Jia Da, who was on the side, smiled slightly: "It's really a situation that makes people want to laugh. As the strongest vampire in the world, only that guy should be able to devour other people. I didn't expect that now he would. They will be devoured by them. If this spreads, I am afraid there will be major earthquakes in various countries around the world."

(Not just a big earthquake...)

Nangong Nayue thought silently.

The Fourth True Ancestor was devoured - this means that an individual more powerful than the world's strongest vampire has appeared in the world. For today's world maintained by the Sanctuary Treaty, it is undoubtedly capable of destroying the world. Balanced situation.

And if Exia's identity as a person from another world is also exposed...

"Just imagining it would be troublesome."


Jiada smiled.

"However, I think for you now, the more things should be, the better? People from other worlds - you are not even full, right?"

"Ah... Well, based on the time over there, I still have more than three months to celebrate my 17th birthday." Exia replied, "This is what I will encounter after becoming the fourth true ancestor. Does it matter?"

Jiada nodded: "I think the relationship should be very big. After all, the existence of the Fourth True Ancestor itself is a disaster. Once something major happens, you will almost always be in the center of the whirlpool. And for even a 17-year-old For those of you who are not yet full, there is nothing you experience now that can make you take a step further in the spiritual realm."

That is what is called [growing up].

Alexia is not an immature person.

His childhood experience, his experience working under Bishop Otto, his experience in another world... He has experienced many things, and he is no longer an immature person.

But he's not fully mature either.

The lost memory, Yu Duchen's seal, the sudden awakening and improvement of power, plus a certain influence that even he himself was not aware of... The combination of various circumstances prevented him from completely stepping forward. Towards maturity.

The speed of his spiritual growth could not keep up with the speed of his strength.

You must know that Exia officially started to become stronger again, but it only took a year, and in this year, he jumped from the level of a B-level Valkyrie to a level above the Herrscher. In another world, he is called a demon king.

But what about his corresponding spirit?Has there been growth that matches his strength?

There may have been a lot of changes compared to a year ago, but the magnitude of the change is definitely not as good as the progress in strength, and now because of Chimera's awakening, strength and spirit are in a completely mismatched state.

It can even be said that the [powerful power] prevented Exia from completing the [spiritual transformation].

Jiada could tell what was going on with Alexia. After all, she was an antique whose age started in four digits, and might even approach five digits.It's clear how things will change at his age.

and so--

"Go and see the darkness, a person from another world." Jiada said, "As the Fourth True Ancestor, you will become the center of chaos at any time and see a lot of darkness and chaos. If you can If you bear all those darkness, you will undoubtedly [grow up]."

For Exia, having to stay in this world for a whole year this time may also be an opportunity.

An opportunity for him to slow down and complete the accumulation of his own strength.

"...grow up?"

Alexia murmured in a low voice, clenched her hands slightly, and then quickly released them: "I will accept the suggestion, Miss Jiada. Thank you for your advice."

"You're welcome. If the person I spend my whole life with is an innocent guy, I will get tired of it after more than ten years."

"I never said I would stay with you for the rest of my life."

"As long as I told you."

Jia Da, who said this unreasonably, suddenly came up to Alexia and kissed him quickly on the forehead.

The cold touch made Exia lean back quickly, while Jia Da smiled slightly: "That's it for the time being, the rest will be done bit by bit when I come to Xian Kami Island again. Taken from you.”

"...Teacher Nangong, can I ask if there is any law to protect minors on Xian Kami Island?"

"Are your absolute human laws useful to monsters outside the rules like the True Ancestor?" Nangong Nayue rolled her eyes at him, "But you, is this really okay? Become the Fourth True Ancestor and take the initiative to step into the surrounding environment. The vortex formed by this identity... I have told you many times that you, a person from another world, do not need to interfere too much in our world."

Alexia couldn't help laughing when she heard this: "What are you talking about now, Teacher Nangong? From the moment I decided to destroy the Banquet of Flames, didn't I already interfere at the core? And... ... From another perspective, this may be an opportunity for me to [save more people].”

"This is exactly the opportunity the Kaslana family needs."

For the people you cherish, for the people you love, and for the more people these people like.

Kaslana will give her full strength no matter what.

Alexia can be sure that if the person standing here now is not herself, but other Kaslanas, then even if there are a hundred or a thousand different Kaslanas, they will make the same decision as herself.

"Kaslana...your family is really..."

Nangong raised his forehead that month.

"A whole family with an excessive sense of justice?"

"I quite like this kind of family." Jia Da smiled and said, "Then that's it, it's almost time for me to return to the Realm of Chaos. People from other worlds - the people I love deeply - I welcome you to go I’m a guest there.”

"Don't worry, I will never go."

If you go to Exia, you probably won't be able to come back to Genkami Island.

With the whirlpool emerging behind her, Jia Da disappeared directly in front of Ixia and Nangong Nayue.

And watching her leave, Exia also put away the power of the Fourth True Ancestor in her body, and looked at Nangong Nayue: "Then this is solved, right? Teacher Nangong, you still need me in the future. A place?"

"...There are too many."

Nangong Nayue said helplessly.

"For the entire spring break, be prepared to have no time to spare—the Fourth True Ancestor with an overwhelming sense of justice."


Today is the last day of third grade in junior high school.

Spring break starts tomorrow.

And on this day, Alexia Kaslana, who graduated from the third grade of junior high school in this different world, became the strongest [person] in the world.

1.Starting on August 8th

The island of midsummer, Xingkami Island.

In an apartment building in the South District, inside the living room of Room 705.

"So tired..."

Lying down on the coffee table like a deflated ball, Xiao Gucheng complained in a gloomy voice.

"Mandarin, mathematics, English, history... plus marathon make-up exams for physical education - there are only the last two days of summer vacation, why do I have to take so many exams?"

Today is August 29th, and there are still three days until the end of summer vacation.

During this period of time, Xiao Gucheng was still facing a total of six make-up exams. Considering the time arrangement, this was already a task that required sleepless nights to pass.

"Then you still need to ask? Of course, Furujo-kun, you failed almost all the exams."

On the sofa next to the coffee table, Akatsuki's lovely sister Akatsuki Nagisa scolded her brother in a very shameless manner: "Who told you to catch a bad cold on the day of the final exam because you blew the air conditioner too much? You brought it on yourself."

Sometimes Akatsuki Kojou wonders whether Akatsuki Nagisa treats him less and less as an older brother.

"Besides these exams, Furujo-kun, don't you still have some summer homework to finish?"

"Hmm~~~~So now I'm copying with all my might!"

There are actually not many summer homework assignments at Caihai Academy. It only takes about three or four days to complete each subject. The only things that are more troublesome are social practice reports.

And what was before Xiao Gucheng now was these things - he really didn't know how to handle this kind of reporting assignment.

But luckily he has a neighbor who is super good at it.

"I really want to thank you this time, Alexia. Without you, I would have to look for Asakusa."

Opposite Xiaogu City, sitting cross-legged on the carpet, Ixia put down the notes in her hand and said with a smile: "You're welcome. If you had said it earlier, I could have taken you with me during the report, but before You have been working as a foreign aid and sparring partner for the basketball club, so you don’t have the time. But thanks to this, Caihai Academy entered the national competition this year, and I think you should be credited with it."

"But the price is that now I have to study crazily..."

Xiao Gucheng smiled bitterly.

He used to be a member of the basketball club of Saikai Academy, and he was still the main member and core member. Although he quit the basketball club due to some personal reasons when he was in junior high school and gave up basketball for a while, he didn't know why he suddenly gave up after entering high school. After a while, he eventually became a sparring partner from time to time. He also participated in the previous summer joint training of the basketball club.

As a result, I didn’t have time to finish my summer homework, so I had to copy Aixia’s work now.

"Beep beep!"

At this moment, the cell phone in Alexia's trouser pocket suddenly rang.

Taking it out and turning off the sound, after taking a look at the content sent to her mobile phone, Exia stood up: "Sorry, Kojou, Nagisa, I have something to do at the moment, I should go. I will leave the homework here, Kojou. You can just put it into my house after copying it, or you can wait until I come over to pick it up."

"Oh, thanks - by the way, are you going to work?"

"Well...after all, I am an amateur demon attack officer. I have to find a job to make money even if I live alone."

Alexia smiled slightly.

"I will bring ingredients back tonight. What do you want to eat?"

"How about hot pot!?" Akatsuki Sa was the first to raise his hand, "We haven't had hot pot yet this summer, I want to try it once!"

"Where is the ancient city?"

"I don't have any objection, it just depends on what Nagisa wants to eat."

Xiao Gucheng has always been doting on his sister, and Alexia is more or less the same in this regard: "Then it's settled, just send me a line later if you want to eat. I'm leaving."

"Oh, be careful on the road."

"Be careful on the road! Come on, work hard, Brother Xia!"


He walked out of the entrance of Akatsuki's house to the voices of Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa, and at the same time made a call on his mobile phone -

[Have you received the information? 】

"Well, I probably understand the situation, Teacher Nayue."

A cluster of small ice crystals spread out on the shoulder and turned into a holder to hold the phone. After turning around and returning to his home, he took out his equipment from the bedroom. Ixia said while looking in the mirror and putting on the equipment: "But, it's just this. Do you still need me to do this small task?"

[Then you don’t want next month’s living expenses?If you are willing to work part-time in managing the commune like me, I won’t have to introduce you to jobs from time to time.]

"Yes, yes, I am very grateful to Teacher Nayue for always taking care of me. But forget it about managing the commune."

[I think so - the request is the same as before, try not to have too much impact on me. Last month you sunk an island in Central America, but it took a lot of effort to suppress it in the end. of. 】

"It was force majeure that time..."

[Anyway, if you don’t want your rewards to be withheld, just restrain yourself, you idiot fourth true ancestor]

After saying this, Nangong Nayue's voice disappeared from the phone, and she hung up the phone directly.

After taking the phone off the shoulder holder and putting it away, Axia opened the floor-to-ceiling window of her living room——

"Are you working again? Prince."

A figure appeared behind Alexia, and Sandjo Aige floated in the air and asked with a smile.

"That witch lady really orders you around without any politeness."

"After all, I told her to find something for me to do as much as possible. This level of work is just to pass the time." Alexia smiled.

"Then what's the job this time?"

"There is a stupid vampire over in the West District who released his beast on the street. He asked me to go over and subdue him - not counting the time it takes to get there, ten seconds should be enough."

Stepping on the railing of the balcony outside, he jumped hard into the vast sky. The power bursting out from under his feet sent Alexia into the sky on the spot!

The scorching wind suddenly hit our faces. It was the hottest time of the year on Genkami Island, and the temperature outside was so high that it exceeded human body temperature.

But for Alexia, this temperature is not a problem at all. The cold air released from the whole body quickly offsets the heat from the outside, allowing the coolness to envelope Alexia's body again.


Frost mixed with a large amount of magic power erupted from behind Ixia, weaving into a pair of ice wings that resembled a flying dragon and a sword blade behind her. With a slight flutter——


Exiya, whose eyes were already covered with flames, turned into a cannonball and flew towards the mission site.

2. The Fourth True Ancestor is troubled by his livelihood.

An hour later, the Cornerstone Gate was on the [-]th floor underground.

The security department of the artificial island management commune.

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