117. The Final Duel

The possibility of living with Alicia and the others?

that kind of thing...


That is an unrealistic fantasy that is simply impossible to realize...impossible...impossible to realize...


Alexia sighed softly: "Mr. Kevin, it's not that you haven't thought about that possibility, it's just that you ignored or gave up on that possibility - gave up the possibility that you could go back to the life you had before. sex."

return to the past.

Go back to Alicia and the others, go back to Mei, go back to your friends.

This is indeed an idea that Kevin has long given up on.

After experiencing many partings, experiencing many separations between life and death, and even experiencing confrontation with his best friends, Kevin has long given up the idea of ​​going with anyone.

He can no longer go back.

He must bear everyone's wishes and save the world in the worst possible way.


All the possibilities that emerged because of Mei's combing told Kevin that it was no longer necessary.

Needless to say, there are pros and cons of the Stigma Project.

The result of Kevin continuing to go his own way, the thoughts of Alicia and others, and the differences in all aspects of the current situation...all are telling Kevin the same thing.

[A retreat appears behind you, and new hope appears in front of you]

He had a choice.

That possibility he had given up, now he still had hope of regaining it.

He can go back.

He can rest.

He no longer needs to continue to move forward alone. As long as he is willing, those former partners are willing to support him and move forward with him again.


The silence continued.

Alexia and Dr. Mei continued to say nothing, just waiting for Kevin to come up with a new answer from the silence.

And after a few minutes of silence——

"My choice will not change, May, Exia."

Wiping away the sense of instability in his body, Kevin said with the same firm tone as always: "No matter how bad the Stigmata Project is, it is still one of the ways to defeat Honkai. Even if you have a better idea, Exia, I won’t change my mind about this excellent plan.”

"The only way you can defeat me is to surpass me and prove that your time has surpassed ours."

This is something Kevin still insists on.

(It’s really a waste of effort.)

Hearing that this was basically an expected result, Alexia sighed helplessly: "I think so, then let's continue after we get out... Having said that, I feel that we may never be separated. No victory or defeat.”

Even if they regain their strength and get help from Fu Hua and the others, they will end up in the same situation as before.

"I don't deny that - so let's make a quick decision."

Kevin pointed to his chest, his heart to be precise.

"It's just like we have tacitly limited our upper limit of doubling in order to prevent victory or defeat from becoming a pure multiplication of victory or defeat. Our next battle will be decided with one blow."

"...One strike determines the outcome? It's really a plan that surprises me."

But this is the most appropriate solution.

If the outcome really had to be determined by the [deaths] of two people, then it would be impossible to determine the outcome.

Alexia is immortal, and Kevin is in a similar situation. If the outcome is really determined by death, the time required may be counted in units of decades or even hundreds of years.

And what this duel requires is not the death of one of the two.

The original purpose of this duel was for Exia to prove to Kevin that she had surpassed him, so that Kevin would give up the Stigmata plan and implement the new plan provided by Exia.

Death of the two is not a requirement.

To put it bluntly... [Kevin needs a reason to willingly give in to Axia] - it's that simple.

"Mei is right, I have lost to you twice. You have achieved what I have not been able to do and have what I have lost."

"It only takes three. If I really lose to you this last time, then I..."

There was no need for Kevin to continue speaking. Alexia had already understood what he meant, and a relaxed smile appeared at the corner of her mouth: "In other words, what follows is our last confrontation. If you are in this one Falling at a disadvantage in a confrontation is equivalent to admitting your own failure, right?"


"And if you fail, then you will give up the Stigma Project decisively, and after returning to Earth, you will also go to meet Alicia and the others and live with them again, right?"


"Wouldn't it be nice to say this earlier?"

Alexia breathed a sigh of relief: "By the way, Dr. Mei, do you have any thoughts on living together with Mr. Kevin again?"

"Huh?" Dr. Mei couldn't help but raise his eyebrows, "Haha~~~ Now I have to ask Kevin. I am just a projection in the world bubble, not his real lover. He will not do this to me Are you someone who is overly nostalgic for the afterimages of the past?”

Kevin: "..."

"Of course, to put it bluntly, if you want to use me as a substitute, Kevin, then I am willing to accept it. As I said before, after communicating with Alicia and the others, I have There are many things I want to know. I will also be happy to attend the meal Alicia requested."

"The same goes for the other way around."

That's what Dr. May would say.

She didn't care whether she could be reborn, it didn't mean much to her.

"However, if you ask this kind of question now, you are very confident in yourself, Alexia." Dr. Mei smiled, "Kevin is not that easy to deal with. I know this better than anyone else. , he is a person who refuses to admit defeat."

"I have fully understood this from the nearly week-long fight to the death. When it comes to being difficult to deal with, there is really no opponent more difficult to deal with than Mr. Kevin."

Alexia smiled bitterly, but the next moment she confidently raised the black abyss white flower in her hand, causing it to burn with rainbow-colored flames.

"But I will definitely win. Whether it's for myself or for the people I love and the people who love me. For the people behind me and around me, I will win."

Om ——————!

The moment the voice fell, the space control magic was activated again, and Shajo Aige directly teleported Alexia and Kevin back to the original world.

The location teleported out was not New Atla, but a crater somewhere.Staring at Exia who raised the flame spear in front of him, Kevin also set up the Sword of Destruction and added the power of tearing the dimension to it again.

This is the final duel.

"Come on, Alexia-"

[Karma Demon] fell into the abyss again.

"Anytime, Kevin—"

[Balong] roared upwards to the sky again.

A brief silence spread between the two of them, as if they were making deeper preparations.


People on half the earth shrouded in darkness could see it.

Above the pale moon hanging high in the sky, an extremely dazzling sun-like brilliance bloomed!

118. Across the world

The final battle.

It would be a one-shot showdown.

If you don't really go all out in the initial attack, then it will just turn into an endless war of attrition.Even if Ixia and Kevin's strength has recovered, having to engage in such a long attrition battle again will be a meaningless torture for both of them physically and mentally.


"Drink ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!"

Accompanied by Alexia's war cry, the flame spear burning with rainbow flames launched the fastest and fiercest charge!

It was a rainbow flame that could disintegrate the physical form of all things and even burn away the law of cause and effect.The fight to the death with Kevin lasted for nearly a week, and Exia gradually mastered the technique of using the power of the familiar beast without summoning it.

(Did the Holy Sword user choose the power for this last blow?)

Without taking his eyes off the flame spear for a moment, Kevin made a standard swordsmanship start for the first time, and swung down the Sword of Destruction fiercely with a stance similar to that of the upper level!


The dimensional space was suddenly shattered and torn under this sword!

The surging sky fire immediately turned into a space-burning disaster, and together with the overflowing countless space collapses and dimensional turbulence, rushed towards Exia!

Kevin didn't hold back.

This is the full blow he can deliver with his current strength!

But wherever the flames touch, everything will be swallowed up together with the space!

Even if a monster can be resurrected countless times, if it completely disappears from this world together with the space, it means that it has never appeared and cannot be reborn!

(Too reckless, Exia, your final blow was like this...)

"......mission completed......"

However, from the flames that tore apart the dimension, a young man's voice suddenly came out.

Kevin couldn't help but widen his eyes slightly——

(That is......)


In the flames, his whole body was wrapped by countless beasts. Kos Momo, with a two-headed dragon hovering around him, was lying low on the ground, looking extremely difficult to resist the erosion from the space, rushing unrestrictedly. The group of chaotic beasts that came out kept devouring the flames and fought back in a way that almost killed them all!

(Oops, Kosma’s ability is——)

[Chaos of Vishnu] - Things that are swallowed up by the countless beasts will be taken away together with their own power!

Subconsciously, Kevin immediately wanted to stop the output of the Sword of Destruction!

At the same time, he began to look for Exia.

Although I don’t know why the person who took his first blow turned into a kosmo, but since Exia is not here, it means that his attack may strike at any time!

(I can’t feel it from the surrounding...horizontal angle, so——)


Kevin raised his head for the first time, and at the moment he raised his head, what caught his eyes was the black sword of Yama held high, like a meteorite falling from the sky, under the influence of gravity from a high altitude, it was several times stronger than usual. Falling towards his thousand calamities at such a speed!

(Is it...a thousand calamities?!)

Use [Ashura's Amber] to use [Yama's Black Sword] to strike with full force!

This is undoubtedly the strongest blow that can completely break any defense!

(Is this the strongest attack you have prepared? Exia.)

"Suffer death! Kevin————————!!!"

The roaring Qianjie completely turned into a meteor!

It's like the final natural disaster that destroyed the dinosaurs in the long past!

【aaaaarrrrrrr————————! ! ! 】

However, in the last moment of reaction time, Kevin still made his own response!

The dark two-headed dragon roared out from Kevin's shadow!

Because of Mebius' surgery, Kevin was able to make the power of the beasts a part of his own power from the beginning. Because of this surgery, he lost the power of several beasts, and in the beasts he can use now Among the beasts, the most powerful is undoubtedly [Shadow Mercury]!

The two-headed dragon that devours dimensions can even swallow meteorites that destroy civilization!

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