And Fu Hua also nodded slightly: "Me too. It's okay to be idle here all the time. It's okay to let me move around a bit."

"No, Master is just a bit..."

"Then I want to hang out with my brother too!" Kiana said while looking at Raiden Mei, "Mei and Sakura sister should also think it's okay? Going to another world with my brother is exciting just thinking about it. It’s interesting!”

Is it exciting and interesting?

Seeing that Kiana didn't take going to another world seriously at all, Raiden Mei and Yae Sakura looked at each other and had no choice but to nod in agreement - if their family members wanted to join, it wouldn't be shameful for them not to join. What's more, Raiden Meiyi originally belonged to Qianha's team. If the other two people in the team join now, she will definitely join.

(Does everyone agree...)

Bianca smiled slightly: "After that, I'll go and apply formally with the bishop. Also, Exia, remember to inform Anna and ask her if she wants to transfer from the Snow Lotus team?"

"I'll ask later..."

"The next key is the name." Rita said, "The team of Lady Bianca and I is the Blade of Immortality. What name will Lady Exia's exclusive team use?"


After looking up at the ceiling and thinking for a while, Exia smiled.

"Just call it - [Sword of Victory (excalibur)]."

1. Brother and sister harmony

The end of June 2015.

Europe, France, Paris.

Like countless Honkai events in the past, a sudden Honkai Impact came to the city, and a huge number of Honkai Beasts attacked the entire city like a wave!


Loud noises resounded in every corner of Paris.

Houses collapsed, the earth trembled, streets collapsed... The giant beasts carrying white carapace ravaged Paris wantonly. In just a few minutes, the entire Paris transportation system was completely paralyzed. The historic Eiffel Tower and Arc de Triomphe were also severely damaged by the Honkaiju attacks!

For the more than 200 million people living in Paris, this is simply a disaster without warning!

“Buzz buzz————————!”

And 15 minutes after the collapse occurred.

Accompanied by the roar of an engine, an aircraft with the Destiny logo on its surface appeared over Paris without anyone noticing.


The hatch at the rear slowly opened.

In the cabin used to drop airborne troops——

[We have arrived in the sky above Paris and are about to begin the operation to eliminate the Honkaiju that occurred in Paris. Are you sisters ready? 】

A somewhat frivolous female voice sounded on the radio.

Hearing this voice, Raiden Meiyi, who was wearing the third-generation Valkyrie armor, pinned the blade at her side to her waist and responded: "We are ready, Vice Captain Raven. We can attack at any time."

【very good.So let me finally reiterate our mission goal - to eliminate all the Honkai Beasts below while trying to avoid more damage to Paris.Here I will repeat the advice of our beloved captain, Bronya and Kiana should pay attention when they fight, don’t demolish an entire street at every turn, the financial department of Destiny will cry]

"This is probably your own way of saying it, Raven."

Fu Hua, who was wearing a black armor, said, "Exia wouldn't say such things."

[Hehehe~~~ As long as you have the right idea]

"Bronya received."

Wearing the third-generation Valkyrie armor like Raiden Mei, Bronya who stood side by side with Seele nodded slightly. Of course she knew the reason for her master's instructions. As a [castle], if she didn't pay attention If you look around, you can easily demolish two or three streets.

"I will also help you."

Yae Sakura on the side also sorted out her equipment.

[It’s good for everyone to know——By the way, where is the biggest problem child here?Where did her response go? 】


After the raven said this, several people in the cabin suddenly realized that someone who was supposed to be the most troublesome person had disappeared.

(Should it——)

An idea arises in several people's hearts at the same time, without waiting for them to confirm...

"Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!"

A series of deafening roars have already sounded in the Paris city below!

A pair of god-like wings of light - a military automatic positioning gamma ray attack system - is now blooming and shining in the sky of Paris.

Seeing this scene, Leiden Meiyi and others, who were originally worried about someone's disappearance, now all calmed down, and then they all showed helplessness and headache. Fu Hua's face turned dark on the spot!

[Oops, it seems that Ace can't bear it anymore? 】

The raven's voice sounded over the radio again.

[Then everyone, hurry up and get down together. I should also prepare a draft to explain to the captain - so why should I be the vice-captain? 】


after one day.

Destiny headquarters.


In the office of the [Honkai Herrscher Special Attack Elite Team—Sword of Victory] specially set up by Bishop Otto.

Accompanied by a clear and loud sound of collision of heads and fists, everyone standing in the office subconsciously closed their eyes.

And a certain white-haired dumpling standing at the front of the team followed this sound and squatted down with his head in his hands very skillfully!

"It hurts! Brother!"

"This is the lesson you deserve! Idiot Kiana! How many times have I told you! I gave you [White Knight Moonlight] so that you can destroy Honkaimon more efficiently! I don't want you to be a demolisher From the brigade!”

The captain of the Sword of Victory and the only male in the team - Ixia Messiah Kaslana - angrily scolded his sister: "In a month, I was at least called by the finance department. I listened to them cry eight times! Don’t think that you can do whatever you want just because you have become a special S-class Valkyrie! If you act like this without permission next time, be careful that I will ban your use of [White Knight·Moonlight]! Again! You will be punished to spar with me for six hours!"

"Don't! Brother! I know I was wrong! I will never do it next time! Really!"

Upon hearing this excessively severe punishment, Kiana immediately panicked.

She really likes the prototype fourth-generation Valkyrie armor [White Knight Moonlight] that she mentioned just last month!And sparring with my brother for six hours...that's not called sparring at all, it's called unilateral ravage!Kiana was certain that if she really sparred with Alexia for six hours, she wouldn't be able to get out of bed on the second or even third day!

"Next time I go on a mission, I will definitely listen to the orders of my master and deputy captain, and I will never act without permission. Brother, please calm down!"


After glaring at Kiana angrily and flicking her forehead hard, Alexia said coldly: "Go to the training room immediately for training menu No. [-], double the amount."


Before she could breathe a sigh of relief, Kiana was so frightened that she almost couldn't catch her breath after hearing what Ixia said: "Cough cough cough...! Number three? Isn't that the most tiring? Training? Double it...Brother! Do you want me to train to death?"

"Let you have a long memory. Mei Yi and Bronya keep an eye on her and don't let her be lazy. I will check the records later. If there is something missing..."

Although they didn't say it clearly, looking at the red light in Alexia's eyes that was definitely not a visual effect, Raiden Mei and Xi'er nodded subconsciously, and then directly held Kiana's arm, pulling Kiana. Walked out of the office.

"Wait...Mei! Xi'er! Oh~~~~Brother, you are a devil!!!"

"If you talk back again, triple it for me."


Kiana was completely afraid to speak now.

2. Kiana with her tail raised

Looking at the door being led, Raven, as the vice-captain of the Sword of Victory, smiled with some schadenfreude: "Hey, the captain is really ruthless. Doubling the amount of training will not be enough." Will there be more?”

"I told you to give her a long memory."

After walking around and returning to her desk, Alexia pinched her eyebrows and said, "Kiana has been a little drifting in the past month, so I need to give her a tap."

Fu Hua also nodded: "After all, she has become a special S-class Valkyrie. With Kiana's character... it is normal for her to become complacent."

——[Special S-level Valkyrie]

This is a system that was established just a month ago. It can almost be said that it was specially set up for Kiana.

After all, it is already the third month since the establishment of the Sword of Victory team. During this period, Kiana, who has been receiving special training from Fu Hua, has already mastered the power of the Herrscher of the Sky to a certain extent, and her strength far exceeds At the level of an A-level Valkyrie, even Rita, who is an S-level Valkyrie, dare not say that she can defeat Kiana 100%.

Today's Destiny, if you count it from top to bottom, in terms of individual combat power alone, Kiana can definitely make it into the top ten.

Naturally, Kiana like this cannot continue to be a B-level Valkyrie, and even if she has passed various assessments for an A-level Valkyrie in the past few months, the A-level Valkyrie is still not qualified for her.That's why Bishop Otto set up a special middle layer, which is the [Special S-Class Valkyrie].

Kiana, Raven, Yae Sakura and Fu Hua are all at this level. Bronya and Raiden Mei are still A-level Valkyrie. Xier is currently only C-level. Although she usually goes on missions with the team, From a positioning point of view, she is a logistics person, and her main task is to contact Aixia. Ixia can know that Kiana is messing around again, all because of Xi'er's [tips off].

As special S-class Valkyries, like Bianca, Rita, and Theresa, Kiana and others also have the authority to use the fourth-generation trial Valkyrie armor.

However, because Yae Sakura's is still in production and Raven itself does not need it, Fu Hua has it from the beginning, so in fact only Kiana currently enjoys this privilege.

——[White Knight·Moonlight]

The fourth-generation trial Valkyrie armor, developed under the leadership of Bishop Otto, is currently the only long-distance annihilation combat armor. The most basic design concept is [super-large-scale annihilation of Honkaiju].

A month ago, Kiana received this armor after passing the relevant assessment.

Then she got high like a wild horse.

Relying on his mastery of the Herrscher of the Sky ability, he disappears without saying a word before each mission and goes out in advance without permission. Dressed in [White Knight·Moonlight], he bombards the mission location indiscriminately!

In my own words: "This feels so good!"

Although [White Knight·Moonlight] itself is equipped with a lock-on tracking function and will automatically pursue the attack target, it is too destructive to withstand the destructive power!

You must know that Kiana is now the [Bishop] of Exia. She is the Second Herrscher. After being further strengthened with Honkai energy, she is basically a mobile turret! The power of [Light Wings Spread] in her hands is at least twice the theoretical value!

Fortunately, the other [Castle] was used by Fu Hua, otherwise Ixia was really afraid that one day Xi'er would tell her that Kiana had really destroyed most of the city.

In the past month, he has been begged by the financial department many times, and even Bishop Otto expressed his request tactfully.

"If it doesn't work, I will really take back her authority, and then ask Mr. Su to give Kiana a good ideological education."

For his nominal sister Giri, Exia really loves and hates her, which makes him have to lament that it is really difficult to be an older brother.

" can this make me feel safe going on a business trip to World Snake?"


Hearing what Ixia said, Fu Hua and Raven suddenly became energetic.

Raven came to Exia's desk: "Have you finally decided to go to World Snake?"

"Yes. The bishop gave me the approval this morning. In the past half month, due to the global sweeps carried out by us and the Immortal Blade, there should be no more large-scale collapse events in a short period of time. Small and medium-sized Honkai incident can be solved by the local branch.”

In other words, there is no need to strike with the sword of victory in the short term.

In this way, Alexia, who finally had some free time, had to deal with the matter of [going to the Paradise of the Past] that had been put off for a long time.The time he can stay in this world is half a year, and it has been almost four months now. If he delays it any longer, it may be too late - no one knows how long he will go to the Paradise of the Past.

It would be embarrassing if his stay in Purana expired.

Therefore, while she still had two months left, Alexia was going to go to the Paradise of the Past to find the answers she wanted to know, as Kevin said.

"The Paradise of the Past..."

Fu Hua showed a somewhat nostalgic look.

In the past three months, she has actually been receiving special treatment from Exia. The strength and memory she had lost due to various circumstances in the past have been regained bit by bit as the treatment continued. And the Paradise of the Past happened to be a part of the past that Fu Hua remembered.


"If you want to go? What about the situation in the team?" Yae Sakura, who was sitting aside, asked, "Although we may not have a chance to attack, you are also our captain. If you are going on a long-term business trip, you should choose one Is the agent better? As the vice-captain, can Miss Raven take over first?"

"Spare me, Sakura."

Raven made a look of surrender: "I just want to lose this position of vice-captain to others. If I are asked to be the captain, I really can't sit still for a second. What's more, If my guess is correct, I should be [on a business trip] with you, right? Captain?"


Alexia nodded: "The Paradise of the Past is now managed by the World Serpent. As a member of the original World Snake, I plan to contact the World Snake through the raven first, and then explain my wish to go to the Paradise of the Past. According to this According to Mr. Su, Mr. Kevin from World Snake has already said hello."

"Okay, leave it to me." Raven made an OK gesture, "I will try to contact Gray Snake through the previous contact channel. Since I have said hello, I should be able to contact you."

"I'm sorry to trouble you... In addition, when Raven and I are away, I asked the master to temporarily take over the position of captain. Bronya, as the adjutant - remember to keep an eye on Kiana! "

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