moment she lost consciousness and left her body, Alexia came here again.

He has been here many times before and is quite familiar with it, but this time, the moment he came to this world, Alexia noticed an extremely powerful [sense of disobedience].


Deathly silence.

There was not even a trace of sound in his field of consciousness. Ddraig and his other self, who were supposed to exist here, could not be seen at all after Ixia fell on the snowy field. The entire world of consciousness It was completely empty, with no figure or thing visible at all, and even the icy trees not far away had disappeared.

What remains is nothing but a world of wind and snow floating quietly.

It's as if this world has been like this from the beginning, and the so-called Sekiryuutei and his other self have never existed.

"Where is...where?"

Alexia stared blankly at the white world.

"Ddraig? Another me?"

He tentatively called his partner's name, but there was no response.

"Miss Ai Ge? Saber? Herrscher of Thunder?"

Exia further called the others. Although Artoria and the Herrscher of Thunder were probably unable to respond, Shajo Aige had already entered the conscious world before, so she should be able to appear.

However, the world is still empty.

No one appeared in front of Alexia.

"What the hell is going on?"

Gritting his teeth, Exia looked around anxiously, and at the same time tried to return his consciousness to his body - although he didn't know what happened to him, he clearly remembered what he had done before coming here. What.

(I'm sucking Nagisa-san's blood, and then... yes! Sound!)

I heard a voice at that time.

A very strange voice.

"Who is that voice...?"

"it's me."

Sounds like sounds coming from the frozen abyss resounded in the empty world.

Alexia was shocked: "Who! Come out!"

"I've always been there, you just didn't realize it, successor."

"Always here? Impossible! There should be only me, Ddraig and another me here! There can't be a fourth person!" Exia shouted angrily, "Come out! Influence my body and make me do something You are the one who behaves like that! Get out!"

It was rare for Alexia to be so excited that she became a little out of sorts.

Unintentional actions based on the will of others, the disappearance of Ddraig and others, mysterious voices... coupled with the previous evaluations of the true ancestors - what is going on?What happened to his body? !

[Axia Kaslana] What exactly does she have on her body?What's the secret?

"I said, I have always been here. As long as you recognize the source of your own power, then I can appear in front of you at any time, successor." The mysterious voice continued, "Or, is this important to you who has always been there? Is it too difficult for you to be restrained?"



The moment this idea came to mind, Alexia suddenly felt her body sink!Countless chains appeared around him out of thin air, wrapping him up in an instant!It even penetrated his arms and legs, penetrated his shoulders, wrapped around his ribs, and strangled his neck!

(what is this!?)

"Have you not even realized this?" The mysterious voice seemed a little disappointed, "You should not have forgotten it, successor, when you first came to this place, the other person showed you [Exia’s Shackles].”

shackles! ?

(By the way...at that time, the other me showed it to me...)

That was when they were still in Kuoh Town. In order to be able to use the forbidden hand freely, Exia, with the help of Azazel, came to her own consciousness space for the first time and saw another person for the first time. self (instinct).

And at that time, [Exia] showed him the seals that were carried behind the two of them - two people! ?

"Wait, I remember that at that time, there was no one behind me..."

"Are you aware? Successor."

The mysterious voice sounded again.

"At that time, you were not aware of the shackles on your body. Even if you were told, you never had actual awareness. And of course, if you are unable to recognize this, you cannot be aware of my existence. That's it. From a certain point of view, the you who has been relying on external forces is far inferior to the other you who is fully aware of your own strength."


Unable to refute.

Exia has long known that compared to [Exia], his research on his own power is far less than that of [Exia]. Even though he has been using the frost power of Kaslana's bloodline so far, once he faces a strong enemy, he will Or rely more on the power of the Sekiryuutei and the assistance of Sajo Aige.

He took a shortcut. Compared to [Exia] who reached that height step by step, he was led forward by Ddraig and Shajo Aige.

"who are you?"

"Unlock the shackles on your body, and you will know that you should be able to do it now. Even if it is not all, but only part of it, you should be able to touch the realm where I am - you don't have to think about things in this world, The other you will temporarily take over your body and take care of everything."


Looking at the chains wrapped around her body, Exia gritted her teeth and was about to endure the pain to open the chains——


Without even a little bit of force, the chains wrapped around his hands and feet fell apart and fell off from his body into a large number of fragments.


The unexpected ease made Aixia stunned - are these the so-called shackles?He thought it would be difficult to break free.

Continuing to hold on to the chain that passed through her body, Exia pulled a little harder.


The chain snapped.

It looks like it should be painful, but when it actually goes away... it actually feels like a phantom?

"What exactly are these seals..."

"It's [waste] that could have been eliminated a long time ago, but it has always existed because you never realized it." The mysterious voice explained.

"You have experienced several different worlds and experienced several battles. These battles have turned into your strength under the influence of God's grace, so that you already have the power to lift some of the shackles."

Compared with before, the voice this time was much clearer, as if talking through a wall became face to face.

And as the voice became clearer, the dead, empty world of ice and snow in Alexia's eyes gradually became clear and clear, as if the clouds had been cleared away, and the flying snow slowly stopped.


Footsteps sounded from the snow.

In front of Ixia, a figure stepped on the snow with steady steps and slowly appeared on the empty snowfield.

Snow-white long hair, ice-blue eyes, and handsome face.

Such a man wearing a long black coat came into Alexia's field of vision.


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