
Alexia knew what Pandora was referring to.

His shadow that can swallow up everything, the Chimera, also known as "Brahma Beasts", can indeed swallow the power of God.After all, even a god-killing weapon like the Fourth True Ancestor can be devoured by the Chimera. It is just the power of a god, and it is unlikely that it will not be affected.

(My Lord Prince.)

Suddenly, Shajo Aige’s spiritual communication reached Alexia.

(I think I roughly understand why I am here - your power is being [integrated] and [redistributed])

Integration and redistribution?

(How to say?)

(The power in your body is already too complicated. The Chimera, the Sekiryuutei, the Fourth True Ancestor, the power of God, the favor of God... and even the existence of me, the Great Holy Grail, are too many. The power resides within you.)

This is true.

(And now, it seems that through this so-called reincarnation ceremony, these powers have been unified together, and then I can feel that they are being redistributed according to the characteristics of their own powers.)

(...Does sorting out my power allow me to use it more directly and conveniently?)

(Well, I think so - I will explain the specific situation to you in detail after we leave this place.)

(....No, I think it's probably not necessary.)

Alexia narrowed her eyes.

The familiar burning text appeared in his field of vision again.

[Notice: Power·Ability·Strength·Energy——All possessions have been integrated, redistributed, and organized]

[Please pay attention to self-examination]

42.——The Savior

Exia and Sajo Aige quickly returned to reality from the realm of the undead.

After opening his eyes under a tree, he quickly stood up and looked around the surrounding environment. After taking out his personal terminal to check the time, Exia felt a little relieved - less than 2 minutes had passed.

(It seems that Pandora did not lie to me. The reincarnation ceremony did not take me too much time... What about Su Shang's side?)

(It seems that he is still in a stalemate with God Mercato.)

An uninterrupted bombardment can be heard in my ears.

A large number of falling lightsabers can also be seen in the sky not far away.

(There should be no need to worry about Miss Su Shang’s situation in the short term.)

(Well, in that case...)

Leaning against the tree trunk, Exia focused her attention on the sight.

"X exists. After my power is integrated and redistributed, can you list the specific situation for me?"


[Advanced power·Savior - detailed effects are as follows]

——[The Savior]

"Is this the... name of the power I have now?"


[Based on adaptability and the nature of power itself, when redistributing, the basic structure is the power of God, and the original ability is added to it, so that the power itself is sublimated]

[The inherent name of the sublimated power is - the savior of the world]

[Can be modified if you have any comments]

(A name that suits the prince very well.)

Sajo Aige commented with a smile.

"Well... if you think it's appropriate, then so be it. I'm not particular about names or anything else. Just don't make them too ugly or exaggerated."

Ixia had never cared about naming anything - unless he was asked to name his child later.

"So, what are the specific effects of my new power?"

[Power, the Savior of the World, has redistributed all power except God's Favor. God's Favor still retains its upgrade and strengthening mechanism, cancels the skill and magic mechanism, and merges it into the power. From now on, it will be used as an infinite growth formula. resident strengthened existence]

[The energy in the body becomes adaptive energy and automatically transforms depending on the situation. The default is Honkai energy]

[The specific effects of Power and Savior are as follows——]

As this sentence faded away, a whole list appeared directly in Aixia's field of vision!The text was densely packed, and it looked like a short composition. If it weren't for the fact that the text appeared directly in her field of vision, and she could automatically understand it just by looking at it, Ixia probably felt that her eyes would be sore from seeing it.

After understanding all the contents in his field of vision, Exia also understood the power he currently held.


[The Savior], its basic effect is the same as Veleslana's power. It has several different incarnations, each of which has a unique effect.

The first incarnation, [Sky] - the original [First Incarnation, Strong Wind] and [The Ninth Incarnation, Goat], combined with [Familiar Beast, Lion's Gold], [Familiar Beast, Double Horned Deep Scarlet], [Familiar Beast, Deep Scarlet of Two Horns], The compound power of [Beast·Carapace's Silver Mist] and [Familiar Beast·Bewitching Queen's Blue Ice].Available in all weathers.The incarnation effect can be strengthened and improved by forcibly collecting the spiritual power and vitality of objects within the specified range.During use, you will automatically obtain the living weapon of the beast incarnation.

Second Incarnation·[Dragon Emperor]——The ultimate enhanced power after the combination of the original [Second Incarnation·Bull] and [Red Dragon Emperor].The basic effect is the same as the sub-species hand-forbidden transformation and artificial collapse. It can transform into a giant dragon of at least 100 meters to move, and it can also control the manifested body of the Sekiryuutei for coordinated combat.

The third incarnation: [Calamity Fire] - the fusion of the original [Third Incarnation: White Horse] and [Red Dragon Emperor’s Divine Flame], [Exia’s Unique Barrier], and [Familiar Beast: Asura’s Feitian] The ultimate destructive power.It can attract the god-killing blue flames for a devastating blow, and it can also unfold its own barrier to burn everything within it.During the use of the avatar, you can specify the effect object if necessary. Things other than the object are not affected by the avatar effect. The default attack is indiscriminate.When used, it automatically obtains the living weapon of the beast's incarnation.

The Fourth Incarnation·[Paladin] - The defensive power fused from the original 【Fourth Incarnation·Camel】and 【Familiar Beast·Vajra of the Sheep】.Greatly improve your own durability and gain an invulnerable body. During the duration of your incarnation, you can store all the damage suffered by the designated area and object at your own expense, and release it to the designated object when your incarnation ends.When used, it automatically obtains the living weapon of the beast's incarnation.

The fifth incarnation, [Chaos Beasts] - the summoning power that is the fusion of the original [fifth incarnation, wild boar], [Family Beasts, Chaos of Vishnu], and [Chimera].Summon a herd of up to [-] Chaos beasts from the shadows to crush everything. The beasts can devour energy of any nature and can only plunder any one of the target's abilities once.The strength of a single individual in the herd can be increased by reducing the number of the herd.When the number of beasts in the herd is one, Kos Demon's true form will appear as Vishnu to fight instead.

The Sixth Incarnation: [Witch] - The protective power that is the fusion of the original [Sixth Incarnation: Boy], [Familiar Beast: Eye of Capricorn] and [Great Holy Grail].When used as an avatar, the following two effects can be performed on the target or designated target: protection given to the boy, super-wide charm, and mental control.You can also expand the area to apply avatar effects over a large area.It can summon the physical Sandjo Aige to execute and strengthen all the effects of the Great Holy Grail.

The Seventh Incarnation·[Light and Shadow]——The super-speed power that is the fusion of the original 【Seventh Incarnation·Phoenix】and 【Familiar Beast·Dragon and Snake Mercury].Gaining the speed to interfere with time, it can also tear and swallow dimensions and move between dimensions.When used, it automatically obtains the living weapon of the beast's incarnation.

The Eighth Incarnation·【Abyss】——The power of resurrection and destruction that is the fusion of the original 【Eighth Incarnation·Aries】and 【Familiar Beast·Water Spirit's White Steel】and 【Familiar Beast·Yama's Black Sword】.When used actively, it can cause a large tsunami to flood the continent. The area submerged by the tsunami will become an abyss suppressed by gravity, and begin to collapse and collapse endlessly.All life forms within the scope of the abyss will continue to be deprived of their vitality.The vitality taken away will be stored, and when you receive damage, you can passively consume the stored vitality or divine power as an offset.When dying or dying, the incarnation automatically takes effect and forced resurrection.


The above eight types are the eight basic powers of the power of [Savior].

From the effect point of view, every incarnation is extremely outrageous and unreasonable!

Weather manipulation, self-strengthening, wide-area destruction, group strengthening and defense, mind control, legion combat, super-speed and dimensional movement, resurrection—the original power of Exia and the power of God were combined into one, and it was born. Each of the eight incarnations that came out were so foul that it was unbelievable!

The power of killing gods plus the weapons of killing gods, what is born is naturally the ultimate power of killing gods.And the difference is that Veleslana's power originally required meeting extremely strict conditions before it could be used, but Exia now has no such concerns.

In addition to these eight incarnations, Exia also has one incarnation that is listed separately as one of the saviors, but it is more similar to an incarnation of independent power.


The Ninth Incarnation·[Messiah]——The fusion of the original 【Tenth Incarnation·Warrior】and 【Familiar Beast·Mingji's Rainbow Flame】 has special attack power against all things.On the basis of understanding the opponent's intelligence and knowledge, the knowledge is woven into a sword of words and spirits, which can cleave the opponent's single ability and power, regardless of any defensive means, and can further cut off the source of the opponent's ability and permanently deprive him of his ability.

When executing the battle of salvation, transcendence, and reversal, you can gather the prayers of thousands of people, ignore the knowledge or not, and forcibly seal and cut off all the opponent's abilities.


Compared with the eight basic incarnations that are powerful enough in themselves, this final ninth incarnation does not seem to have any effect.After all, under normal circumstances, Exia does not need to seal the enemy's power at all. It is more than enough to defeat and eliminate it with its own strength.

The true value of this incarnation comes in times of dire straits.

When Exia faces an enemy that none of the eight incarnations can defeat, when Exia faces an enemy that she cannot defeat with all her strength, this incarnation needs to appear.

He is the trump card that Exia will only use when she truly saves the world!It is the sword of victory that cuts through all despair and doom!

Normally, this incarnation would not be used at all.

43. This is all a tutorial for beginners?!


After seeing all her incarnations, Aixia's first reaction was silence.

This is not dissatisfaction. He can be sure that he has become stronger without a doubt. Even if he has not used any incarnation yet, simply judging from the text description and his feelings about his physical condition, he can be sure that he has become stronger. Become stronger.


"Are my powers a little too much?"

Getting stronger is of course a good thing. Facing the Herrscher of the End that is coming in a few years, no matter how powerful you gain, it is not too much.But even so, Alexia couldn't help but have the idea that her step might be too big.

"I think this is a normal situation, Prince."

The shadow of Sajo Aige appeared next to Alexia.

"Becoming a god-slayer - this is a ritual that can make a powerless mortal become a demon king above ten thousand people, a step to reach the sky. Even if, Prince, you have the power of killing gods from the beginning, it will increase your power. The magnitude shouldn’t be as big as others, but it should also be greatly improved.”

"Otherwise, it would be a shame for you to come here to kill the gods, wouldn't it?"

After Exia learned the details of the power, Sajo Aige, who had become a part of the power itself, also learned about her current status - the incarnation of the [Witch]. Its specific effects were insignificant to Sajo Aige. , what she cares about most is that she can have an entity and manifest herself alone.

This means that as long as Ixia uses this incarnation, she can ask that lifeless soul steel body to have sex with Ixia with her original body!

That's the point!

(It seems that becoming a god-killer does have benefits that cannot be ignored~~~ Humph, in this way, I have officially entered the track. The next thing I have to consider is how to let the prince... The [Witch] avatar is used during non-combat periods.)

Shajo Aige thought with a satisfied smile.

She didn't care about Shajo Aige's little thoughts - or even if she cared, she wouldn't resist - Alexia withdrew her attention from the details of the power, and was about to look at Li Sushang again when she felt empty in her hands. But it shocked him!


Looking at his empty hands, Exia blinked and rummaged around quickly.

However, no matter how he searched, he could not find the weapon that should be in his hand——

"No...where is my Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment—my victory royal power?!"

The throne of victory is gone!

The four-core God Key that should have belonged to Exia, the God Key that still existed in his hand before he went to the realm of immortality, is now completely missing!

Where is his prized weapon? !


An explanation suddenly appeared in his field of vision.

[The Key of God and the King of Victory is part of the ability and power, so it has been automatically incorporated into the power and savior, and is used as a weapon when using the incarnation]

"......is that one?"

Alexia remembered the sentence at the end of some of the incarnation descriptions - [A living weapon that automatically obtains the familiar beast incarnation when used]

"Does that mean...my weapon is gone? I usually have to fight with bare hands?"



Mixed feelings.

Alexia's mood was quite complicated.

Be it the King of Victory, the Heavenly Fire Holy Judgment and the Black Abyss White Flower that it transformed into, or even its predecessor, the Seven Thunders of Purification, they were all weapons and partners that had been with Exia for more than a year, and now suddenly If you say no, then you won't...

"What about the consciousness of the Herrscher of Thunder? Her consciousness has also become a part of the incarnation?"


[The consciousness of the individual Herrscher of Thunder exists in the first incarnation, the living weapon of the sky. It will awaken during the use of the incarnation, and will fall asleep when not in use]

"......That's good."

Alexia breathed a sigh of relief, but after he breathed a sigh of relief, his mood was still tangled.

He has feelings for the King of Victory... and the Herrscher of Thunder. They have been fighting side by side for so long. The feelings have been cultivated long ago, but they disappeared all of a sudden. He needs to do it right away. It’s really hard to accept it.

[Insert a temporary notice below]

Very suddenly, burning words appeared in the field of vision again.

Temporary announcement?

"Is there such a thing?"

[Considering the existence of the powerful and savior, as well as the number of worlds experienced so far, it is judged that the guidance process is no longer needed. The novice tutorial will be closed soon, and the core process will be started next]

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