
The stream of rainbow-colored light drowned everything before the next moment arrived!

101. Just one point ahead

When it comes to the advantages of multi-person joint operations, the most important point is naturally the tactical impact and choices brought about by the numerical advantage.

Especially in a battle where the strength is close, even if you can compete for only a moment, it can create a huge opportunity.

Thousand Calamities, Kosma, Arturia.

Even one-on-one or three people are unlikely to fight Kevin for a long time. It even looks like it only takes two or three rounds to be suppressed by Kevin. But if they cooperate with each other to attack, Kevin will be completely defeated. It is entirely possible to fall into passivity and suppress to a certain extent.

And it was Exia and Sajo Aige who allowed these three people, who could be said to be strangers, to achieve the kind of unity they just had.

"It seems to work very well."

"Not bad? Tsk!"

Qianjie, who returned to Exia again, couldn't help curling his lips when he heard what Shajo Aige said: "If he could kill that guy at this level, then he would have been killed by me countless times. !”

"Kevin will not be defeated like this, so be vigilant."

Kosmo also reminded him.

He and Qianjie are people who have actual fighting experience with Kevin. Even after becoming a beast, their strength has increased. But to say that Qianjie can completely defeat Kevin with this strength alone, then Qianjie Kosmo doesn't think so either.

They had seen Kevin single-handedly change the tide of battle too many times.

This time will certainly be no exception.

"I know...well!"

Nodding, Exia was about to prepare her next move when a sense of powerlessness suddenly rose from her body!

Artoria quickly supported her Master: "Master, are you okay?"

"It's okay...it's just excessive consumption of magic power."

Excessive consumption of magic power.

Exia had already expected this situation. After all, he was facing Kevin. From the beginning, he never thought that he would still be able to retain magic power and Honkai energy.

Man-made collapse, inherent barrier, Judah's oath, continuous summoning of the familiar beasts, high-intensity confrontation, using seven familiar beasts at the same time, the liberation of Artoria's Noble Phantasm... Even with Ekko Xia's magic power was restored quickly. In the past five or ten minutes, he had unleashed all his power without reservation.

The remaining magic power and Honkai energy is only about [-]%.

If you continue to maintain this kind of fighting intensity, you can last for two or three minutes at most, and then the artificial collapse must be lifted, otherwise...


The roars of the beasts echoed from the sky.

The gold of the lion, the deep scarlet of the double horns, the black sword of the Yama and the mercury of the dragon and the snake, which were previously fighting with Kevin's beasts in the distance, have now all returned to Ixia.

"...Kevin's beast disappeared?"

Feeling the message conveyed by the beast, Exia couldn't help but frown.

Kevin would not dematerialize the beast for no reason. Since he took back the beast, it means that he...


Not far away, in the sunken earth that completely collapsed after being bombarded by Artoria's Noble Phantasm.

A fierce strong wind swept through.

Kevin, who has recovered from the man-made collapse and returned to his human form, is holding the Great Sword of Destruction, which has lost about a third of his body. His figure looks a little embarrassed as he stands there.


After taking a deep breath and exhaling heavily, Ixia also released the appearance of all the familiar beasts, and at the same time exited the artificial collapse, stopping the declining trend of magic power, holding the Black Abyss White Flower and Judas' Oath jumped off the edge and came not far from Kevin.

Without taking action immediately, Kevin said: "It seems that we have consumed too much power from each other and cannot even maintain artificial collapse."

"I never thought that you would be the first to admit that your strength is exhausted." Ixia was a little surprised. "I thought you would keep holding on. Don't you have to hold on to the end of the battle you have been going through? Does one moment count as a victory in the battle?”

"Yes. It's exactly what you said, so I didn't lift it on my own initiative, but was forced to lift it because of the blow just now - from this level, you won this round of confrontation. Ai Ksia.”


Hearing the words spoken by Kevin, Alexia didn't feel any relaxed in her heart: "Win? Looking at your appearance now, I have no idea of ​​winning against you at all. It’s just that I won a small point and took the lead temporarily.”

"Are you not ready to admit defeat? I don't think just that one blow is enough to break your faith."


Kevin's response was still cold. Honkai energy gradually surged out of his body, and along with it, the great sword of annihilation in his hand that was missing part of it was actually speeding up under the surge of Honkai energy. He repaired himself and returned to his original form in an instant!

"Using Honkai can cause the God Key to regenerate itself at super high speed... I remember that the God Key should not have this function."

"The modifications made by Weiwei. I expected the weapon to be damaged. After all, there is a precedent. According to her, the current Skyfire Holy Inquisition is somewhat similar to a living thing compared to weapons."

"...As expected of Velvet."

Exia could only sigh like this.

While he was making various preparations for today's decisive battle, Kevin was not idle either.The battle between the two has only lasted for an hour. How many trump cards will be revealed next to win?

(no, not right...)

Feeling the power that was rapidly recovering in her body, Exia quickly concentrated on it.

[——Tyrannosaurus (juggernaut drive)! 】

In an instant, it once again entered a state of man-made collapse!

(It should be said that how many times do you have to defeat him before you can go to the other side farther than him - right?)

This decisive battle will never stop until one side is completely unable to move.

"Come on, it's game two, Kevin."

Exia raised the Victory King Quan to her side and made preparations for a sudden charge.

"you're right."


He also became a karma demon again in an instant.

Kevin held Jie Mie up in front of him.

The wordless silence lasted for the last second.



With the dragon wings of light ejecting the largest amount of flames, and the claws of the karma demon crushing the earth heavily!

The white flowers of the black abyss and the Sword of Destruction suddenly crossed each other.

The round dance of flaming swords and holy spears is on again!

102. Unexpected observations

Just as Exia and Kevin started the second round of fierce battle.

on the earth.

"Da da......"

Destiny Headquarters, on the dining table of Exia’s house.

After fighting for a month, Bianca and others finally got their vacation again, and now they were sitting together eating dinner.

However, the atmosphere at the dinner table is not as harmonious as before.Because in the corner of the dining table, Kiana, who was supposed to be eating the most delicious food, now looked worried, constantly poking at the bottom of the empty rice bowl with her chopsticks.

This is not normal.

You must know that in this family, Ixia is the one with the biggest appetite, and Kiana is the second biggest. If you are hungry, you can eat six large bowls in one meal.Today I only ate two bowls and then sat there without moving. I would have gone to the third bowl long ago.

"Miss Kiana."

Seeing Kiana's abnormal look, Rita took the lead and asked: "Is it because the food I prepared is not to your taste?"

"Eh? Ah... No, it's not." Kiana shook her head quickly, "Rita, the dinner you made is delicious, as delicious as usual!"

"Then why do you look like you have no appetite?"

"...I just don't feel like I have any appetite."

Kiana put down her chopsticks and turned to look at the clock hanging on the wall: "How many days has it been since I left?"

"Two days, after all, we should have just arrived at the moon." Bianca said, "Are you worried about the situation in Exia? You swore before that you were not worried at all."


After scratching her head and head in embarrassment for a while, Kiana nodded with a slight blush on her cheeks: "I said that, but...you still have to worry, right? Sister, aren't you worried about me? "


Bianca did not hide anything: "I think there should be no one who is not worried about Alexia. He is now in a place that none of us can reach, fighting for our world alone, and we can't do anything. So, we can only stay here and wait for his return... As his lover and wife, how can we not worry about him?"

"But it's frustrating that this is all we can do."

Among all the people present, if there is anyone who can help Alexia, then maybe except Alicia, they are just a burden and will only be counterproductive.And even Alicia... Whether she can help Alexia defeat Kevin is one thing, whether she is willing to go is another.

This was a small blow to Bianca, who wanted to stand side by side with Exia.

[Fighting Side by Side] - Bianca's inner dream has always been unrealized because of Exia's self-destruction, but now it has failed again because of Exia's rapid progress.

"Bella, are you leaving the day after tomorrow?"

Kiana looked at Bella who was sitting next to her: "Can you take me with you then? Even if I can't pick up my brother... I also want to see how he is doing on the moon."

"As long as it's the Queen's order."

"Okay...but the day after tomorrow is still very long~~~~"

With her head tilted on the table, Kiana began to wring her fingers.

The day after tomorrow, that means at least 48 hours later.

Alexia had been away for a whole year before. Kiana was not as upset and uneasy as she is now. Why is she like this now?

Kiana herself doesn't know this problem. Maybe it's because she and Ixia became de facto lovers and became husband and wife?


The low atmosphere emanating from Kiana gradually spread to everyone at the table.Although they are not worried about Alexia, as Kiana looks so worried...

"Let me tell you, Kiana." Alicia poked Kiana's arm, "Kiana, are you worried about Alexia's condition? Are you worried that Alexia will lose to Kevin?"

"...sort of."

"In that case, there is no need to wait until the day after tomorrow, we should be able to see it now."


Alicia's words surprised everyone at the dinner table - Alexia and Kevin are on the moon, which is extremely far away from the earth. How can they see it now?

"...Go find Sue, right?"

Fu Hua was the first person to react.

Alicia smiled and nodded: "To be precise, I asked Su to use the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle to take a look for us. After all, the Thousand Realms One Vehicle's observation range is very wide, although I don't think there is a way to completely check it. Look clearly, but if you just take a rough look, it should be fine."


As soon as Alicia finished speaking, a door to the imaginary space appeared next to Kiana, and the next moment Kiana disappeared directly from the place.

(The mobility is really as high as ever.)

Regarding Kiana's act of doing what she said, the others who watched the whole process felt helpless.

"Isn't Bianca going?" Alicia then asked, "Are you also worried about Alexia?"



"...So you all come to my place."

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