"There are magicians and knights who can fight against mythical beasts, but they are all famous beings in the world, and I recognize most of them. But in my memory, I have never seen a being like you." Erica frowned He frowned slightly, "I would like to express my gratitude to you for standing up to stop the beasts from causing chaos and containing the disaster, but a strong man like you suddenly appeared on Sardinia..."

"Yeah~~~This means, I can understand it."

Exia is used to this kind of situation.

Basically, he had to be interrogated like this in every world. When he first arrived at Genkami Island, he was directly invited into the underground dark room.

Suddenly, someone with powerful power appeared on his own territory. As the local manager, he had to come over to take a look at the situation and find out his identity.But looking at Erica like this, it doesn't look like she was sent here, but rather like she came here on her own initiative.

Should it be said that she is a talented and bold person?Or are you a little overconfident?

She was so aware of the power of the mythical beast, yet she came directly to her door...

(That is to say, the prince is indeed a kind person, otherwise she would have suffered a lot.)

(Miss Aige, please don’t praise me.)

Alexia smiled: "No need to thank you for the divine beast thing, it's just a little effort. As for our identities...well, I don't know if there is such a concept of [another world] in this world, but Su and I Shang is indeed a person from another world."

"To put it more directly, the two of us are [travelers] traveling back and forth in different worlds. It's okay to think of us as [ronin]."

22. The existence of the disobedient god

A traveler from another world?

Alexia's statement surprised Erica - this does not mean that she does not believe that the existence of other worlds is common sense to the other world she lives in. In addition to this real world, there are The existence of other different worlds is something that every magician or knight knows.

What surprised her was that she actually met a visitor from another world!

She had only heard rumors before.

"Looking at you, you don't seem too surprised that we come from another world?" Ixia asked, "That's great. I'm still thinking about how to explain it if you think we are talking nonsense. Woolen cloth."

"Surprised... It's not that it's nothing. It's just that I am also a knight after all. Compared with the mythical beast and the god of disobedience, my status as [traveler from another world] can only be said to be average."

God of disobedience.

A fresh vocabulary.

Alexia raised her eyebrows: "What is the God of Disobedience? Does it refer to the wild boar before and the boy I met? Ms. Erica, do you know this matter very well?"

"That's why I'm here - by the way, can I see this as your problem?"

"Of course, if you have no other questions."

When it comes to other problems, Erica does have them. For example, the two-headed dragon that appears and disappears out of thin air is obviously an existence related to Exia, and there are also dragon people like Exia. The posture... But Erica also knew that even if she asked here, Alexia would most likely not answer and would only prevaricate.

This is also normal.No matter how kind and approachable they appear, it is the first time for the two of them to meet. Apart from their identity and each other's purpose, there is really no need to reveal too much information.

(Let’s find time to slowly test and investigate later...Whether or not he is a person from another world needs further confirmation and investigation.)

After mentally planning the next itinerary, Erica continued: "I understand. But... He obviously has enough power to confront the divine beast, but he doesn't know that the God of Disobedience is really It’s a strange situation.”

"After all, our world has nothing to do with this world, so I have to ask you to explain it to us, Ms. Erica."

"......All right."

After clearing her throat, Erica explained directly.

The so-called gods of disobedience refer to the gods who broke free from the "Court of Myths".

From the long past, humans have weaved myths, or recorded myths after witnessing miracles. Myths have gone through a long time, spread widely around the world, and gradually formed as they collided and blended with each other. a conceptual realm.

That is the [Cardyard of Myths].

Although there has never been any conclusive proof of its existence, for the sake of understanding, the magic community has always believed so.Even regarding the existence of gods, magicians have always conducted research in a hypothetical way. This is not irresponsible, but it is just that for ignorant humans, the existence of gods is too difficult to understand.

Closer to home.

Normally, the gods live in the mythical courtyard and do not come to the earth.But occasionally there are gods who leave the realm of myth and appear on the earth, and among these gods, there are also gods who rebel against their own myths.

That is the [God of Disobedience].

They appear without authorization in a land that has nothing to do with their own mythology, and bring disasters that can destroy everything. The mere appearance of God's power is a natural disaster for this world, let alone a god who takes it seriously.Even making one or two countries disappear from the map is not difficult to do.

For example, if the God of War appears in the world, a war may break out somewhere in the world.If the sun god appears, maybe the sun will never set... You can imagine how much impact and destruction it will bring to this world.

In front of the gods, mortals have no power to resist.

"The huge wild boar that appeared earlier should be the appearance of a certain disobedient god, and the tornado that followed it away should also be the same - in fact, in the past few days, there has been an appearance in Sardinia I’ve been through similar situations several times.”

"How many times?" Alexia became interested, "Is this kind of thing common in the past two days?"

Erica nodded: "Yes. Camels, bulls, rams... Counting the wild boar that appeared today, four mythical beasts have appeared on Sardinia... eh ?Wait, I shouldn’t have any obligation to answer this kind of question, right?"

"It seems so, but I appreciate your answer, Miss Erica."

Camels, bulls, rams, plus wild boars.

Indeed, they are all the incarnations of Veleslana, and there is more and more evidence.

"...In this case, can I ask another question?"

"Of course, please."

"Did you just say that you met a young man?" Erica asked in a deep voice, "When those mythical beasts I just mentioned appeared, in fact, some people witnessed the appearance of a young man. Although it was only speculation, but That boy should be closely related to the mythical beast and the God of Disobedience - if possible, could you please tell me some information about that person?"


Alexia thought for a while: "Let me ask first, what are you going to do after you know it? Do you want to go directly to the young man?"

"of course."

Erica answered decisively.

"Since this is a matter related to the God of Disobedience, we cannot sit idly by and ignore it. I am a knight and a person whose duty is to protect the people. I must not allow such a dangerous and suspicious existence to move around Sardinia. "

"...The idea is commendable, but it's a pity, Ms. Erica." Alexia shook her head, "I really don't know anything about that young man. The only thing I can tell you is He is indeed related to the God of Disobedience, and the tornado that took the wild boar away was probably summoned by him, and the rest is unknown."

"After all, I just came to this world with Su Shang a few hours ago. To put it bluntly, it's like we have arrived in a foreign country, knowing nothing about the local conditions and even not speaking the local language. As for outsiders, even if you ask me, my answer can only be that I don’t know.”

Reasonable explanation.

Erica's expression dimmed for a moment, but she quickly recovered: "Really...I know. It was indeed my negligence. I should have thought that you, as people from another world, wouldn't even follow me." If you don’t know the existence of God, then you definitely don’t know other things... I’m sorry, I asked some inappropriate questions.”

"That's okay - so that's all the questions?"

"Yes. Sorry to bother you two, I'll leave now."

After saying that, Erica stood up and prepared to leave.

But Alexia stopped her: "Wait a moment, Ms. Erica, I have another unwelcome favor."

"Eh? Is there anything else?"

"Well. If possible, I would like to exchange contact information with Ms. Erica - after all, we have just arrived in this world and are unfamiliar with the place. If we encounter some trouble, it is best to have a local person who can provide us with some information. help."

"...Then I think there is no need for that, and unfortunately, I didn't bring my mobile phone." Erica refused with a smile, "If we have a chance to meet again next time, we can exchange it. "

After saying that, Erica left the room in a hurry.

23.Go and kill the gods?

The room, which had been lively for a few minutes, returned to silence.

After waiting until the sound of Erica's footsteps faded away, Li Suchang, who had been holding back a lot of words, spoke. He immediately poked his junior uncle's waist: "It's really a pity, junior junior uncle, I didn't ask for it. Her phone number. You must be thinking about something shady, right?"

"No, I really just want her to do a few more favors for us."

Alexia said: "She said she was from some magic association, and magic associations should logically exist in the other world, right? It was not mentioned on the TV news. So, since it is If you were in the other world, it would be easy to help us apply for identification, right?"

"Don't forget, we are a gangster in this world and we have no identification."

Although with Shajo Aige's suggestion magic, the lack of identification is not a problem at all, but suggestion magic is not omnipotent, and it is impossible not to leave some flaws.If you have proof of identity, everything will be easier.

Li Sushang looked at Alexia in disbelief: "Why don't I believe it?"

"I think you can trust me more, Su Shang. I swear to God, I really don't have any thoughts about this Ms. Erica! Even if she is indeed a beautiful girl, there is no comparison with you. Sex!”


The sudden compliment made Li Sushang froze: "Uncle, you think so highly of me? It's really unexpected... Wait, does this mean that as long as I am with you, uncle?" You don’t look down on other girls around you? Isn’t this girl feeding a tiger with her own body?”

"Can't you put it in a nicer way?"

Alexia rolled her eyes.

"For example, [my eyes are attracted to you], or [your charm makes me unable to extricate myself]——"

"Uncle Junior...even I find this statement a bit...disgusting."

"......me too."

Then why are you still talking?

Li Sushang sighed: "So, junior uncle, what did you lie to her for? We know about it at all, right? That boy... uh, what happened to Veleslana?"

"I didn't tell her just because I knew it - Su Shang, in your opinion, what is her strength?"

"Well..." Li Sushang thought for a moment, "Because I have never fought before, I don't know the specific situation, but I feel that it should be pretty good, and my skills are probably good."

"Compared to you?"

"Let her win easily with one hand - ah, so that's it?"

Alexia smiled and said: "That's it. Being evaluated like this by you proves that her strength is actually not bad, but at best it's just an okay level. It's pretty good for her age, but she has to face a lot of difficulties. According to the God of Cong, her level is tantamount to death, even if she is a divine beast, she can’t defeat it, right?”

No interest, no interest. At least Alexia had a good impression of Erica, so there was no need to let her die.

"So, little uncle, what should we do next?"


Alexia simply said one word.

"Before Veleslana left, he said that he had a battle with an ancient god-king. In the past few days, when the beast appeared, he should be recovering the power and incarnation that belonged to him. Probably waiting for him When he takes back all his incarnations, will he go to challenge the unknown ancient god king?"

"When the time comes, this island will become a battlefield between gods - the situation is still very bad, so I am prepared to stop it when the time comes."

I watched an island sink before my eyes, and watched the residents of this island lose their lives due to an unreasonable disaster.

Alexia couldn't do such a thing.

Even if he only came here today, Kaslana would not stand by and watch this happen.

"That is to say, Junior Master Uncle, are you going to be a chivalrous and righteous hero for once? Isn't that great!" Li Sushang smiled, "In that case, I will also come to help you, Junior Master Uncle! Be careful. Think about it, since I was awakened by the Rakshasa people, I have never made a serious move, so this time I have found an opportunity to show off my skills!"

"I knew you would say that - even if you didn't say that, I would have originally planned to let you help."

Alexia took a sip of water, moistened her throat and continued: "The ever-victorious God of War and the God-King of Ancient Myths are about to start a war. The fighting power of the God of Disobedience is not yet clear, so for the sake of safety, I am only prepared to face one of them alone."

This is the safest and safest approach at this stage. As for the target, it is naturally Veleslana. After all, he is the God of Disobedience who has some origins and connections with himself.

"And the other one can only be left to you, Su Shang."

"As soon as I come up, let me face a god alone... Junior uncle, you really think highly of me."

Having said that, Li Suchang didn't have any look of weakness on her face.

Aren't they just gods?If anything, she has seen a lot of immortals. She even fought an immortal before and won. She is not afraid of immortals.Besides, even if you can't defeat him, the worst case scenario is that you'll have to wait for him to save you after his junior uncle has settled his affairs.

Li Sushang’s little brain is so clever!

"Let's talk first. If I can't beat him, Junior Uncle, you have to come and save me."

"No, I won't save you." Alexia shook her head, "After all, I don't know how far my fight with Veleslana will go. Theoretically speaking, you can probably only It's up to you. Of course I will help you after finishing it as soon as possible, but you must also be mentally prepared to kill the gods by yourself."

"Uh...junior uncle, are you serious?"

"Of course, I have always been serious - I know what you are worried about, don't worry, I will open the cheat for you."


Li Sushang tilted her head, and Alexia directly manifested the Sekiryuutei's cage hand.



After two consecutive prompts, the doubled power was immediately transferred to Li Suchang by Ixia!


Feeling the sudden surge of power in her body, Li Suchang's beautiful eyes couldn't help but flicker a few times: "Oh~~~ little uncle! You can do this! So powerful? My power... this It’s just doubled, right?!”

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