"this place......"

(It feels very good, Prince.)

Shatiao Aige laughed.

(Most people were not depressed by the sudden disaster, but quickly adapted to this change and did what they could... These are the people you protect, Mr. Prince. .)

"Have I...protected these people?"

(If the prince had not defeated the Fourth True Ancestor and devoured the Fourth True Ancestor, the influence of the Feast of Flames would have expanded to the entire String God Island, and these people would not be able to escape the influence. But now they are They are all alive and well, their memories have not been taken away, and they have not been infected as pseudo-vampires.)

(This is the [result] you bring, the [result] you protect.)


Whispering these words, Exia began to walk into the crowd, and as he went deeper, various sounds came to his ears.

"Injured people, please come here for treatment! If you can't move easily, please help everyone around!"

There were the voices of ambulance personnel.

"All volunteers, get on the bus! We are getting closer to the Cornerstone Gate! We will be able to rescue all the infected people soon! Just hold on for a while!"

There were cheers from the security guards.

"It's okay, it's over, we are safe."

There is the voice of a mother comforting her child.


Countless sounds flooded into Exia's ears, and countless sights came into his field of vision.

The deeper they got into the crowd, the more sounds like this made Alexia's eyes covered by her bangs tremble, and her hands under the coat couldn't help but tremble slightly.

"This is...my..."

Finally, after passing through the crowd, Exia arrived outside the yellow cordon drawn up by the Special Administrative Region security team, and behind it could be seen the armored vehicles that formed the wall.

Behind the armored vehicles are the streets that have been affected by the Feast of Flames and are in a state of disarray under the attacks of pseudo-vampires. If you look closely, you can see the armored vehicles speeding back from the distance. They should be the vehicles that bring the infected back. Bar.

He lightly jumped to high altitude, condensed ice crystals in the air and used them as pedals. After jumping two or three times in succession, Exia landed on the top of a building next to the street.

"...Miss Love Song."

"I'm here, Prince."

"I...protected the island?"


"I...hurt the island?"


Both were done by Exia, but what Exia protected was far greater than what he harmed.

She took a deep breath and then exhaled it all, as if she wanted to spit out all the turmoil in her heart. A large amount of cold air came out of Alexia's mouth!

"Thank you, Miss Aige."

Ixia sat down on the edge, overlooking the Cornerstone Gate in the distance: "I think... I'm probably fine. I will do better next time, and every time I will do better than the last time." Be better until I am... the best I can be, the best I can be."

"...That's good, Prince."

Shajo Aige and Alexia sat together: "But in fact, in my opinion, Prince-sama has always done the [best]. Occasionally, you can lower your requirements for yourself. It's like not giving full marks in the final exam. Same."

"Then this is really a bit..."

"I'll be upset if you don't get perfect marks on the test."

Nangong Nayue's voice suddenly sounded from behind.

Alexia was not frightened and turned around to look at her: "Teacher Nangong? Didn't you go to work?"

"I just happened to be patrolling here. I saw you here and came over to take a look. Didn't I tell you that you wanted to rest? Have you recovered?"

"...Probably, right?" Alexia was not sure, "By the way, Teacher Nangong - can I be a volunteer?"

"You... you really have an excessive sense of justice."

Realizing what Alexia was thinking, Nangong Nayue sighed helplessly: "That's just right. I have a few people here who want you to save them. Come with me."

"it is good!"

86. I will be your lover

Genkami Island, a remote corner of the temporary shelter in the Southern District.

When Alexia, who followed Nangong Nayue, came here, she immediately knew who the person she needed to save was.

"The third true ancestor, right?"

Looking at Jiada who was frozen in the ice in front of her, with ice swords inserted all over her body, and her heart and brain pierced, Exia frowned slightly.

This is undoubtedly his strength, and the only one who can do this is him.

Nangong Nayue knocked on her fan: "Originally, I wanted to wait for you to calm down completely before letting you deal with her, but since you have adjusted yourself, let's get her out as soon as possible."

"Although the True Ancestor of the Vampire is someone who is not easy to worry about, I have to admit that if she had always been like this, the world would probably be in chaos."

The establishment of the Sanctuary Treaty is based on the mutual checks and balances between the three True Ancestors. If the Third True Ancestor remains in this state for a long time, the balance of the world may be deviated.

"Can't you lift it?"

"There is a shortage of manpower, and this ice of yours... I think there is no one on Xian Shen Island who can melt it, right?" Nangong Nayue said with a smile, "So, to untie the bell, you need someone to tie it. ,give it to you."

"I see."

Alexia nodded and pressed her hand on the ice.

With this movement, the hill-like ice layer quickly vaporized and turned into a large amount of blue light that dissipated and then disappeared into Ixia's body one by one. The ice sword inserted into Jia Da's body also erupted. the same changes.

And soon, because the things that hindered regeneration disappeared, the wounds all over Jiada's body immediately recovered at a speed visible to the naked eye!

True Ancestors are immortal beings. Even if their hearts are pierced and their brains are destroyed, they will not die completely. There is no so-called fatal weakness and it is almost impossible to kill them by normal means.

Therefore, Jiada only needs to pull out all the ice swords, and Jiada can repair herself.In addition, in order to avoid Artoria's situation at that time, Exia also checked Jiada's body thoroughly to ensure that there was no Honkai energy left in her body.


The moment her body fully recovered, as if she had woken up from a long sleep, Jiada stretched her hands and feet, opened her eyes and smiled: "Did you finally wake me up? I thought I was going to continue hibernating for a while. "

"Is your body alright?"

"Don't underestimate the self-healing ability of the True Ancestor. Even if I am cut into countless pieces, I can still come back to life." Jiada said with a smile, "But...it is obviously you who will I've been beaten like this, and you still care about me like this?"

Alexia retracted her hand: "I have no memory of fighting you, and the person fighting you is not me now. If you have anything to say, just say it to me at that time."

"Dual personality...Okay, I'll just treat it like this. Let me tell you, as my first experience partner, he is not bad."

"Please tell me completely about [your first defeat experience]."

Reluctantly correcting Jiada's wording, Exia sighed slightly: "I don't want any weird and boring rumors to spread in the future."

"I'm very happy." Jiada smiled, "After this battle with you, my love for you has become even stronger. To be honest, I want you to be my lover even more now."

As Exia said, the battle with [Exia] was Garda's first defeat, a complete defeat.

But for the immortal True Ancestor, defeat is not a shame, but makes her like [Exia] and Exia even more. When she thinks that there is such a stronger existence than herself in the world, Jiada I couldn't help but feel excited.

If she could, she actually wanted to fight Alexia again now, but she also knew the current situation very well, and it was obviously unrealistic to fight again.

and so--

"I will now formally ask you once again, the person from the other world... no, Ixia Kaslana." Jiada smiled and stretched out her hand to Ixia, "You want to be my eternal love." Lover?"

Courtship from the Third True Ancestor.

Looking at the hand stretched out in front of her, Alexia smiled slightly: "I'm sorry, Miss Jiada, I have someone I like, so I can't accept your advances."

"It's also..."

Jiada looked lonely for a moment, but she quickly regained her energy: "Then how about we change our stance?"

"Change your position?"

"Yes, in fact, what I like is just your blood and your power. I think it will be fun to be with you, and it will make me feel happy and satisfied, so I want you to be my lover - but in fact The reverse is not impossible.”

in turn?

Alexia and Nangong frowned in Nayue, and then they both thought of Jia Da's meaning.

"Uh... maybe you want to..."

"Are you serious? Princess of Chaos?"

"Seriously, of course."

Jiada smiled.

"——I will be your lover, a person from another world."

(This damn vixen!)

Almost at the same time that Jiada said this, Shajo Aige's mournful screams made Alexia's head hurt!

(Ai, Miss Aige? What’s wrong?)

(Liya, don’t stop me! I’m going to go out and cut that vixen into pieces! Let her regret saying this for the rest of her life!)

(Calm down, Ai Ge, you can’t do that right now.)

In addition to Sajo Aige's mournful screams, there seemed to be Arturia's voice, and it sounded like she was trying to control Sajo Aige to prevent her from doing something stupid.

(If I want to be a lover, I or Liya should be the first one to come! Why should she jump in line!)

(Love songs!)


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Alexia seemed to hear the sound of something being hit hard and then falling down in her head. Then the voice of Shajo's love song disappeared, and Artoria's voice continued. .

(I'm sorry, Master. I've got Aige under control. Also, please don't take what you just said seriously. It's just Aige's nonsense.)

(oh oh.)

Although she didn't understand it very well, Ixia felt that she could just follow it at this time. If you look closely, it might be a little bad.


"I don't want you to be my lover, Miss Jiada."

"I know, but it's not your decision."

Hearing Alexia's rejection again, Jiada smiled nonchalantly and said: "No matter what your wishes are, I will consider you and I to be lovers. From now on, I think I will come here to bother you from time to time - the same As true ancestors, let us get along well."

The first half of Jiada's words made Alexia a little dissatisfied, but the second half made him immediately become serious, and Nangong Nayue also looked at Alexia instantly.

"Exia, you..."

"Can you feel it?" Alexia asked, "The fact that I have become the Fourth True Ancestor."

"It's better to smell it than to feel it. The smell of blood on your body is mixed with the smell of the Fourth True Ancestor - you devoured her, right? Devoured the strongest vampire in the world."

87. Start transforming now

Exia devoured the world's strongest vampire.

This fact from Jiada's mouth made Nangong Nayue's expression suddenly tremble, and his sharp eyes instantly looked at Aixia.


"Yes, Teacher Nangong."

The power that drove the Chimera slightly activated the power of the Fourth True Ancestor in her body. Exia's eyes were slightly covered with flames, and her snow-white hair was also covered with a rainbow-like shimmer.

The [feeling] of a vampire radiated from Exia.

"I have indeed devoured the power of the Fourth True Ancestor, otherwise I would not be able to save Miss Nagisa."


Holding a parasol, Nangong Nayue didn't speak immediately, her blue eyes stared at Alexia closely.

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