"This is the power of this cager. It doubles its power every ten seconds and can be transferred to others at any time. If it was my previous transformation state, I could double it any number of times anytime, anywhere." Ai Kesia explained, "So, when the time comes, I will directly strengthen your power to dozens of times your normal state. Although I think it can only last for 10 minutes, but it should be enough for you, right?" "

"Uncle Junior, your method is really a foul."

Li Sushang finally understood why Aixia said she wanted to [play a cheat].

This power is a real cheat!

"Then I would like to thank my junior uncle first~~~"

"You're welcome. You were brought out by me too. I have to be responsible for your personal safety."

(This is all you need to prepare beforehand, the rest is just waiting.)

(The battle between gods...when will it begin?)

24. Go out on a date with my junior uncle

[The purpose of our coming to another world is to become stronger and gain better power against Honkai]

This is what Alexia said to Li Suchang before.

But having said that--

"Little uncle! Try this, it tastes pretty good!"

The morning after Alexia and Li Sushang came to this different world.

Walking on the streets of Cagliari, Li Sushang was holding Alexia's hand and running around, completely showing the look of a little girl who was excited about traveling abroad for the first time.

Last night, after deciding to prevent the war between the gods, Exia and Li Sushang went to rest directly.

Even in terms of time between the two of them, only a few hours had passed since they woke up, but it was already dark here in Sardinia. As if to adapt to the life here, the two of them slept soundly. Pretty straightforward.

Of course, because there are differences between men and women, Alexia sleeps on the floor. Anyway, the luggage Rita prepared for them also contains sleeping bags. Not to mention sleeping on the floor, even sleeping in the wilderness is OK.

As soon as she woke up, Alexia was dragged out by Li Sushang to go shopping.

Even though something like that happened at the port yesterday, all the shops on Sardinia were not closed. From the conversations of people on the roadside, it seemed that even if it had such a big impact, it would not be a problem for ordinary people. It was just a case of [a fire broke out at the port].

(Intelligence control is very complete. This scale cannot be achieved by an association... Is the country itself covering it up?)

"Little Master Uncle!"

Just when Ixia was thinking this, Li Sushang's voice sounded from the front again.

Today, instead of wearing twin ponytails, Li Sushang tied up her hair, which was longer than hers, into a high ponytail like Bianca's. At the moment, she was holding a pair of hair in each hand. A snack bought from a local roadside stall: "What are you thinking, little uncle? You promised to play with me all day today. Don't be distracted~~~! Come, try it, this tastes very good OK!"

Li Sushang said as she handed the snack in her hand to Alexia.

Yesterday, due to the appearance of the wild boar and Alexia's statement that some preparations had to be made, Li Sushang's plan to travel to another world was cancelled.But after the conversation with Erica last night, in addition to roughly determining the next course of action, things like collecting intelligence and preparing identity documents also had solutions.

And even if you want to become stronger, you can't make any obvious progress in just one day.

So after Li Sushang's entanglement, Ixia had no choice but to agree to accompany her for a day. They would stay here for at least three months and just play for one day. Indeed, it would not have any huge impact on the overall plan. Influence.

Unless Veleslana and the ancient god-king start a war today.

Taking the snack from Li Sushang's hand, Alexia took a bite: "Well, it tastes really good."

"Hehe~~~My taste can't be wrong!"

"Then what? What you want to do for a day is just a day of shopping on this commercial street, right?" Alexia asked, "It's such a big place, I think it only takes half an hour at most to finish it." Bar?"

"Uh...I haven't thought about that."

Li Sushang touched her ponytail and said, "Young master uncle, do you have any ideas? Although I asked you to accompany me out, you must be familiar with this place, right?"

"This is my first time coming to Sardinia. I won't come to a resort like this with nothing to do. I have no time before or now. However, I have long thought that you have no plans, so I just ordered this from the roadside."

Alexia shook the booklet in her hand, and there was a row of words on the cover that stood out.

But unfortunately——

"Uncle Master, what are the words written on this? I can't understand it."

It is impossible for Li Sushang, who does not understand Italian at all and has only a smattering of English, to understand these words.

Aixia said: "This is a travel brochure for Sardinia. It writes some attractions that foreigners must visit when they come here, as well as some famous local restaurants - I will really give you a hard thumbs up later. I’m trying to catch up on various foreign languages. With your foreign language proficiency, how can you communicate with people when you’re away from home?”

"The boat is naturally straight when it reaches the bridge!"

Li Sushang's ideas are very random.

"Then let's follow the scenic spots in this brochure and visit them one by one? Let's see... We are now in this place called... Cali..."


"I just said that these foreign place names and people's names are too convoluted! They are very difficult to pronounce!" Li Sushang curled her lips, "Should we go to the scenic spots closer to us first? According to the places marked here, some scenic spots It’s quite far, I feel like it would take a lot of time to visit it all.”

"No, no need."

Alexia held Li Suchang's hand and pulled her into a small alley nearby, and then a magic circle flashed by under her feet.

next moment--

"Okay, here we are."

In front of a church, Ixia let go and said: "St. Bede's Church in Bosa, let's start visiting here as the first stop."

"...Eh? Is this the time?"

Li Sushang was stunned for a moment before realizing: "Is this some kind of space control magic? Junior uncle."

"Yes. With Miss Ai Ge here, we can visit all the scenic spots in Sardinia. The time is more than enough. We may even find a beach to go to the water at night."

"Isn't this too convenient? Such a long distance can be covered in an instant..."

Although she already knew that her junior uncle was a great person, now that she had the opportunity to be alone with Alexia and gradually learned more about his methods, Li Sushang's inner admiration and respect for him became stronger and stronger. !

After just one day with him, Li Sushang was exposed to many novel methods. There will be a long period of time to come...

"When I'm with you, my junior uncle, I really won't feel bored no matter what."

"Huh? Why do you say that all of a sudden?"

Hearing Li Sushang's confused words, Alexia asked with some confusion.

Li Sushang smiled: "It's nothing! Then let's set off! I have to rely on Miss Ai Ge all day long! You are tired!"

(Miss Sushang is very polite - Mr. Prince, she is really a kind-hearted person and a good child.)

(You just found out today?)

After responding to Shatiao's love song in her heart, Aixia followed Li Sushang who had already run ahead.

25.Want to see swimsuits

Although it is a tourist attraction, in Exia's opinion, there is nothing worth seeing in the scenery of Sardinia.

After all, he has even been to the moon. After overlooking the entire planet from the sky, no matter how beautiful the natural scenery is, it is definitely incomparable to the shocking feeling. In addition, the scenes he has seen in other worlds - —The Tower of Babel reaching the sky, Genkami Island floating on the ocean... Ordinary natural scenery can no longer make him feel too much.

However, Li Sushang was completely enjoying it.

It had only been a few months since she woke up from a slumber of more than 500 years. During this period, Li Sushang had not been to many places. Except for New York, the Paradise of the Past, and the deserts of North America, she almost always stayed at the Tianming Headquarters.The Destiny Headquarters is not boring. It also has recreational facilities for the sake of the mental state of the residents.

But after staying there for several months, Li Sushang was tired of everything. If Ixia hadn't said that she would take her to another world in the future, she would have been unable to restrain her desire and run away from the floating island.

And now that she finally came to another world, she naturally had to use all her energy to see the great rivers and mountains of this other world!In addition, I don’t know when I will fight the gods, so during the rest time before that, I will go to as many places as I can!

As a result, at the end of the whole day, at the begging of the overly enthusiastic Li Sushang, Alexia actually spent the whole day visiting every scenic spot worth visiting in Sardinia!And not only the scenic spots, but also various shops that have been listed in the travel brochures, such as a certain restaurant that must be visited in Sardinia, or a tourist souvenir shop... .

In short, with Sajo Aige's space control magic, the two of them went to all the places they needed to go.


at dusk.

On a seaside street in Sardinia.

"Come, little uncle, I'll treat you to some ice cream. Thank you for your hard work today~~~!"

Holding two sticks of double-ball ice cream in her hand, Li Sushang put one of them into Aixia's hand and sat on the same bench with him.

"I didn't expect that we really visited all the places in one day. Girl Ai Ge's space control magic is really amazing!"

(Thanks for the compliment.)

"as long as you are happy......"

Unlike Li Sushang who was satisfied, Alexia looked tired.

After running around Sardinia for a day with Li Sushang, although the space control magic did not consume any particularly large amount of magic power for him, he didn't know why, but he just felt very tired.This is not a physical tiredness, but a mental tiredness.

But he obviously didn't do anything?

After taking a sip of the ice cream to wake herself up a little, Alexia asked: "Are you going to go back directly next? Or should you just find a beach and go play in the water for a while?"

"Then we must go to the beach."

Li Sushang's answer was quite decisive.

She is satisfied, but if you ask her if she still wants to continue playing, she definitely wants to!

What's more, it's just evening now. If you go back to the hotel so early, what will you do next?

"But...I don't have a swimsuit."

Turning around and looking at the sea below the street, Li Sushang looked at the horizon in the distance: "Rita did prepare a lot of clothes for me, but I don't remember if there are any swimsuits in them, there shouldn't be any, right?"

There are a lot of underwear.

But even if the two styles are similar, they look exactly the same. Li Suchang doesn't think she can wear underwear directly as a swimsuit.She had been specially educated in this aspect by the girls in her family. In order to prevent her, an ancient person, from making mistakes because she did not understand modern common sense, the girls in the Exia family worked hard.

"There's no need to change clothes, it's just a walk on the beach. It doesn't mean you have to go into the water to play in the water." Alexia said, "It's getting dark now. Even if you go to the beach to play, it won't take long. It’s getting dark, and the beach at night is quite dangerous, so I just want to take you for a walk.”

"Eh? Is that so?"

"Besides, something like that just happened at the port yesterday, and I don't think the bathing beaches near Sardinia will still be open."

At least we have to wait until the limelight of that incident has passed.

So Alexia could only take Li Sushang for a walk on the beach.

"So that's it... I thought I was going into the water." Li Suchang breathed a sigh of relief, "I'm really not used to wearing swimsuits and stuff like that."

"Huh? Aren't you used to wearing underwear? Aren't swimsuits about the same?"

"No, this..."

Li Sushang's cheeks turned slightly red: "At least there are pajamas or regular clothes outside the underwear, so there is a cover. But if you wear a swimsuit, you can't wear other clothes outside, right? I always feel that it is a bit immodest, exposing too much skin. ..."

Alexia: "..."

Is this the reason?

He had never cared about this kind of place.But when Li Sushang said this, Alexia couldn't help but think of Bianca - he hadn't seen Bianca's swimsuits yet.

Although in terms of exposure, he has seen the highest level of attire, but Alexia has never seen her family wearing swimsuits, and she has never seen Bianca and the others at the beach. Pass.

This is actually a good thing.

It might be selfish or unreasonable to say this, but Alexia only wanted Bianca and the others to show her their swimsuits, so even if they were going to the beach, they would go to a private beach.If you talk to Bishop Otto, he can probably book any bathing beach in the world directly.

And if it was over at Genkami Island, Exia could do it by herself.

(But now is indeed not the time to admire swimsuits, and the situation in the world over there is not that easy.)

Again, if you really want to see Bianca and the others in their swimsuits, you should wait until after the battle is over. There will be plenty of time after that.

"So, little uncle, when are we going?"

Li Sushang's inquiry brought Alexia back from her thoughts.

After a little speed and eating the ice cream in her hand, Ixia licked the residue at the corner of her mouth: "Now, find a place to teleport there."

Taking Li Sushang's hand, she once again found a place where no one could see her, and Alexia once again asked Shajo Aige to use space control magic.


The two people who were still in the alley one second were directly on the beach in Sardinia, where not even a soul could be seen.

26. I will take you no matter where you go

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