"Regarding the Fourth True Ancestor and the details of your battle with her, if possible, I would like to confirm more things with you. Is that okay?"

Nangong Nayue said these words in a discussion tone.

Today is different from the past. The power Exia has shown has far exceeded everyone's expectations. From now on, Genkamijima will definitely not be able to treat him with the same attitude and method as before.

Exia had no objection to Nangong Nayue's inquiry, and he was not prepared to hide the fact that he had devoured the Fourth True Ancestor.

The second is the damage to Genkami Island.

Overall, excluding the old southeastern area that was scheduled to be abandoned, the most severely damaged area was the eastern area of ​​Genkami Island.

Because of the battle between Kata and [Exia], the largest airport on Genkami Island has been completely scrapped. It is unknown how much money it will cost to rebuild it. Even the artificial island itself has been severely damaged. It really needs to be restored to its original state. To a certain extent, I'm afraid it will take several years, and this is still an ideal situation.

Coupled with the dozens of buildings destroyed by the subsequent battle between Jiada and [Exia] in the city, as well as the impact of the Feast of Fire... In fact, Genkami Island has already been prepared It took a decade or so to mentally prepare for rebuilding.

The overall capital consumption will probably be an astronomical figure, but to be honest, after experiencing a feast of flames and even experiencing the commotion of the existence of three true ancestors, Xian Shendao actually only paid this level of price. It's a blessing to say the least.

You must know that the True Ancestor is a monster that even a country cannot resist.

Listening to Nangong Nayue's story, Exia clenched her hands slightly: "What about...the casualties? I...should have caused quite a few casualties, right?"

The destruction of the airport, the destruction of the city... How many people will be injured as a result of this?How many people died?

(What have you done! Another me!)

"It's still unclear." Nangong Nayue shook his head, "It has only been ten minutes since the situation began to stabilize. Xian Shendao is already very busy just dealing with the follow-up to the Banquet of Flames. Then We can’t control it yet. But considering that it was sealed off some time ago and foreign tourists are temporarily prohibited from visiting, I think the situation shouldn’t be too bad.”

The east area of ​​Genkami Island is an area dominated by the airport. In addition to the airport staff, the only people who go there are foreign tourists. After all, the main business there is to take aerial photos and carry tourists. Tour, the permanent population is the smallest among the four districts of Genkami Island.

Because of a series of events before, there were no people there for a long time. I would be thankful to have a few thousand people there, so...

Looking at Alexia with his head lowered, Nangong Nayue hit his head with the fan in his hand.


"It hurts...Teacher Nangong?"

"Don't think too much, it's not your fault. It's better to say that you did a good job and you tried your best to minimize the casualties." Nangong said that month, "The original plan of the Lion King Agency was to sacrifice 8000 people in the old southeast region. [-] people, but now all the people there have survived. And even in the East District, where you and the Third True Ancestor caused a big fuss, considering the scope of the damage, the casualties are probably only four digits at most."

Compared with the originally expected number, this result is already a much better outcome.

"But... over there I could have-"

Ixia could have avoided harming the other side and the people in the East District.If he can come back earlier, maybe he can do it before the other one does it...

[I have caused innocent people to be harmed]——This fact makes Exia extremely shaken now.

"Then let me put it another way."

Nangong got off the chair that month: "You may have indeed hurt a lot of people, but at the same time, more people have been saved because of you. In terms of current and future results, the value of what you have saved far exceeds what you have saved." The value of destruction.”

"This, this kind of statement...don't you think it's too heartless? Teacher Nangong."

"Yes, but for us, this kind of ruthlessness is necessary. You value the value of life too much. Maybe even if only one person dies because of you, you will blame yourself. As a teacher, I think your It’s a dangerous thought—but at the same time, I’m glad you’re the one who thinks that way.”


Nangong Nayue's face softened slightly: "You have a power that is too powerful for ordinary people, but you did not use this power wrongly, but you hope to use this power for the right path, to save others, and to protect others." It uses power."

"Many people with great power tend to get lost in the pleasure that power brings, and end up doing irreparable things. But you and I don't think this will happen. You know how to use power correctly - -Yet you are too focused on this."

"This will one day lead to your mental collapse and suicide. Too much mental pressure will make you fall into an abyss from which you cannot extricate yourself."

"So, don't put too much pressure on yourself, Alexia. You are not a savior who can do everything. You may not be perfect every time. You are only a [human]."

84.You are our benefactor

After that, Nangong left that month.

She is the instructor of the Genkami Island Special Zone Security Force. In the current state of Genkami Island, she has a lot to do, and she doesn't have much time to educate Ixia.

In fact, she has said everything she can, and the rest depends on whether Exia can reconcile with herself.

[I will probably come to see you again tomorrow. During this period, you should take a good rest, not physically, but mentally.]

These were the last words Nangong said before leaving that month.

After watching her leave, Alexia did not lie back on the bed, but leaned against the head of the bed, hugged her arched legs, and buried her head deeply between her legs.

Most people live because of themselves, and a few people die because of themselves.

Judging from the results and data, Exia did nothing wrong. He even did better than the Lion King mechanism, reducing the loss to [lower] than the [minimum].

But in Exia's expectation, the [minority] part was completely unnecessary sacrifice.

To be honest, Ixia didn't think that the Flame Feast could be ended without any sacrifice. Some people would die because of this. In that case, Ixia could accept it. He also knew very well that he couldn't really save it. everyone.

But... [a few] died because of him. Whether directly or indirectly, he was responsible for [a few] casualties.

"What have I done... damn... bastard..."

Grabbing her own head, as if trying to pull her hair off, Exia roared in a low voice.

Looking at Alexia like this, Shajo Aige, who would usually come out to comfort him, did not come out at this time - she didn't know how to comfort Alexia, and at the same time she didn't think she could say anything. Say something to calm down Exia.

Because from her standpoint, the situation on String Kami Island is what she wants to see. Even in her mind, there is still the option of [Exia] using pure power to make the entire String Kami Island surrender.

This time, her position was different from Alexia's. Even if she was willing to stand in Alexia's position, she couldn't say anything suitable for that position.

(My lord prince......)

"Are you awake? Kaslana!"

Xiao Gucheng's voice suddenly came from the door.

Alexia looked up at him, and saw that Xiao Gucheng, who looked a little embarrassed and tired, as if he had just moved bricks from the construction site all day, was walking in from the door, and came to the bedside with a tired smile and sat down.

"Xiao...are you here too?"

"What do you mean I'm here too? Didn't you see me when you sent Nagisa back before?" Xiaogucheng said with a smile, "Compared to this, how is your health? I heard that it was that month ago Jiang brought you back. You seemed to have had a fight with someone very powerful? Were you not injured?"

"...I'm fine."

Putting down her legs, Alexia also knew that she should not continue to feel depressed in front of her classmates and friends, so she cheered up a little: "How is Miss Nagisa's health? I...actually I don't remember some things. It’s very clear. It should be said that it is a confusion of memory..."

"Nagisa is okay."

Xiao Gucheng said: "Although he is still in a coma, according to the doctor's examination results, his body is very healthy, but he is just a little weak. After a period of rest, he will probably be fine."

"Yeah, that's good. So what are you doing now?"

"I work as a volunteer here. I just went to the infected area with the SAR police team to conduct an investigation and brought back a dozen infected people who passed out. Now I am on duty. Then I heard that you were here, so I came over to take a look. It depends on your situation. Also..."

Having said this, Xiao Gucheng suddenly stood up, bowed deeply to Alexia, and made a ninety-degree bow!

The sudden move made Alexia stunned, but before he could say anything, Akatsuki had already shouted loudly: "——I really want to thank you this time! Kaslana! Thank you for saving Nagisa !”

Thank you very solemnly.

"Xiao...there is no need to thank me." After a moment of silence, Ixia patted his shoulder and said, "I just did what I should do, I really don't need you. Thank me like this."

"No, how can I not thank you?"

Akatsuki sat down again: "You are the benefactor of me and Nagisa. If it weren't for you saving Nagisa, Nagisa would probably be... As her brother, I am really grateful to you! From now on. If you need any help from me, just say it. Although I don’t think I can repay you much, I will always remember this kindness and repay it to you! Ixia!”

The name has changed.

Xiao Gucheng had always called Exia by his last name, but now it was the first time he called him by his name.


Alexia felt a sense of reality.

[I really saved people].

The people who were saved by him are thanking himself, and the people who are helped by him are thanking him... Originally, Exia should feel embarrassed. The reason why he took action was not to receive this kind of gratitude. .

But... saying this may be a bit excessive and shameless. Xiao Gucheng's thanks made Alexia feel a little better.

"...What you said is too exaggerated, Kojo." Alexia shook her head, "If you really want to repay this kind of kindness, you should take good care of Miss Nagisa from now on. It is a brother's bounden duty to protect his sister. .”

"I know it without you having to tell me! That's it, I'm going to Nagisa's side. You can have a good rest. I'll treat you to a nice meal after you recover!"

When he said this, Xiao Gucheng had already stood up and was about to leave.

"By the way, the ancient city!"

Alexia suddenly remembered something and called out to him.

"Huh? What's wrong?"

"Agurura...Although I saved Miss Nagisa, Agurora...I couldn't save her."

Body No. 12, Agulola.

When Exia started the war with the Fourth True Ancestor, she was already on the verge of being absorbed. Then when Chimera devoured the Fourth True Ancestor, she, who was also part of the Fourth True Ancestor, naturally did not Possible escape.

She had been devoured by herself.

Agurola, whom Akatsuki has always cherished, was equivalent to being [killed] by Exia.

"Agurola...who is that?"

However, upon hearing Alexia's words, Xiao Gucheng asked with a confused look on his face: "Is he someone you know who is Alexia?"


Akatsuki...don’t remember Agulola?

Alexia couldn't help but fell into astonishment: "Ancient City, you - could it be possible..."

"Xiao Ancient City! Get ready to assemble! We are about to set off!"

Suddenly, a man's shout came from outside the tent.

Xiao Gucheng's expression turned bitter: "Hey, hey, hey, I just rested for a while...I'm going to go first! See you later, Alexia!"


Just as Alexia was about to get out of bed and grab him, Xiao Gucheng ran out in a hurry.

(In the ancient city, he...forgot Agurola? Why? Is it because I devoured the Fourth True Ancestor?)

(I think not.)

Only then did Shajo Aige find the opportunity to intervene.

(I think it’s a sequelae of the Feast of Flames.)

85. You really have an excessive sense of justice.

A feast of flames.

In order to give the fully resurrected Fourth True Ancestor the strongest power possible, he performed a magic ritual that indiscriminately extracts memories from all life forms in a large area around him.

People affected by this ritual will become pseudo-vampires and lose the most important memories to them.

——The above situation is only for strangers who have nothing to do with the Fourth True Ancestor.

Even if they are not within the scope of the Feast of Fire, even if they have not turned into a pseudo-vampire, anyone who has come into contact with the Fourth True Ancestor will still have their memories taken away.The memories of that person and the Fourth True Ancestor will become the beginning, causing the memory to be stripped away and everything related to the Fourth True Ancestor to be forgotten.

Akatsuki is the blood servant of Agurola, and has an extremely strong bond with the Fourth True Ancestor. They have been in contact for a long time, while Akatsuki Nagisa is the host body of the Fourth True Ancestor, whom he has been taking care of for so many years. younger sister.

It was impossible for him not to be affected by the feast of flames.

Therefore, his memories related to Agurola were stripped and taken away from him.The time spent with Agurola became the strength and food of the Fourth True Ancestor.

"Originally, I thought that the memory of Sister Nagisa would also be taken away." Sajo Aige said, "But maybe it was because the prince devoured the Fourth True Ancestor that the process of the Feast of Flames was delayed. Stopping and sending Nagisa sister back to him... finally allowed him to retain Nagisa sister's memory."

"So, please don't feel that you have done anything wrong, Mr. Prince. On the contrary, you have allowed him to avoid the worst results and avoid forgetting everything. Please stand tall and accept the fact that [you have saved others]."

"Everything you do has meaning, doesn't it?"

Shajo Aige's words made Alexia fall into silence again. Then she suddenly lifted the quilt and walked out of the bed. She grabbed the coat folded beside the bed and put it on before walking directly outside the tent.

The first sight that comes into view is that of a gathering place for refugees after a disaster.

A large number of residents gathered here, and many long queues could be seen. Many people were walking around among the crowd, seeming to be distributing something. Not far away, people from the Special Administrative Region Police Force could be seen giving orders. They were talking about something, and there were people running around carrying stretchers.

[There is no low vibe].

This is what Aixia feels.

It was clear that Genkami Island had just experienced the previous situation, and the situation had not ended for an hour. It had only not been long, but there was no "post-disaster" atmosphere in this camp.

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