115.How many times have you lost?

After a few minutes.

New Atla.

After nearly a week, Ixia and Kevin returned to this ruins.

Regarding Exia's proposal to move the battlefield, Kevin initially had some doubts, especially after Exia brought him closer to New Atla.

[During these 10 minutes, did he prepare any back-up plan in New Atla? 】

This was Kevin's first thought.

However, Kevin doesn't care about this. No matter what means Alexia wants to use to defeat him, he will bear it head-on and defeat it.That's what Kevin does, and it's the only thing he can do.

But after entering New Atla, looking at Exia who had no intention of stopping, and the increasingly familiar scenes around her, Kevin suddenly had an idea in his heart.

Although it is not certain yet, there is a coordinate on the path in which Exia is currently heading, which is the only thing he cares about besides the Stigma Plan.

If Exia wants to go there...

"...Where do you plan to go?"

In front of a cut-off bridge, he stopped Alexia who was advancing. Kevin crossed his arms and asked: "If you want to delay time so that you can get more time to reply, or to let them leave as soon as possible, , then I can give it to you without you needing to be so secretive."

"Delaying for time? No, no, no, I won't do anything so troublesome."

Stopping, Exia stood in front of the broken bridge and turned around: "About strength, I can be a hundred times more energetic now. Although it can be said to be a state of excitement, it won't take long for me to fall into a state of even more fatigue than before. status, but it’s completely enough to fight you.”

"Kiana and the others don't have to worry about me. With Sirin here, it will be a matter of minutes for them to leave, unless you chase them."

Of course, in that case, Exia would do her best to stop Kevin.

"I came here just to let you meet someone - or in other words, there is someone here who wants to see you. I was just asked to do this by the masters. From my personal point of view, early one I wish I could continue the decisive battle with you for a second."

There is someone here who wants to meet me.

Kevin probably guessed Alexia's intention: "Then, I can explain to you straightforwardly that your efforts are in vain."

"Whether all your efforts are in vain is not up to me - Miss Aige!"


As Alexia's words fell, a burst of light suddenly bloomed from under his feet, and the magic circle of space control magic appeared instantly, rapidly expanding to the point where it could accommodate both Alexia and Kevin!

(The space has been interfered with...do you really want to take me to that place?)

Holding the Sword of Destruction tightly, Kevin immediately wanted to tear apart the space.

But at the same time as he had this idea, he also gave up the idea - he knew that Exia would stop him, and tearing apart the dimension would probably not succeed, and even if he succeeded, it would have consequences for him next. Wreak irreversible damage wherever it goes.

[This is the only way it won’t work]

Kevin instinctively thought of this.

And just when he was thinking this, the spatial transfer of the intrinsic world into the world bubble had been completed.

The surrounding scene has not changed. It is still the scene of New Atla. At first glance, it seems that there is no space transfer.

But if you feel it carefully, you can still feel the difference between the world you are in now and the world you were in a few seconds ago.

The space has become very fragile, the world has become very thin, as if it will fall apart with just a little effort.

"Looks like we're here."

Alexia glanced around.

"So, where is the lady who wants to see Mr. Kevin now?"

"it's here."

A female voice came from not far away.

Alexia and Kevin looked at the other end of the broken bridge at the same time. On the other side of the broken bridge that was slightly higher than theirs, there was a woman who was familiar to both of them in different senses standing there.

"Mei Yi? No, that's not right...not Mei Yi? But someone who looks very similar to Mei Yi?"

"This is the second time I've been called [Mei]. It seems that I do have a very similar appearance to the Miss Mei you mentioned. I really want to meet her in person." Female—— Dr. Mei - smiled and said, "But compared to this... could you please come and pick me up, Kevin. If I jump down from this height, I'm afraid I will have to sit in a wheelchair for more than half a year."


Listening to what he said to himself, Kevin didn't hesitate or pause at all. He didn't care about the possibility of being attacked by Alexia. He walked directly past him and jumped to Dr. Mei's side, just like in the past. Like countless times with her, he hugged her and jumped back.

Even though he knew that she was not [her].

Walking down from Kevin's arms, Dr. Mei smiled slightly: "Thank you, Kevin. It seems that this at least proves that there is still the possibility of communication and interaction between us - should I tell you now? How about saying "Long time no see"? Or should we describe this situation as the first time we met?"

"Whatever you like, May. It's all the same to me."

"Then [Long time no see]. And this person here..." Dr. Mei looked at Aikesia, "Mr. Aikesia Messiah Kaslana, right? Su He Alicia told me a lot about you, thank you for bringing Kevin here with you. I am Mei, the projection of Dr. Mei in the original world in this world bubble."

"First meeting, Dr. Mei."

Alexia nodded to her: "There's no need for small talk, let's get straight to the point. I heard Master and the others say, Dr. Mei, are you willing to help us persuade Kevin to give up the Stigma Project?"

"Well, I did express a similar meaning, but this is only one reason that accounts for less than one-tenth of the reasons why I want you and Kevin to come here." Dr. Mei smiled. , "I want to see Kevin again - this is the biggest reason. And the other reason is because I want to meet you."

"Whether it's things about the Paradise of the Past, things about heroes and warriors, or things about how you can travel back and forth between different worlds... these all interest me, so these days, I've been looking forward to meeting you and seeing Kevin again. It's a pity that I don't have anything to entertain you here, so we can't sit down and have a good conversation."

Although he said this, there was no look of pity or regret on Dr. Mei's face, and he maintained the smile of a mature and rational scientist as always.

That smile made Kevin feel extremely familiar, as if time had returned to more than 5 years ago.


"I'm very grateful to Dr. Mei that you value me so much." Alexia looked a little more serious. "If I had the opportunity and time, I would also like to have more conversations with you, the first wise man of the pre-civilization. But now I don't. Too much time, if you can't convince Kevin, then Mr. Kevin and I will leave - this world is not a place for duels."

"Haha, please do it. I never really thought about persuading Kevin to change his mind. It would be fine if I were in the original world, but I don't think I can influence Kevin's thoughts now. Of course, I don't want to influence him either. His thoughts and decisions." Dr. Mei smiled, "But before you leave...Kevin, I have a question I want to ask you."

"......what is the problem?"

"How many times have you lost to Exia?"

116. What can be done and what cannot be done

Dr. Mei's question simultaneously confused Kevin and Axia.


This is something that Ixia and Kevin have never admitted during the nearly week-long fight to the death.Whether Kevin lost to Exia or Exia lost to Kevin, it never happened. The balance of victory between the two never completely tilted to either side.

"When I say lose, I don't mean you actually decide the winner." Dr. Mei continued.

"Exia did something, but you failed to do something."

"You did something that Exia didn't do."

"What I need you to answer is just this question. Without considering the overall or individual outcome, in your opinion, how many times have you lost to Ixia?"

I lost to Exia several times.

The question asked again caused Kevin to fall into a longer silence.

He understood what Mei meant.

In fact, the focus of this question is not on Exia, nor on losing, nor on the specific number of times.

The point lies only in Kevin, in the things that Kevin failed to do before, but now are all redeemed by Exia.

"We lost a lot, Kevin."

"Before we faced the end, we lost Alicia and Sakura. In the disaster of the end, we lost Qianjie, Kosma, Velvi and Padofelis. And in the end, in the burning disaster On earth, we have lost Eden and the real me.”

"And after we came to modern civilization, we lost Graciu, Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu, and even lost you and Hua at one point. Even Su almost said goodbye to us forever."

Within days of establishing contact with Sue, Dr. May learned all about what had happened after her death.

The Ark that lost contact, the confrontation between Kevin and Su, the failure and disaster of the Fire Plan over thousands of years, the betrayal that Fu Hua experienced hundreds of years ago... According to the normal development, by now, it should only be Only Hua and Kevin are left, and everyone else will say goodbye to this world forever.

but now--

"Except for Cang Xuan and Dan Zhu, who had no hope of recovery, everyone got a new life with the help of Ixia. In my opinion, this is the first place where you [lose], Kevin."

That's right.

At this point, Kevin will not deny Alexia's achievements. He has indeed done what Kevin failed to do, making those stars that have fallen rise to the sky again in another form.

Kevin is grateful for Aixia’s efforts.

"...That doesn't constitute a basis for you to convince me, Mei."

"I'm not trying to convince you, Kevin. But you also know that sorting out all the details, causes and consequences of an incident is beneficial in various ways, isn't it? At least sort out the files later. When you are working, you don’t need to be overwhelmed and tortured by a large number of files.”

Alexia couldn't agree more with this statement.

"And I think you still [lose] a little to Alexia, Kevin - re-examine your situation. Can you find even one person beside you and behind you?"


This is a question that doesn't require thinking at all.

The answer is [no one].

The World Snake follows Kevin, but that is only because Kevin is Ying Jie, and it could be any other Ying Jie.It did help Kevin before, but it doesn't anymore.

The same goes for Mebius and Velvet.

They are indeed Kevin's friends and comrades-in-arms, but they are definitely not people who follow Kevin or stand alongside him.

They will not become that kind of existence, and Kevin will not let them become that kind of existence.

Kevin is alone.

From the beginning 500 years ago to now 500 years later, he has been moving forward alone - this is a necessary sacrifice that Kevin believes.The nature of the Stigma Project is destined to be a plan that is difficult to be accepted by other people. Except for the fanatical believers in the World Serpent, no one with normal cognition will agree with this plan.

Therefore, Kevin can only go forward alone.Even now that all my friends from the past have been reborn.

On the other hand, Exia...

Sandjo Aige, Artoria, Sekiryuutei, Senkai, Kosma... and Bianca and others who just came all the way from the earth just to buy him time.

Whether it's the people walking side by side with him or the people supporting him behind him, none of them can be compared to Kevin today.

As for Mei...that is the person who leads Kevin forward and is regarded as his guideline, not the person who works beside him or supports him. Both Mei and Kevin should understand it this way.

"I [lost] twice, right?"

After being silent for a while, Kevin said this.

"But even so, the Stigma Project cannot end. You can't convince me, Mei."

"I never like to say things a third time, Kevin. But if it were you, I wouldn't mind saying it a few more times - I never wanted to convince you, and I respect whatever you think, just like you did to me in the past. All decisions and instructions are accepted without hesitation.”

"What I think you said now is just to sort out all the roads and situations that have been put in front of you. If you have any intention, it is probably [I hope you can know, you There may be more than one path to choose."

"As for the last thing - Alicia specifically told me that if possible, she wants us all to sit together and have a meal together."

After saying this, Mei stopped talking and stepped aside and waved her hand, indicating that the next time and venue would be left to Exia and Kevin to choose.

Kevin: "..."

A wordless silence fell on Kevin.

This is of course not the first time Kevin has been so silent. He has been silent for far longer than anyone imagined. He has long been accustomed to silence.

But now... the silence he exudes doesn't feel like silence at all.

Instead, it is like a person who has been walking on a one-way street and is a little overwhelmed because there are suddenly several completely unfamiliar roads in front of him.

And it is.

[Execute the Stigma Plan and achieve the minimum salvation with the greatest sacrifice]. This is the only way to defeat Honkai in Kevin's opinion. Among the several plans left by Mei, it has not failed so far and has the highest success rate. plan of.

He himself is not a scientist, does not have a bright mind, and cannot think of a more effective way to save the world, so he can only go his own way.The friends who left one after another in the past made him more determined to move forward on this road. Even for them who have passed away and for their unfulfilled wishes, he must complete this plan and save this world.

But now-

"Mr. Kevin."

Alexia's voice came over.

"I don't think words can convince you, but now I want to ask you a question based on what Dr. Mei said - have you ever thought about living again with Alicia and the others in today's era? "

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