If nothing else, Kosmo was the first to blow that man's head off.jpg

"But... this battle is really luxurious."

Ms. Raven, who was leaning in the corner and was forced to change into a black silk dress, held her chest with her hands: "The Thirteen Heroes of the former civilization, and the S-level Valkyries of Destiny, plus the Herrscher... ....The people in this room together can destroy the world, right?"

More than a month ago, who would have thought that so many people could gather in such a small villa?

You know, if anyone here is released, it may affect the entire world.To put it bluntly, in addition to reverse entropy, the frontline combat power against Honkai is now all gathered together.

It’s a lineup so luxurious that you feel like you’re in a dream.

"Sister Raven, what do you say in this situation?"

Kiana, who was wearing a blue and white princess dress with a small crown on her head, moved the chopsticks in her hand as she spoke: "Compared with this, brother, can we start eating! I'm starving to death. , you can only look at so many dishes but not eat them, are you going to make me hungry to death?"

"No one will let you eat..."

Alexia smiled and said, "But that's what I said. Now that everyone has changed into their clothes, it's time to officially start the party, right?"

After saying this, Alexia took the lead and raised the champagne in her hand.

Logically speaking, since there are many minors present, it is best not to arrange alcohol. At most, you can prepare some juice and sparkling water.But in the grand scheme of things, it can be said that this is the first friendship between World Snake and Destiny. It cannot be justified without drinking some wine, so in the end, we prepared the minimum red wine, champagne and beer, which even minors can drink.

Of course, Gratio was expressly forbidden from drinking.

After watching everyone pick up the wine glasses, Alexia cleared her throat: "First of all... before we start, let me say some simple words. I know that it is not suitable to speak seriously on this occasion. Things, but there are still some——"

"I won't wait for you! Brother, let's drink!"


Without giving Alexia the time or opportunity to make her opening remarks, Kiana raised the beer in her hand and shouted with a smile without giving any face to her brother.

When she shouted like this, the others immediately followed suit and left Aixia alone.

Alexia: "..."

"Don't worry." After finishing the champagne in his hand, Kevin patted Alexia on the shoulder, "There's no need to be too formal. It's just an ordinary party."

"...Sigh~~~I originally wanted to say something nice."

This can be regarded as a kind of inertial thinking left over from Exia's past.

He didn't attend many large-scale cocktail parties like this, but in every occasion like this, he always had to say a few nice opening remarks.In the past, he had attended either as the representative of Bishop Otto or as His Majesty the True Ancestor, and he had to say a few words no matter what the occasion.

but now......

"Just be casual, Alexia~~~"

Alicia also came over at this time: "This party is not only to celebrate the reunion of all of us, but also to celebrate the reunion of Kevin and Mei, and to congratulate you on defeating Kevin. As one of today's protagonists , you can’t be so tense~~~ Anyway, let’s have a toast first, right?”


Raising the glass to Alicia, Alexia smiled and said: "Cheers, Alicia."

"Yeah! This is right! Cheers, Alexia!"

15.You are the hope of us and the world

The banquet started at dusk and lasted for more than two hours.

Because there were so many people participating, no matter which two people came together, they could talk about some topics. The atmosphere at the dinner table was pushed to the peak one by one due to the constant occurrence of topics.

Like Gracie.

As the group's favorite, she has always been fed by others, first Kosmo and Aponya, and then Alicia... She is basically pampering Gracie to death.

Another example is Professor Mebius.

At this dinner table where everyone was dressed up, Mebius's outfit was actually a little different - she was wearing a cute little pink dress!Alexia had noticed when he came down before. Mebius's face was full of dissatisfaction and resistance to the clothes.

(Maybe it was given by Alicia?)

Looking at the style, Alexia felt that Mebius' pink skirt should be paired with Alicia's maid outfit.

It's just that now Mebius has completely adapted to this outfit - Professor Mebius, who has been drunk for a long time, can't care about his own dress when Eden and Raven are holding him to drink. Woolen cloth?From the looks of it, Professor Mebius couldn't escape from Eden and Raven's hands before they drank all the wine.

Kiana is still eating a lot, but she is not eating alone, but is having a sister competition with Bianca. They also have the attributes of the big eaters of the Kaslana family. In the end, It’s hard to say who can eat better.

As for the behavior of these two people, as the women behind them, Raiden Meiyi and Rita both had expressions of helplessness and smiles on their faces.Bella has been cheering for her queen.

Yae Sakura and Sakura also got together. Just like when they were at Exia's house, they called Hitamamaru out through Jizo Mithun and enjoyed the relationship and atmosphere between the sisters.

Patophilis, who had slipped into an oversized cat doll suit, got together with Fu Hua, Li Suchang and Anna, and the four of them gathered together and talked and laughed.

There is also the Paradise boy band of Kevin and Su, Qianjie, and Kosmo.

Bronya and Seele feeding each other.


A situation that almost no one thought would happen in the past is now happening in such a villa like a daily routine that has been repeated countless times.

It's like these daily routines never stop.

Standing in a corner that seemed unrelated to everyone, quietly watching this scene, Alexia suddenly put down the wine glass in her hand, and exited the restaurant without anyone noticing. When we reached the open-air balcony on the second floor, we looked at the sky that had completely darkened in the distance.

It was almost seven o'clock in the evening, the sun had already set, it was winter, and it was very cold at night.

It’s just that Exia is not afraid of the cold at all.

"A nice party, isn't it?"

Shajo Aige appeared next to Alexia: "Prince, you still like this situation, right?"

"Yeah. It should be said that... I feel a sense of accomplishment." Ixia smiled, "Although I didn't think so at the beginning, but looking back now, the reason why everyone can gather together is It seems that I have put in a lot of effort. When I think about it this way, a sense of accomplishment and satisfaction naturally arises."

"Miss Ai Ge, does it really matter if you don't enter the soul steel body and attend the party with everyone?"

"It doesn't matter, I want to be with the prince more than partying." Shajo Aige came to Alexia, and they lay on the railing with him and looked at the night sky in the distance, "Wait until this time After the party, by this time tomorrow, we will have arrived in a brand new world, right?"


A new different world.

A new, unknown journey, encounters that they have never experienced in the past - these will all be presented to Aixia and Li Suchang tomorrow.

"I wonder what will happen in the next world?"

"Who knows? But no matter what happens, I will face it with you, Prince. [In the true sense, I will always be with you]. This is something that only Liya and I can do~~~~ , and the same goes for Ddraig.”

[Did I just come by the way?little girl]

Ddraig's voice sounded from Exia's left hand.

"But Ai Ge is right."

Rainbow-colored flames rose at Exia's feet, and Artoria appeared from it: "No matter what kind of crisis there is on the road ahead, my sword will become the master's power and open up a way forward for you."

"Yeah. I've been troubling you all this time, Liya, Ddraig. The same goes for the Herrscher of Thunder - it's a pity that I didn't bring him here this time."

Although the consciousness of the Herrscher of Thunder existing in [Victory Kingship] was not mentioned much, Exia had many exchanges with her during the battle, and he was very grateful to her for always fighting beside him.Speaking of which, it was because of the incident with the Herrscher of Thunder that Exia gradually came up with the idea of ​​"not killing the Herrscher, but knocking it down and sealing it".

Of course, this is only limited to people you know.

"Huh? You are here, Alexia."

Suddenly, Dr. Mei's voice came to my ears.

Alexia turned around and saw Dr. Mei walking towards him: "What's wrong? The party below is not over yet. Alexia, why don't you go down and continue with everyone?"

"Just come out for a little air. Dr. Mei, why are you here alone? Where is Mr. Kevin?"

"I don't have to stay with Kevin all the time, just like you don't stay with your lovers all the time, right?" Dr. Mei smiled, "I just came out to use the toilet. That's all, I heard a noise here on the road, so I came over to take a look, but I didn't expect you to be here."

Coming to the other side of Exia, Dr. Mei leaned on the fence: "...I haven't seen the sky on Earth for tens of thousands of years. After spending so much time in the world bubble, For a long time, I never thought that one day I would be able to return to Earth and be with everyone."

"I heard, you will overcome Honkai in your own way, right?"

Alexia paused: "...Well. There are many ways."

"In our era, the methods we thought of to cross the end all failed in the end." Dr. Mei's voice deepened, "We tried our best and exhausted all the resources of our era, but in the end we just Winning an insignificant half a day from Zhong Yan - these are things I learned later."

"To put it bluntly, I personally don't agree with your idea. The success rate of crossing the End head-on is really low, not to mention that there are still several Herrschers who need to cross before that. Starting with the Ninth Herrscher , every Herrscher is a powerful enemy that cannot be defeated without paying some price."

"Rationally speaking, I actually support the Stigma Project. But...even Kevin lost to you, so we have no choice but to admit defeat."

After talking about it, Dr. Mei smiled slightly: "I accidentally overheard something just now. You are going to another world next, right?"


"Then, as a reward for the [Victors] and [Striders], and for the [Successors], I can assure you, Ixia, if a new Herrscher comes during your absence. I, we, All of us will do our best to help in this era."

"We will tell the truth about our experience in fighting the Herrscher and our understanding of the Herrscher's power - before facing the end, we will try our best to ensure that this era does not suffer too many losses."

"This is my guarantee and promise to you as the leader of the Fire Chaser, Exia."

Dr. May stared at Exia.

"Therefore, I also sincerely hope that when you return after experiencing many worlds, you can reach the ending that we have never reached. In the following journey to another world, you don't need to worry about our world and devote yourself to the world. Let’s explore the future.”

"Keep going, exia."


These are the [last words] and [blessings] Dr. Mei Zeng left for Kevin.

And now, she gives the same [blessing] to Exia.

16. Soulmate Li Suchang

The first day of 2016.


On the first day of the new year, Aixia's family was not preparing to spend the new year like other families.After all, they just enjoyed a party in the Golden Courtyard yesterday, and today, the first day of the New Year, they really didn't want to move.

However, having said that, today is actually not a day that allows them to completely relax.

After all, today is——

"Leaving so early?"

Inside the living room.

Seeing Aixia and Li Suchang, who had packed all their luggage and each dragged a suitcase, Raven's tone was a little surprised: "Are you in such a hurry?"

"Not really, but if we start today, the time is easy to calculate." Exia said, "Actually, there is no need for you to get up so early to see us off, right? Can't you go back and continue to sleep?"

"It's okay, we don't have anything to do."

In front of Alexia, Bianca, who was standing with others, smiled: "How long are you planning to go this time? Is it still three months?"

"If nothing else happens, yes. But I may not come back in three months - after all, Mr. Kevin and the others are here, and you are here. I think even if the Herrscher appears, there will be no big problem, so It will probably look like I won’t come back in three months and will go directly to the new world.”

Last night, after a brief chat with Dr. Mei, Alexia came up with this idea.

In the past, he would come back every time he went to another world. He had never tried to travel continuously. Since there was nothing in this world that he needed to worry too much about, there was no harm in giving it a try.It just so happened that Li Sushang also wanted to see more of other worlds.

"That means you will be back in half a year at the latest?"

"Yeah. But I can't say for sure. Maybe I will come back directly after three months because I miss you?" Alexia said with a smile.

"Tch~~~Brother, if you don't attract attention from other women outside, we will consider you to have worked hard!"

Kiana curled her lips: "Sister Sushang, you must keep an eye on me. Don't let him become a big carrot in another world with three or four women following him wherever he goes!"

"Don't worry, Miss Qiana!" Li Sushang puffed up her chest and patted her chest, vowing, "I will definitely keep a good watch on my junior uncle and prevent him from messing around in another world!"

"Well, it's over to you!"

Qiana gave Li Sushang a thumbs up!

But there is one thing to say, instead of worrying about those people from another world, Kiana is more worried about Li Sushang.I have said it several times before, it is bizarre for Alexia to do nothing when she is alone outside for three months with a super beautiful girl like Li Sushang who trusts her 100%.

(After I come back... I should probably be called Sister Sushang and sister-in-law, right? Do I have too many sisters-in-law?)

If you have to say it, Kiana herself is her sister-in-law.

This relationship is in a mess.

"Then shall we set off now?" Exia's words brought Kiana back from her thoughts, "The situation here will be left to you, and the sword of victory will continue to be handed over to Anna, the acting captain. Just contact me anytime if you need anything.”

Because I had contacted friends in another world before, Ixia also thought about whether I could contact people here in another world. After asking Existence x, the answer was yes, and Unlike other other worlds that have a limit of four people, as long as there is contact information in this world, no matter how many people there are, Exia can contact him.

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