"Could it be that...you like your master more than me? Exia."

14. Clash against the master and rebel against the disciple!

Alicia's words directly stopped Alexia's thinking for a moment.

(I...like Master?)

If it were the previous Exia, he would definitely deny this matter at the first opportunity.

The master is the master, and he is the one whom Alexia respects the most besides Bishop Otto. He cannot be disrespectful to the master.

However, that was what Exia would have thought before her consciousness was combined.

Now, although Alexia doesn't want to admit it and knows that this is indeed a somewhat transcendent idea, Alexia does have some feelings for Fu Hua beyond being a master and apprentice - in the past three months, he went to Fu Hua I have checked into the room more than a dozen times!

Late at night, a man and a woman were alone in the room, with their hands clasped together for at least 10 minutes... This kind of thing happened several times a week for a month, and Alexia had almost completely remembered it. The smell of his master and the feel of his palms.

And this naturally prompted him to break away from his identity as a "disciple" and look at his master from a "male" perspective.

Even though the master is a little flat and unsatisfactory in terms of figure, Ixia knows that the charm of women is definitely not limited to the figure. Compared with the external charm that is superficial and can be seen at a glance, Fu Hua's body really attracts others. The charm lies almost entirely within her.

The belief that you insist on protecting, the sense of detachment that seems not to be entangled in the world, the mature and close atmosphere of an elder and the sister next door - although it is undeniable that Fu Hua is indeed a rare beauty, The cool and refined temperament of a fairy and the eye-catching curves of her legs are also aspects that make Alexia think differently...



Suddenly cutting off his increasingly divergent thoughts, under the unexpected and confused looks of Hua and Alicia, Alexia suddenly slapped herself hard!The force was so strong that the two of them could see the red palm prints on Alexia's face!

Hua was subconsciously worried: "Um, Alexia, you...what's wrong with you? Are you okay? Why do you hit yourself suddenly?"

"It's nothing, master, I just want to keep myself true to my heart." Alexia said with a straight face, "Also, Miss Alicia, please don't misunderstand me. It's just because Fu Hua outside is my master, So for the current Senior Hua, I somewhat regard her as my master, and the way I treat her is also somewhat..."

It's definitely not because Hua and Fu Hua are exactly the same. The two of them are essentially the same person, which leads to Alexia being somewhat in love with each other.

After listening to Alexia's explanation and thinking about Alexia's actions just now, Alicia rolled her eyes, and then raised the corner of her mouth with a curve that set off alarm bells in Alexia's heart: " So, compared to me, Exia, you still like Hua more, right?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

Alexia couldn't hold on for a while and coughed hard several times!

(Alicia! Are you really listening to my explanation!? Why can you make such a conclusion!?)

If it weren't for the fact that Hua was here and that it was the first time that she and Alicia met, Alexia would really want to shout out like this!

He explained it that way!

"Oh~~~This is really great, Hua."

Instead of paying attention to Alexia, whose eyes were starting to look strange, Alicia moved closer to Hua: "I knew that girls as cute, considerate and hard-working as Hua are the most attractive, and now I finally meet her. A boy who can discover the charm of Hua! Alexia said that he really likes you, Hua! Are you happy?"

"Miss Alicia, um, I'm not..."

"Oh, don't explain anymore, Ixia, I understand everything. Like is like, it is a feeling that does not need to be concealed or suppressed, just say it out loud."

Alicia's words once again made Alexia feel tired.

He couldn't figure out whether Alicia really misunderstood or deliberately misunderstood - was she a little too [scheming]?


Hua was silent for a while, and then sighed helplessly: "Oh~~~~ Alicia, please restrain yourself. I'm sorry, Alexia, Alicia has always been like this. , she doesn’t have any malicious intent, please don’t blame her too much, she just likes it... just messing around."

".....Is it?"

"Yeah. So you really don't have to worry about it. I also know that your liking for me is not what Alicia said. In addition, regarding your proposal just now...if it doesn't cause any harm to you If it’s troublesome, I’d also be happy to have a sparring partner.”

Except for the testers who come from time to time, there are only thirteen heroes in the Paradise of the Past. However, on weekdays, everyone is scattered in different places and rarely meet. Some of them have stayed in the Paradise of the Past all year round. at.Therefore, Hua can only get used to exercising alone.

After all, there is no fighting in the Paradise of the Past, so if you want to keep your hand feeling good, you can only exercise.

If Aixia is really willing to be her sparring partner, Nahua has no reason to refuse.

"However, there is no concept of time passing in the Paradise of the Past, and I don't have any arrangements for morning training, so if you want to practice sparring, just let it happen. You can just come to me when you are free, or I can go to you."

"I understand. Then I have to ask Senior Hua to take care of me from now on... Ah, or would it be better to call you [Master]?"


Hua quickly shook his head: "No need. I know very well that I am not qualified to be someone else's master. After all, I am still very immature. You don't need to call me senior. That is too early for me. Just call me [ Hua] is fine. Exia."

"Really? Then...please give me more advice in the future, [Hua]."


Hua nodded slightly.

Standing aside, watching the harmonious relationship between the master and apprentice, Alicia suddenly chuckled and said: "It's really a good world between two people~~~ Could it be that I am isolated? Isn't it right? , at this time, maybe I should say, shouldn’t I be here? Will it disturb you a little? Do you need me to retreat temporarily and let you continue talking for a while? "


For some reason, Alexia suddenly had the urge to put the [Victory Royal Power] in her hand around Alicia's neck.

15. Turning against the guest! Ai Li’s defeat!

After a while, in a certain area of ​​the Paradise.


Accompanied by a burst of space fluctuations.

On a certain platform that was still shrouded in pink sky, Alexia's figure quietly appeared here.

And behind her——

"Hey~~~~Wait for me, Alexia, don't run so fast."

Following Alexia through the light door, Alicia said with some reproach: "You run so fast, what if you get lost in the paradise? It's your first time to enter the paradise, why don't you follow me as your guide? But that’s not possible.”

"...Miss Alicia, don't tell me that you really don't know why I want to run away?"

Alexia glared at Alicia with a straight face.

I don’t know if it was intentional, but Alicia looked like she had just realized it now: "Hmm... Oh, so you really don’t want Hua to know that you like her~~~ It turns out you are a Is he a shy boy? I didn't notice that."

"But, isn't it normal to like someone? Why do you want to hide it? I said it just now, if you like someone, just say it out loud. Sincere love is the most touching thing."

The truth is indeed this truth.


"Miss Alicia, have you never considered other people's shame?" Alexia covered her forehead and said, "I...forget it, just like you said, I am indeed I have some...recent changes in my feelings towards the master, but after all, the master is still my master, and to be directly exposed in front of her like this, even I would feel embarrassed."

Even though Aixia is already a man with four fiancées, and legal and moral matters have long been thrown away by him, but if the target is his master, he still has some things that he can't let go of.

Especially in front of Fu Hua himself.

Now in private like this, Ixia doesn't know how to hide it.

"I see."

Alicia put her hands around her chest and raised her chin: "It's the same state that Kevin and Mei were in a long, long time ago. When they first joined the Fire Chaser, I would occasionally tease them when they were still young. As for Kevin and Mei. At that time, Kevin would blush shyly after just one or two words, unlike now, where he is cold and cold."

"I understand. I will keep it a secret for you in front of Hua. When you want to take the initiative to tell her one day, I will cover it for you in secret!"

"No... there is no need to cover, really." Exia waved her hand quickly, "If I ask you to cover for me, I feel like you will go directly and tell me everything... ..”

"Oh, don't you know me very well? It seems that the relationship between us has successfully become closer."

Like a child who had achieved a small goal, Alicia showed a satisfied smile.

Alexia couldn't help but pause for a moment, and then couldn't help but ask: "Closing the distance...could it be that you did this on purpose just to get closer to me?"

"After all, Alexia, you seem to be a little interested in us. I never like overly serious conversation situations, nor do I like overly formal interpersonal relationships. So when you get along with me, you can be more relaxed and more intimate. It doesn't matter at all." Alicia said as she approached Alexia, making the distance between the two much closer.

(This, that...)

After staring at Alicia for a moment, Alexia suddenly stretched out his hand and hugged her waist very suddenly!


The sudden hug made Alicia a little surprised and surprised, while Alexia smiled strangely: "What's wrong? You suddenly exclaimed like this, didn't you say you wanted to be more intimate?"

"Uh, this..."

(Huh? That’s not right. According to my observations so far, Alexia is obviously a slightly shy boy, similar to Kevin before. How come there is such a big reversal all of a sudden?)

Alicia frowned slightly.

And at this moment, as if Alexia was not close enough, she took Alicia's hand and pulled her into his arms, lowered her head and sniffed her hair gently.

The delicious fragrance of flowers instantly filled Alexia's nostrils.


A nice exclamation sounded from Alicia's mouth.

Quickly breaking away from Alexia's arms, holding her hair and looking at the person behind her, Alicia showed a shy blush in front of Alexia for the first time.

Seeing her like this, Alexia couldn't help but smile like a scheming person: "Eh~~~? We agreed to be more intimate, Alicia, why do you want to run away?"

"This, this...eh?"

Alicia, who was still thinking about explaining, suddenly understood everything when she saw the weird smile on Alexia's face: "You actually used this kind of prank to tease me?"

"It's just proper revenge. There's no reason for me to be played around by you all the time, right?"

After confirming that Alicia is just a person like herself, Alexia's expression and tone became more relaxed and confident: "Next time you want to tease me, be prepared to be defeated by me in turn. Be prepared, Alicia. There is no use pretending to be experienced in front of me."

People who pretend to be experienced but actually know nothing at all - Ixia knows this kind of person, and that is Lan Yu Qianzuo, and Shajo Aige seems to be a little bit in line with this.As long as she takes a little initiative to deal with this kind of person, she will either blush on the spot and be so shy that she doesn't know what to do, or she will fall into a trap.

No matter what kind of reaction, it is easy to deal with it. Axia is very experienced.

"Hmm~~~ I really dare to say it."

Being provoked like this by Alexia, Alicia also put away her shy reaction and felt a little bit more competitive in her heart.

She has always been the one to tease others, so how could she be educated in return?



Just when Alicia was about to take any action, a tremor suddenly came from the surrounding space. A large number of Honkai beasts appeared one after another in the data space, and the two of them were surrounded in the blink of an eye. stand up.

Speaking of which, I almost forgot, is this still inside the Paradise of the Past?

"...This will also happen." Alicia sighed a little disappointedly, "I said, Alexia, do we want to have a game-"


Before Alicia could finish her words, Exia had already stomped heavily on the ground. The burst of frost field instantly froze all the Honkaimons, and then shattered them into diamonds all over the sky. Stardust.

The space that had just been crowded by a large number of Honkai Beasts instantly became empty again.

"If you are saying that you want to have a Honkaiju elimination contest with me so that you can get back the ground from me, then do you think I win now?"

As if predicting what Alicia wanted to say, Alexia spoke in advance.

"Let me ask, what is my reward?"

"Ah...ahhaha~~~how could it be?"

Alicia smiled awkwardly.

(Why did Alexia suddenly become so powerful? Could it be that he had been pretending to be innocent before? Am I the one who was deceived?!)

16.How strong is Kevin?

After that, I don’t know if it was because she was frightened by Alexia’s transformation, but Alicia never made any extraordinary move. Instead, she seriously acted as a guide and led Alexia around. A brief walk around the Paradise of Purana.

Of course, it didn’t go very deep, just wandering around at the shallowest level.

In Alicia's words, at a superficial level, she can take people in and out at will, but if she continues to go deeper, she might encounter some situations from which she cannot easily escape - it's not that she encounters To some powerful enemies, but encounter some troublesome things.

Anyway, Alexia will stay in the Paradise of the Past for a while in the future. If you want to go deeper, you can come back later. Just treat it as an experience for the first time.

Regarding Alicia's approach, Alexia also agreed and could even say that he was very satisfied with being able to see Hua so quickly. Although he did not see other Yingjie, as long as he was in the past In the paradise of the world, you can see it sooner or later.



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