"It should be said that it is the most basic trial. These are enemies reproduced based on the memories of the 13 of us. The deeper you go, the stronger the enemies become~~~Be careful, don't let yourself injured."

"Thank you for your concern, Miss Alicia."

Taking out the things from her waist, Alexia raised the corners of her mouth slightly.

"But I'm sorry, even if the Herrscher is standing in front of me at this moment, I don't think we will lose - right? The Herrscher of Thunder."


On the [Flintlock Gun] in Alexia's hand, the four-color crystal stones flashed slightly as if they were fused together, forming a cross star shape.

As if in response to Exia’s confident words.

12. Verethragna

The Seven Thunders of Purification—the God's Key that was once called this name, can now be said to have been completely "reborn".

Conquest, longing, silence, disease.

Using these four Herrscher gems as the core energy source, combined with the most cutting-edge technology of Destiny and the very special liquid soul steel, the final product is the [Flintlock] in Exia's hands now.

Its name is [verethragna]

He was named the victorious military god of ancient Persia!

Of course, this [Flintlock Gun] is not the true form of this Quad-Core God Key.

Because it is made of liquid soul steel, except for the zero rated power, this God's Key has four modes, and they can be freely converted into each other. The posture of the [Flintlock Gun] corresponds to this Use the strongest single-point breakthrough mode of the God Key, and use the power of the Conquering Gem and the Herrscher of Thunder to perform the ultimate one-hit kill.

This is not a posture suitable for group battles. Compared with the [Flintlock], the [Great Sword] is more suitable for group battles.

and so--

"——[Sky Fire Unsheathed]."

Under Alicia's slightly widened eyes, with a bit of surprise and joy, along with Alexia's whisper, on the divine key in the form of [Flintlock], the cross star-shaped energy core represents A corner of the epidemic gem immediately bloomed with scorching brilliance!

The entire Key of God was instantly enveloped in light, and when the light dissipated——


The giant sword burning with raging fire suddenly [unsheathed]!Like a flaming sword that will burn everything down!

Four-Core God Key·【Victory Royal Power (verethragna)】

——Skyfire Holy Judgment Mode·Zero Rated Power!

"Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom!"

The terrifying heat spread as the flames continued to surge, and instantly filled the space around Ixia and Alicia!The excessively high temperature almost distorts the space itself!All the surrounding Honkai Beasts were vaporized on the spot the moment they came into contact with the unnatural temperature and flames!It disappeared without even leaving any ashes behind!

This is the Holy Judgment of Heavenly Fire.

Even among the divine keys, it is regarded as the [Key of Destruction] with the strongest destructive power!

(This is the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment...)

Alexia obtained the [Victory Royal Power] half a month ago. He got this brand new God Key from Miss Changguang. During this period, he had no experience in using it.

The reason is naturally very simple [the power is too great]. Except for the flintlock mode, the other three modes are all prohibited from being used in the Tianming Headquarters. After all, it is the God Key that combines four Herrscher gems. Simple The output has long been superior to ordinary divine keys!

In order to prevent Exia from demolishing the Destiny Headquarters, even Bishop Otto sent him a letter of guarantee for him to sign.

Therefore, Exia's explanation of the power of this God's Key is limited to Changguang's explanation and the dictation of the Herrscher of Thunder residing in the gem - after all, the Herrscher of Thunder is now used to unify the four Herrscher gems. A central existence.

This is the first time Exia has used [Victory Royal Power].

(I see... No wonder it's called Kaslana's taboo.)

According to the records of the Kaslana clan, the zero-rated power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment is an absolutely taboo move. It is only allowed to be used when facing a real desperate situation and all means are exhausted. [Perish together] The secret of!

The flames and Honkai energy erupted when the Sky Fire was unsheathed were not even able to withstand the physique of the Kaslana clan.


(Except those who have awakened Kaslana's stigmata, right?)

Alexia didn't feel any heat at the moment.

The moment the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment burst out, he felt that his own Chimera power was automatically released to match it, and even the chill above it forcibly isolated the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment. Come!


Alicia's applause reached Alexia's ears, and the praise followed: "It really surprised me. I didn't expect you to have such a powerful weapon beside you. It looks like It seems to be the God Key, but it’s a model I’ve never seen before?”

"Well, it's a fake God's Key made in the current era by imitating the God's Key."

The Key to the False God?

The corner of Alicia's mouth raised slightly: "In my opinion, the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Seal in your hand is comparable to the one in Kevin's hand. I just don't know how it compares with [Calamity]. ——However, this way, the previous trials will not be difficult at all for you, which is really great."

As a memory that has existed in the Paradise of the Past for thousands or even tens of thousands of years, Alicia has come into contact with too many successors, and she is also very clear about the intensity of the trials in the Paradise of the Past.

Even the most difficult trial may not constitute a [trial] for the current Ixia.

(Sending such a person who does not need any trials to the paradise of the past...Kevin, you are really going to pose a problem for me.)

Alicia couldn't help but feel a little distressed.

(However, if it weren’t for Exia, Kiana and Mei wouldn’t have come here, right? In the end, it can be regarded as you sending two Herrschers to me~~~ Well, I’ll forgive you in this way La!)


Just when Alicia was talking to herself like this, the space of the Paradise of the Past trembled again. On the edge of the broken platform that had been burned by the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment, a line that looked like the previous Paradise Hall A light door with a similar interior appeared quietly.

There is also a ball-shaped pattern that combines Tai Chi and Bagua.

"It seems that the door to the next area is open, and this pattern~~~ It seems that we are very lucky, Alexia." Alicia smiled, "This is the engraved mark held by Hua [Fu Sheng], as long as we walk through this door, we can see Hua!"

"Are you looking forward to seeing Hua from the past? Let me tell you quietly that although Hua has gone through a long time, she is actually still a very immature girl."

(Master... immature?!)

Alicia's description made Alexia a little surprised.


In Alexia's opinion, this is a description that is far different from her own master!My master is obviously the embodiment of [seriousness], [rigorousness], [seriousness], and [exemplary]!

(However, the one who stayed here is the past master... The master also said that the memory here may not be like her...)

"Okay, okay, let's stop standing here and go see Hua~~~"

"Miss Alicia, um... I can walk by myself."

With Alicia's push, Alexia was quickly pushed into the door.

13.Young master

The second level of Purana.

Compared with the first floor, the second floor is actually not much different. The overall environment is almost exactly the same. In fact, it gives the impression that it is like moving within the same area.

And after arriving here, what Exia and Alicia saw for the first time——

"Ha! Drink!"

It was the figure of a girl who was punching hard and sweating profusely.

Although there was no one other than the girl on the field, the girl seemed to be facing an invisible opponent and kept throwing punches one after another.Every punch could send a tremor in the air and create a strong wind, and every movement of the girl was considered perfect in Alexia's eyes.

Speed ​​and speed, a combination of hardness and softness, just the right weight... It's as if she has done this countless times. Every move of the girl gives people an extremely capable and pure feeling, and people can't help but feel proud of her. Attracted by action.


After finishing a whole set of boxing techniques.

The girl let out a gentle breath and put away her fists, and Alicia clapped her hands at the right time: "No matter how many times I watch it, I still feel that Hua's martial arts is so powerful. I feel that Hua's martial arts has improved again." Some."


Hearing this familiar voice, the girl called [Hua] - Fu Hua's memory left in the paradise of the past - immediately looked in the direction of Alicia: "Why are you here? I Remember, didn’t you go to meet the new trialist who is coming...could it be that this one is the one?"


Alicia took Alexia's hand and brought him to Hua: "Let me introduce you to Hua. This is one of the three new successors and is Kevin's descendant in the outside world. , an outstanding junior who awakened Kaslana’s stigmata at such a young age~~~”

Kevin's descendants?

Hua did receive some information about Exia, but understanding is understanding. After actually seeing Exia, Hua was still a little surprised.

(It really looks like Kevin...)

If it weren't for the fact that he had been with Kevin for a long time, Hua might have mistakenly thought that the person in front of him was Kevin for a moment.

Not to mention that in Exia's hand, Hua could see an extremely familiar sky-fire sword.That is almost Kevin's exclusive equipment, one of Kevin's status symbols.

(By the way, I have to introduce myself first.)

"First meeting, successor. My name is Hua, one of the Thirteen Heroes of Zhuhuo." Hua simply introduced himself to Ixia, "The seal I hold is called [Floating Life]... .... Within my ability, I will try my best to help you become familiar with it."

As soon as Hua finished speaking, Aixia discovered that an illusory emblem with the same pattern as the one on the door when she came in appeared in front of her.

(This is the master's seal...)

"Is it okay to just give it to me like this?" Alexia asked, "Miss Alicia's seal is said to be a gift to me, so... I really don't need to accept some trials or anything like that. ?”

"The fact that you are here means that you are qualified to obtain the seal. At least I will not be too harsh on the successors, but whether you can fully grasp the power of the seal depends on your own training level. "

Not too harsh?

Hearing Hua's words, Alexia couldn't help but think of the days when she followed Fu Hua to practice in the mountains a few years ago.

Carrying water and climbing mountains for a whole day in order to exercise basic physical strength. If there is any mistake in each style of Taixu Sword Qi and Cunxin Boxing, you have to do the whole set again... Although it cannot be said to be particularly harsh, but It is definitely not relaxed and tolerant.

Generally speaking, Fu Hua still fits the description of [Master Yan] very well.

Now I hear Hua say that he is not too harsh...

"It's really different from the master..."

"Huh? Master?"

Hearing Alexia's whisper, Hua couldn't help but frown.Alicia immediately leaned into Hua's ear and whispered quietly: "Hua, actually I haven't said anything yet. In the outside world, Alexia is your future apprentice."


Hua was stunned for a moment.

And it was this sound that made Alexia clearly realize that compared with the Fu Hua he knew, Hua's tone and demeanor had a strong sense of immaturity, as well as the childishness that Alicia just said. She is like a girl who understands a little bit, but not completely, and is in the transition period from [child] to [adult].

"Please let me introduce myself." Alexia said: "My name is Alexia Messiah Kaslana. I practiced under your disciples outside for a year a few years ago. After that, I I have always regarded you as my master... First meeting, Senior Hua."


Along with Alexia's words, Hua's expression suddenly showed visible surprise and wavering.

"You are...my disciple?"

"Yes. In addition, the master outside asked me to say hello to you and ask me to spend more time with you in the Paradise of the Past - well... for example, the kind of independent training you just did, if you don't mind If so, I can be your training partner."

(Although there are some discrepancies, that should be the original version of Taixu Sword Qi and Cunxin Fist that the master taught me... Maybe I can try to teach the Taixu Sword Qi I know to the master here?)

"Is this... all right?"

Hua is still a little unbelievable.

She is actually not surprised that she is still alive in the modern civilization more than 5 years later. Fusion warriors have a very long lifespan and it is almost impossible to die naturally.But outside, I accepted an apprentice and passed on my martial arts skills. Now that apprentice has come to the paradise of the past...

This made Hua really hard to accept for a while.

And at this moment-

"I always feel like I'm being treated differently?" Alicia quietly returned to Alexia, deliberately making an unhappy expression, "It's just that when we first met, she was so enthusiastic about China, and she was so enthusiastic about me. But you look like you're passively agreeing... It's not good to treat girls differently, Alexia, occasionally let me see the side of you that actively expresses your passion for me."

"Uh...Miss Alicia, this is actually——"

It's not that Alexia doesn't want to be more enthusiastic towards Alicia, it's mainly because Alicia's enthusiasm is a bit too enthusiastic for someone who is meeting for the first time, and it's hard for Alexia to judge the degree for a while.

As for Fu Hua, Aixia can directly apply the model of getting along with Fu Hua.

"Actually what?"

Alicia smiled meaningfully.

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