"But at least I don't want to go back. The same goes for Sue and Kevin."

(…I see, it’s a sad memory.)

Shatiao Aige understood Fu Hua’s thoughts.

(Seeing my past self chatting happily with my past companions, but now I have to face the reality that almost none of my companions are left. This is indeed a cruel thing.)

"....I'm sorry, master, I didn't mean to-"

"It's okay, I know you are only thinking about me. By the way, is the treatment over? It's been a little long today, right?"

Fu Hua lifted their clasped hands.

Only then did Alexia remember that she was still healing Fu Hua——

(Have you finished your portion today? Miss Aige?)

(It’s almost done. Just keep holding it for another minute. I tried to treat a little more.)

"There's one minute left, Master." Alexia relayed, "Miss Aige tried to speed up the treatment this time."

"......All right."

Putting their hands down again, Fu Hua grabbed Alexia's hand again.

She had previously said that she had adapted to this kind of thing, but that was actually not the truth. Her Taixu Sword Heart had been broken for a long time, and she was no longer the calm person she used to be in the face of everything.Now being held by his apprentice like this is okay for a short while, but as time goes by, he will still feel a little... shy.

After all, Alexia is no longer the same Alexia as before.

Exia's [proposal] a few months ago, coupled with the increasing number of Exia's fiancées in the family, and her status as one of Exia's dependents... these things can no longer be done. Let Fu Hua continue to treat Alexia as a simple apprentice.

Of course, this is the same for Exia.

Therefore, unknowingly, the distance between Exia and Fu Hua shortened little by little.

(Okay, it’s done.)

The voice of Shajo's love song suddenly broke the atmosphere of silence and ambiguity between the two of them, causing Exia and Fu Hua to withdraw their hands at the same time.

Standing up and walking towards the door, Alexia said: "Master, after the treatment is over, I will go back first. If you feel uncomfortable in any way, please tell me immediately."

"Ah...well, okay. Go to bed early, it's getting late."

"Master too."

After saying this, Exia walked out of the room and closed the door.

Looking at the closed door, Fu Hua also walked over, locked the door and lowered his eyes, staring at his left hand that had been intertwined with Alexia just now.

Exia's warmth still remained in the palm of her hand.

(Will we have to wait until he comes back next time...?)

Fu Hua suddenly wanted to hold Alexia with him for a longer time - but this thought only appeared for a moment.

Outside the door, with her back against Fu Hua's door, Alexia did not let go of her hand holding the door handle for a long time.


at the same time.

Within one thousand realms.

Su Zheng was in contact with Kevin who was far away at the bottom of the quantum sea through the power of the Thousand Worlds.

[Is he finally going to the Paradise of the Past?Su]

"Yes, Kevin. It's been three months and he finally took a vacation."

Sitting in the management room specially set up by Bishop Otto, Su cultivated himself and said: "However, I don't think it is necessary for him to accept the trial now. Is the power of [Engraving] useful to him?" It’s okay. You asked him to go there, but you still want her to..."

[I made a promise to her, Sue. 】

Kevin's tone softened: [Now is the time for me to fulfill my promise.I hope she can see the light she brings. 】

"The Herrscher with humanity...?"

Su sighed.

"In our era, there has never been an existence. Because of her efforts, it has been realized in this era. The hope and seeds she gave to the future have indeed bore fruit. This is what you want to tell her. "

【Um. 】


Su was convinced again that his best friend had never changed. Even after 5 years, Kevin was still the same Kevin as a student.But... even so, Su would not release Kevin from the world bubble he was in. Kevin, who insisted on carrying out the Stigma Project, could not appear in this world yet.

"Then, it seems that I have to tell His Excellency Messiah to take Miss Kiana and Miss Raiden Mei with him."

[Sorry to trouble you, Su. 】

"It's not a big deal, it's just..."

Su opened his eyes slightly: "Kevin, I'm thinking that letting the Messiah go to the Paradise of the Past this time, maybe it will be an unprecedented drastic change for the Paradise of the Past. Others. I can’t be sure about the person, but Mebius and Velvet may be the people who are most interested in him.”

【Same as I thought.There are also thousands of tribulations. 】

"...Can you stop them with regard to the memory?"

【I have no idea. 】

Kevin shook his head.

[But, if that happens, I think among the people who will survive in the end, there will definitely be Exia - he will not give up stopping me. 】

Su fell into silence again.

He suddenly had a premonition.

Perhaps when Alexia returns from the paradise of the past, he, Kevin and Fu Hua will be able to see some nostalgic friends.

6. Snake Cave in the Desert

Two days later.

In a city in North Africa that was abandoned due to collapse.

"I said, Raven..."

Carrying a luggage bag and walking on the ruined streets filled with flying yellow sand, Ixia looked at the person walking in front: "Are you really sure that the place where the gray snake met us is here? I remember you here. It became a no man’s land a few years ago, right?”

"Don't ask me."

Raven said: "I just led you here according to what the gray snake said. The specific location of the Paradise of the Past is also a secret in the world snake. Even if I have been there once, I don't know where it is. , so if you want to go there, you can only ask Gray Snake to take you there. Just turn two corners ahead and you’ll be there.”

"...I really hope you didn't trick me."

Alexia sighed, then looked behind her: "Kiana, Mei, walk faster. It seems we are almost there."


Not far behind Alexia and Raven, she drank the last bit of water in her hand. Kiana wiped the sweat from her forehead: "Although I have asked you once before, I still want to ask you again now. , why do Mei and I have to follow?"

"I want to ask that too."

Raiden Meiyi, who was also sweating profusely from the sun, then asked the same question.

"I'll have to ask Mr. Su now."

Exia received a message from Su yesterday, saying that if you are going to the Paradise of the Past, it would be best to bring Kiana and Raiden Mei with you, and there is no need to hide the two Herrschers after entering. He also said that this might bring him some convenience in the Paradise of the Past.

To be honest, Ixia was dubious about Su's statement, but the Paradise of the Past was a product of a previous civilization, and Su, who also came from a pre-civilization, must know more than Aikexia, so in the end Ixia still took Qi's advice. Yana and Raiden Mei were brought here together.

At this moment, the raven's voice also came from the front: "Hey, squad leader, and our two eldest ladies. This way, it's time to meet at the meeting point."

Standing at an intersection, Raven waved to the three people as he spoke.

The three people from Exia quickly followed -

"…a bar?"

"It looks like this on the surface. In fact, it should be a hidden base of the World Snake. There are countless such places in the world. The ones I know of alone exceed three digits, just like the snake cave." Raven said and pushed the door open.

Different from the scene of the abandoned city covered with yellow sand outside, the space on the other side of the gate is unusually neat and clean, as if someone comes to clean it every once in a while.

The slightly dim light illuminated the small space, and also caused a small amount of light to be reflected from the large number of wine bottles placed on the shelves not far away.

And behind the bar, a black figure was standing there.

It's [Grey Snake].

"Welcome, distinguished guests. Welcome to my bar. The last time a guest came here was at least ten years ago."

Like a real bar owner, Gray Snake greeted the four people who appeared at the door with a somewhat enthusiastic tone: "I didn't expect you still remember this place, Raven. I thought you had forgotten this place a long time ago."

"You directly marked the location of this place for me with a satellite. I'm not blind or a road fool. I can't find it when I look for the map, right?" Raven sat down on the bar very familiarly, " Can you still drink the wine here? I'm very thirsty after walking outside for so long, so give me a drink."

"Then I suggest you have a glass of cold water. It will quench your thirst much better than wine."

After Gray Snake finished speaking, he placed a glass of cool boiled water in front of the raven.

Raven couldn't help but show a somewhat disgusted expression.

Instead of continuing to greet the raven, Gray Snake focused its attention on the three people of Exia. After turning its red prosthetic eyes a few times, it walked out of the bar and performed a standard servant etiquette towards Exia: "Your Excellency Alexia Messiah Kaslana, it is an honor to meet you. I have been waiting here for a long time."

"Are you the Gray Snake? This must be the first time we meet."

"This individual is indeed the first time we meet, but before that, the other individuals have secretly observed you many times without your knowledge - from the moment you came to our world. "

After all, they are people from the parallel world who came from the Quantum Sea, and coupled with the pure bloodline of Shaniat who is still Kaslana, the World Snake has no reason not to observe Ixia.

Alexia raised an eyebrow: "Well, I think Raven has already said everything. How should we go to the Paradise of the Past?"

"There is a direct passage to the World Snake headquarters underground in this bar. The Paradise of the Past is in the sacrificial hall deeper in the headquarters." Gray Snake explained, "But before that, I think the three of you can take a bath? It's windy and sandy outside. It’s not small, and the dust on it is not suitable for taking into a sacred place left by previous civilizations.”

"That's right, brother."

Before Alexia could answer, Kiana spoke first: "My hair is full of sand and it's so itchy. Can Mei and I take a bath first?"

"I'm begging you too, Alexia."

"...I didn't say I wouldn't let you bathe - do you have a bathing place here? Gray Snake?"

"Of course, ladies, please come this way."

Gray Snake, playing the role of a waiter, bent down and pointed at a door. Kiana and Raiden Mei immediately threw the things in their hands to Alexia and ran to the shower behind the door one after another. between.

Putting down the bag helplessly, Ixia and Raven sat together: "Why do I feel like you are ready for everything? Mr. Gray Snake."

"Each of us Gray Snakes have their own personalities and habits, and I, as an individual, am a little considerate and considerate. Customers who visited my bar in the past gave rave reviews. Unfortunately, now There are no more customers, so I can only run the bar alone."


"Stop listening to his nonsense, Captain."

Raven took a sip of boiled water: "The bar is just a cover. In addition to being the countless hidden strongholds of World Snake, it is also an intelligence house he uses to collect intelligence. As an intelligence dealer, Gray Snake has eyes all over the world. There’s no information he doesn’t know.”

"Is that so?"

Alexia became somewhat interested, and Gray Snake handed a cup of cold drink to Alexia and said: "Although it is a slightly exaggerated statement, I do have a lot of information. If you have any information in the future, If you need it, you can ask me for it at any time. As the most distinguished guest of our world snake, I can provide it for free."

"...Does this count as selling me a favor?"

"It's just a gift to you."

7. Arrive at the paradise of the past!

The gray snake is showing kindness to itself - or in other words, the world snake is showing kindness to itself.

Although she didn’t know the specific reason, Ixia could guess that it was probably Kevin who had said hello, or World Snake judged that Alexia had the value to win over the World Snake. , the reason why Ixia met Raven was because Raven was asked to invite him to join the World Serpent.

Now that Exia has come to her door, World Snake will probably welcome her.

Regarding this situation, Exia naturally had no reason to refuse, and she would not dislike information like this under any circumstances.

Soon afterwards, after Kiana and Raiden Mei took a shower and washed all the sand off their bodies, Gray Snake led the three of Alexia deeper into the underground of the bar - Raven was I temporarily stayed at the bar to look after the store.

Although it is a bar that is usually not visited by customers or thieves, even looking at it is meaningless.

And on Exia’s side——



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