"No, no matter what, thank you! Kaslana! I will repay you later!"

Suppressing the doubts and surprises in his heart, Akatsuki picked up Akatsuki Nagisa and ran towards the doctor - even though [Exia] looked strange now, compared to such a trivial matter, she was still his sister. Safety is more important!

Looking at Xiao Gucheng's retreating figure, Shatiao Aige suddenly smiled.

(Could it be that you are actually a very gentle person? Are you thinking of Miss Kiana?)

"Do you need me to step on your head and let you feel my [gentleness]? Slut." [Axia] said coldly, "Think less, there is nothing I want to do. The special meaning is that I simply want to do it.”

After saying this——


After three consecutive short-distance spatial movements, [Exia] came directly to the top platform of the Cornerstone Gate. While holding the Seven Thunders of Purification, he injected a large amount of Honkai energy into it in one breath!

【Hello!Wait a minute, you injected so much at once——]

"Stop talking nonsense. The Herrscher is not qualified to speak. Just shut up and let me use you."

Strongly rejecting the Herrscher of Thunder's opinion, and ignoring the flash of resistance in the Conquest Gem in his hand, [Exia] continued to inject Honkai Energy. Purifier, who had temporarily lost power due to the zero rated power, Qi Lei regained its brilliance extremely quickly!


Lightning burst out from the empty space inside the sword body, instantly filling the entire sword body, turning the Seven Thunders of Purification directly into a [Lightsaber] shining with thunder!

Seeing the Seven Thunders of Purification like this, [Exia] laughed and pointed the sword at the tens of thousands of infected pseudo-vampires below——

(Wait a minute! Do you mean you want to——)

【Hey! 】

At the same time, realizing [Exia]'s thoughts, Sandjo Aige and Thunder Herrscher spoke out together.

But at this moment-

"Come on, [camaxtli]!"

A female shout suddenly sounded from the sky, and then——


The black clouds covering Genkami Island let out blinding thunder!

Blue-white thunder suddenly fell from the sky!


[Exia] was hit on the spot!

But he wasn't hit directly.


He didn't even use the Seven Thunders of Purification, and punched the lightning directly, scattering it like a burst balloon. [Exia] looked in the direction of the sound.

The woman with emerald eyes—the Third True Ancestor, Garda—appeared not far from [Exia] at some point.

"Want to get in my way? Bat."

"Hahaha, I should say - it's almost my turn to be your dance partner, right? A person from another world."

Jiada, who returned from the horizon, said with a smile.

77. The beloved beast of the true ancestor

Jiada is in a good mood now.

The first thing to explain is that most vampires are actually guys who are eager to fight.

Because their lives are so long that they don’t even know when they will die. If their hearts and heads are not blown out, they may live until the end of the world.

Therefore, for vampires who are extremely idle, finding something to relieve boredom is a top priority, and almost most elderly vampires will choose [fighting].

This is a pastime that allows you to make full use of your own strength and make your whole body move. If you encounter a strong enough opponent, you may even experience the thrill of life and death.

Jiada can be considered this type of vampire for the time being. Although she does not like fighting and has many other ways to relieve boredom, if a fight comes to her, she will not refuse.

And now-

"I'm very happy, a person from another world. It seems that in addition to being my lover, you are also qualified to be my strong enemy." Jiada smiled and stretched out her hands, "You can knock me away with one blow. When we are dozens of kilometers away, I have never experienced such a situation in a thousand years. I feel that you and I will get along very well. I think I will not lose interest in you for at least hundreds of years, right?"

If you add blood, it should be at least a thousand years.

Jiada had never been interested in someone for such a long time, which also proved how much Alexia cared about her, which surprised her.

Looking at Jia Da with a happy expression on her face, [Axia] curled her lips in disgust: "Tsk, another slut. 'I' really can't attract good women, all I attract are A strange woman, not at all like a normal woman."

If it weren't for Bianca, [Exia] wouldn't know what kind of woman her other self would end up with. Most likely, Bishop Otto would use her as a bargaining chip for political marriage, so she could marry anyone she wants.

Of course, this kind of thing has nothing to do with him.


[Exia]'s figure disappeared instantly!

When he reappeared, he was already in front of Jiada!

In Jiada's somewhat surprised eyes, [Exia] directly chopped down the lightsaber in her hand!


The burst of thunder instantly penetrated the clouds in the sky!It actually blasted a huge hole at least a kilometer long into the dark clouds that looked like the eye of a typhoon!

The blow was too fast and Jiada had no time to react. She, who had just flown back from the sky, was blown away again by this blow!


The figure moves.

[Exia] quickly caught up with Jiada, and the Seven Thunders of Purification in her hand exploded with intense thunder!The sword of light suddenly rose to [-] meters!

"Stop barking in front of me. You are still in love with me when you are four digits in age. It is best for you to go to a nursing home and lie on a chair and watch the sun. If you are really tired of living, go and lie down in a coffin!"


Along with [Exia]'s curse, the thunder sword of destruction crashed down!

The impact and tremor like a falling meteor suddenly fell on the east side of Genkami Island!The sweeping thunderstorm directly swept away most of the Eastern District and wreaked havoc!The spreading vibration caused the entire String God Island to tremble!The waves surrounding the entire island were also stirred up, impacting from all directions!

(Ah la la, this is really...)

Feeling the blow from [Exia], Sajo Aige sighed helplessly - when Exia comes back later, she will definitely fall into strong self-blame and regret.

Shajo Aige could already foresee that situation.

(But this...maybe it's not bad?)

Originally, Sajo Aige was very unhappy with the various behaviors of Genkami Island. It was because Exia did not want to cause trouble and was willing to understand the stance and thoughts of the senior officials of Genkami Island that she would tolerate them and accept their actions. Monitor.

If Sajo Aige was still able to move freely, all the senior officials of Genkami Island would disappear in five days at most. At that time, she would rely on Lan Yu Asakon to establish a puppet regime for the sake of Exia. Operates Genkami Island.

Even if Exia is willing, the ruler of Genkami Island can let him do it.

Of course, if she does that, Shajo Aige can be sure that she will completely part ways with Alexia, so she just thinks about it. Generally speaking, she will still act according to Alexia's will and ideas.

(Another prince, although I don’t mind you ravaging this island like this, but if you can, please take care of your prince’s mood - at least don’t completely sink this island.)

"This sentence is not bad, I will try my best."

Standing on the roof outside an airplane terminal in the East District, [Axia] lowered his head and looked at the runway not far below - scolding him, but he didn't think that the true ancestor of the vampire would be killed by him in two blows.

"Come on, [xiuhtectli]!"

As expected, among the thick smoke that filled the airstrip, Jiada's call came out on the wind!


A pillar of fiery fire that was reminiscent of a volcanic eruption suddenly broke through the ground from Jia Da's feet and rose into the sky!It looks like a giant snake-shaped flame flowing with self-awareness!

Under Jiada's instructions, violent flames immediately rushed towards [Exia]!

The heat waves and flames with some ridiculous temperatures are coming towards my face!

[Exia] sneered, and the ice dragon's claws trampled heavily on the roof of the building under her feet!

The frost storm that freezes everything breaks out instantly!


The impact of ice and fire suddenly met in mid-air. The terrifying temperature difference caused the impact and strong wind to explode immediately. Whether it was the ground under Jada's feet or the building under [Exia], both were affected by the aftermath. It shattered and collapsed on the spot!

“Rumble, rumble, rumble————!”

The entire airport seemed to have been struck by a natural disaster, showing a miserable scene like it was being crushed!

But neither Jiada nor [Exia] paid attention to the surrounding situation. To the two of them, it didn’t matter what the surrounding situation became, even if there might have been a large-scale attack in the airport. Casualties are not something the two of them need to worry about.


The space trembled again.

[Exia] passed through the hell of ice and fire in an instant, and came back to Jiada's eyes. The Seven Thunders of Purification, which had transformed into blade mode at some point, pierced Jiada's heart and head!


Almost as soon as [Exia] appeared in Jia Da's field of vision, Jia Da revealed a vicious smile as if she was succeeding.

next moment--


Darkness like a tide emerged from behind her without restriction!


[Exia] wanted to leave immediately, but the moment he tried to leave——

(Can’t leave anymore.)

Shatiao Aige suddenly said this.

"Let me change the stage, a person from another world."

Jiada smiled like this.

And soon, the infinite darkness swallowed up [Exia] and Jiada and submerged them, leaving only a mess in the outside world, and the airport was almost completely shattered.

78. Pure power disparity

Somewhere on Genkami Island.


Breaking out of the darkness, Jiada groaned while holding on to the wall. She turned around and leaned against the wall, touching the wounds on her chest and eyes.

She is the true ancestor of vampires, and her self-healing ability is among the best among vampires. Even if she is injured, she can heal in a very short time.It was just that the right chest and eye were punctured. In Jiada's opinion, these injuries were not serious.

In fact, these two wounds have now begun to heal on their own.

"It really hurts. That weapon is a bit weird."

Jiada caressed her body, and there was still a vague tingling and numbness in the wound. The thunder and lightning from the Seven Thunders of Purification still remained in her body, constantly destroying her insides.

It probably takes about half a minute to fully heal.

"However, if you imprison him in a familiar beast, time will not be a problem - as long as his movement interferes with space, it will be impossible to break free from there."

To be honest, [Exia]'s power was somewhat beyond Jiada's expectations.

She did not hold back when using the power of her beasts. She really let her beasts use their full strength. Whether it was the initial thunder or the subsequent flames, her beasts did not restrain themselves. In terms of power, The first thunderbolt can directly make the entire Cornerstone Gate evaporate and disappear on the spot.

But that blow was blocked by [Exia], and the same was true for the subsequent ones.

There are 27 familiar beasts controlled by Jiada, but judging from the performance of [Exia], the pure power will only be offset by his more pure and powerful power, or even crushed.Therefore, if you want to deal with him, the most straightforward way is to use familiar beasts with special abilities.

The burst of darkness just now was one of them.

The infinitely extending dark world—this is the body of Jiada's beast, and that space itself is the beast.

As long as you are in it, you will be completely isolated from the original world. The infinite darkness will strip away everything, five senses, consciousness, existence... until finally everything will be taken away from the person who is imprisoned, turning it into darkness. a part of.

As a [cage], this beast is the most powerful.

(So, how should we deal with him next? It would not be good if he completely turned into darkness. How about liberating him when his consciousness disappears?)

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