"Li Suchang, the great disciple of the Supreme Freedom Sect, please give me some advice!"


Thousands of divine swords suddenly appeared in the sky, forming an extremely complex and mysterious sword formation!

Immediately after—

“Buzz buzz buzz——————!!!”

The flying swords are like stars, and the swords are falling like rain!

Endless lightsabers fall crazily!

The figure of the King of Gods immediately disappeared in the infinite rain of light!

38. The belated female knight

"Ariana! Faster!"

"It's already the fastest, Miss Erica!"

On the road leading to the ruins.

Squatting on the roof of a car, Erica anxiously urged the maid in the driver's seat of the car - she could be said to be anxious to death now!

Not long ago, she received a contact from the local magic society in Sardinia. According to their people with the power of spiritual vision, the sword god who has been appearing all over Sardinia in the past few days is now It was at the ruins she was heading to at this moment, and another powerful god of disobedience appeared near that ruins. The person in charge of the spiritual vision noticed the identity of the god of disobedience. He almost fainted.

However, Erica still learned the name of the God of Disobedience.

[Mercator of Disobedience], the ancient god-king of the Mediterranean.

(Simply the worst case scenario!)

Looking up at the sky full of dark clouds at this moment, Erica's heart was already filled with uneasiness and fear.

She came to Sardinia just to stop the God War that was happening here, but in the past few days, she couldn't even do anything to stop it. Even if the local magic association hadn't told her, she would have even noticed Not until the war between gods begins.

[At your age, it’s too early to face the gods, Erica]

Before coming, Erica received such words from her uncle.She didn't think her uncle was looking down on her, but she didn't take it to heart - but in the past few days, she couldn't do anything when the beast appeared several times.

That feeling of powerlessness made Erica quite restless, even now.

Doesn't she know why she went there, to protect the people?But facing those disobedient gods who can sink the island, what kind of resistance can she, a mere knight, do?After sacrificing his life in this way, what can he gain?

Erica doesn't know.


The thunder that split the earth appeared in the distance!

Looking at the thick thunder falling from the sky, Erica bit her lip. After feeling the pain on her lips, Erica took a deep breath: "Ariana, just stop here. I will be alone next time." Just go! You go to a safe place to take refuge first——[Fly! Hermes’ Boots!]”

Using magic on herself that could greatly enhance her jumping ability, Erica stepped hard on the roof of the car and instantly jumped dozens of meters into the air!

"Miss Erica! Please be careful!"

The instructions from her maid came from far behind her, but Erica only felt that this instruction made her feel a little desperate.

Be careful?

How careful should I be in front of the God of Disobedience?

(I...what can I do in front of God?)

With such uneasiness, Erica further accelerated her pace.

But just as she approached the forest near the ruins——

"Ah, are you really here?"

At the entrance of the forest, Shajo Aige smiled and looked at Erica who landed just in front of him: "Judging from the speed at which you learned the information, it is already very fast to be here at this time. Here you go, Miss Erica."

"Who are you?"

Erica looked at Sajo Aige who suddenly appeared in front of her with confusion - when she met Alexia before, Sajo Aige had always hidden herself, so Erica naturally didn't recognize her.

"It's nothing, I just want you to stop moving forward, little knight." Shajo Aige said with a smile, "Now, if you go in rashly, you will only end up being shattered into pieces. For your personal safety, you'd better stop. Here, quietly wait for the end of the battle with me."

"...I don't know who you are, but unfortunately, I don't plan to stop here."

Erica shook her head.

"I am a knight. I cannot turn a blind eye to what is happening here. As long as I can protect this island, even if it means sacrificing my life -"

"When you say this, it's better to stop the trembling of your hands and feet first."

Sajo Aige interrupted Erica.

"Also, you have to control the trembling in your tone. After all, you want to say nice things, but you can't let your true feelings show out. Your expression management is not good enough, Miss Knight."


As if something had been shattered by a heavy punch, Erica's expression suddenly froze when she heard Shajo Aige's words, and then she collapsed completely.


"I don't want to waste my energy trying to save you. Likewise, I don't have the power to save you, so let's just stop here."

"Stop here...and wait for the battle between the two disobedient gods to end?" Erica gritted her teeth, "This will make this island sink -"


Another thunder fell from the sky!

The extremely thick lightning seemed like a heavy hammer dropped by the gods, and it fell heavily and quickly!

Erica couldn't help but become nervous, but she soon discovered that the thunderbolt was not coming towards her. The target of the thunderbolt was——

"Not...the God of Swords?"

Sword rain.

The countless rain of swords dancing in the air like dragons made Erica suddenly realize a misunderstanding.

The lady in front of me seems to have never said that what is going on ahead is a divine war?

"The one fighting the disobedient Mercato there is Miss Sushang, whom you have met before. As for the other disobedient Veleslana, the prince is dealing with it."

"Your Majesty Prince...Your Excellency Alexia?"

Erica reacted: "Why...I knew that man was hiding something from me! But why...why did he go to war with the gods? Even if he could fight with the beasts, Fighting with a disobedient god is too——"

"It's the same reason you came here."

Interrupting Erica's questioning, Sajo Aige looked somewhere.

"We are indeed travelers traveling in different worlds, but at the same time, my prince is also a person with an excessive sense of justice. Although he has restrained himself a lot now, his essence is still a guardian and a A knight born into a family of knights. Faced with some huge upcoming crises, he cannot sit idly by."

"So - leave it to us to do what you can't do, Miss Knight."

"We will protect this island and kill the gods."

39. Loot and then kill

Welesrana had to admit a fact.

As an invincible military god, I can change my body no matter what kind of desperate situation I face. I find a way to solve it. At this moment, I fall into a real [desperate situation].

The ten incarnations are strong wind, bull, phoenix, boy, camel, white horse, wild boar, oyster, goat, and warrior.

These ten incarnations gave Veleshrana the power to be victorious and invincible.

But now, for the first time, Veleslana had the feeling that [the ten incarnations are not all-powerful].


As if all the strength in his body had been drained, Veleslana knelt on the ground weakly, gasping for air.

On his body, the pale flames are constantly eating away at his body. Even though there is a healing incarnation among his ten incarnations, he can be resurrected even after death, but without burning everything to ashes. In front of the eternal blue flame, even the sun that can rise countless times will still be completely swallowed one day.

"I didn't expect...hehehe...hahahahaha~~~~"

Weakly laughing, Veleslana looked at Alexia who was standing in front of him and looking down at him: "I didn't expect that my first defeat would be ushered in this way. You are really... ....You gave me an incredible gift, a person from another world!"

Among the ten incarnations of Veleslana, the incarnation of [Warrior] is the one he is most proud of. The golden sword he holds is essentially the sword of words and spirits that can split the godhead. .

No matter how powerful the other party is, no matter how terrifying the power the other party has, as long as Veleslana understands the knowledge about the other party, then he can turn that knowledge into a spirit of speech, and then weave it into a golden sword that cuts through the godhead, The opponent's power was chopped into pieces together with his godhead!

It can be said that in the countless battles between gods he has fought so far, the existence of the golden sword is the biggest factor that gives him a chance of victory against any god.As long as that god is what he understands and is the god he knows, then Veleslana will never lose!

However, facing Exia, the golden sword is completely ineffective!

Whether it was the eternal blue flame, the false world he showed, or the herds of beasts that appeared one after another from his shadow - Veleslana used the golden sword to kill him in his first attempt. You will notice it when it breaks.

[That is not a thing of this world]

The golden sword can cut apart the godhead, and this is more exaggerated. It is [a thing that exists in this world]. As long as you have the corresponding knowledge, even if it is not a godhead, it can be cut apart.Veleslana is a god, and the knowledge he possesses makes the golden sword an absolutely lethal nemesis to the gods.

But Exia's power is a power that Veleslana is completely unaware of.

He wonders where those beasts come from?There is no god in the world associated with it.

He didn't know where the pale flame and the power of the dragon came from.No matter how much the knowledge of the Fire God and Dragon God is woven into the Word Spirit Sword, it will not be able to destroy and cut them apart.

Even this world is the same. Veleslana's power cannot defeat this space. Even if he enhances his power through the incarnation of a bull to the extent that it can tear apart space, Exia will further enhance his power. , strengthen this entire world.

The golden sword, the strongest trump card, was unable to take effect on Exia from the beginning.

Not to mention...

"I didn't expect you to be able to take away my sword, a warrior from another world."

"Because I have a very reliable witch lady and a senior who can make this happen."

In front of Veleslana, Exia said with a smile.

In his hand, in addition to the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment, he also held a golden sword engraved with runes - the power of the undefeated military god to sever the godhead.

"Prometheus, the Fire Stealer, the spell contained in that stone slab was reproduced by Miss Song in the form of a great magic. But I know nothing about magic. At most, I can only use a high-speed divine speech and segmented thinking. That’s all, so as a substitute, Mr. Kosmo carried this spell.”

Beside Alexia, Kosma, who was surrounded by beasts, stood silently.

[Chaos of Vishnu], the ability to devour and plunder all energy. After being strengthened by Prometheus magic, it was upgraded to a one-time only [Ability Plunder]. The beast released by Kos Demon For the gods devoured by the group, not only will their divine power be devoured and plundered, but also the divine power held by the opponent will also be taken away.

The golden sword in Exia's hand was plundered for this reason.

Of course, this is a power that can only be used once. Even if it is woven into a great magic by the hands of Sajou Aige, it can only be effective once and cannot be effective forever. Once Ixia uses the stolen power, , then this power will disappear.

But in the current situation, once is enough.

"This sword can sever the gods, right? You have used this sword to sever countless gods so far, but have you ever thought about the possibility that this sword will eventually sever you?"

Exia pressed the golden sword against Veleslana's chest.

A smile appeared on Veleslana's face: "Hehehe... Hahahahahaha, [defeat] - are you finally in front of me?"


Veleslana, who had been seeking defeat but had never been defeated, now faced his own defeat for the first time.Next, all that is needed is for Exia to send the golden sword into Veleslana's body, and his godhood will be cut directly into pieces - as a prerequisite [knowledge], considering that there is that witch in Exia's body, Maybe he already has the corresponding knowledge.

Undoubted defeat.

"You lost, Veleslana. Although I won because you didn't understand my abilities at all, if you knew my abilities and their origins, I would undoubtedly be the loser. But I don’t think you will use this kind of thing as an excuse for defeat.”


Velesh Rana snapped!

"Victory is everything! Means, strength, strategy - no matter what method is used, as long as the final victory is achieved! That is the truth! You defeated me in an upright and dignified manner. This is today's reality!"

"Well done! People from other worlds! In this case, as the patron saint of warriors, I should also give blessings to your god who defeated me!"

Regardless of the fact that his body had been completely swallowed by the blue flames, Veleslana stretched out his hand and grabbed the golden sword, staring at Exia with extremely fierce and joyful eyes!

"You are the No. 1 who usurped the power of me, the God of Victory! You warrior who has surpassed me, continue to become stronger as much as you can, become stronger than anyone else, and become invincible. Give it to anyone! I will not allow the warrior who defeated me to lose to a being other than me!"

"Until you fight me again and I wash away the shame of this defeat, you are not allowed to lose to anyone!"


At the same time as the last words fell, the golden sword pierced Veleslana's body. The blue flames that enveloped his body completely burned his body in the next moment. The golden sword was also in the hands of Ixia at the same time. Dissipated.

Silence returned within the inherent barrier.

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