"Yeah. It should be said that I always ask Miss Ai Ge for help. After all, I don't plan to have children yet. There are still many things to do. If I have a child... I feel that I will be even more distracted. .”

This is the main reason.

As for the other reasons...if she had a child before getting married, apart from anything else, Ixia felt that she might be chased to the ends of the earth by her father-in-law carrying the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment!

Bianca will only come of age next year, not to mention Kiana and Bronya. Even Anna, who seems to be the oldest at first glance, is now a real 16-year-old girl, even older than Hollander. One year younger.

The only adult is the college student Shajo Aige.

(If you think about it carefully, it seems like all my lovers and wives are...)

Exia belatedly discovered something was wrong with her.

And soon, after putting his hands on Kiana and Bella's abdomen and feeling them for a while, Sajo Aige withdrew his hand with a smile: "Well, neither of them won the bid. It seems that even though they are so crazy, Under the circumstances, the probability of winning is also very small."

"Yeah, really? No... Huh~~~~"

Kiana immediately breathed a sigh of relief.

No joke, if you think about it carefully, Kiana agrees with her brother's point of view. It is still too early to have a child now.She still hopes that she can continue to be the secret sister-wife for a while.


(I don’t know how to be a mother either.)

If she really had a child, Kiana would not know what to do.

So it’s better not to come!

How did you say that?Uh... [Parents are true love, children are just accidents]?

"But what Bella doesn't mean is that there is reproductive isolation between me and Bella?" Alexia paid attention to something special.

"Not this one."

Sajo Aige thought for a moment and then said: "According to my examination, Miss Bella's body structure is not fundamentally different from that of a normal human woman. Theoretically, it is entirely possible to give birth to a child. It's just that She is Honkaimon..."

Among the existing theories, it is generally believed that Honkaimon are silicon-based beings that do not have any physiological needs. Even as to whether they are biological creatures, there is still no conclusion over the years.

Bella's situation can also be said to be a special case among special cases.

"My suggestion is that the prince should treat Bella as an ordinary woman. Even if she is Honkaimon, as long as she maintains her human form, she is a woman no different from Kiana's sister."

"I see...I see."

If this is the explanation, then Exia doesn't intend to continue to get into trouble.

Benares is a Honkaiju and Bella is a human woman.

Is it okay to think so at this stage?

87. Kiana who had to go to work

After dinner, Exia and Kiana took Bella on the journey back to the Destiny Headquarters.

Because it was already dusk when Kiana and Bella woke up, plus more than an hour in the bathroom and various scattered incidents after that, when the three of them took the special plane arranged by the Siberia branch and returned to the Destiny Headquarters By the time we arrived, it was already past seven o'clock in the evening at Tianming Headquarters.

Carrying her luggage and returning to the door of her home, she looked at the large villa with not much light. It was rare that she didn't use her abilities and walked back on her feet. Kiana stretched her waist vigorously:

"I'm finally back~~~ At this time, everyone must have just finished dinner?"

"Maybe, but we already had it in Siberia."

"That's true, and I'm not sleepy at all now."

After all, she went to bed at three or four in the morning and didn't wake up until dusk. It's strange that Kiana can feel sleepy now.

Behind Kiana and Alexia, looking up at the five-story large villa, Bella's eyes and expressions were filled with surprise - she had already seen houses inhabited by humans in Siberia. But she didn't expect that her Queen and brother would actually live in such a big house.

It's almost as tall as her body.

Next, she will live in this house with the Queen and her brother.


Kiana's voice came from the front.

Looking at Bella standing there, Kiana smiled and waved her hand: "What are you doing standing there? Come here quickly, I want to introduce you to the rest of the family!"

This is also a common practice in the Exia family. After all, there are so many people in the family, and new people who come to the house must be introduced to everyone first.Although Kiana estimates that not many people are at home, after all, she said before that everyone is going out on a mission, but there should still be six or seven people at home, right?

It’s okay to introduce it to those people first!

"Yes, Her Lady Queen."

Following Kiana and Alexia, Bella also officially stepped into the door of Alexia's house.


However, just after the three returned home——

"Eh? Everyone has gone out to do the mission!?"

in the living room.

It's completely different from what Kiana thought. Not to mention four or five people left at home. If you don't count the three of them who just came back, the only people left at home are Aponya, Graciu, and Padofi. It's just Liz and Li Sushang, everyone else has gone out to perform missions, even Alicia, Eden and Sakura who have just formed a team.

And you have to be away for at least two weeks, during which time you won't be able to come back.

"Didn't I know this before I went out? What's all the fuss about?"

Throwing the luggage on the sofa, Alexia looked at Aponya and Li Sushang who were washing dishes in the kitchen: "So, Apoonia has done all the household chores in the past two days?"

"No, I'm here to help. Although the washing machine is a bit awkward to use, I can still wash clothes by hand! I'm also good at chopping vegetables, little uncle!"

While Li Sushang was talking, she also patted the kitchen knife on the side and played it several times in mid-air beautifully.

Having lived with his master outside the Great Wall for ten years, it is simply impossible to say that Li Suchang doesn't know any life skills or housework.It's just that there are too many people in Alexia's family who can do housework, so there is no time for Li Sushang to take action.

Now that everyone is away from home, Li Sushang can show off his skills with Aponya.

"By the way, Kiana, the Grand Master and the others left a message when they left."

"Eh? What are you talking about?"

"[When you come back, go to Berlin, Germany, and wait until we pick you up to carry out the mission together. Don't think you can be lazy and not participate in the mission]."

Li Sushang's imitation is still very similar.

And when she heard Li Sushang repeating it like this, Kiana's head suddenly dropped: "Why is this... I just came back, can't you let me rest for another night?"

"Are you still resting?" Alexia knocked on Kiana's head, "Tell me how you slept in the past two days. Just in time, aren't you sleepy now? Then hurry up and go to Berlin. ."

"How can there be such a thing!"

Kiana stamped her foot dissatisfied.

She just became a mature woman last night, and she was still lying in Alexia's arms a few hours ago. Even if she has almost recovered now, it would be too rushed to go on a mission as soon as she comes back, right?This is labor exploitation!

Alexia sighed helplessly: "Don't be so talkative. I've let you rest for so long and made you so satisfied. How long do you want to rest? Hurry up, or I'll give you another blow and your brain will collapse." "

"Brother...am I really your sister?" Kiana glared at her man.

However, resistance is resistance, Kiana also knows the importance of work, and it is impossible for her to really not go.

Glancing at Li Sushang and Aponya, Kiana stood up on tiptoes and quickly licked Alexia's mouth, then turned and ran towards the door: "That's it, I'm leaving! I won't see you for two weeks. Come on, brother, don’t miss me!”

"If I miss you, I can be by your side in 10 minutes at most."

"Hehehe~~~~ By the way, Bella, you don't have to follow me, just stay with my brother. If you want to sleep, you can sleep where I am... Forget it, brother, Bella's business is up to me. I’ll give it to you, don’t bully her while I’m away!”

"It sounds like I will bully her if you're not here. You'd better go quickly."

After waving a few times to urge Kiana to go to work, Alexia looked at Bella who was a little nervous and uneasy: "Don't worry, Bella. Kiana just goes out for a period of time normally, and after a while I'll come back. In the meantime, just stay with me."

"...Okay, brother-sama."

Looking reluctantly at the direction Kiana left, Bella nodded.

It's not that Bella can't accept Kiana's departure. What's more, Kiana also said just now that she should stay. This is the queen's order, and Bella will not disobey it.At most, they are just a little worried because of the queen's absence.

At this time, Aponya, who had just taken the time to find a gap, also asked: "So... Exia, who is this lady?"

"Oh. I really want to introduce it to you - she is Bella, whose full name is Benares. She is the judgment-level Honkai beast that Kiana and I went out to find this time. For some reasons, it can be transformed into human form and Honkai beast. Switching back and forth between bad beast forms. She will live with us from now on, so please take care of her, Su Shang, Aponya, Pado, and Gratius."

"Hello humans, I'm Bella."

Bella nodded and said hello to the four people at home.

88.Intelligence from Counter-Entropy

Bella's incident did not bring much shock to Li Sushang and others.

After all, there were already two or three Herrschers in the family who were the mortal enemies of mankind. They just brought back a Judgment-level Honkaiju. Although they were still a bit surprised, that was all.

After Li Sushang and the others briefly got to know each other, Exia took Bella directly to the fifth floor.

Kiana said that Bella could sleep in her room, and she probably planned to become roommates with Bella directly from now on.

But that is what happened after Kiana came back. She will be away from home for at least two weeks. So since you are like this, Bella might as well sleep with Alexia - they are both super impure masters. We have a servant relationship, so sleeping together is a trivial matter.

Bella wouldn't say no.

"...Basically all sorts of things."

In Alexia's room.

Sitting on the bed with Bella, Alexia ended her knowledge of Bella's various common sense of life with this sentence: "You can best remember these things. If you can't remember or forget, you can ask at any time. Me or someone else.”

"I see, my lord brother."

Live in this world like a human being.

Bella didn't have a concrete idea of ​​what Exia was talking about. Even though she looked like a human, a Honkaimon wanted to integrate into human society and life... How could Bella not Knowing all aspects of trying, you can be sure that this will be a difficult thing.

And to be honest, she has no interest in anyone other than Exia and her queen, even the people Exia let her know just now.

However, if Ixia and Kiana asked her to interact and get to know them more, Bella would still give it a try.

"That's good."

Alexia touched Bella's hair: "Okay, even though we just slept before, it is indeed bedtime now, so let's go to bed early. Even if you can't sleep, lie down on the bed with your eyes closed, Maybe you’ll fall asleep at some point?”

"...Don't you have to do it again?"

After a moment of silence, Bella asked doubtfully.

This immediately stunned Alexia: "...Bella, do you want it?"

"Isn't it because we have to do this before going to bed? Isn't this how we have spent these two days? Brother." Bella said in a matter-of-fact tone.


It seems that these two days of life have brought some wrong common sense to Bella.

Holding her forehead, Alexia explained: "Of course not, Bella. Although it is indeed true if you insist on saying it, it is not necessary."

"Isn't it necessary?"

"Yeah. Basically, you and I do it when we both want it."

Although if Bella really wanted it, Exia wouldn't refuse it, anyway, he would enjoy it in the end.But he had been in the bathroom with Bella and Kiana a few hours ago, and he really didn't have much idea now.

Besides, even he thought it was a bit depraved if things were done at such a frequency.

So now...

"I understand, I obey my brother's orders."

"That's good, then let's—"

[Beep beep beep beep! 】

A rapid ringing of the phone suddenly interrupted Alexia's words.

Taking out the personal terminal in her pocket, after glancing at the name of the caller on it, Alexia frowned: "Sorry, Bella, you sit here for a while, I'll answer the phone."

Bella nodded obediently.

And after getting up and going to the window, after connecting the phone, Aixia leaned against the window and said: "Bishop, not long after I came back, you called me directly?"

[I just received the message not long ago. If you think about this time, you should be free already]

"As expected of the bishop, I do happen to be free - so, what's the matter? I asked you to call me so late at night."

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