Leaning against the wall, Jiada was healing her body while thinking about the next thing.

She didn't think it was possible for [Exia] to break out of that darkness. After all, there was no precedent for this since ancient times.


Just when Jiada was thinking this, a shattering sound came from somewhere.



As if she realized something, Jiada suddenly covered her chest!There was a darkness behind him that seemed to be out of control, and appeared in a crazy way.

(How is this feeling possible? My beast is actually...)


There was another crack.

This time Jiada suddenly fell to the ground as if she was overwhelmed!His face suddenly became extremely pale, with no blood at all!He was gasping for air as if he had difficulty breathing!

"Wait, wait a minute, I-"


The third cracking sound!


Just like glass being shattered, the dark space spreading behind Jiada shattered!

An icy blue figure rushed out of the darkness quickly!A dragon-like figure instantly appeared in front of Jiada!


Stomping heavily on Jiada's head, [Exia] held up the Seven Thunders of Purification and panted slightly: "You really hid an interesting trick for me, the bat - the beast itself It was frozen and then broken into pieces, which took away a lot of my strength."


Jiada was a little unbelievable.

What was [Exia's] solution she just heard?

Freeze the beast itself?And then smash the beast to pieces?

How could he actually break out of the darkness in this way? !And this method is actually feasible? !

"In the end, the beasts are just a collection of magical powers."

Appearing next to [Exia], Sajo Aige squatted down in front of Jiada, reached out and poked her eyes: "As long as it interferes with the flow of magic power, it is not difficult to cause flaws in the beast itself, but for the whole body For a beast whose magic power is always moving, once it is frozen, it means that the movement of magic power is disrupted."

"Then it's time to become a general, Miss Third True Ancestor."


Echoing the words of Sajo Aige, [Exia] flew up with a kick, kicking Jiada's chest until it was almost dented, and at the same time, it crashed through dozens of buildings!Finally, it was embedded heavily into the wall at the end!


The sharp blade of the Seven Thunders of Purification followed closely behind, and the entire sword blade sank into Jiada's chest.


This time was different from before. Jiada, whose heart was completely penetrated, immediately screamed!

The heart is the core of blood circulation in the whole body of a vampire. Even if the True Ancestor will not die due to heart damage, the injury to the heart will indeed greatly affect her strength and mobility!

"This... this little injury..."

Holding the Seven Thunders of Purification, Jiada was about to pull it out of her body when dozens of ice swords suddenly penetrated the building and pierced Jiada's body one after another!It almost turned her into a living target filled with swords and arrows!

After stepping on the gravel and arriving in front of Jia Da, [Exia] stretched out her hand and pinched the remaining part of his head, with a slight smile on her lips: "How about it, are you satisfied if I prepare a full body acupuncture for you? Like For an old guy like you, you can't do well if you don't take good care of yourself."

"That's really...thank you for caring..."

"Verbal thanks are not enough. Doesn't the great ancestor know that an apology must be sincere?"

[Exia] pushed away the obstructive ice sword, and the blade tore into Jiada's body, leaving a large number of wounds penetrating her body, and even her shoulders seemed to be broken.

Even with the True Ancestor's self-healing ability, if he was seriously injured, the recovery time would probably be measured in days.

And just when [Exia] planned to further destroy Jiada's body——

【It’s over here】

An old man's voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

It's Kevin Kaslana's voice.

"Tsk, but it's not over yet for me."

【He will wake up soon】


Pulling out the Seven Thunders of Purification from Jiada's chest, [Exia] sighed helplessly, snapped her fingers to freeze Jiada's whole body, and then continued to insert hundreds of ice swords, freezing Jiada's body. Among them, Jiada pierced it countless times before stopping.

"Well, that's almost it - that's it, get ready to welcome your prince and master back, idiot, Herrscher. Say hello to him for me."

After saying this, [Exia] came to the wall and sat down, closed her eyes, and let go of the dominance of her body.

(What does it mean to be a bitch? The other prince is really not cute enough.)

Shajo Aige came and sat down next to Alexia.

(But... ahem, it's not completely devoid of cuteness.)

(It seems that I will have a lot of fun getting along with him in the future)

79. The inheritance of Chimera

The power of liberating the Chimera seemed to Exia to be too smooth.

According to Kevin Kaslana, all his power is sealed by shackles. As long as the shackles are broken, the corresponding power will gradually return to his control.

So is the power of the Chimera.

During this process, Ixia did not encounter any difficulties, and even felt a strong sense of familiarity and deja vu, as if he had done exactly the same thing before... No, it should be said that he was walking on exactly the same steps. on the way.

(Eight years ago...when I wanted to protect Kiana?)

[Exia] said that he is the strongest successor of the Kaslana family. He awakened the power of Kaslana when he was seven years old, surpassing all Kaslana in the past.

Judging from various circumstances, the reason why he awakened back then was probably because of his original belief in protecting Kiana. His strong will allowed him to awaken Kaslana's power early.

But after that, this power was sealed.

Bishop Otto imposed a spiritual seal on him, as well as a physical seal - the two shackles made him a mortal again, and the bound strength and spirit prompted the emergence of [Exia], It had been sleeping inside him for nearly eight years.

It wasn't until he was defeated by Otta in the world of the dungeon that he first awakened.

"You already have the power to break these seals."

Off to the side, Kevin Kaslana said.

"The spiritual shackles that the bishop imposed on you are the application of the God's Key, Yu Duchen. It is a God's Key made by the Eighth Herrscher of the former civilization. It has the power to control consciousness. To break it The focus of this shackles is not the actual strength you possess, but the mental strength and awareness of consciousness."

"You already have this in your experience in several worlds. Even if you can't get rid of all of it, a part of it is enough."

"And the shackles on the body were given by me. You, who was still young at that time, couldn't bear it at all, and you couldn't control the power of Kaslana's stigmata. In order to prevent the violent power from destroying your body, I secretly cooperated with that A bishop suppressed your power in the hope that one day you would have the ability to master it."

"Now, you have the corresponding qualifications."

In the voice of Kevin Kaslana, Ixia continued to smash the chains on her body. Most of the chains were very fragile, and only a few of them were extremely hard and could not be broken free at all.

And as the chains were broken, Alexia could clearly feel that something seemed to be awakening in her body, and the ice and snow world in the conscious world gradually dimmed, just like it often does in mystery novels. The Blizzard Villa scene that will appear is average.

The world, which had been bright for a while, returned to coldness and deathly silence.

"Okay, that's enough."

Seeing that there were fewer and fewer chains on Aixia's body, with only the last dozen or so thickest chains left, Kevin Kaslana stopped shouting: "Now, just lift these shackles, the Chimera's power has been Awakening.”

"...Don't you need to lift the rest?"

"You haven't disqualified them yet." Kevin Kaslana said coldly, "You don't know who you are yet, you don't know your past, you don't know your origins - before you know everything, The final yoke cannot be broken.”

"But don't worry, after you inherit the power of Chimera and devour the Fourth True Ancestor, I will tell you what happened back then as agreed. By then, you can decide how many shackles you want to release, as you like. Bar."

A shackle that cannot be lifted until you fully understand yourself?

Exia pulled the remaining dozen chains on her body, and then said: "So, how can I inherit the power of Chimera?"

"It has already begun."


As Kevin Kaslana's voice fell, a deafening roar suddenly sounded in the dim ice and snow world!

A huge black shadow appeared from the wind and snow, and the huge body with impact and pressure like a hill appeared in front of him at a very close distance, as if it was going to crush Alexia!

The body of the black shadow is a Honkai beast with thick fangs and sharp horns, and its whole body is a mixture of blue and black.

"Is this... an emperor-level Honkai Beast? Parfanti?"

Exia had read about the Honkaimon in front of her in the Honkaimon basic course and history course.

Why is it here?

"It is the origin of Kaslana, the source of Kaslana's power." Kevin Kaslana explained, "Kaslana's power originated from the pre-civilization period 5 years ago. In order to fight against the Herrscher, a warrior became the first fusion warrior, and the Honkaiju factor he fused was Parfanti. Therefore, every generation of people who inherit Kaslana's stigma and bloodline can theoretically Use the power of ice that Parfanti possesses."

"Are you ready? Successor. This is the power you should have inherited eight years ago. Now I will hand it back to you who are qualified."


As if in response to Kevin's words, Parfanti opened his dark mouth and bit down hard towards where Alexia was!


The world of ice and snow trembled.

The bloody mouth directly swallowed the snow and the earth, including Alexia, into Parfanti's body!

Immediately afterwards, countless ice-blue square pillars slowly rose up from all directions like prisons, gradually wrapping Parfanti's huge body in them, until finally forming a square [cocoon] 】.

This is the beginning and the end.

"That's all I can do, the rest is up to you, successor."

Kevin said while looking at [Cocoon].

"Whether you fully master the power of the Chimera and control it with your own will, or are like your father, incapable of mastering it and causing yourself to be gradually eroded by the power of the Chimera - what kind of ending you will embark on in the end is up to you. Let’s decide.”

Kevin has been waiting in Kaslana's family for thousands of years. He has seen too many people who died because they were unable to withstand the power, and he also saw too many people who died because they were unable to awaken the power.

Exia is the individual closest to success so far. He only needs to take the step he took eight years ago, and he can truly stand on the [starting line].

"Prove to me and [me] that this world is still qualified to face the end - the heir who bears the name of salvation and knight."

80.Your time is engraved in the blood

【Can you feel my presence?People from other worlds]

in the infinite darkness.

Alexia vaguely heard such a voice.

Immediately afterwards, a flaming light appeared in the field of vision, and the swaying rainbow light also lit up with it, flickering on and off.

"...the fourth true ancestor?"


The flames and rainbow light slightly dispelled the darkness, and a girl with exactly the same appearance as Agurola appeared in front of Ixia's eyes. Her eyes were gleaming like flames, and her flowing blond hair was also entwined with rainbow-like hair. halo.

Arriving in front of Exia, the Fourth True Ancestor stared at him.

[It seems that my battle with you was a complete defeat.As a defeated prisoner, being swallowed by the darkness and abyss in your body is an ending that suits me]

The Fourth True Ancestor is the incarnation of natural disasters. From the beginning, it was just a weapon used to kill gods. The final destination of weapons has always been to be abandoned or destroyed, let alone natural disaster weapons like the Fourth True Ancestor.

Existences that are too dangerous have always been abandoned or even cast aside in peaceful times.

"...Is this the core of Chimera's power?"

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