"Are you aware of me? The successor who inherited Kaslana's stigmata."

The man with a similar face to Exia said cold words.

"I am [Kevin], and I am [Kaslana]'s will."

"The first time we met, or in other words, long time no see. After nearly eight years, you finally came to me again."

"——Kaslana who is now replaced by [Exia]."

75.The power of Chimera


Alexia looked at the young man with a similar face to her who appeared in front of her, and she immediately had an idea in her heart.

[I've probably seen this person somewhere before]

It wasn't a dream, nor was it that he looked similar to someone, but it was true that I had seen him somewhere at a certain time.

"Is that you who just spoke...?"

"it's me."

Kevin Kaslana admits.

"And I am also the one who activated the hidden power in you and prompted you to start devouring the power of the Fourth True Ancestor."

"...That voice, is it you?"

"Because you have never been aware of my existence, I can only use the other you as a pedal to convey my voice to your heart - no, if it is more direct, it should be the other you who allowed it. Let my voice reach you."


(The other me... was preventing me from contacting him before?)


(No, no, compared to this——)

"What are your intentions in letting me swallow the power of the Fourth True Ancestor...? Make me stop!" Alexia urged uneasily, "If this continues, Miss Nagisa will -"

"That girl will not die. On the contrary, this can completely save her."

Kevin Kaslana explained: "The thing you swallowed is [the power of the Fourth True Ancestor] itself. In terms of that world situation, it is [consciousness], [soul], [familiar beast], [Physique], [Vitality], [Magic Power]... things like that."

"For that girl, these powers will endanger her life and constantly oppress her spirit, soul and even body. If you don't strip them all away, even if another you has already removed the Fourth True Ancestor's Even if the consciousness is swallowed up, it will not help. Even the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, who has lost the control of his consciousness, will directly destroy the girl."

"So, don't worry too much. She can be saved. There is no doubt about it. You will take care of the other one - and now you need to do another thing."

(another thing?)

"what's up?"

"Awaken the blood of Kaslana...or awaken the true power of [Kaslana's Stigmata], and unlock more shackles and seals on you."

(Kaslana’s Stigmata’s true power?)

"Successor, the power of Kaslana you are using now is not its entire appearance, but only the most basic layer of power on its surface." Kevin Kaslana explained, "You should also Remember, based on the information displayed by the so-called God’s favor, the power of Kaslana’s blood still has two parts that have not been revealed.”

"...that's right."

Kaslana's blood has four abilities, and now Exia has two known abilities, namely [Frost Control], and [Super-speed Regeneration, Mental Abnormal Status Invalidation], and the remaining two are still the same. is unknown.

Considering that the first two abilities were awakened after being stabbed by someone holding the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment when he was on the line between life and death, Ixia has always believed that the remaining two might have to go through a similar process. You will only wake up when you encounter a desperate situation.

"You mean, if I swallow the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, I will be able to awaken the remaining two abilities?"

"The order is reversed. It should be said that the ability is awakened in order to devour power - if Kaslana's true power is not awakened, the power of the Fourth True Ancestor cannot be swallowed and absorbed by you, and then you will fall into the same situation as that girl. Condition."

Kevin corrected Alexia's statement.

"The true power of Kaslana's stigmata is called [Chimera]. It was an enhancement plan proposed by a certain scientist in the pre-civilization period 5 years ago in order to fight against Honkai and enhance the power of fusion warriors. Mainly This method allows people who have become fusion warriors to further integrate a large number of Honkaiju factors, break through the upper limit of fusion warriors under normal circumstances, and combine their abilities in a targeted manner to greatly enhance the individual's combat capabilities."

"And the final result is the power of [Chimera] carried by [Kaslana's Stigmata] - the power to swallow Honkai Beast."

Swallow... Honkaimon?

Alexia couldn't help but frowned: "This ability...is Kaslana's real power?"

"That's right. Judging from the current results, Kaslana's Stigmata is the only successful individual from the previous civilization to survive to the present civilization. This power has been passed down in the Stigmata with Kaslana's family, waiting for The day he wakes up."

"And you are the second person in the history of the Kaslana clan who is qualified to touch this power - as for the first person, it is your father, Siegfried. Unfortunately, he did not Total success.”

Alexia: "What did you say!?"

This is what surprises and shocks Exia more than the power of Chimera!

His own father actually...

Moreover, my father’s result was—failure?

"Then father -"

"There is nothing wrong with him. At most, he has some physical symptoms that can be suppressed. According to the technology of today's civilization, it is still within the control range. In addition, this is not something you need to worry about. You will still pay attention to it. Focus on yourself."

Kevin Kaslana reminded.

"However, for you who tried once eight years ago and almost succeeded, I think the second attempt will not be difficult as long as the shackles on you can be lifted."

"W-please wait a moment...the second time?"

Alexia showed a puzzled look: "Have I tried it once before? Eight years ago...could it be the time I saved Kiana? By the way, you just said that this was our time The first time we met after nearly eight years.”

"You and I... met at that time?"

"Is this the most important thing to you right now? Successor."


This is the first time that Ixia can be so close to her past, so close to the past that she has forgotten!

Kevin Kaslana was silent for a while, looked up at the sky, as if communicating with someone with his eyes, and then nodded: "Okay, I can tell you what happened back then, but first you need to complete it. What you should accomplish now - your time is running out, once the duration of the magic ends, the power of the Fourth True Ancestor will be a little unbearable for you."

".......I see."

After a moment of silence, Exia could only grit her teeth and agree first.

Indeed, time is running out for hand-freedom.

"But before that, answer me a question - why do you want me to absorb the power of the Fourth True Ancestor? Is it just to let me get the power of Chimera?"

"My purpose, or Kaslana's purpose, is always and everywhere." Kevin Kaslana said coldly, "That is to [kill Honkai] - as long as it is for this The purpose is to use all available means.”

"The strength of the Fourth True Ancestor is not outstanding in itself, but the nature of the power and the abilities of those familiar beasts may play a big role when facing the Herrscher in the future."

"So... is it to deal with the Herrscher? Then my current strength is actually-"

"not enough."

Kevin Kaslana interrupted Alexia.

"You have never faced the real Herrscher, the successor. And similarly, you still know nothing about the power of the Herrscher, and you know nothing about the threats you will definitely face in the future."

"You now have not even reached the starting point of [Kaslana]."

76. Exia, return

the present.

It spread to the sea ice several kilometers away.

After biting Akatsuki Sa's neck and absorbing all the power of the Fourth True Ancestor from her body, Exia... no, it should be said that [Exia] let go of her mouth. , threw Akatsuki Sa to the ground and wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth.

"That's enough. It's really troublesome. That old guy insists on doing these things."

"This tone of voice...is it you?"

Shajo Aige appeared in front of [Exia] and looked at him with a solemn expression: "This is the first time I have seen you as the leader, another prince."

"If you don't count memories, this is indeed the first time, Shajo loves singing."

"How is the prince doing now?"

"Under the guidance of the old man, I'm starting to try to awaken the power of Chimera. It won't take long for someone to be replaced. You don't need to worry." [Exia] carried the Seven Thunders of Purification, "I'm just here For a period of time, to prevent his body from being attacked by someone, I am just here to act as an agent for the time being, and I will go back when the matter is over."

Although he had already seen it once in his memory, after actually seeing it, Shajo Aige had a more concrete understanding.

[Exia] and Exia, even if they are indeed the same person, but in terms of essence and nature, they are completely opposite to Exia.

The toughness, initiative, and pressure that Exia lacked were all concentrated in [Exia].The attentiveness, gentleness, and intimacy that [Exia] does not possess are all concentrated on Exia's side.

The two are each other's mirror.

"Then, let's take this little girl back first."

Picking up Akatsukisa with one hand, [Exia] instantly flew into the sky, and was just about to fly back——

"Please wait a moment, Prince." Shajo Aige stopped her, "It's best not to go back to Genkami Island now. The reason why Prince came here before was to avoid the aftermath of the battle. Xian Kami Island, if you go back now, if you have an encounter with the Third True Ancestor, I’m afraid—”

"None of my business."

[Exia] replied coldly.

"I have no obligation to protect that island. The other me is a fool who likes to meddle in other people's business and find things to do for myself, but that's not me. If it's in my way, I don't care if the island sinks."

Alexia is a kind-hearted guy who takes the initiative to consider others, but [Exia] cannot be called a [good person] in any way.

Protect Genkami Island?Reduce the impact of combat?

Why would he do such troublesome things for a bunch of strangers?


The space trembled under [Exia]'s feet, and just for a moment, [Exia] came directly to nearly a kilometer away!Then it disappeared again and continued to move forward for nearly a kilometer!

It's not flight, and it's not just physical ability either.

"Short-distance space movement?" Shajo Aige was a little surprised, "The prince doesn't have this ability."

"Can he compete with me?"

Om ——————!

Amidst the sound of space trembling, in just a few seconds, [Exia] returned from the sea eight kilometers away to the sky above Gengami Island, and after taking a look down at the bottom——


Genkami Island, South District.

Makeshift shelters and rescue facilities.

Because of the sudden outbreak of vampire infection, even if the SAR police have responded as much as possible, many people have been injured. In order to accommodate the injured, temporary treatment points have been set up all over Genkami Island. .

Xiao Gucheng is now in one of them.

Emotionally speaking, he really wanted to save Agurola and Akatsukisa with his own hands, but he also knew that there was nothing he could do without anyone with any strength like him.Therefore, just to make himself feel at ease, and to do something within his ability, he asked Nangong to take him here that month and serve as a temporary volunteer here.

In fact, he had brought back several injured guardsmen from the protective line during the past period.

"Here it is."

Just when he was about to carry the stretcher back to the front line with others, such a voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Xiao Gucheng quickly turned around and saw [Exia] in front of him and immediately exclaimed: "Kaslana!? Are you back!? Is everything over?"

"Stop talking nonsense and go on, your sister."

After glaring at him, [Exia] threw Akatsukisa in her hand at him!


After hurriedly catching his sister, Xiao Gucheng looked at [Axia] in front of him in surprise - he realized that there seemed to be something different about [Axia] in front of him.

But soon, the surprise turned into concern for Akatsuki Nagisa: "Nagisa? Is Nagisa okay? Kaslana?"

"Don't you have eyes yourself? How do I know if she is okay? You won't take her to the doctor for a physical examination? Are you an idiot?"


This is Alexia! ?

Xiao Gucheng never thought that Alexia would have such a rough side. Although Alexia usually doesn't talk much, she is generally very approachable.

Now this...

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