Alexia exhaled slightly: "This is the end... Thank you for your hard work, Mr. Cosmo."


As taciturn as ever, after saying this, Kosma took the initiative to dematerialize and returned to Exia's body.

(Is this okay for me? Then Su Shang... I'm still a little worried.)

After removing the inherent barrier and instantly returning to the dense forest where she was before, Aixia was about to find Li Sushang——


A strong feeling of dizziness suddenly hit his brain!

(Dizziness? What’s going on?)

【Eh?Why can't this child's spirit be lifted? 】


The voice that seemed to be ringing in her ears made Alexia a little confused.

(Who is speaking?)

【Eh?Can you hear my voice?It's amazing. Other children can't hear it in this situation - since you can hear it, it's easy to say it. Please don't resist now. Can you faint and come to my side?There is something very special that needs you here! 】

(...Huh? But I still have something to do, can’t I do it next time?)

【No, no!It’s time!Otherwise, my mother will be very distressed!Veleslana’s power will not be given to you in time!Anyway, come here quickly! 】


She had no idea what was going on, but she felt her headache getting stronger and stronger, and Aixia knew that if she didn't faint for a while, the headache would probably get stronger and stronger.

"...Forget it, let's go first -"


Just when Alexia had such an idea, his consciousness was immediately interrupted, and he fainted on the ground.

40.Another loli mother?

"My lord prince?"

He didn't lose consciousness for long.

Alexia only felt that she just squinted for a short while and then woke up again.

And at the same time that he woke up, he heard the slightly confused voice of Sha Tiao Ai Ge coming from directly in front.

"Miss Aige? Why are you here?"

Alexia looked at Shatiao Aige in front of her with the same confusion. Shouldn't she be helping Li Sushang?How would it appear here?

Then again -

"Where is this place?"

Glancing at the surrounding environment, Exia frowned.

He still remembered what happened before, and a voice in his ears urged him to go somewhere. Judging from the content, it seemed that it was to hand over the power of Veleslana to him - which was similar to Alexia thought differently. At first, he thought that after killing the god, the power belonging to the god would automatically belong to him.

But now it seems that it has to come to me through the hands of a third party?

"I do not know either."

Shatiao Aige shook her head.

"I should have been watching the battle between Miss Sushang and Miss Erica not far from Miss Sushang, but in just a blink of an eye, I suddenly came here, and at a glance I saw the person standing next to me. You in front of me." Her tone was full of doubts.

Could it be that someone used space transfer on her?

But Sajo Aige does not have an entity and cannot be the target of any magic or spell. If you want to use space transfer on her, the only way is to indirectly force her to transfer by attacking Alexia.Even so, compared to space transfer, it can only be said to be a transfer of consciousness.

And to put it this way, could this be the realm of consciousness?

But if it is in the realm of consciousness, shouldn’t it come directly to the world of Alexia’s mental image?Why did the place they were in now look so desolate and empty?

There is nothing around, everything that comes into view is gray, even extending to the end of the horizon, there is nothing except gray color.

Where is this place?

"This is the realm of immortality."

Suddenly, a light and sweet crisp voice came from behind the two of them.

That was a sound that Exia had never heard until a few dozen seconds ago.

Turning around together, Exia and Sajo Aige looked at the person who spoke——


Looking at the petite figure that came into view, Alexia couldn't help but frown a few times.

The speaker was a young girl.Judging from her appearance, she looks about 15 years old at most, which is about the same age as Li Sushang.She is quite beautiful and cute, not inferior to anyone in the Ikesia family. But in addition to being beautiful and cute, her appearance is also somewhat elegant and dignified, and even has some opposite charm. seductive feeling——

Girl, beautiful woman, noble lady, princess, queen, witch, seductress... just looking at the girl, Alexia subconsciously thought of various descriptions.

The girl's figure is quite petite and slender, almost comparable to Bronya's.Her long blond hair that seemed to exude shimmer was parted to the left and right, and she was wearing a thin white dress. She looked very cute and at the same time had a vague sense of nobility and sanctity.

"Is that you?"

Not attracted by the girl's appearance, Ixia asked, "Are you the one who brought Miss Aige and I here by speaking in my ear?"

"That's right~~~First meeting, children from outside the world."

The girl bowed slightly to Exia and Sajo Aige.

"I am Pandora, the person responsible for managing the reincarnation spell of the God-Slayers. It can be said that I am the mother of all God-Slayers~~~ Please take good care of me in the future, my seventh child."

"Pandora - the one from Greek mythology?"


Coming to Exia with her hands behind her back, the girl who called herself Pandora smiled and said: "The goddess who bestows all disasters and a glimmer of hope, that's me~~~ It seems that you are not completely unfamiliar with me, Alien Does the world also have myths about me—eh?"

Before Pandora finished speaking, Shajo Aige pulled her shoulders and pulled her away from Alexia. Then she stood in front of Alexia: "You're too close, Miss Pandora. , it’s just our first meeting, there’s no need to be so close to the prince, right?”

"Ah, but I want to take a closer look at the children from outside the world. Isn't this distance between mother and child normal?" Pandora said matter-of-factly.

Alexia: "It seems I haven't admitted that you are my mother yet, right?"

Pandora: "The moment you became the God-Slayer, you were already my child~~~ I am the goddess who manages the reincarnation ceremony of the God-Slayer. Since you are about to be reincarnated as the God-Slayer, you are my child. I am your mother, is there anything wrong?"

After saying that, Pandora also puffed out her mouth. She was so cute and playful that she didn't look like a goddess at all. Instead, it made Alexia feel like she was facing Kiana and Li Suchang.

Is this considered an extra loli mother?

"... Putting this matter aside for now, Miss Pandora, did you just say that this is the [realm of the immortal]?"


Pandora nodded: "Basically, it's a place where immortal beings will come temporarily while preparing for resurrection. Normally, you can't come casually - as for the purpose of calling you here, it's just like what I said before. , in order to hand over the power of Veleslana to you."

"Can't you give it to me while I'm awake?"

"Of course not!"

Having said this, Pandora seemed a little helpless and hung her head in frustration: "Originally, there was no need to call you over. After all, no matter which god-killer it is, the first time he fought with the gods Sometimes you will be seriously injured. In that case, I can easily bring you here through the reincarnation spell."

"But you knocked down that military god so easily. Not to mention being seriously injured, you were completely unscathed! Therefore, in order to complete the reincarnation spell, I can only ask you to come here. ~~~I’m sorry. But it’s only like this for the first time, and you don’t need to come here every time to kill the gods.”

When she said this, Pandora looked at Alexia with a strong look of disbelief.

So far, she has seen too many battles between god-slayers and gods, and no matter how powerful a god-slayer is, he will be more or less injured when facing a disobedient god.This is the first person in Pandora's memory who accomplished the act of killing gods without any damage like Exia.

(This kid from outside the world is really amazing~~~If it were him, maybe he could compete with that [Brave]...)

"Then when can I go out?" Alexia continued to ask, "There are still people outside who need my help. Also...why is Miss Ai Ge here?"

"The words of this child were brought here by you, because you are basically of the same mind, right? The object of the reincarnation spell is all of the God Killer, and she is also a part of you, so she was naturally summoned Come here, it won't have any impact on her, don't worry." Pandora explained.

"As for the time to leave here - just wait until the reincarnation spell is completely completed. It won't be long, it will only take a minute or two at most. After all, you are from outside the world, so it will take more time to reincarnate. .”

It won't take long, which is good news.

Alexia breathed a sigh of relief.

"However, if you want to help the child who is fighting King Mercato, then my suggestion is that you'd better not go."


Pandora's sudden words made Alexia feel relieved immediately.

41. Conditions for usurping power

Don't you want to help Li Sushang?

"What do you mean?"

"There are conditions for usurping power from gods."

Pandora raised a finger: "[Kill the god in an equal fight with both sides fully prepared] - This is the only condition for usurping power. If this condition is not met, there is nothing you can do even if you defeat the god. Usurping power."

"...Isn't this too vague?"

Alexia frowned and said.

Both sides are prepared to fight as equals under all circumstances - [equality]. Just such a word already shows that this condition is not equal.

If it were a battle between the God Slayer and the God of Disobedience, it would be okay, but for a human to defeat the God of Disobedience when the God of Disobedience is fully prepared, this in itself is a bit unreasonable... ..Although the Godslayer is an unreasonable existence that can only be born under unreasonable circumstances, but even so——

"As long as the minimum satisfaction is enough." Pandora smiled, "For example, [one-on-one duel], [no sneak attacks, fair fight], [let the opponent admit defeat willingly] - basically As long as these conditions are met, the transfer of power will be completed."

"For the children who have just become god-slayers, and those who are about to become god-slayers, the real difficulty is [killing gods], and meeting the conditions is the second most difficult thing. This condition is actually very difficult for those who have killed several gods. It’s more troublesome for children.”

"For example, Vauban and Luo Hao."

Vauban?Luo Hao?

"Are these two people also god-slayers?"

"They are the two oldest children alive. They are both very energetic and energetic children~~~"

The oldest god-slayer.

(It’s probably the oldest demon king that Ms. Erica mentioned, but I remember Erica said that he was over three hundred years old...)

A spiritual grandfather who is over 300 years old.

However, just over 300 years old is not that old. Among the people Ixia has met so far, there are people who are thousands or even ten thousand years old. Compared with those who are over 300 years old, they are still children. Woolen cloth. ,

"So, what you want to express is that in order to ensure that Su Chang can become the God Killer, I'd better not interfere in her battle?"

"That's it~~~Although you gave her a lot of help before the war started and interfered if you had to say it, it can still be regarded as [preparation] according to the rules, and it will not violate the conditions. But It won’t work if we interfere more~~~”

"This is also to prevent too many children from causing big problems."



If there are no conditions for becoming a god-killer, then as long as one god-killer appears, then the god-killer will be a mass product that can be mass-produced.For example, let a god-killer beat the God of Disobedience to half-death, and then let an ordinary person with no power come over to finish the damage - although probably no god-killer would want to do this.

But this possibility must be guarded against.

One god-killer can easily wipe out one or two countries. If there are dozens of god-killers running around on the earth, the world will end sooner or later.

"Okay, I understand. But one thing I want to emphasize is that if Su Chang still fails to become a God-killer after trying her best, then I will still save her - no objection?"

"Of course! I just suggest you not to interfere. From a safety perspective, you can help her at any time after you leave here!" Pandora smiled sweetly, "Speaking of which, the reincarnation ceremony is about to be completed, and the power The handover has been completed, and you should have obtained the power of God Veleslana now."

Already done?

"I don't feel it at all..."

"After all, it is [reincarnation]. In addition, I think this is also related to the power in your body." Pandora's expression became a little more serious, "In addition to the power that seems to swallow up everything, you have There is a blessing from some kind of god. Under the influence of these two, it is not so much that you are reincarnated as a God-killer, but rather that you are reincarnated into something very similar to a God-killer. Perhaps the power itself There will be mutations."

This is also an unprecedented and unusual situation.

The power usurped by the God-Slayer is basically obtained based on the character of the God-Slayer. It is even possible to obtain a power that has nothing to do with the gods, but the scope of the power will never exceed the scope held by the God-Slaying God.

For example, if you kill the God of Fire, you will never gain the power of the God of Water.If you kill the Earth Mother Goddess, you will never gain the power of the sky.

But this statement does not apply to Exia's situation - the power he possesses itself has the ability to [devour and fuse]. Under the influence of this power, Veleslana's power is not static. was transferred to him, but combined with his power, a mutation with unknown direction was obtained on the original basis.

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