123. Chongchong: I regard you as my friend, but you want to be my sister-in-law?!

The next day, early morning.

When the sun shines into Exia's house.


Yawning and walking out of her room, the sleepy Kiana walked to the shared bathroom on the second floor while rubbing her eyes.

The time now is still 07:30 in the morning, so logically she can go back and take a nap.

But because she started to receive special training from Fu Hua a few days ago, Kiana is now in a situation where she can't sleep back in her cage - if she dares to sleep, then Teacher Fu Hua's [Cun Jin·Open Sky] is not What a joke, Kiana doesn’t want to become the undead under Master Fu Hua’s fist.

Therefore, in order to avoid suffering some physical pain, Kiana could only get up early no matter how reluctant she was.

Of course, she is definitely not the first to wake up in the family.

"Huh? You're awake, Kiana."

In the bathroom, Leiden Meiyi, who also woke up early, just finished wiping her face: "I got up very early today, which is really amazing."

"Hey hehehe~~~Not as good as Mei, Mei woke up early." Kiana said as she picked up the toothbrush and squeezed toothpaste for herself, "Speaking of which, why didn't you see Bronya? She Don’t you usually get up with me, Mei?”

Raiden Mei and Bronya are the earliest members of the Exia family, followed by Fu Hua and Yae Sakura.

After all, Raiden Mei is the housekeeper of the Exia family. She starts preparing the family's breakfast every morning. Later, Fu Hua and Yae Sakura are only responsible for the second half.As for Bronya, as the only maid in the family, she must not get up later than others under any circumstances. This is one of the several iron rules Rita told her.

But because she really couldn't compete with Raiden Mei, in the end Bronya could only get up with Raiden Mei - this has been her daily routine for the past year.

However, today, Mei Raiden was the only one in the bathroom, and Bronya was completely missing.

"Could it be that Bronya overslept?"

"Isn't it possible?" Raiden Mei fixed her hair in front of the mirror, "Bronya has a heavy-duty bunny and is the most punctual among us... What's the reason for the delay? Is it done?"

"I think she just overslept. I didn't expect Bronya to have a lazy day. I need to tease her about this later!"

Kiana has already thought about how to start her daily bickering with Bronya.

However, before she could think of a more specific struggle process, Bronya's voice rang at the door of the bathroom: "Idiot Kiana, Bronya did not oversleep. Only an idiot would oversleep. .”


Kiana, who was brushing her teeth, unexpectedly looked at the door and saw Bronya, still wearing pajamas, standing there.

Raiden Mei smiled and said: "Good morning, Bronya. What happened today?"

"Good morning, sister Mei, Kiana." Bronya floated into the bathroom, "Bronya didn't sleep late, she just came a little late because she didn't sleep on the second floor last night."

"Is that so...eh?"


Raiden Mei and Kiana were stunned.

Bronya didn't sleep on the second floor last night?

"Swipe, swipe, swipe!"

After brushing her teeth hard and quickly, spitting out the foam in her mouth and gargling, Kiana hurriedly asked: "Then where did you sleep last night, Bronya? Aren't you super? Do you like sleeping with Xi'er?"

"Well, Bronya likes to sleep with Xi'er. But last night was an unexpected incident, and Bronya was forced to sleep in the master's room all night." Bronya said expressionlessly.

And when they heard her say this, the eyes of Raiden Mei and Kiana suddenly changed!

(Sleeping one night at Exia/Brother’s place!?)

The hearts of the two of them suddenly stirred up a storm!

What's going on?Why did Bronya sleep with Alexia last night?Although it is true that Bianca and Rita were not at home last night, even so, it shouldn’t be a problem——


Kiana suddenly screamed strangely, and pressed Bronya with both hands: "Bronya, could it be that he called you to accompany him?!"

"No." Bronya shook her head, "Bronya went to find the master herself, because it was agreed upon yesterday evening."


This time, Kiana and Raiden Mei were shocked even more intensely!

It was Bronya who took the initiative? !

"This, that's it... Bronya... and Alexia already have this kind of relationship? Wow~~~ I didn't even know... "

"Mei Yi, your voice is trembling - that's not right!"

Leaving behind Mei Lei, who was shaking for unknown reasons, Kiana looked back at Bronya who was about to brush her teeth: "What exactly is going on? Bronya, why are you and my brother... .....Do you want to be my sister-in-law?"

This is a very scary thing.

Bronya is the youngest in the Chiba team. Although they often bicker, Kiana has always regarded her and Raiden Mei as her important friends - but now her friend actually wants to be her sister-in-law! ?

Just thinking about Kiana felt like it was a doomsday scene.

At the same time, Kiana also noticed a band-aid on Bronya's neck out of the corner of her eye.

"Um...Bronya...is that band-aid..."

"Huh? This." Bronya stretched out her hand to cover that spot, "It's the mark left by the master last night. It should take some time to heal. After that, Bronya will wear high-collared clothes to cover it up. "


Kiana was completely sunk.

It’s actually playing for real! ?

(Wait, wait, wait! Then, in addition to Sister Bianca, Sister Rita and Instructor Anna...I have to call Bronya my little sister-in-law!?)

Absolutely not!


After taking a few deep breaths.

Pressing Bronya's shoulders seriously, Kiana stared at Bronya with more concentration than when she was training with Fu Hua: "I, let me tell you first, Bronya Nia—I won’t call you sister-in-law!”

Bronya: "..."

Looking at the white-haired idiot in front of her with an idiot's eyes, Bronya sighed softly, reached out and took Kiana's hand off: "Bronya doesn't want to be the idiot Kiana either. Sister-in-law, I feel that having a sister like Kiana will be very tiring."

"hold head high--?!"


Ignoring Kiana's raised eyebrows, Bronya slightly covered the wound on her neck.

"Bronya is not the master's companion yet. The current Bronya is just the master's [castle] - so, don't worry, Kiana, sister Mei."

"Bronya is still the same Bronya."

124. Let’s all become dependents together

Alexia felt like something was wrong at home.

"That...I said..."

In the living room on the first floor.

Sitting on the sofa, looking at the girls who surrounded him and looked down at him, Alexia asked with some confusion: "Kiana, are you... playing? Which one? Why do you have to surround me so early in the morning with the air of trying to extract a confession from me?"

Alexia was completely confused.

He just came down from the fifth floor 3 minutes ago. Before he could have breakfast, he didn't know if he was already squatting here. Kiana pushed him directly onto the sofa, and then joined forces to get rid of Bronya. Everyone except He Xi'er trapped him in the circle.

This makes him feel like a prisoner who has done something wrong!

With her hands on her hips, she somehow untied the two original braids and arranged them into a ponytail today. Her whole person looked more refreshed and even more mature. Kiana raised her eyebrows and seemed to have a smile in her eyes. He was equally angry: "Brother, don't pretend to be stupid! We all know it!"

"Know? Know what?"

"Of course it's about Bronya."

Fu Hua pushed up his red-rimmed glasses, which actually had no prescription at all, and said in a helpless tone: "This morning, before we all got up, Kiana and Mei, who were the first to get up, met someone who claimed to have come out of your room. Bronya, and learned that Bronya spent the night in your room last night, sucked your blood, and accepted the chess piece."

"Oh, this thing."

"What do you mean [Oh, this matter]! Brother, please don't say it so lightly, okay?" Kiana was like a kitten with fried hair, "And Master Fu Hua! Please don't be so slack either. Ah, did you agree that we would come together to denounce my brother!? Sister Raven, don’t look so bored!"

The raven lying on the back of the sofa behind Alexia yawned lazily: "Because it's really boring, little Kiana. What time do you think I went to bed last night? You woke me up so early in the morning. , I’m sleepy now.”


"Furthermore, have you forgotten that I am a capable member of the squad leader? Do you think I don't want to eat this meal if I contradict the squad leader with you?"

The raven who said this got up and walked directly to the bar counter. It seemed that he was ready to have a drink early in the morning.

"Wu——Mei~~~! Sister Ying~~~!"

After being betrayed by two companions, Kiana immediately turned around and threw herself into the arms of Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura, leaving the two of them helpless to comfort her first.

Looking at Kiana like this, Alexia also relaxed: "So...what's wrong with Kiana? Is it because I sucked Bronya's blood?"

"Well... you could say that."

Fu Hua sat down next to Alexia: "The only people whose blood you sucked before were Bianca and Rita, and they are also recognized as your partners in our family. Kiana also likes them very much, so it won't happen." What’s the reaction?”

Even Kiana wished that Alexia would kidnap Bianca back as soon as possible.

"But Bronya's situation is a bit unexpected - in fact, it's not just Kiana, all of us are surprised. We didn't expect that you would suddenly suck Bronya's blood and keep her with you overnight. You Are you planning to include Bronya in your list of blood partners?"

"......Oh, that's what's going on?"

Quickly realizing the reason for Kiana's quarrel, Alexia looked in the direction of Bronya: "Well... Bronya herself said it was to repay me for saving Xi'er and her I only donated blood because of my kindness, and I will use it to repay me for the rest of my life. But I don’t want to just watch her grow old day by day and die, so I do have this plan.”

"What's more, Bronya is now my [castle]. Doesn't the castle exist to protect the king?"


Exia did not lower her voice when she spoke.

After hearing this, Kiana, who was lying on the chests of Yae Sakura and Raiden Mei, immediately jumped up: "Isn't this young lady really going to call Bronya sister-in-law!? Brother, please stop, so I'm here Doesn’t the status of the family have to be reduced to the lowest level!?”


What does this white-haired dumpling care about most?

Alexia laughed and said: "How does our family have any status? Kiana, please don't say such nonsense."

"But...but..." Kiana pouted, "I..."

"Kiana thinks it's too sudden, Alexia."

Raiden Mei hugged Kiana into her arms and gently helped her smooth her hair: "After all, we have always been good friends with Bronya, but now Bronya has suddenly become her brother's partner... ....Even for Kiana, it’s hard to accept it for a while...It’s the same for me.”

"Me too." Yae Sakura agreed.

To put it bluntly, Bronya's sudden identity change was just unacceptable to everyone - Xi'er, who was listening to Bronya's explanation not far away, now also had an expression of disbelief. It was hard for her to accept that her sister had become the partner of Alexia's eldest brother.

"Then... there's nothing we can do about it. I've already sucked you all. Why don't I suck you all once and force you to have the same status?"

Alexia said jokingly.

However, after hearing these words, the living room suddenly fell into silence for a moment.

Everyone showed different strange expressions and touched their necks in unison.

Seeing this, Alexia was stunned on the spot - what kind of reaction was this? !

(Hey, hey, hey, I just made a joke, what are you guys doing——)

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Suddenly, a cough broke the momentary stiffness in the living room.

Sandiao Aige, who floated out of Exia's body and had been having fun in the Great Holy Grail all night, clapped her hands: "I roughly understand the situation. Putting aside the unrealistic remarks that the prince just made, If everyone just feels psychologically unbalanced because the prince suddenly took a concubine again, then I have a comfort plan here."

When Alexia said this, she raised her eyebrows - What is concubinage!He is not the emperor!Although he is ready to accept the identity of the Emperor of the Night, isn't taking a concubine too much?

But compared to this...

"The comfort plan? What is that, Sister Ai Ge?"


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