"I just finished an impromptu meeting a few minutes ago, Mr. Su." Otto started another topic.

"The meeting is for the scientists of Anti-Entropy and the leader of Anti-Entropy, Walter II. Because we did not hide the matter of sending Exia to the moon, it was directly reported to the satellite of Anti-Entropy. It was detected. And of course, the same thing happened with Kevin Kaslana going to the moon through the Stargate."

But in terms of technological level, Destiny and Counter-Entropy are actually very similar, especially in terms of top talents. Counter-Entropy are all scientists who have left their names in history. As long as they are willing, they can do whatever Destiny does. It is not difficult to understand and accept things that are not possible.

[Reverse entropy? 】

"If it were before, I would not have paid attention to this communication from Anti-Entropy. But now that Exia has caused a lot of impact, I don't mind rebuilding old friendships with everyone from Anti-Entropy. After all, at least before that incident , those scientists and I can be considered old friends."

"And Siegfried has now returned to Anti-Entropy from the World Snake... Haha, in fact, Anti-Entropy will take the initiative to contact me, probably because of the information Siegfried brought back."

Siegfried was previously captured by the World Serpent and lost the Holy Fire Judge, but he must have learned the news that Kevin was going to fight Exia because of this.

If his [son] is going to fight for the survival and future of mankind, then [Kaslana] will definitely not sit idly by.

[Anti-Entropy will provide assistance, right? 】

"To be precise, Counter-Entropy will cooperate with us. And if I remember correctly, Counter-Entropy has been secretly developing a weapon decades ago."

【weapon? 】

"——[Moonlight Throne]. Mr. Su should be familiar with this name."

【————! 】

Su's expression showed surprise for a moment.

Moonlight Throne.

Of course he knows this name, because it is one of the ultimate weapons created by previous civilizations to deal with the Herrscher!In the final battle of the End, the Moonlight Throne played an important role that cannot be ignored, and even the Herrscher of the End could be affected by it!

[Has Anti-Entropy completed it? 】

"I don't know. However, if it takes more than 50 years for Counter-Entropy, which has several top scientists, to be unable to reproduce, then I really have to consider whether the alliance with Counter-Entropy should be cancelled."

Otto put down his hands: "In short, my plan is this - [Anti-Entropy and Destiny will join forces. Anti-Entropy will prepare the Moonlight Throne, and Destiny will take it along with Hollander, Kiana and other personnel." After the moon temporarily weakened Kevin through the Moonlight Throne, Kiana and Hollander delayed Kevin's time and completed the ultimate goal of conveying the message to Exia]."

Such a complicated design is just to convey a message to Exia in the end.

Su couldn't help but smile: [It's really a bit grand, Your Excellency Bishop. 】

"But you can kill multiple birds with one stone, can't you? Even Kevin Kaslana shouldn't be able to recover from the weakening of the Moonlight Throne in a short time. Even if it has some impact on Exia, it can indeed do something for He brings a chance of victory—and importantly, it will serve to repair the relationship between destiny and reverse entropy."

The last time Destiny and Anti-Entropy officially cooperated was during the second collapse.

After 15 years, if it is for the future of mankind, then there is no harm in working together again.

"Exia said everything can be left to him."

"I respect his ideas and trust his abilities - but he doesn't seem to say that we must abide by his opinions and ideas and cannot take action no matter what."

"I have received many favors and blessings from my son. Let me provide him with some insignificant help this time."

107. The Moon Fights Kevin Group

A few hours later, Ixia's house.

After receiving Bishop Otto's opinion conveyed by Su, Alicia looked at everyone gathered in the restaurant: "——That's the plan."

"Working with Anti-Entropy to go to the moon to provide support for Exia... It's really sudden."

Bianca, who was playing video games with her sister to relax, sighed.

"It's not sudden, after all, I felt it would develop like this yesterday." Fu Hua said, "So, have the details of the plan been determined? Alicia."

"Well, Su Duhe said - come on, Kiana and Bianca will stop for a moment, borrow the screen, and I will project the relevant content of the plan on the screen."

"Ah, wait a minute, I'll save it first."

After quickly saving and backing up the levels she and Bianca played together, Kiana moved away.Alicia also quickly displayed the details of the plan that Su sent to her personal terminal.

The content was not very different from what Bishop Otto said before. Because of Siegfried's testimony, Counter-Entropy did not have many doubts about the content of the intelligence provided by Tianming, so they decisively accepted the request for cooperation. .

"According to Su, carrying the Moonlight Throne requires a floating battleship anyway. After discussions between Your Excellency the Bishop and the leader of the Anti-Entropy Alliance, it was finally determined that the battleships would be provided by the Anti-Entropy side, and debugging in all aspects would take at least two days. time, so we won’t leave until three days later.”

"Taking into account the time factor, we will go to the counter-entropy from our side and fly directly to the moon from the counter-entropy."

In terms of manned space technology, reverse entropy and destiny are almost the same.

Just sending a battleship to the moon is not a big problem.If Exia hadn't decided from the beginning that she would just send him back, otherwise Destiny would have directly sent Exia to the moon using a battleship.

"As for the candidates to board the ship..."

Alicia glanced at everyone: "Su said that everyone can go up. The battleship has a lot of space, but I am ready to withdraw~~~"


Alicia's sudden statement made everyone stunned for a moment.

she won't go?

"By the way, in addition to Hua, I also hope that Eden, Aponia...those of us from previous civilizations will not go."

"After all, this is their battle that belongs to modern civilization. It is the battle of people of this era that transcends our era, isn't it? And from a standpoint, if we also go to the moon together, wouldn't it be equivalent to going to the moon collectively? Hit Kevin."

"Kevin is already an ice cube, and I don't want him to become even colder than he is now - so we won't go, okay?"

Alicia said these words to Eden, to Aponia, to you Sakura and Padofelis.

And they all understood Alicia's thoughts contained in it.

Even if they know that the Stigmata plan that Kevin wants to implement is the worst plan, they are the ones least able to stop Kevin. If they want to stop it, they can only ask others to stop it.They themselves cannot openly stand against Kevin.

Because the people who made Kevin behave like this are, in a sense, them.

"What about me?" Fu Hua pointed at himself, "Why do I..."

"Hua, you are different from us~~~Although you are from the same era as us, you have already spent time in this era that is far ahead of previous civilizations, right? There is no problem in saying that you are from this era. So. So it doesn’t matter——Besides, if I want to convey the message to Exia, you are the best person, [Tips].”

Little knowledge.

Hearing Alicia say this, Fu Hua suddenly felt the Herrscher of Consciousness in his body becoming restless.

[How many times have I said it!I am Fu Hua too!Don't call me that title for the Lawr of Consciousness again!Replacement of old antiques!Replace people quickly!I'm going out there to protest this statement! 】

(Calm down, Xiaoshi.)

【Old antique!you!I! 】

"Oh yeah? Looking at Hua's situation, is it possible that Xiaoshi likes this title very much?" Alicia noticed the change in Fu Hua's expression, "It's best if she likes it, [Xiaoshi], how cute and cute It’s an intimate title, it’s a symbol of our recognition of her~~~”

(Did you hear that? Little knowledge.)

【Don't!Call!I!Small!knowledge! 】

(How about asking Exia to call?)

[Ah this...hiss~~~~This seems pretty good?No, no!I'm not the Herrscher of Consciousness, why do you call me that!Go! Go! Go! 】

Even though a month has passed and a lot of evidence has been discovered during this period, the Herrscher of Knowledge still insists that he is not the Herrscher, but Fu Hua.She will get angry whenever she is mentioned as the Herrscher of Knowledge. Fortunately, Fu Hua has also figured out how to deal with her. As long as she mentions Alexia's name, she will calm down to a certain extent no matter how angry she is.

It seems that it will take some time for her to clearly realize that she is the Herrscher.

"However, if the former civilizations don't go, who should go to the current civilizations?" Rita asked aloud.

"This is also what Su asked me to ask everyone."

Alicia tapped the screen: "First of all, in terms of combat effectiveness and strength, Bianca, Kiana and Hua are definitely going. As for the other people...well, that's right. It’s not nice to hear. Others are just going sightseeing. After all, there are not many people who can intervene in the battle between Kevin and Exia. If someone other than Bianca and Kiana intervenes, maybe it will happen in an instant. Something will happen."

"...That means you can fuck the three of us, right?"

Bianca said.

"Considering safety, this is the most appropriate. Rita, just stay at home this time. Kiana and I will go with senior Fu Hua."

No one commented.

From all aspects, the smaller the number of people in this mission, the better. Even if one person is really added, it will only be one more person to operate the battleship.

And what this person said...

"Bronya wants to go too."

Bronya, who was sitting with Xie'er, raised her hand: "Bronya also wants to participate in this mission... No, Bronya must participate."

"Sister Bronya...will this be dangerous?"

"It's okay, Xi'er." Bronya held Xi'er's hand with a worried look on her face, and at the same time raised her other hand, blooming some golden thunder and lightning, "Bronya now, We can share some power from the master, and it will not hold us back. The battleship also needs someone to control it when traveling back and forth, and Bronya has the confidence to control the battleship."

"So, please - Bronya also wants to help Master."

108. Go to the moon again!


The two days of waiting flew by in a blink of an eye.

Exia's fifth day on her way to the moon.

In a very large factory controlled by reverse entropy in North America.

Surrounding a huge floating battleship, the scientists and staff of Anti-Entropy are doing the final verification work.

"I didn't expect it to be accomplished so smoothly."

Standing in the aisle at the highest point overlooking the entire battleship, Tesla and Einstein stood together, with one hand on the waist and sighing with emotion.

"The Moonlight Throne's first takeoff was actually used to cooperate with Tianming. I thought this guy's first shot would be aimed at that guy Otto."

"It is not a good thing to let personal feelings influence research, Dr. Tesla." Einstein said calmly, "Even so, I am also surprised that in this cooperation, the bishop really did not hinder at all. Do it and leave all aspects of the Moonlight Throne work to us."

Originally, Einstein was already ready to accept the joining of the scientific research team from Tianming.Considering Otto's character, it is not impossible to send a team to analyze the technology of the Moonlight Throne in the name of cooperative debugging.

But in the past two days, apart from inquiries about progress, Tianming has really done nothing at all!

This abnormal behavior only made Anti-Entropy even more uneasy - but this uneasiness only ends now.

"Da da da......"

There were footsteps below.

Instructing Tesla to go down with him, Einstein walked up the stairs to the ground and looked at the visitor: "I haven't seen him for more than a month. I am surprised that we will see each other so soon. Ms. Hollander, Ms. Kiana , Ms. Fu Hua, and Bronya.”

"I'm surprised too, Dr. Einstein."

Bianca, wearing the Radiant Knight Moon Soul and holding the genuine Black Abyss White Flower, smiled and said: "But now the situation is special, we must rely on the power of anti-entropy, so I'm asking you, two doctors."

"Siegfried told us everything. Since the Stigmata plan is such a bad plan, we are happy to help Exia, who has gone to stop Kevin. This is also for the sake of the world."

A man's voice came from not far away.

It was Walter, and beside him was Siegfried, who had fully recovered.

Seeing their father, Bianca and Kiana also walked up immediately.

"Dad, are you okay?" Kiana looked at Siegfried, "I just heard yesterday that you were beaten up by the World Snake and that Kevin, and the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge was taken away."

"Uh... My good daughter, please don't poke your dad's sore spots, okay? It's embarrassing to say it."

Siegfried covered his face.

Logically speaking, after awakening the Chimera with the help of Exia, even Walter may not be his opponent.But like this, he was easily defeated by Kevin, and the Heavenly Fire Holy Judge was taken away by him. Now it should be used in the decisive battle with Exia.

As a father, he not only failed to do anything, but also caused trouble for his son. Thinking of this, Siegfried felt a little uncomfortable.

"It's not your fault, Siegfried... No, Father."

Bianca was still not used to calling Siegfried her father, and had to change her words every time.

"Moreover, we are about to go to the moon to support Exia. I believe that as long as we and Exia work together, we will be able to overcome this difficulty."

"Sister... don't say lines like this hot-blooded comic, it sounds awkward."

Kiana poked her sister.

However, what Bianca said was right. At least the four of them who came here to prepare for departure now came with this idea. In the past, they indeed thought that they could only leave it to Alexia, but now Now that there is such an opportunity to help Alexia, they will never let Alexia continue to fight alone.

"Bianca, Kiana...my son is really lucky to have a wife and sister like you."

Siegfried was a little envious of his cheap son.

(If Cecilia were still here, she would definitely be proud of these children - our daughter is going to save the world with her son.)

Now Siegfried can still think of what Exia said when he left more than a month ago.

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