【What's up?Stupid True Ancestor. 】

"I have something to ask you. Can you take some of your time - Teacher Nayue?"

8.That’s for your lover

When it comes to the official person on Xian Shen Island who can be trusted by Exia, there is only Nangong Nayue.

The other party was not only a teacher at Ayumi Academy, but also his senior as a demon attack officer - and the bridge of communication between him and Genkamijima.

Basically everything about Xiankami Island was relayed through Nangong Nayue, and Xiankami Island also learned most of Xiankami Island’s thoughts about Xiankami Island through Nangong Nayue.

For Genkamijima, it is the best situation to be able to maintain the current non-intrusive relationship with Exia, and it is even better to reach some cooperation on this basis - although in most cases It was Xian Kamijima who took the initiative to request it, which was regarded as a gesture of goodwill.

And if, on the other hand, Exia made the request, Genkamijima would not dare to refuse at all, even if they knew that even if they refused, nothing big would happen. Is Zu unhappy?Or even what if you upset someone in Central America?

Therefore, Genkamijima has always been happy to help as long as it is a request from Exia - such as dealing with small things like the monitor.

"——That's probably what happened, Teacher Nayue."

After explaining Ji Hiiragi Xuena's situation to Nangong Nayue, Ixia asked: "The Lion King Agency has given me a problem, can I ask Teacher Nayue to solve it for me? "

[...Haha, has the Lion King organization finally started to take action? 】

Nangong Nayue didn't answer Alexia immediately, and laughed disdainfully as if he was mocking her.

[More than five months have passed. I thought the Lion King Agency had no idea about you. Only now they sent that little girl to you. This means that it is the most suitable thing they can prepare for you now. People are here]

"Give it to me?"

Alexia frowned in confusion.

"Teacher Yue, what does this mean?"

[Literal meaning - Well, I think that little girl doesn’t know. I guess she was only told that she was the monitor of the Fourth True Ancestor and knew nothing about her true usefulness]

Ji Hiiragi Yukina's... real use?

[Listen up, idiot True Ancestor]

[That girl is the lover given to you by the Lion King Agency]



Alexia and Shajo Ai Ge hoped that they had heard wrongly, or that Nangong Nayue was actually drinking too much and talking nonsense.

lover? !

Ji Hiiragi Yukina? !

Alexia couldn't help but look at Ji Hiiragi Yukina with shocked eyes.Noticing Alexia's gaze, Ji Hiiragi Yukina tilted her head in confusion, unconsciously showing a rather cute puzzled expression.

(It’s not that I can’t say it’s not cute...that’s not right!)

Turning around and holding her phone, Alexia lowered her voice and asked eagerly: "What's going on with my lover? Teacher Nayue! Isn't he a monitor?!"

(That’s right! I can’t pretend I didn’t hear this! How many more competitors are there going to be!)

Shatiao Aige also urged eagerly.

The lover who was sent to Exia... She already had enough competitors, and the biggest competitor was so powerful that it was almost impossible to defeat her. If there was another one, wouldn't her advantage become smaller and smaller? Already? !

[That’s the literal meaning]

[Because of what you caused more than five months ago, the whole world knows the tip of the iceberg of the power of the new Fourth True Ancestor. Of course, the Lion King Agency also knows. If possible, I think there are 1 of them who don’t want to deal with it. You prick.But in view of their responsibilities, they cannot ignore you and be passive in their work]

[So I sent you a lover - the actual purpose is to hope that the girl can become your shackles, used to restrain you, so that your behavior can be controlled within the controllable range of the Lion King Agency]

[After all, judging from your performance over the past five months, you are very different from the other three vampires. You are a type that can be controlled through interpersonal relationships. 】


Listening to Nangong Nayue's explanation, Alexia couldn't help but feel more dislike and boredom towards the so-called Lion King mechanism.

[However - all of the above are appearances on the surface, I think in fact they are just for show]

Make a show?

Alexia raised her eyebrows: "...Is that so, all the Lion King organization needs is the result of [Himehira Yukina stays by my side]?"


As Nangong Nayue said, the Lion King Agency is actually not very good at handling Alexia's situation.

A person from another world, someone who devoured the Fourth True Ancestor, had a close relationship with the Third True Ancestor, and was an amateur demon attack officer... with so many identities added up, the Lion King's mechanism is neither moving nor immovable.

If Alexia was just an ordinary person who accidentally became the true ancestor, then the Lion King Organization would not mind a more direct approach.

But the problem is that Exia's combat power is too overwhelming.

Even if you already know something about Exia's character, you can confirm that he is not an uncontrollable factor, and the power he holds is not something that can be ignored.

[Monitoring the Fourth True Ancestor]——This is actually a difficult task for the Lion King Organization.However, as an agency directly under the state, the Lion King Agency must also take action against Exia.

The result is now.

It doesn't matter whether you are a spy or a lover. It doesn't matter if you can be a lover. It doesn't matter if you can't be a lover. As long as Himeira Yukina can stay by Alexia's side, then the purpose of the Lion King Agency is also It has been achieved, and the rest depends on how the relationship between Ji Hiiragi Yukina and Alexia progresses.

"...Teacher Nazuki, how credible do you think the Lion King Agency's handling of Ji Hiiragi Yukina is?"

【zero.If those guys could throw her away so easily, they wouldn't have sent her here five and a half months later. You can safely drive her away - but I think even so, she will be gone in a few days. It will be sent back to you, or someone else will send it to you]

"Is the Lion King's mechanism the chewing gum stuck to the soles of your shoes?"

[A very appropriate description]

"Teacher Yue, can't you...or let Gengamijima come forward to handle it?"

[It’s okay for a while, but it’s impossible to completely eradicate it. The Lion King Mechanism can’t offend you, but Genkamijima can’t completely suppress the Lion King Mechanism. 】

[However, if you want to completely resolve her matter, you can take her to school tomorrow]

"School? What are you doing at school?"

[Directly interview, or fight against, one of the Three Saints of the Lion King Agency - as a method, this is the most straightforward method, isn't it? 】

The Three Saints of the Lion King Agency... is there one in Saikai Academy?

Alexia couldn't help but frown, and immediately wanted to say something, but finally endured it: "...I know. I will take Ji Hiera to school tomorrow."

[Go directly to my office then.Is that okay? 】

"Well, I'm sorry to bother you, Teacher Nayue."

After hanging up the phone, she sat down and looked at the nervous Ji Hiiragi Xuena again. Alexia sighed slightly: "I had a chat with people I know about your stay... ..Let’s wait until tomorrow.”

"Tomorrow... right?"

"Yes. Go to school with me tomorrow. It seems that one of the three saints of your Lion King organization is there. I will go directly to discuss with him about you being my monitor. If everything goes well, you can I can leave Xiankami Island without any worries."

The Three Saints...are on Genkami Island? !

What came out of Exia's mouth made Himiragi Yukina a little unbelievable. You must know that the Three Saints are the highest-ranking adjudicators in the Lion King organization. They usually see dragons without seeing their tail, but one of them is actually on Genkami Island?


"Brother Xia!"

Just as Himiragi Yukina was about to say something, Alexia's door was pushed open forcefully, and Akatsuki Nagisa's energetic voice immediately reached the ears of Alexia and Himiragi Yukina.

"The hot pot is almost ready...Eh? Xuecai!?"

Halfway through the words, when he saw Himiragi Yukina sitting on the ground, Akatsuki couldn't help but froze: "Why is Yukina here? And the thing in the guitar case... is it a spear? ?”


After being hit by Akatsuki Sa, Ji Hiiragi Yukina was obviously in a panic, and even forgot to hide Yukisuka Wolf.


Exia covered her face while watching this scene.

9. 10 minutes is not even enough foreplay

"Watcher of the Lion King Agency?"

A few minutes later, at the table.

Because she was exposed by Akatsuki Nagisa, Ixia could only explain the identity of Yukina Himiragi to Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa - although he had no intention of hiding it and brought her to his home. At that time, it was necessary to explain to the two of them.

After listening to Exiya's explanation, Akatsuki Kojou and Akatsuki Nagisa looked at Himeira Yukina with a somewhat xenophobic look, but they quickly returned to normal.

"So...that's the situation again?"

"Well, that's what happened."

"Oh~~~Then it's not a big problem."

After saying something like this that sounded like a code to Himiragi Yukina, the Akatsuki brothers and sisters changed their eyes to look at normal people and looked at Himiragi Yukina, while Akatsuki Nagisa sighed with regret: "However, this means that Xuecai will leave soon, right? She obviously just came to our school yesterday."

Akatsuki Nagisa knows Himiragi Yukina.

The middle school section of Saikai Academy starts a few days earlier than the high school section. Yesterday, Yukina Himiragi had actually completed the transfer procedures, and the class she transferred to happened to be Akatsuki Nagisa's class.

Because of her princess-like name and cute appearance, she caused a commotion among the boys in the class.

Unexpectedly, he was a monitor of a state agency...

"Eh? That..."

Seeing the sudden change in attitude of several people, Ji Hiiragi Xuena couldn't help but feel a little confused, and finally had to ask Alexia for help: "Senior, what are you...?"

"They're just used to it."

Lan Yu Qian Chong walked out of the kitchen pushing a dining cart and explained: "Since this guy became the Fourth True Ancestor, there have been dozens to dozens of people who have come to monitor him, including those of us who are related to him. People have also been watched. So we have long been used to watchers like you."

"I still remember the first time I told Brother Niya that I might be under surveillance. Brother Niya caught those people that day and packed them up and threw them into the trash can." Akatsuki Sa smiled, "I just didn't expect Yukina to actually I’m also here to monitor Brother Xia, and when we met yesterday, I thought we could definitely become good friends!”

"Uh... I'm sorry, Nagisa-san, I..."

"No, no, no, I'm not blaming you. I really just feel that it's a pity. And the people who asked Xuena to spy on Brother Sia were those people from the Lion King Agency, right? It's them who are at fault. Xuena was not wrong at all. No! Right? Sister Qian Cong, Gu Chengjun, Brother Xia."

"Why don't you treat me as your brother?"

The difference in titles made Akatsuki feel like he was no longer an older brother, but he still smiled at Yukina Himiragi: "Nagisa is right, you just followed orders, right? The fault is not yours."

"My opinion is the same as above."

Lan Yu Qian Cong said as he sat down next to Ji Hiiragi Xuena.

"Okay, get ready to start eating hot pot - I'm starting!"

""I'm gonna start now! ""

With Lan Yu Qian Cong getting taller, Xiao Fucheng and Akatsuki Nagisa also enjoyed the hot pot without any ceremony.

Sitting at the end of the table, Ji Hiiragi Yukina looked at them who had no grudges about her identity, and couldn't help but feel a little uncomfortable and confused for a moment - she thought that she would be treated differently after her identity was exposed, after all, she came before This is the case with some temporary instructions I received and what I saw in movies.

"Don't put too much pressure on me, Ji Hei."

Seeing her delay in moving her chopsticks, Alexia smiled and said, "This is a special zone for demons. It's not surprising anything happens. The monitors are no different from ordinary people."

This is a fact.

After all, not all the people in this house are normal people.

Ixia is a person from another world and the Fourth True Ancestor. Akatsuki was once the Blood Servant of the Fourth True Ancestor. Akatsuki Nagisa was once the host body of the Fourth True Ancestor. Even Aoi Asazu is a member of Genkami Island. A programmer second to none - a little watcher is nothing in comparison.

"Is it...? I understand."

After recovering from the surprise and confusion, Ji Hiiragi Xuena also picked up the chopsticks, said "I'm going to start" and started eating the hot pot.

(She is a good child, Prince.)

Seeing Ji Hiiragi Yukina like this, Sajo Aige suddenly said this.

(Although we only had such a short contact, I think she should be a more serious and natural kind of girl, without any small-mindedness or bad intentions.)

(I think so... After all, he is someone who can calmly say that he will monitor me taking a shower. He actually reveals all his trump cards right away. Even if he is told the most Even if you do that, generally speaking, you still have to hide something, right?)

But judging from Ji Hiiragi Xuena's performance, she really didn't hide anything at all, and put her biggest trump card, Xuexia Lang, directly in front of Alexia.

If it were Exia, at least what happened to Xuexia Lang would never be revealed.

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