

Sakura, Hua, and Su gave firm answers.

They have a very clear understanding of themselves. Even now, they still think that they are remnants of the old era and do not have any power to make decisions for this new era.

And Alicia...

"It's not so much that I'm against Kevin, but rather... I just support Alexia's ideas that are full of futures and possibilities, and I don't want Kevin to die." Alicia said. Said, "Kevin wants to die. I think anyone who has interacted with Kevin can see this. Su should be the first to see it, right?"


That was before Alicia and the others left the Paradise of the Past.

The real Kevin may have died with Mei more than 5 years ago. What is left now are just puppets and dolls that have inherited Mei's will and are driven by the obsession of "annihilating Honkai". That’s all.Kevin knew that the Stigma Plan was the worst plan but still carried it out without hesitation, precisely because he believed that it was the only and optimal solution to defeat Honkai at this stage.

This was May's plan to stay, and Kevin wouldn't question its validity.

And after defeating Honkai, having fulfilled all his wishes, he will follow Mei and catch up with her who has been away for more than 5 years.

"I think that's a shame, especially now after seeing you again May."

【How to say? 】

"Because we are all still alive now." Alicia put her hand on her chest, "With Alexia's help, we have a second life, we have a new life, and we can rebuild in the new world. Live on. In this case, it is natural not to want your friends to die, right? Kevin can also have a second life, just like us."

"Exia said before that he will prepare a villa for us, so that we pre-civilized people can live in it. I really look forward to everyone getting together again like in the paradise of the past. If there is If anyone is absent, I will be very sad...well, Qianjie and Kosmo can't help it."

This is what Alicia is thinking now.


"I also believe that Alexia has the means to make the you in the world become the real you again, Dr. Mei. Don't you want to be reborn, become the most ordinary lovers with Kevin, and start a vigorous and sweet life again? Sweet love? By the way, I haven’t told you yet. The baby you left for Kevin has now developed into a large and ancient family in modern civilization! You can say that it has The house is full of descendants~~~"

Become a real life again, a life that can leave the bubble of the world and escape the identity of the shadow.

Dr. Mei from the original world has passed away long ago.

As long as Dr. Mei in the world bubble regains her life, she will be the real Dr. Mei in every sense.

[Very romantic words and suggestions, Alicia]

Dr. May smiled.

[As a scholar, I must admit that I am very interested in this. I also want to meet and talk with the Alexia you are talking about more and more - so, can you please What, Sue? 】

[You must have the means and methods to get Kevin and that Exia to notice me, right? 】

[Can Kevin and I meet face to face again? 】

Today’s update will be added later

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105. Observations of the Moon

Let Alexia and Kevin go to May's world.

When it comes to ways to accomplish this, Su can indeed think of a few right away, but being on Earth, he can't directly let the two people go to that world, so in fact, there's nothing he can do. The only thing is to convey this information to Exia, and then let Exia induce Kevin to go.

And to do this...

"We need to land on the moon anyway, right?"

Sakura, who was leaning against the wall, said solemnly.

"In the vacuum, except for Herrscher and Honkai Beast, we have no way to communicate directly. Even the people who went to fight against Herrscher of the End must have used some special method to communicate. Bar?"


Fu Hua, the only survivor among them all, nodded.

Eden is drinking with Raven at home, Velvet and Mebius are at World Snake, and Patophilis has to go to the warehouse at night to inspect... When it comes to the environment on the moon, She was the only person present who understood.

"Landing on the moon is actually a solvable problem. The biggest problem is how to get in touch with Exia."

Su said in a deep voice.

"At this stage, it is impossible for Exia to cooperate with our actions. We can only cooperate with Exia."

"After all, we are fighting that Kevin, so Alexia won't be easy." Alicia smiled, "By the way, didn't Kiana just want to ask Su to check on Alexia's situation? ? How about we take a look together now and then consider how to act!"

When Alicia mentioned this, Kiana immediately remembered her purpose of coming here and nodded quickly.

Su also put his hand on the operating table and quickly adjusted the observation object of Thousand Realms Yiyuan.

If it is the coordinates on the earth, the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle can be observed in an instant, but for the moon, even the Thousand Worlds One Vehicle needs to make certain adjustments because the distance is too far.

Very quickly, in just a few minutes, as the Qianjieyiyiyi observation screen shook, the scene displayed above also changed drastically!

The original city disappeared and was replaced by a vast expanse of dark sky.

The moon is suspended in the center of the screen. From a distance perspective, the entire moon can be included in the field of view.With Su's further adjustments, the picture also changed again, as if a certain area was constantly being enlarged. The center of gravity of the picture kept tracking towards a certain place on the moon, rapidly zooming in step by step. It has reached hundreds of times the original level, making the scene in that area completely visible to everyone.


"Or can we only see the crater?"

"Zooming to this point is the limit. The One Thousand Realms is also responsible for observing the global Honkai Impact energy. Without using that part of the computing power, what we can see now is the limit. It is about three meters away from the moon. Let’s go to a distance of four kilometers.”

Hearing what Su said, Kiana and others could only accept this result, and at this distance, it was not impossible to see what they wanted to see.

Bianca came slightly closer to the screen: "So...are these sparks that keep flashing, a manifestation of the battle and collision between Ixia and Kevin?"


You can indeed see a large number of sparks flashing from the screen, as if there are a large number of invisible landmines scattered throughout the space. Firelight and vibrations are continuously erupting and flashing in every corner of the crater. If you look carefully, there are also It can be found that the current crater does not seem to be what it originally looked like.

There is a circle of small and medium-sized outlines inside, and the outermost outline is uneven and sharp-edged, as if it was dug out manually.

(Wait, artificial-could it be...)

"Su, can you zoom in a little more?" Alicia said, "If it only takes up a little while, it shouldn't matter, right? We only want to watch it for a few minutes, so just do us a favor, okay?"

".......All right."

Regarding Alicia's request, Su did not continue to refuse after thinking for a while.

Destiny already has its own Honkai Impact observation system. Even without the One Thousand Realms, it is not impossible to rely on that system to continue observing Honkai Energy reactions around the world. Just like Alicia said, it only takes a few minutes. , it is indeed unlikely to cause any particularly serious impact.

Later, as Su further zoomed in on the scene on the screen, further shrinking the observation range of Thousand Realms and One Vehicle——

[Boom————! 】

A strong impact sound immediately passed through the screen and reached everyone's ears!

That was the sound of the earth breaking on the moon.

"What's going on? This shock!"

"Can it be conveyed even to our side?"

Logically speaking, what can be observed here are only pictures. In the environment on the moon, sound is almost impossible to convey.

but now......

This vibration and sound can be received through observation even within the first yen of Qianjie!

"Did the aftermath reach us through the connection in space? It seems that the impact of the battle between the two people cannot be stopped even by space." Su sighed softly, and his eyes that had been closed were also at this time Open it completely and stare at the scene in the picture.

In the picture, it seems that due to the impact of the blow just now, the moon is already a sea of ​​​​scorching fire, and the surging flames have filled the entire crater, turning it into a mountain of flames.

And in the center of the Flame Mountain——

"elder brother!"


Looking at the figure holding up his body with the black abyss and white flowers, panting heavily, with a large number of chains and a cross scattered around his feet, Kiana and Bianca couldn't help shouting, with worry and worry in their voices. The tension cannot be concealed at all.

That was undoubtedly Exia.

But compared with the Alexia they knew, the current Alexia looked like she had exhausted all her strength. Even if there were no scars on her body, her tattered clothes and those visible to the naked eye could not be seen. He was exhausted, but he showed his current situation clearly.

Of course, on the other side of the screen, Kevin, who is Exia's opponent, is in the same situation.

"This...is this the first time we've seen it?" Sakura said in a somewhat uncertain tone, "Kevin fights like this with a person...even with Qianjie. It’s a private fight, and I’ve never seen Kevin like this.”

"Yeah, I haven't seen it either."

Alicia stared at Kevin's figure, her heart filled with surprise.

She and Kevin have experienced countless battles, large and small, together, and have experienced almost all Herrscher battles together, and this is the first time she has seen Kevin's face without any expression of "I will definitely win." when.

Moreover, after all calculations, the two men should have only been fighting for more than an hour.

It only took a short period of time for them to reach this state...


[Boom—————! 】

Just when everyone was feeling various emotions about the scene on the moon, the shock came again.

The battle between the two men continues.

106. Use the Moonlight Throne?

"You want to convey the message to Exia on the moon, right?"

The next morning.

Inside Otto's office.

After listening to Su's information about Dr. Mei through the projection, Otto tapped his fingers on the desk a few times, then crossed his hands and propped up his chin: "I understand the situation. If I can use this method to convince that Kai Vin Kaslana, and then receive the assistance of the best scientists from previous civilizations, this will undoubtedly be a great boon to us...no, to the whole world."

[Thank you very much, Bishop, for your understanding]

"Mr. Su is serious...then the key to the problem really lies in the means of conveying information? I heard that Mr. Su and Ms. Aponnia are both spiritually aware fusion warriors with the ability to intervene in other people's thoughts. Strength, can we implement the plan based on this?"

[To put it bluntly, the success rate is very low]

Su said frankly.

[If you want to inform Alexia in this way, then Fu Hua and the Herrscher of Knowledge in her body are undoubtedly more suitable candidates]


The Herrscher of Knowledge is the Herrscher who controls consciousness. He is the best master of illusion in the world. He is the unrivaled in mind-reading. Whether it is reading memories or implanting intelligence... and consciousness. Everything related to this is the area that the Herrscher of Knowledge is good at.

[But the problem is still as I said, Your Excellency Bishop.The battle between Ixia and Kevin is a situation that we cannot intervene and influence. The intensity has long since allowed others to influence it at will. Once that fragile balance is affected by external forces, the balance of victory and defeat will tilt in an instant]


Otto was also lost in thought.

On this point, he agreed with Su's opinion. If he rashly interfered with Exia's battle, it would only cause trouble for him. Everyone except him would be nothing more than a burden.

(No, wait...)

For a moment, a thought flashed through Otto's mind: "Mr. Su, there is something I want to ask you."

【Please say】

"In your opinion, besides Exia and everyone from the previous civilization, who can last the longest in front of Kevin?"

【......I'm afraid it's Ms. Kiana】

Although it was unclear why Otto asked this question, Su still expressed his thoughts: [In terms of pure combat effectiveness, Miss Bianca is undoubtedly superior, but except for Alexia, the others and Kevin There is no chance of winning in a head-on battle.Therefore, I think we have reached a certain level of consensus with the Herrscher of the Sky. Miss Kiana, who can skillfully use powers, can last longer in front of Kevin]

[Of course, I think it should be just a few seconds longer than Miss Bianca. 】

The Herrscher of the Sky is very powerful. If Kiana only wants to entangle her, even Kevin will not be able to take her down in a short time - but that is only limited to Kevin in the past.

Now that Kevin has mastered the power of swallowing dimensions, it is a natural enemy and absolute nemesis for any space system ability.

Therefore, roughly speaking, the time that Bianca and Kiana can persist is not much different.

"In other words, [time for a sentence] can still be obtained, right?" Otto smiled, "Destiny's manned space technology can fully allow two people to land on the moon at the same time, and Benares can also afford it. At least three people. In theory, destiny can put at least five people on the moon at one time. And all we have to do is convey a message to Exia."

[Do you mean... Miss Bianca and Miss Kiana will delay Kevin for a period of time, and then let a third person convey the specific content? 】Su said in a deep voice, 【Is this too forced?If you want to forcefully intervene in those two people’s fields, I’m afraid...]

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