On this empty moon, Alexia and Kevin, these two people did not restrain their power at all, and started their own all-out bombardment without any scruples!

However, in this devastating confrontation that lasted for more than 10 minutes, the two parties involved were still in a state of "unscathed"!

This is not to say that the two of them were unscathed due to self-healing after being injured, but during this period, neither of them was able to touch each other even once!

It is obvious that every attack launched by the two people at this moment can tear the earth and shatter the sky. Its range of influence can completely destroy an entire city on the earth and sink countless people on the ocean in just a short time. The human island is just between the two of them.

But they just couldn't touch each other's body, couldn't leave even a wound on each other!

Like two parallel lines that never intersect.

No matter how close they are, how close to zero the distance between them is, Alexia and Kevin just can't touch each other.

But that's right.

Kevin's Blade of Destruction is now a blade that cuts apart dimensions. There is no defense in front of that sword. It is an invincible blade that can cut through everything in the world. All obstacles will be destroyed along with space. Cut off.

It would be fine if it was a long-distance attack. Exia would have enough time to summon the mercury of the dragon and snake to swallow up the impact of the slash. But if he were to directly resist the blade, even if he could break his arm and regenerate, Even if he dies, he will be resurrected on the same spot, and Exia doesn’t want to do that.

That would cause him to fall into a moment of passivity, which would also mean that he would be at a disadvantage in this confrontation.

And the same goes for Kevin.

The God-killing Flame of the Red Dragon Emperor and the strengthened Black Abyss White Flower, even if he is carrying the Garuda Factor, once he is hit, he can only use the self-mutilating golden cicada to escape from his shell.It may not matter once or twice, but once the number of times increases, the gradually paralyzed five senses will also hinder his fighting intensity.

Therefore, while maintaining a high-intensity attack and bombardment, the two of them would focus their attention to the limit and dodge every attack from the other side.



Another confrontation!

Once again, the opponent's attack was perfectly missed with a slight difference, and the figures of Exia and Kevin intertwined in an instant!


The crater behind the two men finally could no longer withstand the power of these two monsters. Both the ground and the mountain began to collapse one after another!

(They are really two incredible monsters.)

Having been watching such a battle from a third-party perspective, Shajo Aige couldn't help but sigh.

She is also a monster herself, so she understands the concept of monsters very well, and in her opinion, even in her full state, she may not be able to gain any advantage against either of these two people.If they were in her world, then Ixia and Kevin would undoubtedly be existences beyond the god level.

How long will such a long dodgeball battle last?

In this situation where no one will bother them, in this situation where no one will stop them, who else can stop them or break the deadlock?

Exia was the first to give the answer.


Her feet left long traces on the gradually broken ground. She took a deep breath and allowed herself to quickly recover from holding her breath. For the first time, Alexia stopped for the first time. The never-ending pursuit between you and me.

Kevin also stopped tacitly.

Alexia was about to make a new move, he could feel it, and—

"This will go on forever. Apart from wasting our time, it has no practical significance at all."

"I'll just reveal a few more trump cards."

Stretching his hand to the sky, Exia said in a deep voice.

"——Come immediately!"

"——Asura's Amber!"

"——Chaos of Vishnu!"

"——Ming Ji's Rainbow Flame!"

The three most special beasts among the twelve beasts possessed by Alexia appeared in front of Kevin at this moment!

100. Form a team to face BOSS Kevin

Kevin has met about half of Yingjie.

Velvet, Mebius, Alicia, Sakura, Eden, Su, Fu Hua... In addition to Aponia, Gratius and Padofelis who stayed at the Tianming Headquarters, He has basically met everyone else.

As for the two remaining people, Kevin had already had a premonition that he would meet them, and as enemies.

——[Ashura’s Amber]

——[Chaos of Vishnu]

As someone who also holds the power of the Familiar Beasts, Kevin naturally recognizes the prototypes of these two completely unfamiliar Familiar Beasts, which are undoubtedly [Amber of the Bull-Headed King] and [Purple of the Scorpion Tiger], respectively. Number two and number eight.

But now these two beasts have completely lost their prototypes as beasts. They no longer have the posture of huge beasts, but have transformed into...

"Thousands of tribulations, Kosma."

Kevin named the two beasts in their current form.

Ashura's Amber, that is the new name of Thousand Calamities after merging with the Bull-headed King's Amber.The same is true of Vishnu's Chaos.

Qianjie, whose whole body was wrapped in hot magma and flames, holding an amber battle ax that was taller than his height, and with a pair of sharp and thick horns, did not immediately respond to Kevin, but turned his head and looked at Ixia: "Are you finally willing to call me out to do your bidding? Boy, what, all the trump cards have been blown away by Kevin?"

"That's it."

Alexia nodded solemnly: "If you want to defeat Mr. Kevin, you still need your power, Qianjie, Mr. Kosmo, and Liya."

"Ha! I guess you are self-aware!"

Qianjie turned around and let his eyes fall on Kevin: "This is like letting me see you again, Kevin. Let us fight with all our strength like before!"


The moment the words fell, the space was opened with a heavy tomahawk!Qianjie's figure collided with Kevin in an instant!

The Sword of Destruction and the Amber Battle Ax suddenly collided!

And what happened in the same instant, in front of the Sword of Destruction at this moment, any attack was useless. The amber battle ax swung by Qianjie was like air, and was easily cut open by Kevin!The scorching blade struck Qianjie's head straight!


The gleaming rainbow sword was suddenly inserted from one side, and the collision immediately erupted with a crisp and fast cry!

The next moment, Kevin's Sword of Destruction, which should have been unstoppable, actually scattered like snow after the collision at that moment!

The sixth Familiar Beast, Mingji's Rainbow Flame, is fused with Artoria. In addition to being able to cut off the law of cause and effect, this Familiar Beast also has the ability to disintegrate the physical form of any object, as long as it is a tangible object. Even the Destruction Blade, which cannot be blocked even by Dimension, will lose its form the moment it touches it.

Once the sword blade loses its shape, it no longer poses a threat.

"Don't be too reckless, Your Excellency Qianjie, he is not an enemy that can be dealt with alone." Arturia stood in front of Qianjie and said, "We need to join forces."

"Don't order me! Woman!"

Picking up the restored battle ax and pushing Arturia aside roughly, Qianjie once again rushed towards Kevin with explosive speed!

After losing the Sword of Destruction, Kevin did not waver at all. He clenched his left fist tightly and punched out to shatter the mountains!


An impact comparable to a meteorite impact erupted in an instant!

The shock wave immediately set off a raging sandstorm on the moon!


The battle of blows did not last long. In Qianjie's roar, Kevin actually fell into a disadvantage in the battle of strength, and was directly struck by Qianjie's battle ax and flew into the distance!

Ashura's Amber - The ability of this current beast is not much different from the original. It is the ultimate and pure physical power, able to break through any non-physical barrier.The fusion of Qianjie only greatly improved the basic strength of this familiar beast.

Moreover, with the increase in the power of the Red Dragon Emperor, if we want to talk about the strength of the power, Qianjie is undoubtedly superior to Kevin!


The battle ax hits the ground again!

"Bang bang bang bang bang!"

Under the influence of the power of a thousand tribulations, countless rubbles and broken crater mountains suddenly turned into lava with a temperature of thousands of degrees Celsius, stabbing Kevin from all directions like spikes!

Quickly stabilizing his body in the air, violent vibration waves burst out from Kevin's hands!

"Buzz buzz buzz buzz!"

With the crazy shaking of space and the rolling of the storm, all the lava was shattered!

But in the very short moment when Kevin came to a complete stop, a shadowy figure had sneaked behind him, and then suddenly transformed into the form of countless beasts!The chaotic and invisible herd bit into Kevin's body with great madness!



The dark thunder raged without restraint, dispersing and shattering the chaos beasts on Kevin in one breath.

But at this moment, the sudden feeling of weakness in his body made Kevin's body sink.

(Is this...my power taken away?)

Kevin knows the power of Scorpion Tiger Purple. Its basic ability is to analyze toxins and create anti-venom serum, and it can also capture the opponent's magic power. After merging with Kos Demon, who has the Vishnu factor, it is possible that he has evolved to be able to swallow any power. to the point?

"You're careless, Kevin."

Kosmo's voice sounded slightly cold behind Kevin.

"You can completely dodge an attack of this magnitude."




Countless chaos beasts were once again released from Kos Mo's body!

The beasts who will never be satisfied are already impatient when faced with such a big meal from Kevin!

“Buzz buzz buzz——————!!!”

Super vibration waves exploded!

Shock waves and storms once again destroyed a large number of beasts!But just when Kevin wanted to deal with Kosmo, he had disappeared, replaced by a thousand calamities of tomahawk bombardment wrapped in amber flames!

"Boom -----!!!"

A huge earthquake is coming!

With his arms crossed above his head to resist the pressure and power of Qianjie, Kevin's face showed some difficulty for the first time.


The chaos beasts attack for the third time!

(The extremely compact attack chain is not going to give me a chance to breathe at all - then...)

"——[Black Sword of Shadow]"

Om —————————! ! !

Thousands of times the gravity suppression suddenly came!

Kevin's black sword, which was originally supposed to be fighting with Exia's beasts several kilometers away in the sky, was immediately aimed at this place under his will!

Qianjie and Kosmo were stunned for a moment!And then, Kevin, who got a chance to breathe, punched the two of them directly in front and back!

"Bang! Boom!"

The two of them were smashed away like cannonballs!

(That’s it—)


There was absolutely no intention of giving Kevin any time to regroup.

Almost as soon as Qianjie and Kosmo flew out... No, maybe it started from the moment Kevin performed gravity suppression.

An extremely bright and holy rainbow light has already reached the sky!

Raising the holy sword in her hand high above her head, Artoria took a step forward and loudly shouted the true name of the holy sword!

"——[Sword of Victory (excalibur)]!!!"

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