"I should have told you to restrain yourself, right?"

Inside the small dark room as always.

Nangong Nayue knocked on the fan in her hand and looked at Alexia sitting opposite her with cold eyes.

To be honest, no matter how cold Nangong Nayue's gaze is, coupled with her petite and cute appearance and figure, it will only make people feel a strange sense of beauty, and it will not cause any substantial oppression to Alexia.

But at this time, Aixia would still cooperate wisely: "But I do have the strength to hold back."

"You're talking about freezing half the street, causing three trucks to be scrapped and the road to be damaged?"

"Well...technically speaking it wasn't my doing, it was the aftermath of my landing."


The teacher's fan hit Alexia quickly on the head.

Nangong Nayue said angrily: "Next time, pay more attention to me! Idiot, although I am the one who introduces you to the job, you always do this and have a negative impact three times out of five times. I am embarrassed to do it again." I’m applying for a job for you.”

"It's been more than five months, haven't you learned to control your power?"

"This... seems to be a bit."

Alexia said with some embarrassment.

——More than five months.

Five months and thirteen days to be exact.

This is the time Exia spent on Gengami Island after the Feast of Flames.

During this period of time, the repair work on String God Island has been almost completed. On the surface, the impact of the Feast of Flames on String God Island has been roughly eliminated, and the only biggest remaining problem is Only the east section was rebuilt and the remains of the old southeast section were salvaged.That is the most troublesome thing that Genkami Island is facing now.

As the core figure in that incident, Exia, who has now become the Fourth True Ancestor, has also experienced a lot of things and changes in these five months.

The most important of these is his current identity and position.

Because of her active role in the Banquet of Flames and the subsequent impact, the fact that Ixia became the Fourth True Ancestor has been known to senior officials from all over the world. Among them, the Third True Ancestor who is in the Chaos Realm has also been in the Flame Shortly after the banquet ended, he publicly expressed his "acknowledgment of the existence, power and status of the Fourth True Ancestor".

This is undoubtedly an acknowledgment of Exia's legitimacy as the Fourth True Ancestor.

Thanks to this, in the past five months, Exia has been targeted by various people with unknown origins. Although most of them are little people worth mentioning, there are still some who are barely worthy of mentioning occasionally. Troublesome situation.

And every time he encounters that kind of situation, Exia will cause a certain degree of influence and damage to Genkami Island, which will give Genkami Island a headache every time he deals with the aftermath, and Exia himself has to pay for it. A lot of fines were paid.

Even if he is considered the victim, large-scale vandalism must be punished symbolically. Considering Exia's power, Genkami Island did not dare to punish him too severely, and in the end they only dared to fine him. and verbal warning.

This also resulted in the funds for survival in the other world that Exia brought over being basically spent on fines.Therefore, in order to solve the problem of survival and daily expenses, Exia obtained the Demon Attack Officer's license at Nangong Na Yue's suggestion and became an amateur Demon Attack Officer. From time to time, she would take over tasks from Nangong Na Yue to earn living expenses. .

But...even so, because of Exiya's overly powerful power, even if he could successfully complete the commission, a considerable part of the remuneration he earned would be used to compensate for the losses he caused during his work.

The reason is that the [Sequelae] of devouring the Fourth True Ancestor and awakening the Chimera - these two have increased the lower limit of Exia's power to a considerable extent, from the original [One] to [eight] looks like.

No matter how much Aixia tries to control her power, she will inevitably cause damage and influence to her surroundings.In front of him, no matter how solid things were, they were as brittle as paper.

"... If you continue like this, sooner or later Xian Kami Island will be demolished by you."

Nangong raised his forehead that month.

"Why don't you just ask your old sweetheart?"

"Absolutely not! - And she and I are not in that relationship."

As soon as she heard Nangong Nayue's suggestion, Alexia rejected it without even thinking!

Just kidding, if you ask that person for money... Even if you can get money all at once that you may not be able to spend in several lifetimes, whether you have the life to spend it is a big question!

Alexia doesn’t want to owe that person anything!

Looking at Aixia's unyielding look, Nangong could only sigh in Nayue: "Then I will consider you to have completed this mission. After deducting what should be deducted, the total reward of 20 will be paid at dinner. It will be put on your card before."

"...Is it too much deduction?"

"Then you want to deduct more?"

"No no no!"

Exia knows that her current situation is basically that Nangong Nayue and Xian Shenjiao are looking for various reasons to send money to herself. Xian Shendao even dares not to collect the rent of the apartment where she lives. The rewards for the tasks are all going to It's too high to open,

Even if he could still be so [generous] on top of breaking things from time to time, Ixia didn't intend to ask for more money willfully.

Nangong waved her fan in that month: "That's good. Everything's fine here, you can go back. Also - you can give some homework to that idiot Xiao, I don't want to see two identical reports."


"Tell him that if he copies everything verbatim, he can wait until he is in the first year of high school again next year."


Along with the sound of Nangong Nayue's fan, a magic circle of space control magic appeared under Alexia's feet, sending him directly to a corner of the central square on the first floor of the Cornerstone Gate.

Walking out of the corner, Alexia sighed helplessly: "As expected of Teacher Nayue... It seems that I have to take some time to stare at the ancient city and revise my report tonight."

In fact, it would be fine for Alexia to directly make a new one for him, but that would probably be seen by Nangong Nayue. In the end, Xiao Gucheng would have to do it himself... But what does Alexia have against Xiao Gucheng? I doubt it if I don't have that ability.

And at this moment,

"What? Haven't you finished your summer vacation homework in the ancient city? Exia."

A girl's voice suddenly came from beside Exia.

Alexia turned around and looked: "Light green onion?"

"Hey, good afternoon, Alexia."

Lan Yu Qiang, who was dressed very fashionably as always, carried her schoolbag and greeted Axia with a scissor hand gesture.

3. Being followed?

In the wet market a long way from Cornerstone Gate.

"...Hmm~~~ In other words, the guy from the ancient city hasn't finished his report on world history yet?"

"That's it. Teacher Nayue asked me to keep an eye on him and avoid being similar to me."

"He's so lucky to have you as his neighbor - ah, help me get it over there."


Alexia and Lan Yu Qiang were pushing the shopping cart among the shelves, purchasing the ingredients they would use tonight.

Because it was already past four in the afternoon, which happened to be the time when Lan Yu Qianqiong got off work, and Alexia also said that he was coming to buy ingredients for hot pot in the evening, so the two of them came together.

After taking down the bagged udon noodles from the shelf and putting them into the shopping cart, Alexia asked: "Asakura, are you going to eat udon noodles tonight?"

"No, I'll go to your house to eat."

Lan Yu Qian Cong, who was squatting down and picking something, replied.

"Isn't it too unkind for just the three of you to gather together to eat hot pot? How could I not eat it?"

"...Would you please consider my wallet?"

Although Lan Yu Qian Cong looks like a very slender girl with a curvy figure who could be a model, she is an out-and-out big eater. She eats so much that one wonders why she has not gained any weight at all. .

And the huge appetite naturally led to her spending on food.

If she were to have hot pot with Alexia and others tonight, Alexia expected that the cost of the dinner would increase by 33%.

"I'm not asking you to treat me. I will pay for my own share. Besides, didn't you just make a fortune today? Be more generous." Lan Yu Qian Onion smiled and pushed Alexia's waist. .

Due to the nature of his part-time job, Lan Yu Qian Cong knew that Ixia was working as an amateur demon attack officer. Even when and what commissions he made and how much money he made in the end, Lan Yu Qian Cong knew the records. He couldn't hide the thickness of his wallet from her.

Seeing that she didn't look like a beautiful girl at all, Aixia smiled slightly and said, "It's okay if you pay for it yourself."

"Then it's settled - ah, by the way, can you take me back tonight."

"Can't you take the tram back by yourself?"

"It's rare for me to fly once, the Fourth True Ancestor."


Hearing Lan Yu Qiancong reveal his identity so casually, Alexia couldn't help but feel nervous.

Although high-level officials from all over the world and people in the industry on Genkami Island basically know the identity of his fourth true ancestor, ordinary people are completely unaware of it. Genkami Island’s policy is to conceal Exia’s status as the fourth ancestor as much as possible unless necessary. The true ancestor's identity can no longer be concealed.

Alexia also thinks this is good.

But the exception is that Xiao Gucheng and the others all know about his identity.Among them, Akatsuki and Akatsuki Nagisa were told by Exia himself. After all, it was something related to the two of them, and he didn't intend to hide it.

By the way, Akatsukisa is not afraid of Exia. In her own words, although Exia is the fourth true ancestor, she does not feel like a demon. In addition, she is also the savior who saved her. There is no need to be afraid.

The time when Lan Yu Qianqing knew his identity was before Akatsuki Castle and Akatsuki Nagisa.

More than five months ago, shortly after the Feast of Flames, during the initial revival period of String Kami Island, because of the need to coordinate various tasks on String Kami Island, Lan Yu Qingsong had been staying in the studio below the Cornerstone Gate. It lasted two weeks, and it didn't end until all the work was roughly resolved to the point where it could run on its own.

But after finishing her work, she realized that she couldn't get out.

Due to the impact of the battle between [Exia] and Jiada, the Cornerstone Gate had a lot of malfunctions, with varying degrees of damage inside and underground. The place where Lan Yu Qian Cong was was also blocked from the outside, making her unable to do anything at all. can not go out.

In the end, it was Exia who rescued her, and it was that time that Lan Yu Qiancong, who realized that Exia had great power, thoroughly investigated the situation with Exia, and finally learned that he had become the third The facts about the Four True Ancestors.

And also after that, Lan Yu Qian Cong asked Exia to call her "Qian Cong", saying "You already call Gu Cheng 'Gu Cheng', then just call me 'Qian Cong'".

After looking around for a few times to make sure no one heard, Ixia breathed a sigh of relief and looked at Lan Yu Qian Cong: "Don't talk nonsense, Qian Cong."

"Don't worry, I know it well." Lan Yu Qiancong smiled, "So? Do you want to fly with me? The last time I was flown back with you was when you rescued me, right? I want to experience it again .”

The feeling of being carried up in the air, Lan Yu Qiancong feels so good!

After being looked at by her expectantly for a long time, Alexia sighed helplessly: "... I should have known I wouldn't have flown with you. I could have taken you back to the temporary base even if I just walked away. .”

"Then you agree?"

After receiving the consent, Lan Yu Qiancong immediately felt much better. She pushed the shopping cart and walked towards the freezer. Judging from her appearance, she was probably planning to buy a bunch of high-grade beef to enjoy tonight.

(So ​​why does she want to be taken flying by me so much? Miss Aige, you are all girls, do you have any clue?)

(Well...hehehe, Prince, why don't you ask Miss Asakusa yourself.)

Sajo Aige's answer made Alexia feel a little regretful.

He just felt that he couldn't ask, so he applied for Shajo Aige's off-field help. As a result, Shajo Aige even threw the ball to him.

"Hey, Alexia, what are you doing standing over there?"

Not far away, Lan Yu Qiancong waved to him.

"Beef or mutton, which one do you think is better?"

"No matter what I say, you will eventually buy it, right?"

As Alexia said this, she walked over to Lan Yu Qian Cong.


A slightly unnatural rubbing sound suddenly reached Alexia's ears at this moment.

After a pause, Ikexia turned to look at the aisle with not many people behind him. After a moment of silence, he turned around. A small ice mirror condensed in front of him, showing the scene behind him to Ikesha. In West Asia's eyes.



Almost at the same time that Alexia was walking forward, a figure walked out from behind a shelf not far behind him, keeping a distance from Alexia and following behind him.

Judging from the clothing, the other party was a black-haired girl wearing the uniform of Caihai Academy, and she was carrying a large guitar case behind her.

(Miss Aige...is this happening again?)

(I think so, the last time was a month ago, right?)

Sajo Aige followed Alexia's body and dived into the ground, staring at the girl.

(——Another stalker.)

4. Monitors with extremely poor technology

Alexia has been followed many times.

After the Banquet of Flames, many people were eyeing him, the Fourth True Ancestor.

At first, there were ordinary people and private detectives with nothing special about them, and then there were magicians and conjurers with a little ability. Up to this point, Alexia didn't care much.

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