After a while, the observation room of Thousand Realms Yiyang was revealed.

Looking at Alicia and others who were filling his small room, Su raised his forehead and said, "I'm still curious why Miss Kiana came over suddenly..."

Alicia: "I'm sorry, Su. But seeing how troubled Kiana is, I really can't bear to let a cute girl be so worried. Frowning doesn't look good~~~"

Fu Hua: "Will it disturb your work? Su."

Shaking his head, Su said: "That's not possible, but if I want to observe the situation on the Exia side, I still have to wait a moment. I have to finish observing a certain world bubble first."

"Oh? Did you discover any interesting world again?"

"No. It's just because Ixia asked me to find a specific world bubble before that I did this kind of thing. The world bubble I mentioned was accidentally discovered by me during the observation process. .....It just so happens that if you are all here, you can take a look, after all, it has a lot to do with us...and us at the Fire Chasing Moth."

Su said while pressing a certain button on the console.


[Over there, if my guess is correct, it should be Su, right? 】

A certain female voice reached everyone's ears.

Upon hearing this voice, the expressions of several people crowded in the room—especially the former civilized people—changed.

(This voice...)

(Is it possible...)

"Well, it's me. I didn't expect you to know that the person here is me before we even meet."


103.——Dr. Mei


This is a name that was completely unfamiliar to pre-civilized people and, conversely, extremely familiar.

She is the best scientist of the Fire Chaser Moth, the de facto leader of the Fire Chaser Moth, the human being who has studied the most deeply and gone the furthest in the fight against Honkai - and is also the most important person to Kevin. spouse.

Why is her voice ringing at this time?

Unlike the fusion warriors like Fu Hua and Kevin who hibernated in the dormant cabin and came to the present civilization more than 5 years later, Dr. Mei died long ago in the pre-civilization period.

That was shortly after the end of the Final Battle. Due to years of hard work and close contact with Honkai Energy, Mei, who was just an ordinary human being, could already be said to be terminally ill. She was unable to endure the constant erosion of Honkai Energy. Kevin and others died first after returning from the moon.

In those last twelve hours, the Fire Chaser Moth also held a simple funeral for her.

She should have died long ago.


A burst of snowflakes flashed across the observation screen of Qian Jie Yicheng.

An image that looked a bit like a high-tech city suddenly appeared on it, and in the center of the image was a very mature-looking woman.

No, you can't say that...


Kiana was the first to call out.

Dr. Mei who appears in the video at this moment is actually very similar to Raiden Mei!It can almost be said that she is just a grown-up Mei!

【oh?It seems that there are others on your side, Su. 】

"Yeah. It's not just me, Alicia and the others are also...Although it's incredible, except for Kosmo and Qianjie, all Yingjie are still alive, and even they are just It’s a different form of existence.”

"Yeah, yeah, yeah~~~ Su is right, long time no see, Mei!"

Alicia walked directly in front of the screen and waved to Mei on the screen.

"Have you missed me? How long has it been since you last saw me? What's your situation now? Why do you appear in the world bubble?"

【...You are as enthusiastic as ever, Alicia. I am glad to see you so lively and cheerful again.But what makes you feel sorry is that I can only hear your voice and cannot see your appearance. 】

"Eh? Is that so? When Kevin and I met before, he seemed to be able to see it~~~"

[Different world bubbles also have differences - as for why I am in a world bubble, to be honest, it is actually one of the many influences brought about by the final battle. 】

The impact of the final battle?

Wasn't that already over 5 years ago?How could it still have an impact to this day?

"Let me explain this." Su took over the topic, "There are several ways to create a world bubble. I shouldn't need to explain this, right?"

Leaves falling from the Tree of Imaginary Numbers form World Bubbles.

World bubbles can also be created through artificial means.

And besides...

"The Herrscher of Finality can also create world bubbles - of course, to be more accurate, it is because of the influence of the power of Finality that part of the original world was peeled off, thus forming many worlds floating around the earth. Bubble. The bubble in the world where Mei is now is one of them."

"So...this Dr. Mei is the...[Shadow] of the Dr. Mei we know?"

[That’s understandable, Alicia] Dr. Mei crossed her arms and smiled, [Then, if it’s convenient, can you explain the situation to me? 】

"Situation? What happened to you over there?"

[Since about an hour and 48 minutes ago, the world bubble I am in has been constantly feeling the impact and influence from the original world. The space of the world bubble itself is extremely unstable.To describe it in a more intuitive form, it can be said that this world is being continuously affected by the 'waves' of space]

Has the world bubble received influence from the original world?

And it started recently?

(almost two hours ago...)

Kiana and others looked at each other, and then Bianca asked: "Dr. Mei, can we ask the current coordinates of the world bubble first? Senior Su just said that the world bubble is floating around the earth. More specifically, it is Where is it?"

[Moon, near New Atla——Su must have an impression of this name, right? 】

New Atla.

Su nodded: "Yes, I have an impression. There must be the ruins of the [Hengkai] seal that you led to establish during your lifetime, Mei. And if it is there... I think what you are facing comes from the original nature." The impact on the world should be brought about by the battle between Kevin and Exia.”

[Kevin’s fight?What's going on, Sue. 】

"Mei, actually..."

After sorting out his words, Su roughly explained to Dr. Mei what had happened in the past few months.From the time when Ixia saved him, to now going to the moon to prevent Kevin from executing the Stigma Project, and having a decisive battle with Kevin... these things that have happened for more than half a year, Su summarized them in the simplest way possible. Narrated from beginning to end.

He knew that with Mei's wisdom, she could figure out part of it by herself.

【So that's what it is...】

After listening to Su's narration, Dr. Mei sighed in a meaningful way after pondering for a long time.

[Is Ixia Messiah Kaslana a man-made savior who drifted from a parallel world?To make the memory in the paradise of the past life become a living body again... It is really incredible technology and ability. I really want to have a good exchange of thoughts and feelings with him. 】

"I don't think there's a chance, May."

[...It seems you have something to say to me?Or do you want to give me some advice? 】

"From your words, you should be able to deduce what I want to say from what I described."

【more or less】

Dr. Mei smiled.

[However, in fact, as early as when you took the initiative to contact me, I roughly expected that you would ask for something from me, and it was most likely about Kevin.After all, it's only about him that you would be so caring and willing to pay any price, and would even rather seek help from me, the deceased. 】


Looking at Su who was silent, Alicia urged impatiently: "So, what exactly does Su want to ask Mei? You guys can't be the Riddler, okay?"

[Hehehe~~~ I didn’t expect this sentence to come out of Alicia’s mouth. You are obviously the one who is the best at telling riddles among us. 】

"Oh~~~Dr. Mei, my good Dr. Mei, don't laugh at my things~~~"

[Haha...Okay, let me put it bluntly - Su wants me to be the final solution to stop Kevin, right? 】

104. Let me meet Kevin

Just as Su thought, his thoughts were fully expressed by Dr. Mei.

After hearing what Mei said, Alicia and others were stunned for a moment and immediately nodded in understanding.

Alicia: "That's right~~~~ Indeed, if it were Mei, Kevin would indeed change his mind directly."

Fu Hua: "After all, this is the relationship between Kevin and Mei."

Sakura: "Yeah, that's understandable..."

Kiana: "Wait a minute! Why do you all suddenly understand everything?"

She was not a pre-civilized person. Kiana could not relate to the tacit understanding between these pre-civilized people who suddenly understood it. The same was true for Bianca, Raiden Mei and others on the side.

Why can Dr. Mei just tell Kevin to give up the idea?

[The people speaking should be civilized people.It's normal for you not to understand, but you only need to understand a few common sense in Fire Chasing Moth, then you will be able to understand what we mean. 】

Dr. May smiled.

[First of all, I am not proud to say that the leader of the Fire Chasing Moth is me.Even though I am just an ordinary scientist and do not have any power to directly fight Honkaimon and Herrscher, I am actually the one who leads the Fire Chaser Moth.And Kevin, Alicia, Su... they are all my subordinates.From this level of relationship, I have the power to directly order any of them. 】

[I think even now, if I ask Hua to do something, Hua will not object, right? 】

"...Maybe, I think so."

Fu Hua paused and did not deny Dr. Mei's statement.

[I'm glad you can still trust me like this, Hua. 】

"In this way...can you stop Kevin? Just based on this simple superior-subordinate relationship?" Bianca didn't believe Dr. Mei's words.

[Of course it won’t work just like this. 】

[Although I am the leader of the Fire Chasing Moth, if I were not the one sitting in this position, Kevin would never obey orders.To put it bluntly, Kevin was not following the orders of the leader of the Fire Chaser, but my orders and instructions. I didn’t want to give my lover a negative evaluation, but even in my opinion, he treated me Love is a bit too unconditional and blind. 】

When she said this, Mei's tone carried a sense of pampering and intimacy between lovers.

Because it was a common thing in Exia's house, everyone could notice it.

"This means...even in this situation, as long as you say a word to Dr. Mei, Kevin will give up the Stigma Project?"

[After all, the person who handed over the Stigma Project to him and made him carry out the Stigmata Project so resolutely could be said to be me in the long-dead Inherent World.Like I said, Kevin will follow my orders and instructions.Because in his understanding, my plan is perfect, and as long as I act according to my plan, I will definitely achieve a perfect result. 】

[This was almost never an exception during the Fire Chasing Moth period.And I also believed that Kevin would perfectly perform the tasks I assigned him, so I never asked him about the status of his tasks. 】

[Haha, this can be said to be a reflection of the tacit understanding and unconditional trust between me and him. 】

Kevin unconditionally believed that Mei's plan was perfect and spared no effort to implement it.

Mei unconditionally believed that Kevin would fulfill all her requests, so she never had any worries about him.

And this two-way unconditional trust can also be used in reverse.


Having reached this point, Kiana and others also understood.


"Is it really that easy to succeed?" Bianca couldn't help but ask, "I have no contact with Kevin, but if he is really convinced by your words and changes his mind... ..."

[As long as he is still Kevin and I am still May, then this is a plan that can definitely be realized]

[But unfortunately, I don’t dare to vouch for a plan now.After all, I am not the real Mei, but just her shadow. I am not sure whether Kevin is willing to obey my orders and instructions. 】

Kevin witnessed Mei's coffin and participated in Mei's funeral.

His only lover has passed away long ago. Even if Dr. Mei in the world bubble appears in front of him now, it is not 100% sure whether he will regard him as the real Dr. Mei.

No, it should be said that if it were Kevin, he would 100% not regard her as the real Dr. Mei.

Just like Bianca would not regard anyone with the same appearance as Exia as Exia.

[Of course, whether it will take effect will not be known until Kevin and I meet.But before that, Su, as well as Alicia, Sakura, and Hua, I want to ask you some questions]

"go ahead."

[Are you all also standing against Kevin? 】

"of course."

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