Bronya's confession caught Alexia off guard.

He had never investigated Bronya's past, so he never thought that this little maid of his family would have such a past.

Losing her home, being a boy soldier, being at the top of Charon's list... For a 15-year-old girl, Bronya's past can be said to be the gloomiest one.

This should be something that Bronya doesn't want to mention to others. After all, not all the past is worth recalling. Even if the bad past is recalled, it will only increase troubles. For Bronya, That period of her childhood was probably the part she didn't want to remember.

And now that she chooses to confess to Alexia, she is exposing her most secret part in front of Alexia.

In order to repay Alexia's kindness for helping to save Xi'er and giving her and Xi'er a place to stay, Bronya wanted to leave the rest of her life to Alexia, but she was like that in the past. Is Alexia really willing to accept it?

Bronya wasn't sure.

So she took the initiative to confess, confessed everything to Aixia, and then let Aixia make the choice.


A hand knife suddenly struck Bronya on the head.

The force, which was neither light nor heavy, made Bronya not even know whether she should cover her head or not. Soon, the second hand knife also fell. The two hand knives were stacked together and finally made Bronya cover her head. Stopped the head.

Withdrawing her hand, Alexia sighed slightly: "Bronya, you think too much. But because you are a very smart child, it is normal for you to think so much."

"Listen up, Bronya. I don't need your gratitude. All the help I give you is my own decision. I don't help you just because I want your gratitude. You have to understand this. , to put it harshly, it doesn’t matter to me whether you repay your kindness or not, I just did what I wanted to do, and I don’t care about other people’s attitudes."

"If you want to repay the favor, I won't refuse. If you don't, I won't force you. It's that simple."


Bronya covered her head and said nothing.

Alexia continued: "Secondly, I can see that, in addition to wanting to repay me more, you also said this for Xi'er, right?"

For Xier.

This sentence made Bronya's expression shake.

This is actually a very simple thing that can be thought of - after all, Alexia has no obligation to take in Seele. Even if Seele's move-in is arranged by Bishop Otto, Alexia can refuse it, or wait for Seele to stay. After living there for a while, I randomly found a reason to ask Xier to move out.

There are already eleven people in this family including Xi'er, which is really a lot.

But if Xier leaves here and leaves Tianming, where can she go?Go back to Cocolia Orphanage?Cocolia was killed by Exia last year, and I don’t know what’s going on with the Cocolia Orphanage now. What’s more, Xi’er has been in the Quantum Sea for several years, so she may not even be able to adapt to today’s world. .

Xi'er cannot live in this world now.

And Bronya wants to protect Xie'er and doesn't want to be separated from Xie'er again.

Then there are only two answers.Either stay with Xie'er at Exia's house, or leave Xie'er with Xie'er.She really wanted to spend the rest of her life repaying her kindness to Aikexia, but at the same time, Bronya also wanted to use this method to make Aikesia keep Xier.

"It's not okay for a maid not to tell the truth to her master, Bronya." Alexia flicked her forehead, "Anyway, apologize to me first. While you confessed everything to me, you also hid everything from me. Such a small thought, I don’t even know how to describe it.”

"...I'm sorry, Master."

Bronya lowered her head.

And Alexia immediately raised her head: "Well, that's good. Then let's talk about your repayment of kindness to me - although it seems unlikely, you will choose to come at this time Am I here to prepare to become my blood partner?"


Bronya answered quite decisively.

If you think about it carefully, there is only one way.

As far as normal situations are concerned, there is nothing special about Alexia that must be Bronya's fault, and Bronya's daily behaviors are not enough to repay Alexia.After screening, all Bronya can do is to dedicate herself to Aixia.

This is the greatest value that Bronya can create for Ixia.

And if the blood is sucked by Exia, it is equivalent to being labeled by Exia - refer to Bianca and Rita.

"I don't think it's necessary." Alexia said, "If you just want me to accept your future life, then I can just make a verbal promise, right?"

"Bronya believes that verbal promises do not have any practical effect, so she requests the master to provide conclusive evidence."

Bronya emphasized.

This kid...

"But, do you think this is okay? I mean...Xier's side."

"...Bronya will explain to Xie'er later."

"Really. Then——"


The lights in the room suddenly went out.

Darkness instantly occupied the entire space, causing Bronya's vision to fall into darkness for a moment.

Immediately afterwards, Bronya felt that her body was pressed down by a heavy object. Like a beast suppressing its prey, Ixia suppressed Bronya's hands and controlled her beside the bed. , his head was buried deeply in Bronya's hair, licking the skin near her collarbone while greedily sniffing the fragrance of her hair.


The first intimate contact made Bronya a little uncomfortable. She couldn't help but groaned, and a blush appeared on her delicate doll-like cheeks.

Among all the people in the Ixia family, Raven, Rita and Bianca are the undoubtedly frontrunners in terms of body shape, while Bronya and Fu Hua are number one in the opposite direction.But in terms of cuteness, Bronya is definitely the first in Aixia's family, the cutest little girl in the family.

Alexia also likes Bronya - in every sense of the word.

" will hurt a little when I bite your skin. If you can't bear it, tell me and I will stop."


Bronya responded with an imperceptible voice.



The feeling of sharp tiger fangs piercing her body made Bronya's mind go blank for an instant.

122. Sekiryuutei’s Castle Bronya

In that world, there is a more popular explanation for the different effects that vampires have on the victims when they suck blood.

Hypnosis, anesthesia, stimulation... The fundamental reason for this difference lies in the degree of physical fit between the vampire and the person being sucked.Because the special ingredients secreted by vampires when sucking blood can be roughly regarded as a universal hallucinogen. The specific effect depends on external factors.

Alexia also secreted this substance to some extent, so Bianca and Rita didn't feel much pain when their blood was sucked. It was really just a momentary pain.

However, Bronya's situation is somewhat different from them.

What she felt was not pure anesthesia, but the opposite, pure pleasure!So much so that the moment Bronya was sucked by Ixia, she was hit by such a comfortable pleasure that her brain was temporarily unable to think.

Once again, Bronya only has damaged emotional circuits, not completely lost her feelings.

No matter how innocent she is, Bronya is still a 15-year-old girl in adolescence. At a specific time, on a specific occasion, and in a specific environment, she will inevitably have specific emotional reactions. of.


"Why do I feel like I'm doing something that will land me in jail?"

After counting 10 minutes.

Looking at Bronya beside her, who had fallen asleep from the pleasure, with an abnormal blush on her face, Alexia held her forehead and began to doubt herself.

He could swear that he definitely didn't mean it, and he definitely didn't do anything unnecessary during the blood-sucking process. Although blood-sucking was tantamount to desire, Ixia had already restrained herself the moment she drank Bronya's blood. So there is absolutely no situation where he did it deliberately!

He himself was shocked by Bronya's reaction.

"My lord prince..."

A somewhat resentful voice sounded faintly from behind Ixia.

With an expression like a sad girl, Shajo Aige came out of Ixia's body: "This is the third don't look at the target at all when you suck blood, and you don't refuse anyone who comes?"


Alexia's face was a little stiff.

In the past, he would screen carefully, but now, although he is not sure, he probably thinks this way, right?

There is no doubt that Bronya is a very cute girl, and Ixia likes her very much, and this time it is Bronya herself who asks to donate blood - can he still push it away when it is brought to his mouth?

(This is the change in Prince-sama now... Although it cannot be said to be a bad thing, but——)

This is not a good thing for Shajo Aige.

Her priority has dropped again!

The first time is Miss Bianca, this is no problem, Shajo Aige can accept it.

The second time it was Miss Rita. This Shajo Aige could bear it even though she gritted her teeth. After all, both of them were ahead of her. According to the order, Rita should be the first.

But Bronya is jumping in line!

Moreover, he passed directly over Anna who was already in position and snatched the third place in one breath!

(This is my position, right?)

If it weren't for the fact that she couldn't hit anyone, Shajo Aige would have already punched Bronya in a small way, and it's not like this to compete for position!The first three positions are the most important, but the nature of the fourth position will be different, okay?

"It's really a disadvantage not to have a body..."

Shajo Aige is even thinking now, how about buying a soul steel body from that Bishop Otto and asking him to modify the parameters and set the appearance and effects to look like her Shajo Aige, so that she can It’s great to participate in this battle for position.

But it's too late to talk about this kind of thing now. No matter what, she can only grab the fourth place.

Looking at Sajo Aige with her head hanging down, Exia thought for a moment, then covered her left hand with the penetrating power, and reached out to touch Sajo Aige's hair.


The sudden [caress] made Shajo Aige feel like a frightened kitten: "King, Prince?"

"Will this make you feel better? Miss Aige." Alexia asked with a smile, "I don't think the order of things is important, although Bianca is the undisputed number one in my heart. One person, but actually I treat all of you the same... If I have to say it, Miss Ai Ge is more important than Bianca in a sense."

"The one who can always be with me 24 hours a day, the one who will give me strength no matter where and when, and the one who will fulfill my wishes without distinction - the only person in the world is you, Miss Aige." said It’s a bit exaggerated, you are my only one.”


The sound of a steam engine sounded in the room.

The sides of Shajo Aige's cheeks turned extremely red in an instant, and her beautiful blue eyes turned into mosquito-repellent eyes, and her whole body was visibly in panic.

the first time.

It was really the first time that Alexia praised her so directly and fiercely!And he also said [she is his only one]...even if he knew he didn't mean it, it was enough to make Shajo Aige's heart filled with joy!

And because of this——


She had just appeared, but in a blink of an eye she had slipped back into Ixia's body due to excessive shame and joy. She ran to the inside of the Great Holy Grail and danced happily in the endless sea of ​​flowers.

Looking somewhat confused at Shajo Aige who suddenly ran back, Ixia touched her head in confusion: "What's wrong with Miss Aige?"

[Partner, you have also grown up]

Ddraig's sighing voice sounded from his left hand.

[It feels like you are becoming more and more adept at dealing with multiple women. This is also the result of daily exercise.]

"What kind of daily exercise... How can I do such a thing as exercise?" Ixia said while covering her left hand, "Also, please lower your voice, Bronya is asleep. .”

[I know, it’s just to express emotion - speaking of which, partner, I think you can give that thing to her]

"That? Which?"

[Improved version of the dependent chess piece]

Ddraig said.

[You gave the queen's chess piece to Hollander, and you gave the knight's chess piece to that Rita. So for the third person whose blood you sucked, shouldn't you also give her a chess piece? 】


Isn’t that unreasonable?

Carefully turning over Bronya, opening the drawer of the bedside table, Ixia took out the dependent chess piece that was placed with the divine blood - it was placed here a year ago, and there are still other things left inside. The chess pieces include eight soldiers, two bishops, two castles, and one knight.

Bianca and Rita each used one a year ago. As someone who was also sucked by Exia, Bronya deserved one.

After thinking for a while, Ixia picked out a [Castle] from the remaining chess pieces, and placed it next to Bronya's pillow.

"Consider it... my first gift to you, Bronya."

"I will trouble you in every aspect from now on, my cutest maid."

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