The iceberg-like expression on Kevin's face softened a bit.

Su was right, he was indeed living with Mei now.In the pre-civilization period, due to the influence of the Honkaiju factor, his body temperature was always below zero, so that he forever lost the opportunity to embrace Mei.But after Mei became a pseudo-heroic spirit, perhaps due to the changes brought about by the existence of the heroic spirit, Mei's physical strength was strengthened to a considerable extent.

She used to be out of breath even after walking a few steps, but now her physical fitness is comparable to Sakura's, and Kevin's low temperature has no effect on her.

"If it weren't for the technology and knowledge you brought, Mei and I wouldn't have the possibility of embracing each other again. I want to thank you for this, Ixia."

The two people who were fighting for their lives about a week ago are now getting along very well.

Will yesterday's enemies become today's friends...?

"I never thought that that knowledge would come in handy in a place like this... But forget it, I'd be glad if I could help you - that's right."

Suddenly, as if remembering something, Aixia stepped on the shadow beneath her and activated the familiar beast in her body with minimal strength.

And soon, [Ashura's Amber] and [Vishnu's Chaos] - Thousand Calamities and Kos Demon - were summoned by him.Because Exia has greatly limited her power, both of them are now maintaining normal human body shapes.

"...Didn't you ask me to come out to fight?"

"Of course not. Qianjie, do you just want to fight?"

Listening to Qianjie's somewhat dissatisfied tone, Ixia explained: "Alicia held a party in the Golden Courtyard to celebrate the move and the reunion of the Thirteen Heroes. Although you and Mr. Cosmo have already I can’t become a human anymore, but I can still participate.”

"I'm not interested, let me go back." Qianjie said indifferently, "Or let me and Kevin have another fight now. I didn't fight him enough before, so let's continue."

"You are no match for me now, Qianjie."

"Aang?! Are you looking for death! Kai——"


Before Qianjie finished speaking, Aixia dematerialized him: "Although I probably guessed that this would be the case... Mr. Kevin, couldn't you say it more tactfully?"

"There is no need to be tactful in the face of thousands of calamities. I just tell the truth." Kevin responded, "Kosmo, what about you? Are you participating?"


Putting away the surging beasts around him, Kosmo tried his best to look like a normal boy and nodded: "I...want to see how Gracie is doing. I hope she can still adapt to modern times. life."

"With Aponya taking care of her, I don't think you need to worry so much - but if you think so, I think Gratius will also be very happy." Su smiled and said, "Long time no see, Kosma."

"Long time no see, Su."

"Okay, that's it for the pleasantries."

Alexia clapped her hands: "Although I don't know how long it will take for the girls to change clothes, we can't leave here without changing clothes. Why don't we change clothes first? It's in the closet, right?"

Su: "Okay."

Kevin: "That's right."

Cosmo: "..."

13.Normal operation of Kosmo

It didn't take much time for the boys' group to change clothes. After releasing Qianjie again, the five of them each picked a suit that suited them from the closet and put it on. That was it.

After all, none of them knew how to wear makeup. At most, Su could take care of his hair, but Exia and the others didn't care what their hairstyles were, as long as they had simple hairstyles.So in the end, a few people just changed their clothes and that was it.

Fortunately, the suits designed by Eden are quite outstanding, and the people of Aixia are already very good at it. Even if they don’t dress up at all, just changing their clothes is enough to be considered [handsome].

After changing their clothes, several people went to the restaurant on the first floor of the party venue.

There was no one in the restaurant, the girls seemed to be still changing their clothes, and all the dishes needed for the party were basically ready.

Therefore, with the intention of saving time, the five people from Aixia walked into the kitchen.


"Da da da da da!"


Looking at Kevin and Qianjie standing in front of the stove, handling the dishes with incredibly skilled cooking skills, Alexia couldn't help but look at Su with surprise on her face, and pointed at the two people: "They So you know how to cook?”

"Why are you so surprised?"

"Of course it's because...Mr. Kevin is also [Kaslana], right? And no one in the Kaslana family has adequate cooking skills."

This is not an exaggeration.

Whether it's Alexia or Kiana, or Bianca, or even Siegfried and Theresa, the best cooking skills are just average.

Siegfried would burn the food every day.It is said that Aunt Theresa only knows how to cook bitter things and specializes in bitter melon dishes.Kiana only knows how to eat, and won't do it if she can.Bianca is too strong and often breaks kitchen utensils.Alexia, on the other hand, can only cook some simple home dishes.

[Not being able to cook] can be considered an ancestral talent of the Kaslana family!

But as the origin of the Kaslana family, Kevin actually had such excellent cooking skills, which really shocked Alexia - he even used the firepower of the family stove to cook!

"I've heard about the situation in Kaslana's family. But Kevin's cooking skills are very good." Su smiled. "In the past, before he became a fusion warrior, Kevin had no choice but to work overtime every day. After resting, Mei ate delicious food and learned to cook for a long time. Unfortunately, his physique did not support him to continue cooking - now it is because Velvet installed a small prop on him, which controlled him to a certain extent. You can cook this way only if your body temperature is high.”

"I see... Because you have been so cold to me all this time, you can't tell that Mr. Kevin is so considerate to his lover,"

"I'm just learning how to cook. Anyone can do that, right?"

Kevin skillfully poured the stir-fried food into the basin: "I can teach you if you need it."

"Eh? Is that okay?"

"It's not a secret. I can only teach you according to the script."


"Tch! What's the point of showing off your three-legged cat's cooking skills?"

Just when Ixia was about to agree, Qianjie's disdainful voice came from the side: "You can show off with just one or two simple hands, that's all you can do, Kevin! It seems that in terms of cooking skills, you are destined to be crushed and destroyed by me!"


Listening to Qianjie's slightly unclear words, Kevin looked at the pot in Qianjie's hand wordlessly, then picked up the spatula and played a trick: "I think I should have said, Qianjie, you are not My opponent. Whether it’s fighting or cooking, they’re all the same.”

"Ha! Anyone can tell lies! If you have the ability, come and fight with real swords and guns!"

"Okay. Anyway, today, at most one person will die here."

"Then come!!!"

Watching the two people who were inexplicably ignited and inspired by each other's competitiveness, Ixia silently retreated outside the kitchen: "...Didn't you teach me how to cook?"

"Let them be, Alexia." Su said with a flat smile, "Those two were like this when they were chasing the fire moth, but it can be predicted that we will have a feast next, which is very important to us. Words are enough, aren’t they?”

"That's true...Eh? Where is Mr. Cosmo?"

Suddenly realizing that there was someone who had been silent, Exia looked around, but could not find Kosmo at all.

Su pointed to the stairs not far away: "He is very worried about Gratio. I think he went to find the women's locker room."




Kevin, Qianjie and Exia made different sounds at the same time, and then the three people's eyes moved in the direction of the stairs pointed by Su.

That Cosmo went to the women's locker room to find Gracie?

"...He shouldn't do anything like peeking through the crack of the door, right?"

"I don't know." Kevin shook his head, "Why don't you just call him back?"

"Yes - Mr. Cosmo, come back."


As soon as Alexia finished speaking, a confused Kosmo emerged from his shadow, blinked on the spot and tilted his head: "What's wrong? Alexia, suddenly called me back. "

"Nothing, I just saw you missing. Mr. Su said you went to the women's locker room, so..."

".......I did not go."

After a moment of silence, Kosmo tilted his head and said: "... To be precise, I didn't go in. I was waiting outside for Gracie to come out, but they haven't changed yet."

At first, Exia was nervous when she heard that Kosmo had not finished her words.

It seems that Kosmo still has the most basic common sense.

If Kosmo really breaks in, then Exia will beat him up no matter what!

"However, while I was waiting outside the door, I heard Alicia's voice [attacking] other people inside." Cosmo continued, "Because there were too many voices, I didn't hear it clearly, but ...It seems that there is Dr. Mei’s voice, and it seems that Alicia wants to——”


Before Kosmo finished speaking, Kevin teleported and disappeared from the kitchen!

"I'm anxious." Alexia laughed, "It's just a normal interaction between girls, right? Is it so nervous?"

"Dr. Mei is very important to Kevin. In addition, I also heard Alicia talking about that Hollander-"


Alexia, who was still laughing at Kevin a second ago, disappeared directly before Kosmo could finish what she said!

(What is that goblin who only thinks about beautiful girls going to do to my Bianca!?)


Glancing at the two people leaving, Kosmo paused: "...Should I not have said that?"

Qianjie: "Huh, two idiots!"

Sue: "It's okay, Kosmo. This is fine."

14. Banquet, cheers

After a few minutes.

Inside the restaurant.

"Oh~~~Kevin, Alexia, you two are too nervous~~~"

Looking at Kevin who was holding Mei behind her, and Alexia who was holding Bianca in her arms, Alicia looked innocent: "I just want to be close to beautiful and lovely girls. Come on, please don't act like I'm going to eat them all up, okay? I didn't do anything to you, right? May, Bianca?"



Dr. Mei, who was wearing a pure white lace dress and her long hair tied into a long ponytail, paused in embarrassment.Bianca, who changed into a fiery red cheongsam with a dragon ball hanging around her waist, also looked a little ashamed.

They didn't mean to blame Alicia. Girls gathered in a large room to change clothes, so some physical contact was inevitable. But to be honest, Alicia hugged her directly. ...It’s hard for them to say that Alicia is right.

Seeing their wife's reaction, Kevin and Alexia looked at Alicia with more vigilance, and Alexia hugged Bianca even harder.

Faced with this situation, Alicia immediately lowered her head in despair, turned around and threw herself into Eden's arms for comfort.

After being rejected by two girls, he immediately went to find another girl - Alicia, a social butterfly who is worthy of being a fire moth. The speed of "transferring love to another girl" is really fast enough.

"Okay, Kevin, stop bullying Alicia."

Smiling and patting his lover on the shoulder, Dr. Mei said: "You know, Ai Li doesn't have any ill intentions, she is just more enthusiastic. I am not the person before who needs to be protected by you all the time. There is no need. And you still take good care of me in every possible way.”

"......I see."

Kevin, who had always listened to Mei's words the most, reluctantly put down his guard against Alicia.

Bianca also pulled Alexia's hand around her thin waist: "You too, stop touching it, Alexia, everyone is watching."


Alexia, who also couldn't resist her wife, took back her wiping hand without wanting to finish.

Seeing the way the only two lovers treated their wives, the other bystanders also laughed.

Graciu even said bluntly: "Brothers Kevin and Alexia feel a bit like their father in front of their mother, Cosmo."

"...You'd better stop talking now, Gratius." Kosmo pulled Gratius aside with a look of helplessness.

Fu Hua laughed and said: "It doesn't matter, Kosmo. Grexiu is still at the age where children can talk without restraint. Besides, I think Kevin and Alexia won't care, right?"

"Well, no."

"Little Gracie, just say whatever you want."

Regardless of whether he is in the Golden Courtyard or the Exia family, Gratienne is a well-deserved favorite of the group. He is the one who is jointly pampered by both families. Who dares to object to Graciu giving it a try?

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