
The burning text that appeared in her field of vision made Exia unable to understand it for a while.

Tutorial for beginners?Core process?

What is this?game?

[Unlock the only goal—crossing the end]

[Unlock the derived goal - knowing the end]

[Unlock the infinite goal—The Savior’s Pilgrimage]


Before Ixia could think about the information hidden behind it, burning words kept popping up in her field of vision, just like a buggy pop-up window on the taskbar, and unlocked things appeared one after another. Then a large amount of information poured into his mind.

(Wait, wait, eh? What is this information?)

Shajo Aige was also confused by the information that was poured into her.

She was just thinking about seducing Alexia, but suddenly a bunch of junk messages were sent to her...

Cross the end?Do you know the end?Pilgrimage of the Savior?

What are these and what!


And just when both of them felt confused and confused, an earth-shattering roar suddenly came from not far away!

It was like something hit the ground heavily, and an extremely heavy roar accompanied by a strong earthquake swept in all directions!The confused Alexia immediately staggered and almost lost her balance!

"This vibration...is coming from Su Chang's direction?!" Ixia looked towards the direction of the vibration, but the next moment his vision was flooded by a series of pop-up windows, "Tsk. .....! Existence

【Command accepted】

[Transfer all to-do items to the background for processing]

Backstage? !

"You——! If you..."


The heavy roar came again!

Putting aside her desire to curse at existence x, Exia habitually wanted to fly into the sky——


Didn't fly.

Long Yi, who should have appeared behind him anytime and anywhere, did not appear at this moment.

"Fuck me—"

Alexia really wanted to curse!

After becoming the God Killer, why does it feel like nothing good has happened?He can't even fly anymore!

(Miss Aige, space movement!)



The space control magic was activated, and Exia disappeared directly from the spot.

44.Don’t protect her too much

The place where Li Sushang and Disobedient Mercato fought was still near the underground temple.

Because of the thunder caused by Mercato, the dome of the underground temple was completely destroyed, and the exposed temple was like a depression in the earth.And because of the countless sword rains that fell like a torrential rain, the underground temple had long lost its original appearance and turned into a crater.

However, just when Exia arrived here through Sandjo Aige’s space control magic——


The sword rain had long since stopped.

Thunder also stops.

The entire ruined underground temple fell into an eerie silence.

Victory or defeat?

(No, no, look at the center of the pothole, Prince.)

The voice of Shatiao's love song prompted Alexia to look over subconsciously, and the moment she looked over, Alexia couldn't bear it anymore: "Su Shang——!"

In the corner of the center of the pothole.

Li Sushang, who was still in the sky before, releasing sword rain from a high position to bombard the ground, is now like a kite that has been shot down. The whole person is paralyzed in a relatively complete piece of rubble. There are a lot of burns all over the body and arms. There is even one line that shows an abnormal distortion.

Was he struck by Mercato's lightning strike?

Subconsciously, Exia took a step forward——


The body quickly penetrated the space. It was clear that Shajo Aige had not used space control magic yet, but at this moment, Alexia naturally used the ability to cross space and came to Li Sushang's side.

(how do I--)

Alexia was slightly surprised by his behavior, but he immediately put the surprise behind him. He could think about his own affairs later. What was more important now was Li Suchang's situation.

Squatting down and helping Li Suchang up, Exia was about to let Shatiao Aige use healing magic on her, but a commotion not far away made him look over with vigilance.

"There is the aura of my enemy...the smell of smelly gold has disappeared."

Blah blah blah——————!

Standing up from a large pile of rubble, Mercato looked down at Alexia who was holding Li Sushang in front of him: "So, was it you who killed the undefeated military god? Boy - no, killed God! Enemies of our gods!"


Putting Li Sushang down, Alexia stood up: "Yes, it's me. I stole your prey. Is there any problem?"

At the same time as he said this, Ixia suddenly felt a disk with eight branches appearing in his body. Including the central disk, a total of nine disks all lit up. The nine major disks all lit up. The avatars all went directly into a usable state.

It even seems to be saying - [Hurry up and kill this god in front of us with us]

(All power has been integrated into power, but as long as I have the will, I can use my former power anytime, anywhere... Does the difference just lie in my own awareness of this?)

In just a moment, Exia understood the changes in herself.

It's not that he couldn't fly before, it's just that compared to the flying method he was used to before, he now needs to go through a step to realize his power.The time required for this step was equal to zero after he realized this.

——[I, awaken as]

——[The Sekiryuutei who defeats everything, defeats everything, and destroys everything]

There was no need to chant the Word Spirit, as if someone had chanted it on his behalf. Ixia just went through the Word Spirit in her heart, and the disk quickly turned, engraved with the red dragon pattern, symbolizing [Dragon]. The small disk of the emperor's incarnation shone brightly.


The dragon wings of light are fully unfolded!

The moment he entered the posture of a tyrannical dragon, the blazing Skyfire Holy Inquisitor automatically appeared at his hand. Ixia held the hilt of the sword out of habit, and the familiar feeling immediately helped him adapt to the new power in his body - at all times Among the incarnations, the incarnation of [Dragon Emperor] and the incarnation of [Chaos Beasts] are probably the ones that have changed the least.

After all, no matter whether it is the original incarnation or the upgraded incarnation, its effect has not changed much. At most, it is just an increase in power.


Seeing Exia who suddenly transformed into a true red dragon, the atmosphere exuded by Mercato suddenly changed.

He doesn't care about humans and looks down on them.But the person standing in front of him at this moment is not a human being, but the demon king who killed his own race. Even in terms of time, the new demon king in front of him has only been a demon king for a few minutes. But even so, Mercato I don't think he is a weak being at all.

Because he is the God-Slayer, the devil who overcomes all impossibilities and makes all impossibilities possible.

"Well...cough cough cough...wu~~~~"

Li Sushang's cough slightly broke the atmosphere between one person and one god.

Ignoring Mercato, Alexia turned around and squatted next to Li Sushang to help him up: "Sushang, are you awake?!"

"Uh...little, little uncle?"

Li Sushang followed the voice and looked around. Fortunately, although she had burns all over her body, there were not many injuries on her head. She could clearly see Alexia's appearance: "You...over there Is it over?"

"Well, it just ended not long ago. On your side..."

Alexia felt Li Sushang's condition - the power he gave her has not been used up yet. It is indeed possible to continue fighting, but with Li Sushang's current injury, if she continues...


Pressing Alexia's arms and then supporting his shoulders, Li Suchang staggered up from his arms, dragging her unsteady feet and an awkward hand.

"Then...then I also...have to cheer up...I'll be fine soon...little uncle, you go over there first..." Wait a moment..."

"Sushang, your body has..."

From the standpoint of a [junior uncle], Aixia wanted to stop Li Suchang from continuing to fight.He really wanted to make Li Sushang a god-killer. This was an opportunity for her to reach the sky in one step. Even he could get a huge promotion, not to mention Li Sushang.

But looking at her like this, how could he, the [junior uncle], let her continue to force herself?He brought her into this world, so he must be responsible for her safety.

Alexia thought so.


(Don’t protect her too much, Prince.)

The voice of Shatiao's love song came.

(I know you like and love her very much, but don’t care for her too much. Miss Sushang said she would defeat the gods. You were so confident before handing over this place to her. Don’t persuade her now. She’s done, help her back out.)


"...10 minutes."

After a short moment of silence, Aixia let go of the hand holding Li Sushang: "I'll give you 10 minutes. If you fail to defeat him during this period, then I will take over. Is that okay, Sushang?"

"...5 minutes."

A somewhat forced smile appeared at the corner of Li Sushang's mouth.

"In 5 minutes, I will kill him for you to see~~~"

45. Experience the charm of Taixu

Li Sushang had a sword-testing experience more than 500 years ago.

Not long after she turned 15 that year, her master asked her to go to the desert to find a gang called the Jinsha Gang and have a fight with the gang leader there in order to let her test her sword training results and understand the meaning of the sword. .

Her master called this a sword test.

That sword test, if you think about it carefully, seems to be the beginning of her coming to this world more than 500 years later. Without that sword test, she would not have known the Rakshasa people, would not have had the opportunity to sleep until now, and would not have had the opportunity to sleep until now. You will have the opportunity to get to know your junior uncle, and even be brought to this different world by your junior uncle.

In the few months after waking up, Li Sushang also learned a lot about today's era.Originally, in her time, if everyone wanted something, they would either trade it with silver or fight with swords and snatch things from others.

Li Sushang felt the same way, so she was a little unaccustomed to the situation in this era where you could get a lot of things without fighting.Fortunately, there are some kind-hearted girls in the family, so she got used to it little by little.

But now, Li Sushang feels like she has returned to the era more than 500 years ago.

Godslayer - kills gods and takes away power from gods.

How familiar is this statement?

In Li Sushang's eyes, this is similar to the rules of the world more than 500 years ago.

If you look at something belonging to the other party, just use the sword in your hand to snatch it away, it's that simple.


(This battle is probably my sword test after more than 500 years!)

Li Suchang, who was thinking this way, seemed to be completely unable to feel the pain in her whole body. She held the lightsaber full of cracks in one hand and could dissipate at any time, and limped towards Mercato's direction.


The god-king of the Mediterranean made a sound that seemed to be praise.

"You are seriously injured but you still want to fight me to the end? What a great will and fighting spirit! Human! But exposing the blade to God is an unforgivable sin! Let me use the wrath of the God King to combine your body and mind with that blade Let’s smash it together!”

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