6. Surveillance? Then eliminate?

What Alexia said about changing places was actually bringing Ji Hiiragi Yukina directly to her home.

Of course, Lan Yu Qian Cong also came with him.

Putting the bag in her kitchen, Ixia said to Lan Yu Asan: "Asan, I'll trouble you to deal with it temporarily. You can also go next door to call Furujo and Nagisa."

"Don't arrange work for me all of a sudden. I'm here to have dinner, not to cook dinner for you."

Lan Yu Qian Cong complained, but still walked into the kitchen consciously.

In the past five months, due to various relationships, Lan Yu Qiancong has been to Exia's house several times, so he is not unfamiliar with this place.

"I didn't ask you to cook dinner either. What you cooked is even scarier than what I cooked. As long as you simply process the ingredients, it's fine. If it doesn't work, just let Gu Cheng come over."

"Hey, don't tell me, I seem to be the kitchen destroyer."

"It's not [like], you are simply a kitchen destroyer that has surpassed Kaslana."

I don’t know if it’s a family inheritance or some kind of curse. In fact, none of the Kaslana family are very good at cooking. Even if they have recipes, the food they cook is often terrible. Someone like Aixia can make fried tomatoes. Egg, there is probably only one Kaslana in a hundred.

Therefore, [Keep Kaslana away from the kitchen] is not a joke in Destiny.

But Lan Yu Qian Cong's talent in this area is still above Kaslana's!

Even a sandwich can be made into a highly destructive biochemical weapon. Previously, in home economics class, he made a pot of dark dishes in front of the entire class and teacher. According to Xiao Gucheng, Lan Yu Qiang was even in elementary school. The cake he baked sent fourteen boys in the class to the hospital.

If Lan Yu Qian Cong's talents were brought into full play, she would be a mass killing weapon.But fortunately, she is still at a normal level when it comes to handling ingredients, which is why Alexia is willing to let her into the kitchen.

Faced with Alexia's sarcasm, Lan Yu Qiancong could only curl her lips in resignation: "I understand~~~~What about you?"

"Of course I'll do the [business] first."

Alexia looked at Ji Hiiragi Xuena who was standing behind her, a little reserved at the entrance, and pointed to the door of her bedroom next to her: "You go to my room with me first, Miss Ji Hiiragi. Before dinner. , we have finished talking about the business matters there now.”

"Good, good..."

Nodding nervously, Ji Hiiragi Yukina, who entered the home of the opposite sex for the first time, walked stiffly towards Alexia's door.

After she walked in, Alexia followed and closed the door.

Looking at this scene, Lan Yu Qiancong couldn't help but frown.

A man and a woman, living in the same room, closing the door, doing business... Even if he knew the cause and effect, after combining these keywords that came to his mind, Lan Yu Qiancong still couldn't help but think of some things. Something else.

"Exia...that guy won't mess around, right?"

[Hehehe, if you care, miss, why don’t you go and eavesdrop? 】

In the pocket of Lan Yu Qianqing's clothes, Mogu Waiguai, who looked like a stuffed toy, said with a smile.

"How is it possible to eavesdrop? Then Ixia will find out about it right away, okay? He has super ears, doesn't he?" Lan Yu Qianqing said while finding the kitchen knife, "Besides, eavesdropping or something like that?" ... Doesn’t this make me seem to care about how the two of them get along?”


I don't know if it's an illusion, but Moguwai feels that the young lady he serves seems to have become a little stupid recently.


And in Exia's room.

After coming to his desk and pulling up a chair to sit down, Exia faced Ji Hiiragi Yukina and said, "Just find a place to sit down."

"Okay... sorry."

Putting down the guitar case, Ji Hiiragi Xuena gathered her skirt and sat on the floor.

Alexia smiled and said: "Then let's get down to business - you said before that you were the person sent by the Lion King Agency to monitor me?"


Ji Hiiragi Yukina nodded: "Please allow me to introduce myself again. I am Ji Hiiragi Yukina. I am 14 years old. I am a sword wizard in the Lion King organization... Although I have not been officially awarded the sword wizard qualification, The Three Saints have confirmed my qualifications in advance."

"I came to Genkami Island this time under the instructions of the Three Saints to serve as the supervisor of the [Fourth True Ancestor] Alexia Kaslana, your senior. She is now a junior high school student who has transferred to Saikai Academy. In my grade, my residence on Genkami Island is also next door to my senior’s, so please give me your advice in the future.”


The series of information that came out of Ji Hiiragi's Yukina's mouth made Exia not know how to react for a while, because he felt that there were too many problems.

After thinking about it for a while, Ixia decided to ask the most important thing clearly first: "Surveillance...Is the purpose of the Lion King Agency sending you here only to conduct surveillance? Based on what I know about you, for me Aren't your methods of dealing with such uncontrollable magical disasters and dangerous people always to annihilate them?"

"Generally, yes."

Himiragi Yukina admitted: "Therefore, in addition to surveillance, the Lion King Agency also specifically gave me the privilege to directly eliminate the seniors depending on the situation."

wipe out.

The moment these words came out of Ji Hiiragi Xuena's mouth, the atmosphere in the room instantly cooled down.

Alexia looked at her with some confusion.

(Is she serious?)

To put it bluntly, in Alexia's opinion, Himiragi Yukina is very weak, at least not at the level where she can fight with him. If the battle really starts, Alexia has the confidence to kill her in an instant, and There are dozens of methods.

What's more, the Lion King Agency should also know something about Exia's strength. The fact of defeating the Fourth True Ancestor head-on and devouring him was spread throughout the world without modification.

On the premise of knowing it, a 14-year-old girl like Ji Hiiragi Xuena was sent here...

(Lord Prince, guitar case.)

(I think so.)

Looking at the guitar case next to Ji Hiiragi Yukina, Alexia said: "Is it the things in the guitar case that give you this kind of confidence?"


Without hiding anything, Ji Hiiragi Xuena opened the guitar case and took out the contents.

It was a silver gun that emitted cold light.

The moment Ji Hiiragi Yukina took it out, the handle of the gun moved and stretched in an instant. At the same time, the main blade that was originally stored protruded out of the gun tip, and its left and right side developed secondary blades, like the variable wings of a fighter jet. It gives people a sense of sight of high-tech weapons.

"This is the martial arts tool I was given - the Seven-Type Assault Demon-Suppressing Machine Gun [Xuexia Wolf]."

Ji Hiiragi Xuena reported the name of the silver gun in her hand.

"A martial weapon made by the Lion King Agency and used to kill the True Ancestor. Perhaps it is the only weapon in the world that can kill seniors."

7. You guys are pretty good at judging people.

A weapon that can kill you.

Hearing Ji Hiiragi Xuena describe the silver gun in her hand, Alexia's expression also fluctuated a little.

And in his body, also staring at the snow cloud wolf in Ji Hiiragi Xuena's hand, Shajo Aige suddenly smiled after being silent for a while -

(I see. It seems that what she said is true, Prince.)

(Did you see anything? Miss Aige)

(More or less, the detailed situation still needs a complete analysis, but the general situation can still be seen. At least in theory, what she said about "killing the true ancestor" is not completely false—— Of course, if you really want to do this, I don’t think there is even a one-in-a-million possibility.)

Sajo Aige's knowledge and analysis in the professional field have never been wrong. Since she said this now, it means that the silver gun does have some secrets.

Without the need for Alexia to ask, Ji Hiiragi Xuena suddenly explained the abilities of the Xuexia Wolf.

"Xue Xia Lang is a martial arts tool engraved with [Divine Vibration Wave Driving Technique]. It has the ability to neutralize magic power and break all barriers. It can cause huge damage to demons. Even seniors are affected by this gun. If you penetrate the heart, you will probably die on the spot - that's what the Lion King Agency said."

"...That's really interesting."

Alexia smiled.

"However, you are really a little strange, Miss Ji Hiiragi."

"Just call me [Ji Hiiragi] or [Sukina]. I'm one year younger than the seniors, so seniors don't need to use honorifics to me." Ji Hiiragi Xuena sat down and said, "But, it's strange... .In what ways am I strange?"

"Words and deeds."

Changing to a more comfortable sitting position, Alexia smiled and said: "Obviously you came to monitor me and even wanted to kill me, but now you have revealed all your purposes and methods. ——As a monitor, this behavior seems really strange to me.”

"Can I think that you are confident that you can kill me even if I know all the means?"

"Do not."

Ji Hiiragi Xuena put away Xuexia Lang and shook his head: "It's just... before I came to take up my post, a certain adult from one of the Three Saints taught me the secret of getting along with my seniors, and I just followed the secret. Just take action.”

"The trick?"

"Yes. The adult said that the senior is not a bad person, but a good person with a kind nature. What I need to maintain when getting along with you is not to be wary and vigilant, but to be honest. You only need to tell the senior about your purpose and situation. Explain that the worst-case scenario is to be kicked out by the senior."


(It seems to be quite accurate, Mr. Prince. It seems that the other party understands your character very well.)

(Yeah, there’s no way to refute that.)

Alexia doesn't want to be monitored. If the other party's actions are intolerable to him, he will fight back - but he will not kill all the monitors because of this. At most, he will repair them until they can no longer move and then pack them up. Throw it to the management commune and hand it over to Genkamijima.

What he really needs to deal with is the people behind the scenes who sent the monitors. These monitors are just pawns of the other party. No matter how many they are killed, they will not have any substantial impact.

And it's the same now. He doesn't want Ji Hiiragi Xuena to spy on him, but when she first communicates with him so frankly, it's really hard for Alexia to deal with her harshly, even if she followed him before... .... Sorry, Ixia really doesn't think it's stalking. His technique is so bad that he can't feel any resentment at all.

"...Let me ask, if you want to monitor me, what method will you use to monitor me? Are you planning to install a pinhole camera in my home?"

"No, I haven't learned any professional knowledge in that area...I am preparing to use Shikigami."

As Ji Hiiragi Yukina spoke, she took out a charm from her pocket, injected the power of the charm into it, and then it formed a living bird that rested on her finger.

This is the Shikigami, a different kind of familiar that has been passed down since ancient times.

"The Lion King Agency's requirement for me is to monitor my seniors 24 hours a day as much as possible. For this purpose, I was specially allowed to transfer to Caihai Academy as a transfer student, and they also arranged an apartment next to my seniors as a base for me. I usually try my best to be as friendly as possible. The seniors move together, but if there are special circumstances that prevent me from following the seniors—for example, when the seniors are taking a shower or going to the toilet—I will use this shikigami."

(Did she just calmly say something that would be considered a pervert?)

(This child may be a little natural...)


"A shikigami who shares sight and hearing?"


Taking the shikigami from Ji Hiiragi Yukina's fingertips, Alexia looked at it a few times, then crushed it into pieces: "Well, I roughly understand the situation. But to be honest, I don't want to have one by my side. Spying on my people.”

The answer was the same as Himiragi Yukina expected.

Throwing the scraps of paper in the trash can, Ixia stood up and walked towards the door: "The person who taught you the trick is right. If you are honest with me like this, I will not touch you. But It’s better to waive the surveillance. You can take a boat or a plane back to the Lion King Agency tomorrow.”

"About that... I'm sorry, I can't do that."

Ji Hiiragi Xuena bowed her head and apologized: "In order to ensure my surveillance work, I have transferred to Caihai Academy. According to the regulations, it will take at least a month to go through the transfer procedures again."


"Furthermore, my household registration and other certificates have been transferred to Xian Shen City. They were all processed yesterday. It would be a bit awkward to leave tomorrow..."

"That means...do you have to live here for a month no matter what?"

"Yes." Ji Hiiragi Yukina nodded, "In addition, the Lion King Organization also said that if I leave the senior class or Genkami Island without permission, it will be regarded as a betrayal of the Lion King Organization. All support from the organization The city will be stopped, all living expenses will be frozen, my residence will be repossessed, and all contacts will be cut off, leaving me to live on the streets to fend for myself. And if I don't return Xuexia Lang in time, recycling personnel will be further dispatched to silence me. "

(This...are you determined to keep her with me?)

(The Lion King Organization is serious, Prince.)

The relevant situation told by Ji Hiiragi Yukina made Exia feel helpless for a moment - this was really a waste of money. Unexpectedly, the Lion King Agency would not hesitate to go to this point and arrange a monitor for him.

"...These matters were also said by the Three Saints who taught you the secret?"


Alexia finally saw that the treatment of Ji Hiiragi Xuena was not actually aimed at her, but at him.

[Not accepting this monitor is equivalent to letting her die]

That one of the Three Saints really knew his temperament.

"...Oh, please wait a moment."

After a moment of silence, Exia sighed heavily, took out her mobile phone from her clothes and made a call.

The bell rings.

And soon there was an echo from there.

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