[First of all, please report the results of this trip to Siberia]

Otto said this first.

"The results...well, the most direct way to say it is that Bella is now living in my house. I told you, the bishop, about this yesterday. By the way, are you ready to prove Bella's identity?" Is it done?”

[Amber will be sent to you tomorrow. In the identity registration, I arranged for it to be an orphan whose family was destroyed due to the Honkai incident. He was adopted by Destiny and has been raised to this day.This is also the identity that attracts the least attention]

Orphans due to the collapse - this is a very common situation in this world.

Although Destiny and Anti-Entropy have largely dispersed the forces fighting Honkai throughout the world, there are still some countries and regions that have refused support from both parties, and there are still some war-torn areas... In general It is said that the status of an orphan is convenient in every sense.

"Then it's Bishop's turn. Is there anything you should tell me as soon as you know I'm back?"

[It’s a matter of reverse entropy]

Otto said so.

[You should know that Tianming has spies inside Anti-Entropy, right? 】

"Well, I know a little bit."

The two families have been opposing organizations since the last century. It is normal for them to send spies to each other to detect secrets. Anti-Entropy has also sent spies to Tianming, and there are even one or two spies who belong to Tianming. What an excellent Valkyrie.

[Yesterday, almost half a day after you arrived in Siberia, I received secret information from spies - the content was that at the same time as you were heading to Siberia, an unexplained collapse occurred in New York, where the North American Anti-Entropy Headquarters is located. bad event]

A collapse occurred in New York?

This immediately made Exia frown - if there was a place in the world where the collapse was least likely to happen, the first one would be the Destiny Headquarters, and the second one would definitely be New York.After all, that is the headquarters of Anti-Entropy, the location of the First Herrscher, and it is impossible for Honkai Beast to appear there.

But Bishop Otto now says...

"Is there some inside story?"

【Without a doubt.But with that spy's position within Anti-Entropy, he was unable to access deeper results, so I conducted some investigation after receiving the information, and also asked the Valkyries lurking in New York to collect a lot of information - I If I send you the intelligence document directly, you should be able to understand it faster than if I dictate it. 】

[Beep beep! 】

Not long after Otto finished speaking, Exia received a document.

After opening it, Exia's eyes suddenly trembled when she saw the photos displayed above.

It was probably taken with a drone under very unstable conditions. The content of the photo was very blurry, but Alexia could still see it - a certain street in New York was completely blocked by ice.

And, it only takes one glance at Exia to conclude...

"Kevin Kaslana, right?"

【Sure enough, you think so too? ] Otto smiled and said, [I still don’t understand the reason why Kevin Kaslana and the World Serpent attacked Anti-Entropy, but if you combine it with another piece of information, it may be clear - Siegfried Kass Lanna’s whereabouts are unknown]

Alexia: "——!"

89.Dragon Rider at Night

——The whereabouts of Siegfried Kaslana are unknown.

——Kevin Kaslana and the World Serpent Attack Against Entropy.

Taken individually, these two pieces of information would make Alexia feel a little confused, but when combined together, it made Alexia immediately think of the possible situation.

However, conjectures are just conjectures after all. Alexia doesn’t know Kevin well. If you want to be sure, you still need to find someone who knows Kevin to check.

And for people who know Kevin...

After temporarily windowing the conversation with Otto, Exia switched to the communication directory, found Su's contact information and made a call directly.

【Exia? 】

Su got through quickly.

【What's wrong?Contact me at this time. Have you returned from Siberia? 】

"Well. I just came back. Rather than this, I have something to ask you, Mr. Su. The bishop told me just now that Mr. Kevin attacked Anti-Entropy yesterday and carried the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment. My father-in-law is now His whereabouts are unknown. Have you observed this through Thousand Worlds One Vehicle?"

[Kevin, he...that's what it is]

Su was silent for a while.

[It seems that the high-intensity collapse energy peak I observed in North America yesterday was caused by Kevin.Because there is the number one Herrscher in North America, I didn’t think about Kevin at first, but now it seems...]

"So, Mr. Kevin's purpose is indeed——"

【Heavenly Fire Sacred Judgment】

[That is Kevin’s only weapon. Before you and Mr. Siegfried, only Kevin could use it. It has been with him for tens of thousands of years.If my idea is correct, the reason why Kevin wants to regain the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment must be to prepare for the decisive battle with you]

In preparation for the decisive battle.

Kevin is very strong, far beyond the average level. Even without using the Skyfire Holy Judgment, he still has the power to defeat the Herrscher alone, and that is before he obtains the power of Chimera.Now, due to Exia's influence, the Chimera power of both of them has evolved towards a higher level.

Perhaps within the known range, the only person who can completely defeat Kevin is the Herrscher of the End whom he faced directly back then.

He is just so powerful.

But even for Kevin like this, the Skyfire Holy Judgment is still his indispensable force - the more powerful the warrior, the more he needs a weapon worthy of him.Especially in battles with similar strengths, having weapons and not having weapons are completely different concepts.

The power of Alexia and Kevin are very close, but Alexia has the [Victory Royal Power], which is a divine key made of four Herrscher gems. Whether it is the Sky Fire Holy Judgment or the Black Abyss White Flower, Or it's the Fourth God Key mode that the Seven Thunders of Purification and Alexia have never used. Alexia holding the Victory King is equivalent to holding four God Keys at the same time.

In this case, in order to compete with Exia, Kevin must regain the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment.

"So he attacked the reverse entropy...attacked his father?"

[I think that to Kevin, it shouldn’t be considered an attack at all.You and Kevin have the same power. Exia, in your opinion, does freezing a street count as your attack? 】

"...not counting."

It just freezes the streets.

Alexia can do this with just one thought, and Kevin is naturally the same. At the level the two of them are at, if they want to be called an [attack], they must freeze at least one city.

It's just freezing a street. This kind of thing can only be regarded as...

[I think this should be the message Kevin gave you]

[I have obtained the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment, and there is no difference between me and you. If I want to fight, I can do it at any time—that’s probably what I mean. 】

"Kevin, does he only need such a short time to recover?"

[Your recovery won’t take much time either.What's more, with Velvet and Mebius here, I think even if Kevin is not yet in his prime, he should be close to it.At least, by the time you meet, Kevin will definitely be back to his prime]

Kevin in his prime.

To Su, that was a memory from at least 500 years ago, but it was also a memory that seemed like yesterday.The warrior holding the flaming sword had led them to defeat one enemy after another countless times in the past, and to overcome desperate situations again and again.

He is the most reliable comrade-in-arms.

But when he becomes an enemy, it will be the most terrifying enemy, and this enemy also wants to overcome the final suffering by erasing the future.

"...Okay, I understand. Sorry, Mr. Su, for bothering you so late. I'll hang up now."

【it is good】

After ending the communication with Su, Exia reopened the communication window between herself and Otto: "That's what happened. Bishop, you heard it."

【So what are you going to do?Alexia]

"... Let's keep this matter a secret for now, especially Kiana and Bianca. It's best not to let them know that their father's whereabouts are unknown. I think he was probably taken away by Kevin. Considering that my father has also awakened the Chimera, I think at least his life will not be in danger. I will ask about it when Kevin and I meet later."

"As for the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment——"

Alexia shook her hands: "I will get it back. Even if it is a weapon that belongs to Kevin, the [current] Skyfire Holy Inquisition does not belong to him."

Siegfried had previously thought about handing over the Holy Order of Heavenly Fire to Ixia, but Ixia refused. He felt that Kiana or Bianca were more suitable to inherit the Holy Order of Heavenly Fire.If you think about it this way - if your wife's things are taken away, Ixia must go and get them back.

Along with the future that Kevin wants to take away.

"Over at Anti-Entropy, please ask the Bishop to inform you. Just say [Exia will solve everything]."

[I’m really confident...Okay, I’ll leave it to you, and indeed I can only leave it to you]

After saying this, Bishop Otto also ended the communication.

After putting down the personal terminal and taking a deep breath, Alexia returned to the bed and hugged Bella directly. At the same time, she rested her head on her chest and listened to her heartbeat.


This move made Bella a little confused.

After a moment of silence, Alexia raised her head, kissed Bella on the lips, and then pushed Bella down on the bed: "Although I said that just now,... I want it now , can you stay with me for a while longer, Bella."

"As ordered."

Without even the slightest hesitation, Bella directly accepted Alexia's request.

It had only been a few hours since the last time, and now Exia had become a dragon rider again.

90.Preparation for the last week

In the following time, no special master happened again.

Although a lot of things happened before, after that, the whole world seemed to have returned to the most ordinary daily situation, and nothing worth writing about had ever happened again.

The World Snake fell completely silent. Except for the previous attack on the Counter-Entropy, neither Destiny nor Counter-Entropy could find any clues or information about the World Snake. It was as if the World Snake had stopped all activities. The activities are the same.

Anti-Entropy and Destiny also got all work back on track after the fourth collapse.

Even though Anti-Entropy was attacked only once, and it took some time to deal with and deal with the aftermath, Anti-Entropy did not fall far behind in the fight against Honkai.On the Destiny side, with the work of the Sword of Victory and the Immortal Blade, as well as a special team composed of three heroes, in just more than half a month, the collapse of the world was once again largely resolved. control.

The work efficiency is terrifying.

And, perhaps inspired by this work efficiency and the frequent good news, both the Tianming headquarters and various branches have become much more enthusiastic.

In such an atmosphere, Exia, who has been the center of the topic of destiny in the past few months, has never appeared in public, but this is normal. After all, in the past half month, Exia But he never left his home, as if he had become the kind of otaku who is addicted to Two-dimensional.

He even had very little time to leave his room. Apart from eating, going to the bathroom and taking a shower, he spent almost all the time in his room, wondering what he was doing.

Regarding Alexia's abnormal behavior, Li Sushang had called Fu Hua and others who were working outside. In any case, this lifestyle was indeed a bit abnormal. After receiving Li Sushang's report, Fu Hua Hua and others didn't have any special reaction.

[After all, the decisive battle with Kevin is coming soon. Even Exia needs to make some adjustments and preparations in his own way. Don’t worry about him.]

These were the exact words of Fu Hua and Bianca.

This is indeed the case.

Apart from the daily behaviors mentioned before and sleeping in the same bed with Bella every night, Exia spent all her time preparing for the duel.

And the way he prepared -


Alexia's realm of consciousness.

There was no snow flying all over the sky for a long time, and the boundless snowfield was covered by the crown of a big tree.

After becoming one with his other self, Alexia has never been here again. It's not that he doesn't want to come or can't come, it's just that there's no need to come. After all, he wants to be with those who live in his body. If there is dialogue, Exia can do it when she is awake, there is no need to come here specially.

But during the recent period, Exia has directly regarded this place as his special training venue, and comes here every day to prepare for the decisive battle.

Sitting cross-legged on the snowy field next to the roots of the big tree that covered the entire sky, with the Victory Royalty in front of her, Exia was meditating deeply with her eyes slightly closed - meditating in the spiritual world, this is actually quite good. It's strange, after all, the field of consciousness is a place that can only be reached after entering meditation. If you meditate here again, there will be no other effect except closing your eyes and resting your mind.

However, [no other effects] does not mean [no special effects at all].

At least for Exia, meditation can bring special effects.

For example—thinking multiple times simultaneously with an absolutely calm state of consciousness.

In the words of Sajo Aige, this is a technology called [divided thinking] and [high-speed thinking]. It is not magic or spells, it is just a simple technology.Normally, Exia can do it to some extent, but if you want to use this technology better, you must devote yourself to it.

And what Alexia is thinking about now is [methods to defeat Kevin]. To put it more directly, he is simulating the battle with Kevin in his mind.

Because she has the experience of fighting memory Kevin, and has a general understanding of Kevin's power, Exia can do this to a certain extent, and if she can find some of Kevin's power in the simulation, If it is weak, it will undoubtedly be advantageous in a duel.


"...Wouldn't it work this time too?"

Opening her eyes, Exia sighed helplessly: "The 620th simulation... the result is still [died together]."

perish together.

This is the only outcome of the decisive battle between him and Kevin that Ixia can simulate.

After all, the two men are almost identical in terms of power.

The same power of Chimera, the same Heavenly Fire Saint... If there is any gap between the two, it means that Exia does not only have the Heavenly Fire Saint, but this gap is very important to Kai. As far as Wen is concerned, this can be made up for by his better use of the power of Chimera and his extremely rich combat experience.

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