In a certain area of ​​the Paradise.

Waving the [Victory Royal Power] in her hand again, using the flames of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment to incinerate all the Honkai Beasts, and after confirming that there was no one around that could slip through the net, Exia put away her weapon.Alicia who was behind him also walked over with a smile: "Even though I have already expressed my feelings many times, I still want to express my feelings again now. Alexia, you and Kevin are really alike."

"Whether it's the appearance, the movements of wielding the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge, or the momentum and posture during battle, if you don't look carefully, it's really exactly the same as Kevin - it's a pity that we won't be able to meet Kevin this time Otherwise, it would be interesting to see you standing together."

"But... is what you just said true? Does Kevin from the outside really want to implement the stigmata plan?"

Alicia's words made Alexia nodded.

Just like what she said before entering the Paradise of the Past, after that Exia answered some of Alicia’s questions while dealing with the Honkai Beasts around her. Of course, the one Alicia asked the most was The current situation of the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire.

In other words, the current situation of Kevin, Su and Fu Hua who were confirmed to have survived to later generations.

Alexia didn't hide anything. She told her everything about Fu Hua working under him and Su helping Tianming manage Qianjie Yiyang. He also didn't hide anything about Kevin...

Whether it was Kevin who wanted to implement the Stigmata plan, or Alexia who wanted to stop him and made an agreement with him to fight him before the end came, Alexia told Alicia everything.

"Oh~~~Kevin, Kevin, you are really..."

Alicia sighed helplessly.

"Are you disappointed with Mr. Kevin's decision, Alicia?"

"Well... you can put it that way." Alicia smiled, "Although it is not impossible to understand why he would make such a decision, it would make people like him have to take this so-called stigmata plan, it means that things have really reached a very bad point in his opinion.”

The Stigma Plan is the worst plan and should not be used. If it is used, it only means that the situation has reached the point where one can only choose between the "worst" and "the worst".

So Alicia can understand Kevin's thoughts.

She knew that Kevin was not good at making large-scale plans on his own. He had always only followed Mei, and would not take the initiative to think of solutions other than the Stigma Plan, because in his opinion, this was the only solution.

"And you're going to stop Kevin, right?"

"Yes. I will stop Mr. Kevin." Alexia said seriously. "It was also Mr. Kevin's suggestion that I come to the Paradise. He asked me to come here to find everything about Honkai. Only then will he accept the relationship with me." Duel, and if I win after that, he will give up the Stigmata plan."

"In other words, you want to defeat Kevin."

Alicia smiled: "If it were in our era, and other people knew your thoughts, they would think you were daydreaming. [Defeat Kevin], people who can do this kind of thing, at least There is no one in my knowledge."

Because he is the first among the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire, the undisputed strongest in the previous civilization, and the savior hero recognized by everyone.

Alexia frowned: "Are you sure about this too?"

"Of course, after all, Kevin is the only one in the Fire Moth who has surpassed me. No matter how reluctant I am, I have to admit that Kevin is very powerful." Alicia said, "You didn't talk to Kai Wen has played against each other before, so you don’t have a real sense of it, right? You will understand after you continue to go deeper into the paradise, meet Kevin and compete with him. "

"Understand how difficult it is to [beat Kevin]."

As the person closest to Kevin in terms of combat effectiveness in the former civilization, Alicia's words should be the most convincing, and for her to say such words is enough to prove that Kevin's strength is stronger than in the former civilization. How deeply rooted it is.

"...I'm sorry, Alicia, can you please not leave the paradise for now?"

After a moment of silence, Exia requested: "I want to continue exploring the paradise."

"Are you going to find Kevin? I don't mind doing that." Alicia crossed her hands in front of her and objected in a very cute gesture, "I don't want the friend I just met to be the same as me. Longtime friends are getting into a fight. Nothing good can come from fighting Kevin here, you know that."



Just when Alexia fell into silence again, not far away, the familiar light door reappeared.

Alexia and Alicia did not see any Yingjie after seeing Hua, because the Paradise of the Past is really big, but there are only thirteen Yingjie. If you are lucky, you can see them. It's the same as seeing Hua, but if you are unlucky, you won't be able to see anyone like before, and there won't be any engraved patterns on the light gates that can go to other areas.

However, this time, there was a pattern on the light door that appeared in front of Ixia.

A pattern that resembles an evil ghost, a Rakshasa, and a ferocious mask burning with blazing flames.

It's a new engraving!


Alicia, who also saw this engraving, exclaimed softly, with some helplessness on her brows, as if she was saying "Why does this engraving appear at this time? The timing is really bad."

Alexia didn't miss her look.

Therefore, without even the slightest hesitation, Exia quickly disappeared from the spot and plunged into the brand new light gate!

17. The elegant and easy-going masked man


When passing through the light door, what Exia saw was endless flames.

The scorching flames were burning everything, the scalding flames were burning everything, and the water-like flames filled every corner.Everything Ixia could see was engulfed, engulfed, and consumed by flames.

The blazing flames were like a sea that submerged the entire world, dyeing the pink sky with the color of the flames themselves.

(This... is the paradise of the past, right?)

Alexia couldn't help but have such doubts.

The Paradise of the Past is a place of trial, and Alicia also said that the place he was in was still the shallowest level, and it was actually very safe for him.

But how could the scene that appeared before him be considered safe?

Even Exia, who has the power of Chimera and can freely control the air-conditioning, feels a bit of heat now. This flame is almost... no, it should be said to be completely equivalent to Herrscher-level flames, right?

Why is there such a sea of ​​fire here?


Suddenly, a cold snort that seemed extremely unhappy sounded out from within the raging sea of ​​fire.And then, in the swaying flames, Exia suddenly saw a figure hidden in it.

Who is that?

The moment he had this idea, Ixia subconsciously released his power, and the extremely cold wave swept from his feet in all directions, starting from the flame closest to him, and spreading the vigorously burning flame to him as quickly as possible. It went out strongly!

The world full of flames has the color of frost.

The temperature that rose sharply due to the presence of the flames also dropped off a cliff under the influence of the frost, and in an instant returned to the cold state that Exia had long been accustomed to.

Most of the sea of ​​​​fire was immediately submerged by the extremely cold frost.

And because of this, Ixia could see clearly the true form of the figure hiding in the sea of ​​fire.

It was a male.

Her hair color is silvery white, and her skin exudes a healthy glow.But there is not much exposed part. The whole body is dressed in black clothes without any protective gear. Only the left hand is protected by an elbow pad, but it does not seem to have much defense, just like a piece of decoration.

Overall, it's unremarkable - if you ignore the flames around him that even Exia's frost can't extinguish, and the pitch-black mask that covers his entire face.

Seeing the frost spreading to his feet, the masked man suddenly raised his foot and stepped hard on the ground just like Alexia had done before!


Earth-shaking vibrations broke out instantly!

The entire platform shook violently under his feet!The scalding flames are like a volcano erupting, shooting out from under the frost-frozen ground!The temperature that had dropped only tens of seconds ago soared back to that unbearable level again!

The violent sea of ​​fire has once again rewritten the face of the world!


Alexia couldn't help but widen her eyes slightly.

This was not because he witnessed his own frost being swallowed up by flames, but because...the atmosphere had changed.

It seemed that after seeing his frost, the whole atmosphere of the masked man changed - it became extremely dangerous, making all the senses in Exia's body scream!

(He is very dangerous, Prince.)

Shatiao Aige also gave a rare reminder.

(Above all enemies you've ever faced, except that Kevin, I'm afraid.)

In other words, second only to Kevin!

Exia grasped the [Victory Royal Power] tightly.

And that's when—

"Hey, kid." The masked man's voice passed through the sea of ​​fire and reached Ixia, "Are you the new guy here?"

"...If it refers to people who come to the Paradise of the Past to participate in trials, then I am indeed."

"very good!"

The masked man turned around - at this moment, even through the mask, Exia could clearly feel the sight he projected on her!

It was an extremely strong sight that could even be said to have penetrating power!



Almost at the moment when the voice of Shajo's love song fell!

Alexia felt the vibration from the entire space!

The extremely hot flames and sea of ​​fire rushed towards my face in an instant!The situation was so turbulent that Ixia felt as if she was facing a tsunami!And following closely behind him, there was also the figure of the masked man who quickly rushed towards him from a short distance away!

Before she had time to understand anything, Alexia's body had already started to move before her brain started thinking.

And his action was to retreat!


The very second that Alexia's feet left the ground!

The masked man's fist suddenly landed on the ground where he was standing!

The pillar of flames that penetrated the earth literally penetrated the platform!A huge hole appeared in front of the masked man!Through the hole in Exia, you can even see the scenery directly below the platform!And immediately after that, the entire platform seemed to be affected, and the entire platform -

“Rumble, rumble, rumble——————!”

——It shattered suddenly!

(real or fake......)

Alexia couldn't help but exclaimed inwardly.

But before he could unfold his ice dragon wings for flight, the masked man on the countless broken stones below had already made his next move.


Using the stones under his feet as pedals, like a rocket rocketing into the sky, the masked man turned into a bolide on the spot... No, it should be said to be a meteorite from the sky!In an instant, he passed through space and came to Exia again!He clenched his fists with both hands and slammed them at Alexia!

This time Ixia really reacted.

The [Victory King's Power] burning with blazing sky fire flew through the space, and met the fists that hit Exia directly at the fastest trajectory!


Flames and flames erupted in the air!

The extremely dazzling firelight is like a blazing sun hanging in the sky!

The deafening roar, the raging hot storm, the impact of the scalding flames... all of this erupted at the moment when the sword blade and fist collided!

It's like a flood!



Alexia's figure flew straight out of the fire!It smashed straight into another platform in the sky!And after piercing it easily, he continued to fly to the farther platform!

18. Two people passionate about physics


Staggeringly standing up from the platform, using [Victory Royal Power] to support herself, Exia took a few breaths.


This is the only feeling he has now.

Not counting the battle with his other self in the realm of consciousness, how long ago was the last time he was beaten away like this?He has always been the one who knocked others away mercilessly, but he didn't expect that it would be his turn to be knocked away this time, and...

(I can’t even stand still for a moment?)

Alexia is very aware of his own power. Even if he does not use the power of the Red Dragon Emperor at all now, not to mention artificial collapse, he does not even use the forbidden hand.But his power is definitely not something that just anyone can crush, but in the collision with the masked man just now, he couldn't hold on even for a moment!

It's like hitting a steel wall with a stick!

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