With Alexia's eyesight, she could clearly see that Qianjie's body was gradually undergoing changes in the raging sea of ​​fire.

The skin all over his body was as if it had turned into lava, turning a fiery red color that made his eyes burn just by looking at it. The clothes on his upper body were burned away, and his abdominal muscles were clearly visible. The mask on his face also turned red, even as if It merged with his body and formed a ferocious Shura appearance!

"Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!"

Feeling the power flowing through his body, Qianjie laughed wildly!

"The real hunting begins! Run away as much as you want! Boy! I allow you to escape to the end of the world!"

"But no matter where you escape! There is only one end!"



The space screamed and wailed.

A tremor struck the sky for the umpteenth time.

In the sky that was completely dyed red by the flames——

Exia witnessed the arrival of the Demon King!

20. Are you the only one who can cause artificial collapse?

Sure enough, it was man-made collapse.

Staring at Thousand Calamities, which seemed to be the Demon King of Fire destroying the world, Ixia was not too surprised in her heart.

Although it is a taboo among taboos, it also varies from person to person. Both Su and Fu Hua believe that artificial collapse is a taboo power that should not be used casually, so they use all their strength to defeat their own nature.Judging from Qianjie's character, Ixia was not surprised at all by his current changes.

Perhaps for him, man-made collapse is not considered a taboo at all, but a true all-out effort!

"Okay, what should we do now?"

Do you want to continue to increase your strength and further multiply it?

But facing the man-made collapse of Ying Jie, if it continues to double, it may not be solved in one or two times. What's more, the increase in strength brought about by the man-made collapse of thousands of kalpas may not be the improvement of mosquito legs. To be honest, Ike Xia felt that it was normal to feel that the power of a thousand calamities had doubled.

In this case, the most direct solution is...

"Then I'll come too."

In front of the demon-like Qianjie, Exia chuckled and said such a sentence, which made Qianjie, who was almost losing his mind, confused for a moment.

【I’m here too? 】

What does Alexia want to do?

And it’s [also]......

"Is it possible that your kid——"

"—I, awakened as—"

Alexia started chanting.

"——The second heavenly dragon who has won the supremacy from God. He is ridiculed endlessly, worried and dreamy——"

The chanting speed was very fast, and the lips trembled so fast that it almost produced an afterimage.This is a magic technique from the Gods secretly taught by Sajo Aige, called [High-speed Chanting]. No matter how long the spell is, it can be completed in a snap of the fingers.

Of course, Aixia may not be able to do that perfectly, but two finger snaps are more than enough time.

"——I will become the Overlord of the Red Lotus. I will sink you into the Red Lotus Purgatory!——"

"[Tyrannosaurus (man-made collapse)]!!!"

The final chant is completed.

The speed was so fast that for Qianjie, it really only took a moment!Exia, who was wearing blue-gold dragon armor in front of her, had been completely engulfed by the ocher-red storm!

And when the storm dissipated the next moment——

【aaaaaarrrrrrrrrrrrrrr——————————! ! ! 】

The Dragon Emperor's roar shook the entire space!

The whole body is covered with dragon scales, dragon wings that look like both light wings and skeletons are unfolded behind her, and her lower body is covered with thick bandages - the Exia that emerges from it is completely different from before!The dragon knight-like posture from a few seconds ago completely disappeared, replaced by a dragon-like appearance that was completely red!

[This is my man-made collapse - Tyrannosaurus]

Speaking in a low voice, Ixia, who was born with two horns and had brown and pale hair, raised the [Victory Royal Power] towards Qianjie. Her blue eyes burning with golden flames met Qianjie's eyes, and the light behind her The dragon wings trembled slightly.

[Come on, let’s start our second round, masked man.You said, don’t stop even if you only have one breath left]


Qianjie couldn't help but cover his face.

"Hahahahahahahahahaha! Okay! You are really good! Then I will do as you wish and beat you to death until you make no sound! Come on——!!!!!!"

【aaaaarrrrrrrrr————————! 】

The response to Qianjie was the resounding dragon roar from Exia!And the [Victory Royal Power] that burns to the limit!

The long distance is meaningless to the two of them now.

Exia and Qianjie, as long as they are willing, the distance of tens of kilometers is just a distance that can be completed in the sprint stage.Therefore, the distance between the two people is only a hundred meters, which is essentially the same as non-existence.


The dragon wings emit brilliance to the maximum extent!


The Demon King of Fire increases his speed to the limit!

In a short period of time that is too long to describe even an instant, the two people in heaven and earth have already arrived in front of each other!The next thing to do is to fight each other with all their strength for the second round!


Just before the two of them took action——



A figure that shouldn't exist between the two of them brought their offensive to a momentary standstill.


"Boom! Boom!"

Ixia and Qianjie's faces were bombarded at the same time!The burst of power knocked the two of them flying in completely opposite directions on the spot!

And in the middle position between the two people, the person who appeared there without warning - has a similar appearance to Ixia, but does not have the characteristics of a dragon, and the whole body shows a main color of black - Kevin Kaslana slowly lowered her hands.

Glancing at Qianjie and Ixia, Kevin said coldly: "That's it for you two. Let's all eliminate the man-made collapse."


Jumping up from the ruins without any impact, Qianjie roared angrily: "Do you want to die!? Don't interfere with my hunting!"

"I don't mind being your opponent, Qianjie. You know, we can fight privately once a month, and this month's share is still there." Kevin's tone was still extremely cold, "But, not now. If If you insist on continuing to fight here, only one person will die here today."


"Have you calmed down yet?"


He curled his lips in annoyance, and after removing his artificial collapse and regaining his human body, Qianjie put on his mask and said, "Mind your own business, who asked you to come! This is my territory!"

"Alicia." Kevin said, "However, even if Alicia doesn't come to me, I won't continue to sit idly by based on the noise caused by your fight with Alexia. You have crossed the line. Man-made caving should not be used on the surface of the Promised Land.”

"That's it~~~"

Alicia flew down from the sky lightly, holding a gorgeous long bow, and looked at Qianjie with a smile: "I understand Qianjie that you want to get along well with Alexia, but you were too enthusiastic from the beginning. It’s not good either, it will scare him away.”

"Who do you think will be scared away?"

As soon as Alicia finished speaking, Alexia appeared in front of the three heroes with a dissatisfied look on her face. She glanced at the three of them and then focused on Qianjie: "The masked man - his name is Qianjie. Right? Save the unfinished second round for next time, and you pick a place where you won’t be blocked."

"Oh?" Qianjie's tone changed, "You really want to die? You finally saved your life, but you want to give it up so easily?"

"Don't talk too much? You still don't know who will die?" Exia sneered, "You are so embarrassed to say such things after I forced you to collapse first."

"You kid..."

Qianjie's voice was filled with murderous intent.


Alexia glared back without showing any signs of weakness.

Standing aside and looking at the two people, Alicia sighed in distress again, came to Alexia and held his arm: "Okay~~stop arguing with Qianjie, Let’s go back, Alexia. Kevin, I’ll leave it to you for the thousand tribulations.”

After saying this, Alicia and Alexia disappeared in a burst of flying flowers.

And Kevin also looked at Qianjie speechlessly: "..."

"Tsk! Don't look at me! I will go back by myself!"

"......That's good."

21. I still have at least three cards hidden!

In the hall of the Paradise.


As two streams of light flew out from the device in the hall, the figures of Alexia and Alicia suddenly appeared.

After loosening her hold on... or rather holding on to Alexia's arm, Alicia put away her bow: "Well, it'll be fine once we get here. Even if it takes a thousand calamities, if you want to be here If we fight with you, we will all be punished together. Plus, if Kevin is watching, I think Qianjie will calm down, right?"

"However, it really surprised me~~~"

Looking at Alexia behind her, Alicia's eyes seemed to light up: "I didn't expect that not only did you awaken the Stigma, but you could also use Man-made Collapse without hesitation. It's really powerful. .”

When she saw Qianjie using artificial collapse before, Alicia immediately thought of helping Ixia.

After all, besides Kevin, she is the only person who can subdue the thousands of calamities caused by man-made collapse.

But she never expected that Alexia would actually use artificial collapse - which immediately made her change her mind and hurriedly pull Kevin over to calm the situation.If she was alone, there was really no way to suppress Exia and Qianjie at the same time without hurting them both.

"In this way, Qianjie should be completely interested in you, Alexia. But don't misunderstand, Qianjie has no ill intentions towards you, he is just a little bit harsher in words and a little warmer in behavior. , In fact, he is a very reserved person who is not very good at expressing his true feelings."


Just [a little]? [Be more fierce]? 【Restrained】?

Alexia frowned: "Alicia, are you sure... you are describing the thousand calamities?"

"Yes." Alicia nodded with certainty, "You will definitely understand if you interact with him a few times. I have an intuition that you and Qianjie will definitely become a pair of very good friends. .”

"...When you say friends, do you mean the kind who want to ravage each other to death?"

"Hey~~~ Why do you guys like to fight and kill? Can't you imitate us girls and hold a wonderful tea party, drinking afternoon tea while talking to each other about the interesting things you have encountered - using Isn’t it much better to bring the relationship closer in this way than to fight and kill?”

tea party?

After thinking about the way Qianjie was sitting in the back garden just now, drinking tea and eating snacks with him, Alexia suddenly shuddered: "Alicia, don't say that... ...It’s disgusting. If Qianjie and I meet again, I’m afraid we’ll just start fighting on the spot.”

"Are you looking forward to the battle with Qianjie?"

"...It's not really an expectation." Alexia stretched her arms and legs. "I'm not very bellicose. If we can use words to solve the problem peacefully, I'd be happy. But it should be said that we haven't met each other for a long time. I have been in situations where I can give my all, and maybe I subconsciously want to have an opponent who is worthy of my all-out treatment.”

Of course, it's not that Aixia can't restrain this thought. If he couldn't restrain it, he would have turned into a mobile disaster-making machine long ago.The reason why it broke out this time was largely because Qianjie took the initiative to bring out his anger.

Alicia smiled slightly: "From your tone, it seems that you are very sure of defeating the Thousand Calamities."

"Well, including man-made collapse, I have at least three ways to overcome the Thousand Calamities." Exia did not deny it.

Qianjie is very strong, Exia admits this, but his power is not that Exia cannot surpass him - rather, it is easy to surpass him, and a moment is enough.

"You are really unswerving." Alicia was also aroused with some curiosity, "Then... can you satisfy my curiosity and tell me what your methods are? My good Alexia.”

"...Can you please stop using this title? I'm not used to it..."

Alexia grabbed her arm and moved a little away from Alicia: "I won't talk about man-made collapse. That is the most direct and simple method I can think of. The other two methods, one is my In one breath, my power was raised to a level beyond a thousand kalpas.”

"Increase strength? How to increase it?"

"Rely on this."

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