After following the Gray Snake into the underground of the bar, all Ixia could feel in her eyes was darkness, darkness without even a glimmer of light.

Holding the hands of Kiana and Raiden Mei behind her, Exia looked at the only red light in the darkness: "Are you going to the World Snake's headquarters? This falling feeling... ..There’s not even a single light in the elevator?”

"This is also an insurance measure, please understand."

Gray Snake explained.

"If you are willing to join the World Snake, then according to the Lord's wishes, until he returns, you will be the acting Lord of the entire World Snake. Everything about the World Snake will be managed by you. We will tell you everything we know. All. But unfortunately, it seems that you are not ready to join the World Snake now, so we have to take some precautions against you."

"Destiny has never dealt with snakes in our world, has it?"

"I think that's the result of your behavior being too suspicious."

The reason why Tianming would investigate World Snake is that simple.

Historically speaking, Tianming, which has existed in the world since the fifth century AD, is undoubtedly the oldest organization known today. Even if its form has changed for a time, its history is real.But judging from Tianming's understanding of the World Snake, the World Snake is even older than Tianming.

This was enough for Bishop Otto to have a keen interest in the World Serpent, not to mention that in subsequent investigations, the mysteries of the World Serpent surfaced one after another.

"elder brother....."


The whispers of Kiana and Raiden Mei reached Exia's ears, and it sounded like they were a little nervous from their tone.It's no wonder that this is the first time that the two of them have followed Exia on a confidential mission. It is completely different from the previous mission to deal with the Honkai Beast. In addition, they are now being brought into this incomparable situation by the unfamiliar Gray Snake. Dark underground space...

Even if the two of them had taken a shower on Gray Snake's territory before, that didn't mean that they believed in Gray Snake.

Looking at the three people in the darkness through his righteous eyes, the Gray Snake smiled softly: "You three can relax a little. The World Snake will not do anything to the three of you. The Lord's order is for me to take the three of you to this world. Paradise, then all I can do is obey the Lord’s orders.”

"What's more, I don't think it's okay to play some unsavory tricks in front of the person who is closest to Ying Jie in the world."

Is it closest to Ying Jie?

Is this evaluation used to evaluate the hands-free subspecies Exia?Or is it used to evaluate Exia in the state of Tyrannosaurus - man-made collapse?


Just when Ixia was thinking this, a burst of blue light suddenly shone into the dark environment, instantly dispelling all the surrounding darkness, allowing all three people in Xikeia to see the light again.

The next moment, Ixia saw the source of the blue light—it was a blue light curtain that existed in the outside world, which reminded people of the futuristic elevator outer wall that often appears in science fiction movies.

"This is...a space channel for long-distance transmission?"

"As expected of people who have traveled to unfamiliar otherworlds like us several times, they can tell the difference the first time they use the teleportation device." Gray Snake praised, "The headquarters of World Snake is not located here. If you want to go to the headquarters, you can only go here. A long-distance teleportation device - in my impression, both Destiny and Counter-Entropy have similar technologies, right?"

Teleportation device.

Exia is not sure about the situation on the counter-entropy side, but Tianming does have similar technology. However, Tianming's current technology is limited to teleporting objects, such as teleporting God-killing armor to the user over a long distance for dressing. It is far from reaching the point where it can be applied to the human body. Even with the knowledge about space control magic brought back by Exia, the research progress is not fast.

Unexpectedly, World Snake has already mastered this technique.

"...Is the World Snake hidden too deep?"

"Before the Lord returns, the World Snake will not deliberately show its face. It has always been the World Snake's policy to hide and act in secret. Only when the Lord returns will the World Snake stand on the stage. I hope that we can get along well with each other by then. "

"You should tell Bishop Otto this."

"Really?" Gray Snake's tone was a little more frivolous, "But in my opinion, you are the backbone of Tianming in a sense, aren't you?"


Without responding to Gray Snake's words, Ixia just held Kiana and Raiden Mei's hands slightly tightly and looked at the monotonous scene outside wordlessly.Knowing that there was no need to continue talking, Gray Snake also consciously closed his mouth.

The four of them just continued to sink in the silent elevator with only the sound of breathing.

No one can calculate the specific time it took for it to sink. After all, if you are in this space channel, even if you feel it is sinking, you must have been transferred to an unknown place long ago. The time that has passed does not have any meaning. significance.

And after I don’t know how long passed——


The elevator that had been sinking finally stopped.

The closed door opened, and a deep and dark passage appeared in front of Ixia and others, extending to the dark and deep front.

"It seems that we have arrived." Gray Snake said, "At the end of this corridor is the location of the Paradise of the Past. My mission ends here, and I will ask the three of you to go there on your own."

After saying this, the Gray Snake disappeared out of thin air, along with the entire elevator, leaving the three of them standing there.

The paradise of the past.

"...Is it finally here?"

Putting her hands on the bulge on her waist, Alexia let go of Kiana and Raiden Mei's hands: "Let's go. Kiana, Mei, remember to follow me."

8. The pink fairy lady is here!

——The Paradise of the Past

Regarding the situation in this place, Alexia had already heard about it from Su and Fu Hua. Therefore, when walking in the corridor, Alexia was not actually worried that he would go to some dark corner. He knew very well that he Together with Kiana and Raiden Mei, they will definitely reach a bright place in the end.

But even so, after passing through the deep corridor extending from a corner of the sacrificial site, and passing through the gloomy darkness leading to the unknown realm...


The scene that was reflected in the eyes of the three people in Exia along with the light still made them all freeze in place out of surprise for the first time.

Vienna's Golden Hall.

Alexia has never been to that place, he has only heard about it, but at this moment, he can conclude that even the golden hall may not be as shocking as the scene in front of him.

At the end of the passage is a palace.

A splendid and radiant golden palace.

Alexia is neither a liberal arts student nor a science major. He is neither of them. Now he has a rare feeling of being short of words. He subconsciously wants to find some words from his mind to describe the scene in front of him, but No matter how much he searched, Alexia couldn't find any words that could be used to describe the scene in front of her.

The final result——

“What a beautiful place!”

Kiana expressed Alexia's feelings with the most direct praise.

It's really beautiful here, even dreamy.

From an overall perspective, compared to the palace, the entire huge space where Ixia and others are located is closer to a combination of a [palace] and a [church]. The dome is set very high, presenting a kind of A lying cylinder-like structure, a floor paved with stone bricks and walls made of accumulated bricks form the outer shell of the entire space.

In this space, which is like an ancient church and palace, there are several obvious [areas] visible to the naked eye. The boundaries between each other are quite clearly divided, allowing people to see the differences in each area at a glance. .

Apart from that, the most eye-catching thing is the huge device floating at the end of the palace, directly under the crystal-like dome chandelier.

(It’s really a wonderful place.)

The voice of Shajo's love song reached Exia's ears.

(It obviously looks like a very monotonous place, and each area exudes a simple feeling, but the overall feeling is that even I think this place is very beautiful... What is going on? ?)

(...I guess this is not the point, Miss Aige.)

The point is-

"Is this the Paradise of the Past?"

Raiden Meiyi looked around.

"Why is there no one?"

Yes, in the huge palace-like space, except for the three people of Exia, there is no one in this place called the Paradise of the Past. It is empty, like an abandoned castle with no people left.

It should never be.

According to what Ixia heard, the memories of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire should indeed exist in the Paradise of the Past. Even though they rarely appear at the same time, they do exist here.

But why now...

(Do you not want to see us? Or...)

"Oops~~~Have you arrived already?"

Suddenly, just as Ixia was thinking like this, a voice sounded behind the three of them.

It was a nice sound, which subconsciously created an impression of a sea of ​​flowers in Alexia's mind.

The speaker was probably a girl like a flower. For some reason, Ixia had this idea. After turning around with Kiana and Raiden Mei, the three of them saw the unknown flower at first sight. Suddenly, the person who said those words appeared behind them.

The person standing there was indeed a woman.

A lovely, beautiful, elegant, noble... almost all the words used to praise women can be directly used to describe a woman.

She has long, slightly curly pink hair, trimmed into flat oblique bangs on her forehead, and tied into a long ponytail like Kiana's on the back of her head.Wearing a beautiful uniform with a lot of decorations, maybe it was specially designed. It feels like the same type as Su and Kevin, but with a lot more purple decorations.

The whole person is quite slender and plump from top to bottom. It is not an exaggeration to describe it as "perfect". Even Bianca might be ashamed of the lines of her body, from her chest to her abdomen, to her thighs and legs. The curvature of the like a finished product outlined by the gods.

Who is she?

Exia naturally had this question.

I don’t know if she noticed Alexia’s gaze, but the perfect girl, who was like a creature of the gods, smiled sweetly: “Looking at me with such passionate eyes, even I will be shy~~~ Alexia.”

"Eh? Uh... I'm sorry."

Suddenly realizing her rudeness, Aixia quickly looked away: "Wait, you know me?"

"Haha~~~How come I don't know you? I've wanted to see you for a long time, Ixia Messiah Kaslana, right? You will come to this paradise, but you have been banned for a long time. We know, so I have been looking forward to meeting you, and now I finally meet you!"

The girl said enthusiastically as she came to Alexia, as if she was looking at a long-awaited piece of art, and walked around Alexia twice: "Oh~~~ It's exactly what the intelligence said, indeed It’s amazing~~~ He’s just like another Kevin, but he’s more sunny and cheerful than Kevin… He’s the type of boy I like.”

Alexia was immediately stunned: "Eh?"

(This woman!)

Shatiao Aige immediately became extremely vigilant!

But the girl immediately turned her attention to Kiana and Raiden Mei: "Then, if I guessed correctly, the two cute girls here should be Kiana and Mei, right? They are really better than I thought. It’s much cuter and more beautiful!”



Kiana and Raiden Mei couldn't help but cast doubtful glances at Alexia - who is she?

"Oops~~~ I seem to have forgotten something very important! Before welcoming you, I should introduce myself first. I'm really sorry, because no one has been here for a long time, so I am a little excited - cough cough!"

As if to make herself more serious, the girl cleared her throat, stood gracefully and smiled at the three people of Exia: "First meeting, visitors from the outside world."

"I am Alicia, the second among the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire."

"Welcome to the Land of the Past."

9. The embodiment of goodwill

The second place among the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire?Alicia?

(This name...)

Alexia thought of some of the precautions that Su had told him before.

In the Paradise of the Past, there are some people who cannot be completely trusted, but there are also a few people who can be completely trusted, and among them, the one person Su particularly emphasized is [Alicia].

"So you are the one Mr. Su mentioned..."

"Oops? Sue?"

The girl who called herself Alicia's eyes lit up: "You still know Su, Alexia, this is something I don't know about."

"Eh, um...yeah."

Alexia nodded, then pulled Kiana and Raiden Mei, and together they bowed politely to Alicia: "First time meeting, Miss Alicia, I am Alexia, and these two are Kiana. And Raiden Mei. This time, we were advised by Mr. Kevin from the real world to visit the Paradise of the Past."

"Yeah, I know about this."

Alicia kept a bright smile: "Kevin's most outstanding descendants, as well as the Second Herrscher and Third Herrscher of this era, are coming to the Paradise of the Past. We have done this long before you came here. I received it. As I said just now, I have been looking forward to meeting you."

"in addition--"

As if to remind the three of them, Alicia raised a finger and shook it: "I feel that you are all a little nervous, but there is no need to be nervous here, just relax. For example, you can call me Bi [Miss Alicia], but directly call me [Ellie]. My friends all call me that, it’s a nice nickname, right?”

Do you use this kind of intimate title right from the beginning?

(This woman named Alicia...)

Alexia heard the voice of Sandjo's love song again.

(What's wrong with her? Miss Love Song.)

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