As if being cheered up by Kiana's "Sister Aige", Shajo Aige smiled proudly and snapped her fingers at the coffee table.


A small box suddenly appeared on the coffee table, and what it contained was the dependent chess piece that Ixia had not used yet: "Although it is not as good as the identity change brought about by being sucked by blood, it is more or less that everyone becomes the prince's dependents together. Can you make yourself feel better?"

125.Super potential stock Kiana

Becoming Exia’s dependents together?

Shajo Aige's proposal directly brought everyone to the coffee table.

Fu Hua stretched out his hand and picked up a chess piece: "This... I remembered it. This is what you brought back from the place called Kuoh Town last year, Alexia, right?"

Regarding Alexia's experience in another world, Fu Hua has read all the reports, and she is also aware of the things he experienced in Juwang Town, but she knows about the family chess pieces, and this is the first time she has actually seen them. .

"A silver chess set?"

The raven who also came over also picked up one and started to play with it: "What are the dependent chess pieces?"

"It is a prop that can greatly improve the user's certain abilities."

The one who explained was Raiden Mei: "It is one of the props brought back by Exia from another world. Different chess pieces have different effects. Except for the king used by Exia herself, I remember the specific effect is... ....”

Queen - all-round improvement

Bishop——Energy control specialization improvement

Knight - Agility Specialization Improvement

Castle - Double specialization in attack and defense.[King Car Castling] can be performed.

Soldier - no upgrade, but can be upgraded in [enemy position].

"——That's probably what it looks like."


Listening to Raiden Mei's introduction, Raven looked at the chess piece in her hand with a bit of interest, but before she could continue playing, Alexia had already taken the chess piece back: "This is an important thing, don't Have fun, Raven."

"And Miss Aige, are you serious about this proposal? We all become my dependents together... This is basically the same as my joke, right?"

"But there are still differences." Shajo Aige said with a smile, "Besides, I also feel like taking care of sister Kiana. After all, sister Bronya is already the master's companion. The master cannot take care of her anymore. She kicked it away, right? In this case, if sister Kiana wants to feel better, the only option is to change her identity, right?"

Very reasonable statement.

But anyone can tell that this is unreasonable.

Alexia frowned: "You can also give Kiana some time to let her adapt slowly..."

"—That's what the prince said. What does sister Kiana think?"

Shajo Aige looked at Kiana.

Kiana, who had already emerged from Raiden Meiyi's arms and lay down next to the coffee table, stared at the chess pieces placed on the table. She stretched out her fingers and clicked on each chess piece before grabbing another [Knight]. ]: "Okay! I want this!"

"I want your head, put it down."

"Don't let it go!"

Kiana clenched the [Knight] with both hands: "Bronya already has one, why can't I have one? Brother, are you partial to Bronya because she is cute?"

"That's not what you mean... Tsk!" Alexia curled her lips, "Don't you think it's weird to turn your sister into a dependent?"

"But I'm not your real sister. Who in the family doesn't know that you are from a parallel world, brother?" Kiana made the relationship clear in a straightforward manner, "If you have to say it, we are just brother and sister Giri, brother. Occasionally I think a lot~~~ If you think too much, you will turn into an old man faster!"

It's a pity that I will never grow old in my lifetime - Ixia was about to retort, but she couldn't say the words.

Seeing that Alexia was silent, Kiana also smiled proudly and pressed the [Knight] against her chest——


However, a repulsive force suddenly bounced out of the chess piece, and it actually flew out of Kiana's hand.

Kiana: "...Eh?"

The sudden change made her stunned, and others also looked at Kiana in surprise.

Did the chess piece reject Kiana?

"No, it's not a rejection."

Shaking his head, Sajo Aige picked up the knight chess pieces and said, "Maybe the chess pieces made a judgment that their values ​​are unequal."


"Yes. Every chess piece is valuable. If the soldier is [1], the knight and bishop are [3], the castle is [5], and the queen is [9]. According to what I just observed Judging from the spells inside the chess piece and the rules summarized, if the potential ability of that person exceeds the value of the chess piece itself, then the chess piece cannot be used."

That means...

"Is Kiana's potential ability more than just [Knight]?" Fu Hua said solemnly, "That's right, Kiana is the second Herrscher. It is impossible for her to only have the value of three soldiers. After the Queen's chess piece has been replaced by Bian, Now that the card is used, the only one that can be used by Kiana is the [Castle]."

"Then let me try it?"

Picking up the [Castle] chess piece, Kiana pressed it on her chest——


The chess piece flew out again.

Kiana's eyes froze instantly.

"Can't the castle also do it?"

"Isn't Kiana's potential too great?"

Obviously this was supposed to be a compliment to herself, but for some reason, Kiana couldn't be happy at all now - she just wanted a chess piece to be her brother's dependent!

(This guy the Second Herrscher...)

"Okay, since you can't use it, just put it away!"

After letting out a huge sigh of relief, Ixia prepared to close the box again as she spoke.

It's really great that Kiana doesn't have to be his dependent... Even if it's true as Kiana said, now that their backgrounds have been completely revealed, Exia and her can't be said to be friends at all. Brother and sister, but they have been brother and sister for more than a year. It is a bit difficult for Alexia to change her opinion of Kiana——

(Do you realize it? Prince.)

The voice of Shatiao's love song sounded in the bottom of my heart.

(Just like you can't treat Sister Kiana as your sister yet, Sister Kiana can't treat Sister Bronya as your sister-in-law yet - it's indeed good for you to love her, but sometimes you still Please understand and obey her mood.)

(I was also a sister once, so I have some experience.)

"...If one doesn't work, try two."

After a moment of silence, Ixia took out the two bishops from the box: "The chess pieces can't only be used one by one. If multiple identical chess pieces are used at the same time, they can smoothly affect a single chess piece." Someone who can’t make a chess piece effective.”

"Kiana, if you really want to become my dependent, I think two bishops should be enough, and the combined value is higher than the castle. Or you can use at least six soldiers in one go."

"elder brother?"

Looking at the two bishops placed in front of her, Kiana looked at Alexia in surprise: "Is it okay?"

"If you don't want it, will I give it to someone else?"

"Eh? No, no, no! I want it, I want it! Brother, don't take it back!"

Kiana quickly slapped away Alexia's hand that wanted to take back the chess piece, and caught the two bishops in her hand: "But... Brother, where did you make the wrong move? Why did it suddenly happen? Agree? Are you finally convinced by me?"

"I won't tell you." Alexia knocked on her sister's head, "Well, let's not talk about Kiana's exception. After deducting Anna's share - Mei, Sakura, Raven, Xi'er, and so on. Yes...master, do you want them too? Chess pieces."

126. Calibur, the Sword of Victory


01:30 in the afternoon.

After finishing her business trip and returning home with Rita, and immediately hearing what happened last night and this morning, Bianca looked at the room full of people in surprise: "Everyone, now Are they all Exiya’s dependents?”

"more or less."

Fu Hua paralyzed his hands and said, "We are just scheduled to become dependents, but I, Kiana, and Mei haven't gotten the chess pieces yet, but Sakura and Xi'er have successfully gotten them."

After Ixia made that suggestion, Fu Hua and others actually accepted it without thinking too much.

After all, this is nothing like sucking blood. Just accepting a chess piece to become a nominal dependent of Ixia will not bring any substantial impact, not to mention that using the chess piece can directly improve your own strength. The advantages outweigh the disadvantages. Fu Hua, etc. People have no reason to refuse.

But in the end, only Yae Sakura and Xi'er successfully became dependents, and became Exia's [Knight] and [Soldier] respectively. Among them, Xi'er used four soldier chess pieces to complete the transformation.

As for the remaining Kiana, Raiden Mei, Fu Hua and Raven, they were not able to use their chess pieces immediately.

The reason is simple - there are not enough chess pieces.

Generally speaking, when using dependent chess pieces, you need to make allocations and choices. As much as possible, high-value chess pieces should be reserved for people with great potential, while low-value chess pieces should be used by ordinary people.Just like in chess, the division of labor between the pieces in the front row and the pieces in the back row is different.

However, these girls in the Exia family are all potential stocks with incredible abilities!

Therefore, when Xi'er used four soldiers alone, the remaining chess pieces were completely insufficient - this was the result of Raven's final rejection of the chess pieces. If Raven also wanted it, then It's simply not enough.

"Now Aige is stepping up its efforts to make special chess pieces so that we all have chess pieces to use."

Fu Hua said while pointing to Alexia and Sajo Aige who were surrounded by a large number of magic formulas on the other side of the coffee table.

"Special chess pieces?"

Bianca frowned.

"Are there any special or non-special chess pieces?"


Fu Hua bent down and picked up a chess piece from the coffee table: "Although it doesn't look special, according to Ai Ge, this chess piece is different from other chess pieces. It seems that it can ignore the difference in value and can be used by anyone." . In one morning, she has analyzed the specific structure of this chess piece, and is now processing the remaining chess pieces to make all the chess pieces special."

In terms of potential, there are many people on Exia's side who are at the base queen level, such as Bianca, Fu Hua, Kiana, who was confirmed as the second Herrscher, and Kiana, who was once the second Herrscher. Three Herrscher's Thunder Mei Yi, so they naturally cannot use low-value chess pieces - Kiana even failed after using two bishop pieces at the same time.

Therefore, this special mutated chess piece has to be used now.

"I see... But if there is one now? Why don't you use it?" Rita asked.

When asked about this, Leiden Mei and Kiana couldn't help but look at each other, while Fu Hua smiled bitterly: "Kiana doesn't want to be the lowest soldier anyway, and Mei also wants to be a knight. My words... ...Actually, Ixia doesn’t want to use it for me.”

[How can I let the master be my soldier? 】——This is the reason for Exia’s firm refusal.

As a result, the only mutated chess piece was retained as a blueprint for Shajo Aige's transformation of other chess pieces.

"Then who will Sir Alexia give this chess piece to in the future?" Rita continued to ask.

Alexia, who was sitting with Sajo Aige, didn't think too much about it: "I'm going to give it to Anna. I already contacted Anna before you came back, and she said she can accept it when she comes back next time."

That means that there are still two bishops, one castle and three soldiers left.

(This means that there should be at least three or four more people living in the house in the future?)

Rita couldn't help but glance at Alexia.

If this had been done a year ago, Rita would never have believed that Alexia would become like this, nor would she have believed that there would be so many people living in this home.

The result is now...

"However, I didn't expect that Miss Bronya would recommend herself like this. It really surprised us all."

"This is true."

Bianca nodded while coming to the opposite side of Bronya who was sitting with Xier: "But this means that Bronya will always be with us from now on, right? Does this count? Ixia also has an exclusive adjutant? Just like me and Rita? Now that you have your own exclusive team, why not just let everyone join your team and let Bronya be the adjutant? "


Bianca's sudden idea made everyone present couldn't help but be slightly surprised.

Join that special team led by Exia and now only Raven?

"Is this...the same as your Immortal Blade?"

"Yes. In this way, Destiny will have two ace elite teams. Everyone is a member of Exia. It will be better to act together, isn't it?"

This is true.

Alexia held her chin and thought for a while: "Well... I have no objection. The question is whether everyone is willing to-"

"Bronya has no objection."

"Well, that...if Sister Bronya doesn't have any objection, Xie'er doesn't have any objection either."

Bronya and Xier took the lead in making the decision.

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