(Who is that guy...)


A loud noise falling from the sky interrupted Exia's thinking.

The surging flames came into Alexia's field of vision again, and the figure of the masked man also walked out of the sea of ​​fire.

"...It's really sudden."

After a moment of silence, Alexia was the first to speak: "You will appear in this paradise of the past, which means you are also one of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire, right? Is this the test you gave me?"


The masked man said coldly, and then suddenly laughed wildly: "Hahahahahahahahahaha! Trial? What an innocent statement! - You now are not even qualified to accept my trial, boy!"


Alexia raised her eyebrows vigorously: "It's really an interesting statement... I can't even remember the last time I was despised like this."

"Ha! You have a smart mouth!" The masked man's tone was full of disdain, "The sky fire is familiar, the frost is familiar - but in your hands, you use it so ugly, you look so weak. , you are not worthy of stepping into my hunting ground! This is your last chance, just like a lost dog, get out of here howling in embarrassment!"

"You are not worthy of my wrath."


Pure contempt.

What was revealed in the masked man's words was such a pure attitude - an attitude that was so pure that Alexia couldn't help but get angry.

"It's just a little trick for you, you are so proud..."

Grinning her lips, Exia's whole body surged with fluctuations of magic power and Honkai energy.

"I haven't settled the debt with you for the sudden attack on me. In summary, I have to fight, right..."

【welshdragonbalancebreaker! 】

Instantly completing the hand-forbidden transformation of his sub-species, letting the ice dragon and the shadow of the Chimera wrap around his body, and completely unfolding the crystal clear ice dragon wings behind him, Exia stared at the mask with eyes covered with a layer of flames. male--


[Victory Kingship] burst out the flames belonging to the Herrscher of Fire, unleashing the power of the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment to its greatest extent!

After taking a deep breath...


Just like the platform that was shattered by the masked man before!

Exia directly crushed half of the platform with one foot!He suddenly arrived in front of the masked man with a speed that was almost equivalent to teleportation!

The sky-fire sword slashed down with a bang!


The masked man only had time to put up a defensive posture and was chopped away by Exia on the spot with a sword!The violent flame storm that suddenly broke out burned the entire platform on the spot!

The ice crystal dragon wings fluttered, not even intending to give the masked man a chance to breathe, and Alexia followed immediately!In an instant, he reappeared directly above the masked man!

The Skyfire Great Sword strikes down again!


An even more powerful blow erupted in the sky!

The flight path of the masked man was immediately bent ninety degrees!It fell straight to the platform directly below!

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

The sounds of being penetrated came one after another!

Tooth for tooth - to deal with a person like the masked man, Exia naturally chooses the method that can inflict maximum frustration on him!


Not even a short time passed.

“Hahaha…hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so low so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so place so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so so that settings places that [s,”

The extremely loud laughter reached far from below to the sky!

next moment--

“Boom boom boom boom————————!”

The extremely raging tornado of flames soared upwards!As if it was about to penetrate the sky, it suddenly rushed to a higher level than Ixia's height!And at the top of the tornado, the masked man whose whole body was burning with surging flames became even more inexplicably excited!

"Very good! That's what it's like! But it's not enough... not even enough!"

"Go on! Boy!"

"As long as there is one breath left! Don't let the fight stop!"

Accompanied by the almost crazy laughter of the masked man, the flame tornado immediately fell from the sky with the momentum to swallow everything!Even that was more like a real meteorite falling from the sky than a tornado!

The sky seemed to be on the verge of collapse under this blow!

(So ​​strong...)

Although she was irritated, Exia had to admit that even after just one or two rounds of confrontation, it can be concluded that the masked man is really strong. Just like what Sajo Aige said, the person she met in Exia Among people, except for Kevin, maybe he really is the strongest one.

If it had been anyone else, Alexia's first blow would have determined the winner, but the masked man was still alive and kicking, and even seemed to have no impact at all!

(Interesting! Come and try it!)

The identity of the masked man was irrelevant at this time. It was rare to meet someone who could be evenly matched with him in the sub-species forbidden state. Exia also wanted to release her full strength for the first time in a long time!The last time I went all out like this was when I faced the three true ancestors at the same time on the Antarctic continent!And that was more than half a year ago. Holding it in for too long will cause problems!

【boost, boost, boost】

The Sekiryuutei's power was activated one after another, and the flames of [Victory Royal Power] surged one after another, and instantly turned into a flaming lightsaber that was tens of meters long!

"[Oath (messiah)——]"

The shocking waves of flames spread out like the beating of a heart!

"[——Sword of Salvation (kaslana)]!!!"

Facing the meteorite that shattered the sky, under Exia's swing, the huge flame sword of light soared into the sky as if it was about to cut off the sky!

19. Suppress! Explode! Lose control!

On a platform some distance away from where Exia and the masked man fought.

Looking at the fire that exploded in the sky from a distance, Alicia held her forehead in distress: "Oh~~~~Has it really become like this? It seems that we should really stop Alexia. Well, if you start a fight with Qianjie like this, it won’t be easy to stop.”

Thousand Tribulations - The warrior who bears the engraved mark of [Destruction] is, just as Ixia thought, a member of the Thirteen Heroes of Chasing Fire, ranked sixth in sequence.

But in terms of combat effectiveness, Qianjie can actually compete and even sit firmly in third place.

Except for Kevin and Alicia, no one in the Fire Chasing Moth can guarantee that they can completely defeat him!Even Qianjie himself said that there are only two and a half people in the Fire Chasing Moth who can defeat him!

However now...

"But it's really surprising."

Alicia stared at the fire in the distance.

"Exia can actually fight on par with Qianjie... No, it even seems to be gaining the upper hand bit by bit?"

"Aiya~~~~Isn't this amazing?"

It seems that it is too early to save him?

"Hmm~ Then, before Aponya interferes, let me take a good look at how far you can go, Alexia. Don't let me underestimate you."



The roaring sound erupted countless times!

The impact came from nowhere, bombarding the buildings and structures until they collapsed and shattered!


Separated from another collision, Exia and Qianjie retreated tens of meters at the same time - and then collided with each other across space again!


[Victory King's Power] collided with Qianjie's fist in mid-air!A terrifying aftermath swept through everything!

Although it was impossible to see Qianjie's expression clearly through the mask, and Qianjie could hardly see Exia's expression, both of them could be sure that the expression on the other's face must be a very happy one.

"not enough----!"

Like a wild beast thirsting for blood, Qianjie roared at the top of his lungs, but just before he exploded——


A cold voice sounded from Ixia, and Qianjie suddenly felt that the power he was fighting against had increased a lot!Almost doubled!And this sudden increase in power caused the direct stalemate between him and Exia to fall apart on the spot!

Aixia suddenly exerted force and directly knocked Qianjie away!

(here we go again!)

This is not the first time Qianjie has been suppressed like this.

I don't know why, but every once in a while, Qianjie can feel that Aixia's strength has made a qualitative leap, forcing him to further enhance his strength to fight against it!But there seems to be no limit to Alexia's improvement. From the beginning to now, his strength is at least eight times what it was originally!

And, I don’t know why, even though it has already collided and offset, Qianjie can always withstand Ixia’s attack completely!

What's going on with this kid? !

"——Come immediately! [Double Horned Deep Scarlet]!——"

Without any intention of giving Qianjie a chance to breathe, Exia immediately called out the familiar beast. The appearance of the two-horned beast with a crimson mane caused violent tremors in the space!

【boost, boost, boost】



The Sekiryuutei's three abilities act on the beast instantly!The two horns on the forehead of the eight-fold strengthened bicorn beast directly erupted with terrifying vibrations!The raging and violent hurricane struck Qianjie!Roll his body that keeps falling deep in the sky back into the sky!

"——Force, come immediately! [Yama's Black Sword]!——"

The second beast!

A three-cobalt sword hundreds of meters long appeared out of thin air directly above Qianjie!After completely capturing Qianjie's body through gravity control, the dark giant sword quickly accelerated and fell!

Among all the beasts of the Fourth True Ancestor, the destructive power of the Black Sword of Yama is undoubtedly the strongest!Even if you don't accept the multiplication from the Sekiryuutei, its maximum power is equivalent to the multiplication of the two-horned Deep Scarlet!


Coupled with the absolutely undefendable [Penetrating] power, there is absolutely no chance of blocking this blow without injury for a thousand eons!

"Let me drop!"

"I've already said it...it's not enough!!!"

Qianjie, whose voice was even more ferocious, roared loudly!As if the flames on his body had broken through some limit, they surged to an immeasurable degree without warning!Then facing the falling black sword, Qianjie didn't dodge and punched it with all his strength!


A bell-like sound spreads throughout today’s data landscape!

Under Aixia's surprised eyes, the black sword of Yama was actually raised high by Qianjie's blow!He even felt a cry from the Black Sword of Yama!

And in the sky—


Falling heavily to the ground!

An abnormal heat wave was boiling all over his body. He did not fight back immediately. Qianjie put his hand on the mask and looked up at Aikexia: "Not bad...very good, really good! This is just right! Congratulations." You! Boy! You have successfully proved your strength and qualifications to me, proving that you are worthy of my... hunting with all my strength!"


As the roar of Qianjie fell, the entire sky seemed to darken.

Endless flames rushed out with Qianjie as the center!

Honkai that exceeds the normal value can be released from Qianjie's body without limit!

(This Honkai Impact...is it possible——)

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