(...It's nothing, I just think she is a little too enthusiastic, and she seems to be the type that I can't handle well.)

bona fide.

Strong and pure kindness.

Sajo Aige can only read this kind of emotion from Alicia, as if her whole person is composed of good intentions - this is fundamental to Sajo Aige, who has been able to understand the sinister nature of all people's hearts due to her omniscience and omnipotence since she was a child. It is an object that has never been seen before.

No, it should be said that it is an object that cannot exist at all.

"Huh? What's wrong? Alexia?" Noticing that Alexia seemed a little distracted, Alicia asked with concern, "Don't you like this title?"

"No...it's just that it's too fast?"

Alexia shook her head: "We are just meeting for the first time. Wouldn't it be rude to call you Ally right from the start? If possible, let me start with [Miss Allysia]."

"Oh, that's it~"

Alicia seemed to understand something: "It doesn't matter, I can accept any name you call me. But don't be too serious. If you are too serious and rigid, your whole person will become cold."

"Thank you for your understanding, Miss Alicia." Alexia breathed a sigh of relief, "But...then again, is Miss Alicia the only one here? Mr. Su told me that this place should be There are 13 people, and I also want to meet Mr. Su and the master from the past."

"Su's words are not here."

Alicia pointed to the special device suspended at the end of the hall not far away: "If you know Su, then I think you should already know it, right? This paradise of the past is the place of trial we leave to future generations. It is a data space composed of the memories of thirteen of us Zhuhuo Yingjie. And except for me, basically everyone will only stay in their own memory areas, waiting for the trialists to come."

"If you want to see Su, you have to go to the Paradise of the Past to find him. In this regard, I am a little different from everyone else."

"What I like is to take the initiative and have a wonderful encounter with every visitor, so I will take the initiative to appear in front of you now. However, because of this habit of mine, others seem to regard me as you by default. It’s really nerve-wracking.”

It turned out to be the case.

Alexia looked at the device not far away.Since Su was in this situation, does it mean that Fu Hua was in the same situation in the past?

"Can't wait to enter the Paradise to see it?" Alicia asked with a smile, "But I think before that, you should put the luggage you have on hand first. I just decided on the place where the three of you are going to live. It’s being packed up, so let me lead you over.”

Is there still a place to live in Purana?

This was something that Su had never mentioned before, so Alexia and others only brought portable props such as sleeping bags in their luggage - this was also a choice made considering that they might have to stay in the Paradise of the Past for a long time.

However, if you think about it carefully, it is not unreasonable.

After all, this is the trial place for the World Snake, and the trial cannot be completed in a day or two. It is not unreasonable to have a residence specially prepared for trialists.

"That's it...that's why you said something like [Are you already here?] just now." Alexia reacted, "I'm really sorry to trouble you, Miss Alicia."

"No need to thank you. I haven't seen anyone from outside for a long time. When facing new friends who are rare to meet, as the host here, you must give them a good welcome. If you can't even do this little thing well, If I let my new friends feel disappointed, I will be very sad and blame myself.”

She is really a very considerate girl - Alexia once again updated her opinion of Alicia.

So far, Alexia has met many girls. In a sense, it can be regarded as "well-informed", but Alicia is different from all the girls he has met, and it is decisive. It's so different that Alexia has a good impression of Alicia just after getting along with her for such a short time.

On this point, Kiana and Raiden Meiyi are the same.

Although they were a little frightened by Alicia's enthusiasm at first, after they got used to it, the two of them clearly felt the kindness from Alicia, and her existence itself even made people feel close to her. Sensational thoughts.

There is no way to feel disgusted with her.

(This is...the second in the Zhuhuo Yingjie, Alicia.)

Are all the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire like her?

10. Super Ellie is very curious

The room that Alicia arranged for the three of Alexia was similar to a super luxury hotel suite.

Alexia was in a room alone, while Kiana and Raiden Mei were in a room together.However, according to Alicia, this is not something that comes with the Paradise of the Past, but is an added part of the World Snake's subsequent management of the Paradise of the Past.

After taking out all the daily necessities in her luggage and simply decorating the room, Alexia sat on the bed and sighed slightly, took out her personal terminal and looked up the contact information of Fu Hua and Su.

If possible, Alexia wants to tell them now that she has arrived in the Paradise of the Past and met Alicia. But I don’t know if it is because the Paradise of the Past is underground, Alexia The personal terminal cannot receive the signal at all.

It is obvious that even communication across different worlds is possible.

"Huh? Is that the communication tool of this era?"

Alicia's voice sounded at the door.

Alexia looked at Alicia who was leaning on the door frame with a smile on her face: "Miss Alicia, have Kiana and Mei's places been sorted out?"

"The two of them are very capable. They don't need my help at all, so I came to you." Alicia smiled, "After all, from the moment we met, I realized that you have a lot of qualities. The secret, plus the fact that I heard part of you before you arrived, makes me really curious about you - so can we chat now?"

"Yes, yes...but how do you know about me?"

"Everyone who steps into the Paradise of the Past will have relevant information conveyed to us by the World Snake before entering. Although we are free to see it or not, and some people will choose not to see it, I am everyone's business. Remember it."

Alicia said as she approached Alexia: "For example, about Kiana and Mei being Herrschers... I was really happy when I found out!"


Alexia was slightly confused: "I thought that as Herrschers, Kiana and the others would be targeted after coming here."

"If it is a thousand tribulations, it will definitely happen. But I can see that Kiana and Mei are not the kind of Herrschers we know. They are Herrschers with human nature that have never appeared in our era. In this case, I have no reason to target them~~~~Not to mention they are so cute and beautiful, especially Kiana. Her hair is so beautiful and her figure is also very good, which makes me a little envious. .”

(Does she have no self-awareness at all?)

Shajo Aige couldn't help but say.

(And...isn't there too much girlishness in her? If it is a memory from a pre-civilization, then she must be at least [-] years old, right? At this age, she is still so...pretending to be young? )


Alicia suddenly raised her eyebrows and looked cute and confused: "I seem to feel that there is a cute girl talking about me. What's going on?"


What sense does she have?

Shajo Aige could be sure that he didn't make any breath or movement, but in the end Alicia could sense it?

(She...is not just at a simple level.)

(Otherwise, he wouldn’t be second only to Mr. Kevin, right?)

Alexia smiled: "It must be your imagination, Miss Alicia. Speaking of which, when you chat with me... what do you mainly want to talk to me about?"

"Hmm~~~ Let me think about it. There are really a lot of things I want to know." Alicia nodded her lips and started thinking, "For example, what types of clothes are popular outside now? Are there any? What delicious snacks, what good songs have been released recently... There are so many things I want to know, I’m so confused.”

"Um...I'm sorry, Miss Alicia, I don't pay much attention to these, I'm afraid I can't give you an answer."

"Eh? Really? That's really a pity. I also wanted to have a good song, and maybe I could have Eden cover it." Alicia didn't hide her disappointment at all, looking at Ike Xia felt a little embarrassed for no reason.

However, Alicia recovered quickly, and she looked optimistic again in the blink of an eye: "In this case, let me ask you something you know--listening to what you just said, do you know Su? He Is modern civilization still alive and well after more than 5 years? How are you doing?"

"I think you are living well?" Alexia said, "About three months ago, I rescued Mr. Su, who had overdrawn his vitality, from the world bubble of Thousand Worlds One Vehicle. Now Mr. Su is here I have been asked to take charge of the management of Qianjie Yicheng. Although there are no holidays, there is no actual work content. It can be said that I am on holiday every day."

In terms of the degree of leisure work, Nasu's job is definitely the most leisurely in Tianming. Only when Bishop Otto is ready to borrow the Thousand Worlds Yiyuan to do something can it be considered as having work.

"In addition, Master... Fu Hua is also a member of Tianming now. I established a special team to fight against Honkai Impact, and Fu Hua is one of them."


Alicia tilted her head curiously: "Hua is your master?"

"Yes. Although it only lasted about a year, I have always regarded her as my master since then."

"Oops~~~This is really unexpected. That Hua is actually someone else's teacher and has begun to teach others." Alicia sighed with emotion, "If only our Hua here knew how much she has done. I really don’t know what kind of reaction I will get when a student like you comes out. Thinking about it, it will be very interesting - um, okay, Alexia, let’s go find Hua now!”


Alicia's sudden change made Alexia stunned: "Now? Then chat..."

"Hey, we can talk while walking on the road. On the way to find Hua and Su, the two things don't delay each other. Besides, I think you can't wait to officially accept the Paradise of the Past. Have you experienced it? I can feel it."

"...Ms. Alicia, I'm starting to be a little curious about what is there that you can't feel." Alexia stood up with a smile, "But, you are right. I'll excuse you. Lead the way, Miss Alicia - let me see the real paradise of the past."

11. Alicia: Be careful I cry

The golden palace that the three people of Alexia arrived at was not actually the real Paradise of the Past. Although it was considered part of the Paradise of the Past, it was at most just the [gate] of the Paradise of the Past. The real Paradise of the Past actually existed there. On the other side of the special installation floating in the hall.

And after following Alicia through the device——


What appeared in front of Alexia was a rather strange-looking building.

A large number of rubbles and ruined walls spiral up around the tower, staggering to form a bird-like grid, which seems to express the design concept of being the center of the world.The sky is not the usual azure blue or orange-red, but looks like a dusk with a lot of pink dye added.

A round material, unknown whether it is the moon or the sun, floats in the distant sky.

"This... is inside the Paradise of the Past?"

Standing on a platform, Exia looked around the platform like a visitor.

There is no doubt that this is an architectural style that he has never seen before. Even if Ixia has no involvement in architecture, he can conclude that this has no similarity with any architectural style in history.Even at the edge of the platform he was on, all Ixia could see was the bottomless vast space, as if the entire platform and building towers were floating in mid-air.

“What an amazing place.”

"Sure enough, you will also have such thoughts."

Alicia quietly appeared next to Alexia and smiled playfully: "Every successor who comes to the Paradise of the Past will have similar feelings when they first step here. But for us , this is just an architectural style that was very common in pre-civilizations.”

"...all previous civilizations lived in the sky?"

"Of course not, but this is a field where data space and memory are intertwined. Even we can't fully display the scene in a certain place, right? So under the operation of a reliable manager, we Only the parts used for stopping and testing have been retained, and the rest have been omitted for convenience~~~"

It is equivalent to giving up the non-essential parts and only retaining the necessary parts.

This will indeed save a lot of trouble.

"Then, this is the shallowest level of the Paradise of the Past - I heard Mr. Su say that the Paradise of the Past can be roughly regarded as a huge maze that extends vertically. Each trialist needs to go deeper and deeper in the Paradise of the Past. Exploring, you can’t leave until you get the approval of the Yingjies and accept the inheritance of the Yingjies.”

"Oh~~~ When Su said this, didn't he squeeze out all the parts I was responsible for? When I find Su later, I will have to talk about him. However, it is indeed similar to what Su said. "

Arriving in front of Alexia, Alicia extended her hand to him: "Speaking of which, you really exceeded my expectations. You stepped into the Paradise of the Past for the first time, but you didn't suffer any mental discomfort. "

"Maybe I'm used to it."

Alexia nodded her eyebrows: "I have taken the initiative to enter and leave my own consciousness several times in the past. Compared with this, what should I do next? Do you want me to accept the trial?"

Alicia lowered her head and thought for a moment: "That's right. I really want to take you to Hua directly and let her see you as a student. But even I have to follow the rules of the Paradise of the Past. I’m doing some work~~~So now I’d better ask you to accept this first.”

As soon as Alicia finished speaking, a pink light lit up in her hand, and then condensed into a heraldry-like object, which looked like a blooming crystal flower.

"This is my [engraving]." Alicia explained, "Each of us Yingjie has his own engraving. The inheritance received by the successors can also be roughly understood as these engravings. . Collect these engravings in the paradise of the past, continuously enhance your own strength, expand your own abilities, and gradually release the power of your own stigmata - this is what the so-called inheritance is all about~~~"

Liberating the Stigmata?

The shadows under Alexia's feet immediately surged: "Then I shouldn't need it, right? I have fully awakened the power of Kaslana's stigmata, and the power of Chimera has also fully awakened."


Looking at the shadow at Alexia's feet that seemed to have self-awareness, Alicia, who was holding her own engraved mark in her hand, fell silent for a moment, making Alexia see her silent look for the first time - and She was just as beautiful as she was talking.

However, Alicia's silence only lasted for a moment, and then she put her seal in Alexia's hand: "It, it doesn't matter, just think of it as a gift from me. If If you don’t accept it, be careful and I’ll cry for you~~~”

You will never cry, right?

Alexia wanted to assert this, but looking at Alicia's beautiful blue eyes that were like stars, and the expectant gaze projected on him, he couldn't say such a thing, so he had to follow her She wanted to accept her seal.

And as the seal completely submerged into Exia's body at the moment it took over, Exia suddenly felt some weak changes in the power of Chimera in her body, as if there was an extra layer of energy in a mass of dark mud. A ray of crystal light of crystal goodness.

"...Thank you for the engraving, Miss Alicia."

"You're welcome, you deserve this. I hope my power can help you to some extent." Alicia smiled with satisfaction, "Okay, now that the engraving has been accepted, it's almost time to start. Alright?"


Alexia frowned.

Before he could continue to ask further questions, the voice of Shajo Aige rang out from his mind.

(Lord Prince, there has been a change in the space. Some individuals seem to be temporarily being generated in this data space. According to this data... it seems that they are Honkaimon?)

(Well, I've seen that.)


Following Exia's thoughts, with Exia and Alicia at the center, dozens of tank-level Honkaimon and knight-level Honkaimon immediately appeared around them out of thin air, as if they came directly from the void. It's like it was born!

Honkaimon generated from data...

"I see."

Alexia put her hands on the bulge on her waist: "Is this the [Trial] of the Paradise of the Past?"

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