Revealing the Sekiryuutei's cage hand, Exia explained: "This doubles my power every ten seconds, and I can transfer that power at will, so that my attacks can penetrate all defenses. An artifact. And if I activate its power, I can ignore the limit of [once every ten seconds] and continuously double my power."

"Although doubling the number of times will be limited by the strength of my body, and excessive strength will cause my body to self-destruct, but I have already been immortal, and it is estimated that even if I die, I can be resurrected on the spot, so in reality It means there is no limit, and you can increase your power infinitely."


Hearing what Alexia said, Alicia couldn't help but become more curious: "This is really an exaggeration. Even Hua's [Garuda] probably wouldn't dare to say that he is truly immortal. .....Are you really not going to die?"

"I haven't tried it. After all, no one can kill me yet, but my immortality is not [super-fast regeneration], but something like [time reversal]."

Normally, Exia's super-fast regeneration is indeed brought about by Chimera, but when it comes to resurrection, it is not just the power of Chimera. Even though Exia has never died once, he It is also certain that once he dies, the twelve familiar beasts residing in his body will immediately resurrect him and reset his state back to before his death.

"As for the third method, it is to suppress Qianjie through space manipulation - if you think about it seriously, there are many methods, such as familiar beasts and so on."

Therefore, in summary, the battle between Exia and Qianjie may have some twists and turns, but if both sides fight for their lives, the battle will only end in an instant, and it will be Exia's victory.

After listening to Alexia's explanation, the expression on Alicia's face gradually changed from curiosity to surprise, then to shock and surprise, and finally settled into emotion.

"Ouch~~~ It really gets more and more powerful the more I listen to it."

Alicia clapped her hands lightly.

"As expected of someone whose goal is to defeat Kevin. If Qianjie knew that you had so many back tricks that you didn't use when fighting him, he would definitely get excited again - huh? Wait a minute!"

In the middle of speaking, Alicia suddenly sniffed her nose.

"Why is there a smells so good?"

"Ah? How come there Is it really there?"

Alexia, who was just about to retort, smelled a scent that was just coming from not far away before she finished speaking - it seemed to be the aroma of meat?

Is anyone cooking in Purana?

(Uh... Is it possible——)

An answer suddenly appeared in Alexia's mind.

22. Pack up Ellie and take her away?

There is a complete set of living facilities in Purana.

Of course, this is not prepared for the heroes, but for the successors who come here to accept the trial. Including the guest rooms where Ixia, Kiana and Raiden Mei live, a temporary residence should have The living facilities in the Paradise are very complete.

Of course, there is no kitchen here.

The lovely Lissia remembered that the kitchen had not been used for a long, long time. The Thirteen Heroes did not need to eat at all. After all, they were just memories, and normal life schedules did not apply to them at all.As for the last trialist who came here, Alicia remembered that it was a few years ago, and that person didn't look like he could cook.

Therefore, the kitchen area has actually been shelved for a long time.

But now-

"Da da da......"

Following the scent wafting to the kitchen door, Alicia and Alexia saw Raiden Meiyi wearing an apron and standing in front of the stove, busy.Next to her was Kiana, who was holding chopsticks in one hand and a bowl in the other, as if she was ready to receive food at any time.

When she saw the figures of Alexia and Alicia at the door, Kiana immediately wiped the saliva from the corner of her mouth: "Brother, Sister Alicia, you are back!"

"Yes. Let's come back, Kiana."

Coming to Kiana's side with a smile, Alicia looked at Raiden Mei: "By the way, are you... cooking?"

"That's right. We set off very early in the morning. It's almost afternoon now, but we haven't even eaten anything. I'm already starving to death. So I pestered Mei to help me cook. ."

"Sorry, Miss Ellie, I used the kitchen here without permission."

Just in time to finish a portion of fried fish-flavored shredded pork, Mei Lei turned around and said, "Because Kiana is really hungry..."

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter. Anyway, this is a rest area prepared for you successors. You can use it as you like." Alicia waved her hand quickly, "But... I didn't expect Mei You actually know how to cook?”

"Hehehehe~~~Sister Ai Li, you don't know this!"

As if she was showing off her treasure, Kiana came to Raiden Mei in a flash: "Mei is our family's super chef! We have more than ten people in our family and we can all rely on Mei to support us!"

"Don't... Kiana, I'll be embarrassed if you say that." Raiden Mei's cheeks immediately turned red, "And I'm not the only one cooking at home, Senior Fu Hua, Rita Miss, Sakura, Bronya... everyone can cook."

"But Meiyi, your cooking is the most delicious! Right, brother?"

"If you say this at home, there will definitely be a bloody storm in the kitchen that night." Alexia came to the dining table and sat down, "Mei, how many more dishes are there?"

"There are only two dishes and a soup. Alexia, please sit down for a moment. It will be ready soon - Miss Ellie, if you don't mind, how about sitting down and eating with us?"

"Yes! I'm very happy!"

That's what he said, but there was something very vaguely wrong on Alicia's face. Looking at it, Alexia couldn't help but be confused: "What's wrong? Alicia, I can guarantee Mei's craftsmanship, it is definitely Delicious."

"No...I'm not worried about Mei Yi's skills, I'm just a little surprised."

Alicia lowered her skirt and sat down next to Alexia: "In our time, there was a person who looked very similar to Mei, named Mei, who was Kevin's girlfriend. But Mei never seemed to I’ve never been in the kitchen, so now that I’m watching Mei cooking, I’m a little... um~~ surprised and surprised, as if I saw Mei enter the kitchen.”

Kevin’s girlfriend can’t cook?

"That means Kevin can cook?"

"That's not clear. After all, even if Kevin enters the kitchen now, he can't cook at all."

That's true.

Unlike Exia, Kevin's body exudes sub-zero chill all year round. This is a genetic flaw that will not change as Kevin masters power.And if you want to cook in sub-zero temperatures, even Alexia knows that there will be many difficulties.

"By the way, there is something that I am suddenly interested in. Just now Kiana said something that really concerns me." Alicia changed the subject, "Exiya, do you have a lot of people in your family? Really? There are a dozen people?”

"Eleven, to be exact, including me and one person who's often away from home. And besides me... well... they're all women."

All women? !

Alicia's eyes suddenly shone, and then her eyes and expressions when she looked at Alexia quickly became a bit teasing and teasing: "Oh my goodness~~~ I live alone with ten lovely and beautiful girls. You are really happy, Alexia. I really want to exchange it with you and let me experience the feeling of being surrounded by ten girls."

"If you don't mind, I can take you out of here and live in my house."

"That would be"

Because what Alexia said was so understated, it took a while for Alicia to realize what he said.

After tapping her eyebrows and recalling what she just heard, Alicia couldn't help but ask: "Exia, what did you just say?"

"Huh? If you want to live in my house and be surrounded by a group of girls, I can take you out. What's the matter?" Ixia repeated, "It just so happens that the master also lives in my house, and Mr. Su will come to show up occasionally. If you are old friends, you might as well go out and meet them."

"No no no————!"

Alicia stood up while holding the table in a panic: " can take us out of the Paradise of the Past? But I am a memory, a memory that can only exist in the Paradise of the Past. Yeah, how could-"

"Wouldn't it be great if you turned into a physical entity? It should be possible, Miss Ai Ge?"

"...I can't say it's completely impossible."

Under Alicia's surprised eyes, Shajo Aige emerged from Alexia's body: "In terms of form and essence, the memory can be said to have certain similarities with the Servants and Heroic Spirits, then By using the power of the Great Holy Grail to modify the [Heroic Spirit Summoning] or [Servant Summoning] spells, it is theoretically possible for her to become the target of the spell."

"Even without such a complicated method, as long as all the data that make up her memory are packaged and downloaded and input into the Great Holy Grail, she can be in the same situation as Liya before - it is not difficult."

"Did you hear that? That's it." Alexia said to Alicia, "As long as you want, I can do it... Hello? Alicia? What's wrong with you? Don't be stunned. In a daze."

23. Alicia poses more threats

Alicia felt that the number of times she had been surprised in the past few thousand years combined was not more than today.

Everyone in the Paradise of the Past, the moment they were created through surgery, knew clearly that they were just a memory and could only exist in the Paradise of the Past. There was no way they could leave the Paradise of the Past. possible.

In layman's terms, they are just [Two-dimensional] things, just a bunch of data existing in the [Server] of the Paradise of the Past, and cannot travel to the three-dimensional reality.

This was decided from the beginning, so Alicia never thought about leaving here and going to the outside world - maybe she had done it a long time ago, but she didn't have the means to leave here, and she might give up over time. .

I'm afraid the same goes for the other twelve people.

[Leaving the Paradise of the Past].

This is a completely unattainable delusion for the Thirteen Heroes Chasing Fire.

But what came out of Alexia's mouth now made Alicia feel the strongest sense of surprise so far!

"You...are not kidding me, are you? Exia."

After recovering from her brief daze, and forcing a calm smile, Alicia sat down again: "This joke is really interesting, but it's best not to mention it here casually. , will let us——"

"No, it's not a joke."

Alexia interrupted: "I won't joke about such an important thing. Although I am not sure I can take you out of here, if Miss Ai Ge said it can be done, then it can definitely be done. Right?"

"Yes, it is like that."

Sajo Aige floated in front of Alicia: "Speaking of which, I haven't introduced myself yet. I am Sajo Aige, an ordinary girl who is determined to dedicate everything to the prince and realize any wish of the prince. Please also ask Take good care of me, Alicia."

"Another cute girl~~~Exia, there are so many cute girls around you."

"Yes, there are more of them before you know it - I have no objection if you want to change the subject, but if you really want to leave here, I will be happy to help, and I think Master and Mr. Su will do the same. I really want to see you. Mr. Kevin... maybe too."

Alicia was silent for a while: "...Well, I will try to think about it. Thank you, Alexia. You have troubled me."

"It doesn't matter, I'm doing this for the master - what's that look in your eyes? Kiana."


Hearing what Alexia said, Alicia suddenly noticed that Kiana, who was sitting opposite the two of them, was now staring at the two of them, her blue eyes full of vigilance and doubts, and Alicia looked at them. They were all a little restless: "What's wrong? Kiana, suddenly looked at me with such a terrifying look."

"Because it feels a bit familiar."

Kiana stared at Alexia and said: "I always feel that if this continues, Sister Aili will become my fifth sister-in-law - Brother, honestly, how many do you want to find for me?"

"Cough, cough, cough!"

When Kiana said this, Alexia, who was about to drink water, suddenly choked and coughed uncontrollably.


Leiden Meiyi, who was standing next to the stove, didn't know if her hand was missing or not, but she slammed the spatula in her hand against the pot.

"Oh ho ho ho?"

Alicia immediately revealed "I'm very curious!" ] looked at Aixia beside her with a somewhat ungrateful smile: "The fifth sister-in-law... hmm~~~ I can't tell, I really can't tell, Ai Kesia. I didn’t expect you to actually..."

"Um...can you please don't look at me like that?" Alexia turned her head away slightly due to Alicia's look, "I also have all kinds of things here. The situation... What’s wrong with me having four fiancées? No one stipulates that I can’t have four fiancées, right?"

"Oh, you actually admitted it so frankly?" Alicia was a little surprised.

Kiana, as if she wasn't hot enough, continued: "According to Master Fu Hua, I have a [no initiative, no rejection] attitude now, as long as a cute girl confesses to him , then he will take it all!"

"Don't tell me, I think anyone can do it!" Alexia quickly slammed the table and loudly proved her innocence, "The premise of my acceptance is that I also like that woman! I'm not really here. You can reject anyone!”

"That's why I think Sister Ai Li is very dangerous! Sister Ai Li is so beautiful, she feels even prettier than Bianca. Brother, aren't you 100% going to take action against her?"

Kiana's tone was full of distrust of her brother.

Ever since Ixia took action against Bronya...or rather, after Bronya took action against Ixia, Kiana no longer believed that her brother would be clean and self-sufficient, and she even had a There is a feeling that everyone in the family may become one's sister-in-law.

And now, Kiana also has an extremely strong sense of crisis regarding Alexia's behavior toward Alicia!


Faced with her sister's distrust of herself, Alexia pinched her eyebrows hard: "What does it mean to be 100% capable of taking action...Have I known Alicia for more than five hours? Not to mention you. You said that I am the type who does not take the initiative or refuse, right? If you are worried, you should also be worried about whether Alicia will take action against me."


After being stunned for a moment, Kiana suddenly realized who she should be wary of the most, and stared straight at Alysia: "Sister Aili, you won't take action against my brother, right?"

"Well... I can't say that." Alicia pursed her lips, raised the corners of her lips slightly, and cast a slightly ambiguous look at Alexia, "I'm quite He likes Exia. If he is this kind of person, it seems——"


A heavy sound of something falling forcefully interrupted Alicia's words.

Placing a large bowl of steaming white rice in front of Kiana, Raiden Mei looked at her with a kind face: "Kiya, the rice is ready. Come and eat. Eat more. Besides, this is for Exia and Miss Ellie.”


Another two large bowls of white rice were slapped in front of Ixia and Alicia.

Looking at the rice in front of them and Raiden Meiyi who turned around to serve the food, for some reason, the three of them in Exia all felt a sense of intimidation, as if Raiden Meiyi was surrounded by an inexplicable aura. .

(Could Mei be angry?)

Alexia and Kiana looked at each other.

(But did we do anything to make her angry?)

(I think I shouldn’t have it. If I do, it’s because of you, Kiana.)

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