【You should be aware of yourself.This place is the source of your darkness. It is a crucible made of the souls of countless beasts that you have devoured, and it is the abyss of the curses of countless beasts.And I will soon become a part of this abyss, and everything I carry should become your food]

"I see... Although I didn't mean to devour you, I won't apologize to you either."

[If you want to apologize to me, then I will die with eternal resentment and let the infinite curse haunt you forever]

The Fourth True Ancestor said with a sneer.

[In addition, you should be mentally prepared.Even if I am ready to be devoured, my relatives will not accept you as the new master.The ten beasts made from the stars are all arrogant and complacent without exception]

"Can't I control those beasts?"

Then what's the point of devouring the Fourth True Ancestor himself?According to Kevin, the most important power of the Fourth True Ancestor is her beasts. The ten beasts with special abilities may become important weapons against the Herrscher.

But if it doesn't work...

[How to subdue those evil beasts depends on your own thoughts.Whether you use your strength to make them surrender, whether you offer them a satisfactory tribute, whether you show your will to make them surrender and loyal - no matter what method you use, you need to remember one thing]

[Familiar beasts are neither pure weapons nor possessions, nor are they obedient pets.Those are just hateful beasts that live in our blood. If they feel they are short of food, they will run out to find food on their own.]

[Vitality, magic, curse, spiritual power... The beast will absorb all the energy available for its own manifestation, and plunder everything around it without limit. If you can no longer offer enough tribute to it, then The beast will eventually devour your memory]

[The memories you cherish, the woman you love, the family you love and care for, the place of destiny you place your trust in...]

"There is absolutely no chance of that happening."

Alexia said firmly.

"I will never let anyone take away my memory again. I have already lost my memory once, and the memory I have now is all I have. I will never let it be taken away again!"

[Hahaha, have you lost your memory... Have you really lost your memory? 】

Listening to Exia's words, the Fourth True Ancestor suddenly laughed and reached out to grab Exia's hands.

Alexia frowned: "What do you mean?"

[Let me tell you something - memory is time, the history of time that you personally observe and accumulate.For us vampires, the accumulated time is the power itself, the blood itself]

[Although you were not a vampire before, after you swallow me, you will more or less possess some of the characteristics of the True Ancestor. By then, everything you have experienced will definitely become your strength and your time]

[Your brain has forgotten everything, but your body and blood remember everything——]

At this point, the body of the Fourth True Ancestor seemed to have been eaten away by something, and disappeared at a speed visible to the naked eye!

The devouring of the Chimera begins.

【Is the time up?It seems I don’t have much I can say to you]

Not shaken by the fact that he was devoured, the Fourth True Ancestor still held Exia's arm hard.

[After swallowing me, you will bear the mission of killing gods. Make good use of my power and kill the gods one by one. This is also your original wish]

【And finally...keep it in mind】

【——Your time is engraved in the blood】


After saying this, the figure of the Fourth True Ancestor completely disappeared from Exia's eyes.

At the same time, the boundless darkness that occupied the entire world of Exia also faded away like a tide, reappearing the ice and snow where he was originally.

Standing in front of Ixia, Kevin stared at him who returned: "It seems that it was successful, successor."


Alexia hummed softly, and then seemed like she couldn't stand it anymore——


A large amount of magic power suddenly erupted from behind him, quickly weaving into five pairs of sharp wings that looked like vampires or giant dragons behind him, and there was a Roman numeral on each wing, from one to twelve, But six and ten are missing.

(These wings... do each one represent a familiar beast?)

【——————! 】

I could feel the beasts roaring, as if all the guys were dissatisfied with the new owner, and they were scrambling to express their opposition in Exia's body.

"These guys..."

"It seems that you will be very busy in the future, successor." Kevin said, "For an evil beast that cannot be negotiated with, even if you use strength to make it surrender for a while, if you reveal a flaw in the future, it will definitely lead to endless counterattacks - -Of course, it’s just some experience. It’s up to you to decide how to drive those beasts, my opinion is not important.”

"Then it was agreed upon."

Kevin stretched out his hand, and a ball of ice-blue light appeared on his palm.

"Is this my past memory?"

"Only part of it - I don't think you are suitable to know everything now. It will most likely cause your spirit to collapse. So after careful consideration, I chose to tell you your [real name] and [eight years ago] first. , as for your true origin, wait until one year later and ask the bishop yourself."

"That's the most important thing to you, and it means nothing if you don't find it yourself."

Alexia fell into silence. In fact, if he could, he would want to know everything now, everything about his past.

But...Kevin is right. If he hadn't asked about it himself, then to him, it would just be knowing [other people's things] that had no real sense or meaning.

"So...what's my real name?"


Kevin revealed Alexia's real name.

"Messiah Kaslana, this is your real name."

"The real name given by Otto Apocalypse, with the meaning of [Savior], [Knight of the Salvation]."

81. Determination of the Messiah of Exia

The moment he received his memories from Kevin Kaslana, Alexia felt that the scene around him had changed, as if he was traveling to a different world, and when everything settled down——

"Buzz buzz buzz!"

What hit my ears was the roar of the propeller.

What came into view was the cabin of the old model of the Destiny aircraft.

Alexia stood in the cabin and looked around.

(In this case... I have already boarded the aircraft with my father and Kiana, am I about to leave Destiny?)

In that case, at this time he——

"elder brother......"

A somewhat childish voice suddenly came from the side.

Alexia immediately followed the sound and went out!In another cabin behind him, there were two small figures sitting there wearing seat belts. They had exactly the same white hair and blue eyes, and they were also somewhat similar in appearance.

One of them is a little boy, and the other is a little girl with a pair of braids.

"Where are we going?"

The little girl asked in a childish voice.

The little boy reached out and touched her hair: "We are going to a safe place, [Kiana]. Father will take us to a place where we can live safely."

(Is this... Kiana and I when we were kids?)

Alexia came to the two of them and suddenly stretched out her hand to touch them, but her hand went directly through their bodies.

(I can’t interfere with past memories... Well, that’s right, how could I be allowed to interfere?)

(However, is this who I was before I lost my memory?)

How should I put it? Exia knew that when he was a child, he would be more stable and mature than his peers, but he felt that it should be because he had different experiences. Didn't he expect that he was already the same before that?

And at this moment-


A roar suddenly sounded from outside!

The entire aircraft suddenly shook violently!Everything in the cabin fell to the ground on the spot!

[Exia] without much thought, she hugged and supported [Kiana] beside her to prevent her from having an accident due to the sudden impact. At the same time, she asked loudly in the direction of the cockpit: "Father" !?What's wrong!?"

"We were attacked!"

The response came not from the radio, but from the door that connected the cabin to the cockpit.

The speaker was a white-haired man who looked very old and was probably in his late 40s. He had the same white hair and blue eyes as Alexia.

(He is... Siegfried Kaslana, my... father.)

Because she already knew her father's appearance from Tianming's database, at this moment, Exia was not too surprised by her father's appearance.


(He is...my father.)

the first time.

Seeing her complete father for the first time, even if it was just an image in her memory, Alexia couldn't help but feel an emotion that was different from surprise.


"Prepare for a crash landing! Messiah!"

Without saying too much to his son, Siegfried held the door frame and said anxiously: "The engine and propeller are damaged, and it is impossible to continue flying. We are preparing for an emergency landing. I will try to stabilize the aircraft as much as possible. But if we really want to skydive, [Kiana], it’s up to you!”


"it is good!"

Alexia, who was only seven years old at the time, although she looked like just a child, faced her father's instructions without any panic. She even showed no expression on her face when she learned that she and others had actually been exposed to danger. With any tension and panic.

Obviously he is still only seven years old.

(Mature...not like a child.)

After this explanation, Siegfried got back into the cockpit, and what was [Exia] just about to do——

"elder brother......"

[Kiana] That slightly frightened voice made him look at his sister for the first time.

Unlike [Exia], [Kiana] at this moment had the fear and terror on her face that Exia thought should appear.

"We... we will-"

"It's okay, [Kiana]."

[Axia] gently held her little hand, stretched out his hand to hug her into his arms, and whispered in her ear with a soft voice: "Don't be afraid, [Kiana], no matter what happens I will definitely protect you no matter what happens, just trust me, brother."

"elder brother......"

[Kiana], whose body was trembling slightly, snuggled into [Exia]'s arms a few times, and finally leaned on his chest, as if she felt relieved.

(Did Kiana originally have this character when she was a child?)

Because the Kiana she knew had always been a fool who didn't know what fear was, who was always innocent and cheerful, and who couldn't run out of energy, so Alexia was really a little surprised that Kiana turned out to be such a person when she was a child. Weak character.



Another roar came!

But this time it was no longer just a sound in the outside world, the explosion of fire and impact directly tore the outer shell of the aircraft!The already shaky aircraft further lost more protection, and even the tail of the aircraft fell apart visibly to the naked eye, almost opening a big hole in the tail of the aircraft!

"Hoo ho ho ho ——————!"

The strong airflow that reached the cabin turned into a strong wind and hit [Exia] and [Kiana].

[Exia] hugged her sister hard and endured the strong wind, but she didn't know if she had reached the limit of endurance. The seat belt that should have firmly protected the two of them suddenly stopped at this moment -


They all broke apart!

Originally, with [Exia]'s strength, she couldn't hold herself and [Kiana] down, and the seat belt was the main force that allowed them to stabilize.

But now the seat belt has broken unexpectedly, and the result is naturally...


[Exia] could no longer protect [Kiana] in his arms, and the strong wind directly took away his most important sister from his hands!

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