Alexia said the second half of the sentence with an extremely serious expression and tone.

Bronya also nodded seriously: "Bronya understands. The heavy-armed rabbit will switch to the special suppression mode for Kiana next."

"Very good - ah, by the way, master." Alexia looked at Fu Hua, "If I remember correctly, there will be treatment tonight, right? Should you go to my side or yours? Bianca and Rita went on a business trip to the Far East Branch today to inspect the work and won’t be back.”

"...Better come to my room."

Fu Hua thought for a moment and said.

"You decide the time yourself, just don't be too late."

"Okay, master."

3. It feels like a master-disciple play

Exia said it was "free", but in fact it was really not "free" to the point where she didn't need to do anything.

As the captain of the Victory Sword, he surprisingly has a lot to do, unlike Bianca, who is directly affiliated with Bishop Otto's Immortal Blade and has an all-powerful hexagonal lieutenant like Rita. , Exia still needs him to take the lead.

After all, in the entire Sword of Victory team, apart from him, there are few people who can be managers. Even Fu Hua has almost no experience in managing the team. According to Su's description, it seems that since the beginning of civilization, Fu Hua is more important than being a manager. A leader is more inclined to be a team member, obeying the orders of others and following others' actions. This has always been Fu Hua's style of conduct.

It can be said that he somewhat lacks his own opinions.

The vice-captain's raven is basically a vice-captain in name only. It's okay to ask her to perform some shady tasks or deal with Honkaimon, but forget about asking her to help Exia handle paperwork.The only one who can help Exia share some of the work is Bronya - by the way, part of the funds for Sword of Victory activities also come from Bronya.

Because she knows how to trade stocks!It can be said that he is the richest person in the family besides Raven, richer than Ixia!A truly hidden rich woman!

(It’s a pity that Anna still wants to stay in the Snow Lotus Team, otherwise it would be nice to have Anna be my vice-captain.)

When Sword of Victory was established, Alexia sent an invitation to Anna, but Anna refused, saying that she was still planning to continue working in the Snow Lotus Team for the time being, and would not come to Sword of Victory until she had grown up a little more—— At least until she has fully adapted to the power of [Soldier].

Because of this, Exia could only go into battle in person and resume her old business.



Evening, Exia's house.

After writing and saving the report on the previous mission in Paris, Ixia pinched her eyebrows, turned off the computer, got up and left her room, going all the way down to the third floor.

"Boom boom boom..."

After knocking twice on the door of Fu Hua's room, Aixia said, "It's me, master."

"The door is unlocked, come in."

"excuse me."

Opening the door, Aixia walked into her master's house.

There are four or five rooms on each floor of Exia's house. The basic layout is similar, but because everyone has their own preferences, everyone's room is different.For example, Kiana's room is often messy, while Raiden Mei's room is very clean and tidy.

Fu Hua's room was similar to that of Raiden Meiyi, but it was more simple. It reminded Alexia of the place where she and Fu Hua lived when they were practicing in China.

"what happened?"

In the room, Fu Hua, who was meditating, looked at Alexia standing at the door with some doubts: "Aren't you coming in?"

"No... I just remembered the place where I lived with my master before. No matter how many times I have been here, I still feel that your room is too simple, master. Even if you don't put some decorations, at least you should have some potted plants." A cactus or a daisy or something.”

"no need."

Fu Hua exited the meditative state: "I... I'm not very good at raising plants, so something simple like this is just right for me. Rather than this, you need treatment, right?"

"Ah, um..."

Alexia nodded, came to Fu Hua and sat down next to her. After hesitating for a moment, she reached out and held her master's hand.

(No, Prince, you have to hold it back.)

(Hmm... I've wanted to ask since the first time. It's just a treatment. Is this really necessary?)

(Because it is more efficient.)

Listening to the urging of Shajo Aige in her mind, Alexia had no choice but to further open Fu Hua's fingers and let her fingers interlock with hers - this was how Alexia treated Fu Hua.According to Shajo Aige's explanation, she takes the lead in the treatment, but if you want to inject the healing energy into Fuhua's body with the highest efficiency, you have to have Alexia and Fuhua's fingers interlocked like this.

In fact, the best method was mucosal contact, but Alexia rejected it on the spot.

"Aren't you used to it yet?"

Feeling the strange touch from his palm, Fu Hua couldn't help but ask: "You have treated me like this a dozen times, why are you still as nervous as the first time?"


Alexia shifted her gaze in embarrassment: "Lying fingers with my master, it's really a bit..."

"You obviously already have four fiancées. When Bianca and Rita were here, we always had three people sleeping in the same bed. I thought you had already adapted to this level of physical contact." Fu Hua was rare. He made a little joke, "You really don't want to have contact with me?"

"Master is still a master after all..."

Even if Alexia becomes a man who is a mixture of herbivores and carnivores according to Fu Hua, and even Bronya refuses to accept anyone, Alexia is still a little bit reluctant to let go of her only master.

"Compared to me, master, you are quite used to it."

Fu Hua put a little force on his hand and took the initiative to hold Alexia's hand: "After all, I am also a person over 5 years old. Although I have been sleeping for more than 5 years, I have been active for more than 5000 years. , I have experienced this level of physical contact countless times and don’t care much about it.”

If the situation is chaotic and unable to remain calm just because the fingers are intertwined, wouldn't it be even worse when faced with a greater impact?

"Although you have learned the [Sword God], you are still far from adequate in the [Sword Heart] area."

"After all, I am not a woman, and my talent is destined to prevent my Taixu Sword Heart from reaching a higher level." Ixia said with a bitter smile, "It is only a matter of time before Kiana overtakes me."

Yes, Kiana also learned Taixu Sword Qi.

In the final analysis, Fu Hua taught Kiana to control the core of the Herrscher by letting Kiana practice Taixu Sword Qi. As a Herrscher, Kiana was very talented, and it didn't take long for her to initially master the Taixu Sword Heart. Even though Kenshin is destined to not be able to improve much due to his age, it is not something that Exia can compare to. In a while, he may be able to break through to Mingjing.


(Even if my sword heart were at the Taixu realm, I'm afraid it would still be like this.)

Feeling the warmth coming from her palms, Alexia involuntarily exerted a little force, making her and Fu Hua's hands hold tighter. The ten fingers clasped together were almost locked, and a faint agitation could be felt.

The room suddenly fell into silence.

Fu Hua was a bit talkative, and Alexia couldn't think of anything to say to her master for a while. As a result, the two of them could only sit together now - if anyone who didn't know saw this, In this scene, maybe there is a real misunderstanding of the relationship between the two.

"Speaking of which..."

After a moment of silence, Fu Hua took the lead to break the somewhat ambiguous atmosphere: "Since you are going to the Paradise of the Past soon, have you asked Su or Raven?"

"Something about the Purana."

4.Follow mother’s advice

"Well, I heard some about it."

After all, it was Kevin who suggested that Alexia go to the Paradise of the Past, and Su also watched the whole process.

As a forerunner of the previous civilization, after Su confirmed that Ixia was going to the Paradise of the Past, he had already told him some of the things about the Paradise of the Past.

"The Paradise of the Past is actually a [memory field] that exists in reality, right? Thirteen fusion warriors from the pre-civilization created their own memories through some kind of surgery, and their intertwined memories formed a The whole Purana.”

Nowadays, the entire Paradise of the Past is managed by the World Snake. As the current cadre trial place of the World Snake, those who are qualified to become cadres must go to the Paradise of the Past to accept the trial of the thirteen fusion warriors and obtain their Only after the inheritance and return from the paradise of the past can one truly become a cadre of the World Snake.

The raven once visited the Paradise of the Past.

And those thirteen fusion warriors...

"Mr. Su said that they were called the [Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire], and they were the only 13 people left after the [Tragedy of Restraint]. He, Kevin, and the master were all one of them."

"...I have memories of this part."

Fu Hua nodded with his free right hand: "I remember... I was ranked No. 12 among them. However, there is no superior-subordinate relationship between the thirteen heroes, so the sequence is just simple. It’s just a matter of order.”

Having said that, judging from the memories he recalled, Fu Hua could also confirm that he was only at the middle to lower level among the Thirteen Heroes, even after so many years.

Not to mention that her current strength is still incomplete. If Alexia hadn't been treating herself for more than three months, she would be even weaker than she is now.

(Being taken care of by my own long ago did this happen to me?)

It's not like Fu Hua has never accepted other disciples.

More than ten years ago, she adopted a child named Cheng Lixue. More than 500 years ago, she also taught a group of disciples who were later called the "Seven Swords of Taixu". Unfortunately, she didn't know if she was born to be at odds with her disciples. The endings of these apprenticeship experiences were not very good, so much so that when Otto asked her to adopt Alexia as a disciple, Fu Hua would have been prepared to refuse if he had not used the agreement between the two as a reason.

But now it seems that it was precisely because of accepting Exia as his disciple at that time that Fu Hua now has a chance to regain his strength and regain his memory.

"...I feel like I'm going to be surpassed by you as my apprentice."

"No, it's still early for me to surpass my master."

Hearing Fu Hua's murmur, Aixia immediately replied: "What I want to learn from my master is not just martial arts, but also his character and moral character. You have lived fifty-five thousand more than me." Over the years, I have learned a lot.”

"Okay, there's no need to flatter me. I'm not as powerful as you think." Fu Hua looked away, "Let's get back to business. Since Su has already told you, I don't have to remember the things I recalled. I have told you a few things, but...I still want to remind you of a few things."

"They... no, it should be said that not all of our Thirteen Heroes of Zhuhuo are good people. You have always believed in the goodness of human nature and are willing to treat others with kindness and sincerity. This is not good for several of those 13 people. People are right, but for two or three people, it's better not to do it - especially Dr. Mebius."


I have heard this name Alexia from Su before.

"She is a veteran member of the Fire Chaser. Like Dr. Mei of the previous civilization, she is the best scientist of the Fire Chaser and the tenth among the Thirteen Heroes. But unlike Dr. Mei, Mei is Dr. a sense, she is a person who will do whatever it takes to achieve her own goals." Fu Hua said with a serious expression, "The things I recall about Mebius are not the same. Not much, but just those memories, I can also confirm that Mebius is dangerous."

"If you are entangled by her in the Paradise of the Past, you can seek help from me there, just say it was my suggestion. It was also my words, and she should be happy to help you. Or... .. Just go find Su and Ying, but I don’t know if you can meet Eden.”


Alexia remembered that this was also one of the Thirteen Heroes mentioned by Su, and he seemed to be the fourth one.

"The second is Qianjie and Aponya." Fu Hua continued, "The strength of the Thirteen Heroes is not determined by sequence. The most intuitive expression of this sentence is Qianjie - his power, even if He is at least the third among the Thirteen Heroes. Even before he became a fusion warrior, Qianjie had the power to defeat the Herrscher of Ice in an instant."

"Furthermore, in my opinion, he is a difficult person to get along with. It can be said that he is a bit irritable. If you don't want to fight with him, it is best not to have anything to do with him. Even though I know that you are definitely not as strong as ours in England now." Under Jie."

Fu Hua's somewhat serious instructions made Alexia nodded slightly: "I will pay attention, master. What about Aponia?"

"She... is not so much dangerous as [mysterious]." Fu Hua unconsciously clasped Alexia's hand, "Like Su, she is also a spiritually aware fusion warrior. But her power is much more dangerous than Su's. It allows her to restrict a person's actions at will, and can even affect body functions. According to the person's desire, she can make a person's certain direction reach the extreme within the scope of the human body's potential. .”

"In the past, because of this ability, many vicious incidents occurred in the Fire Chaser Moth. If Ixia, you want to meet her, it is best to let Ai Ge protect your spirit for a long time. Aponnia can just rely on Language has an impact on people’s consciousness.”

(Oh~~~That’s really interesting.)

Shatiao Aige has gained some interest.

(If she is really that capable, then I don’t mind having a mental battle with her. As for the memory, as long as the data itself is not damaged, it can be repaired no matter what you do, right? )

(…Don’t go too far, Miss Song.)

(I am sensible, Prince.)

"Are you talking to Ai Ge?"

"Hey, um." Alexia smiled, "Miss Aige seems to be looking forward to fighting with that Aponya. In short, I accept the master's worries about me, and I will be careful in the paradise of the past. It's actionable. Master, don't worry."

Fu Hua: "You have always made me feel at ease, and I have never been worried about you - if it is convenient, please take more care of the old me after you go there."

Fu Hua knew that the person he was in the paradise of the past and the person he was now were completely different people.

She has no experience of her own, so she is much more immature than she is now. Although I am not sure, in the paradise of the past, she was probably the weaker side in the past.

"In that case...Master, do you want to go with me?"

"Go to the Paradise of Purana and meet your past self."

5.The remaining temperature in the palm of your hand

A trip back to the paradise of the past.

The suggestion put forward by Alexia made Fu Hua frown and think for a while: "...You also said the same to Su, right?"


The Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire in the Paradise of the Past are all from the past. They are the past left behind by them more than 5 years ago. Perhaps when they left these memories, they did not think that they were in the past 5 years ago. It can still exist in the world today, more than ten thousand years later.

Even Su said that almost all the Thirteen Heroes died in the previous civilization, and the only ones who survived to later generations were Kevin, Fu Hua, him, and the executors of the Ark Project who had left the previous civilization long ago.

"Su's answer should be no, right?"


"Then my answer is the same."

Perhaps because they held each other's hands too tightly, Fu Hua twitched his palms, causing the two of them to separate their sweaty palms: "The Paradise of the Past is a past that has long passed for us. There are things in it. We are no longer what we are now. I think no matter which hero he is, when faced with your proposal, he will give a negative answer... Maybe Dr. Mebius and Pa Dophelice might be interested."

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