"O wind, O rain, O thunder! Call me, Baal Hadad, by my proper name of Mercator! O storm, come swiftly at the call of the One who rides the clouds!"

The words of the gods echoed under the sky.

Under the influence of Mercato's power, the already dark clouded sky immediately erupted with deafening thunder, and extremely violent winds raged across the earth, constantly impacting Li Suchang's crumbling body!

Li Sushang's feet have lost the power to run, and her left hand is twisted out of shape. Coupled with the burns all over her body, now she will be in extreme pain even if she just moves, let alone being hit by the strong wind, which is directly exposed Even the slightest touch to the external wound will cause excruciating pain.

She was already so fragile that being hit by Mercato's lightning strike was so fatal.

(It hurts...really...)

Faced with the strong wind that constantly hit her, Li Sushang gritted her teeth and endured the pain.

(It was just like this after being accidentally hit... The power of the god is really no joke... Sure enough, you shouldn't be so forceful at that time - and the next one Same thing, right?)

This gust of wind was just a precursor, and Mercato's real attack had not yet arrived.

Li Sushang knew this very well.


“Boom, boom, boom————————————!!!”

As if to confirm Li Suchang's idea, the dark sky covered with dark clouds was suddenly torn apart by a flash of light!

The violent divine thunder pierced through the sky, and it was like a divine spear that wanted to penetrate the earth as well. It fell with a thunderous sound that resounded in the sky!

It was not a thunderbolt, but dozens, hundreds, or thousands of thunderbolts!


Alexia, who was standing behind, subconsciously wanted to help Li Sushang block it.

But before he could make a move, Li Sushang's figure had already disappeared from the spot——

“Dong dong dong dong dong dong————————————!!!”

Thousands of thunderbolts that lost their target all fell into the air!The underground temple, which was already in ruins, was further ravaged, and the ground was dug dozens of meters deeper than it was at the beginning!

However, Li Sushang was nowhere to be seen.

"That's all - isn't it?"

Just glancing at the still steaming crater, Mercato immediately looked up to the sky.


A flash of aqua blue light suddenly flashed across his cheek!

It's Li Sushang!

Holding the further shattered sword blade, Li Sushang stood on one foot on a flying sword, her chest rising and falling slightly, and her breathing quickened.But this does not mean that her condition is not good. Even if her physical condition is quite bad, Li Suchang feels that her spirit is extremely light and comfortable.

(My body hurts...but——)

With flying swords under her feet and a large number of sword blades surrounding her body, Li Sushang, with disheveled hair, looked down at the God King on the earth.

(——I don’t think I will lose!)


Thunder strikes again!

Mercato, whose face was scarred by Li Sushang's sword blade, was filled with strong divine power - being hurt by a mere human being was a shame for the God King, which was detrimental to his own glory and status!

Thousands of thunderbolts rushed to shoot down again!

However, no matter how many thunderbolts Mercato shoots——


Li Suchang, who was stepping on the flying sword, once again disappeared into the air at a speed that Thunder could not match, causing Thunder to fall into the air again!At the same time, the sword commander moved, and thousands of flying swords were shot out one after another along with her movement trajectory, hitting Mercato from all directions!

“Bang, bang, bang, bang, bang!!!!”

The feeling of impact and tearing continued to act on Mercato's strong body. Each flying sword was enough to leave a superficial wound on him. If all the thousands of flying swords fell, even the God King , the accumulated damage is enough to have a considerable impact on him.

Not to mention, the hole in Mercator's chest - the penetrating wound caused by Veleslana's golden sword - has not yet fully healed.

"Ugh————! Such a trick as a flying insect! Do you really think this can defeat the incarnation of the storm!"

With Mercato's roar, the intensity of the thunder and storm suddenly increased to a higher level!The denser thunderstorm directly interrupted Li Suchang's figure flying in the air, while the faster and fiercer wind blew her delicate body to the horizon in one breath!


(Don’t worry...little uncle...)

After flying hundreds of meters in the direction of the storm, Li Sushang released all the strength from his body to stop, and the corners of Li Sushang's mouth raised slightly.

Of course she knew that her flying sword couldn't kill the god. If she could kill him that easily, she would have won before when she suppressed Mercato with an overwhelming amount of sword rain.But it turned out that she was accidentally beaten by Mercato, who took the opportunity to summon Thunder. After just one hard hit, she was beaten into the miserable state she is now.

A half-baked attack cannot kill a god.

Li Sushang knew this very well, so she had been preparing beforehand - or in other words, she was familiar with the feel.

(The power that my uncle gave me is very powerful, allowing me to fly directly on the spot, but... that is the only trick that I am not used to using. Now, I can probably use it. Alright.)

Just like after Exia obtained the power of God, she suddenly couldn't fly.

Li Sushang was suddenly given too much power by Ixia, and had problems controlling her own power.After all, Taixu Sword Qi is a skill that can be practiced externally but not internally. There has never been any way to mobilize the true energy in the body. Therefore, Li Sushang can only dissipate the true energy in the body first, and then control the Honkai energy dispersed in the atmosphere. , use this power in a way you are familiar with.

And now-

"Enough is enough."

Li Suchang raised her hand tremblingly, holding the blood-stained sword finger in front of her, and said softly.

——God, the change is extreme.Wonderful things can be expressed in words, but cannot be explained in form.

"Come and learn... Taixu's charm, Lord Immortal!"

46. ​​The Sword God above the Mediterranean Sea

The fifth yunda of Taixu sword energy is the divine yun.

Over the past thousands of years, apart from Fu Hua, the originator, only one person has mastered this move.

Cheng Lingshuang, Li Sushang, Alexia, Qiana, Anna.

Among them, Cheng Lingshuang passed away more than 500 years ago, Kiana and Anna have not yet mastered their cultivation, Alexia basically does not use the Sword God, and Fu Hua also uses the Taixu Sword God because of what happened more than 500 years ago. Some degree of regression.

Therefore, among those who know Taixu Sword God now, Li Sushang is undoubtedly the one with the highest and most profound attainments.

And the Sword God she used after being strengthened by Exia and her power increased to dozens of times before - even she herself didn't know how powerful it would be!


“Buzz buzz buzz————————!!!”

The sky suddenly trembled!

As if the sky itself was being beaten by something, the rapid and powerful vibrations caused ripples and impacts in the sky, making the dark clouds in the entire sky collapse in the vibrations!

The early morning sunshine gradually casts down from the cracks in the dark clouds.

As a result, some light spots appeared on the ground.

However, in the eyes of others, this may seem like a sunny scene after the rain, but in the eyes of Mercato and Exia, it is completely different!

Both of them could detect that as the light continued to fall, something in the sky was falling together!Both of them could even detect from Li Sushang that there was an extremely huge force gathering, compressing, and accumulating!

(It’s...Honkai energy.)

Mercato didn't know what the power in Li Sushang was, but Alexia knew it.

In his perception, Li Sushang's body was continuously emitting a large amount of Honkai energy, and that Honkai energy was still gathering towards the sky under her control!

The reason why the sky today is constantly trembling is because the Honkai energy accumulated in the clouds has become so intense that the space itself cannot hold on!

(Su Shang... are you ready to attack with all your strength?)

The time Li Sushang set for herself was 5 minutes, and considering the speed at which she was releasing her power, this blow would definitely be the last one.

Alexia sighed slightly.

(We came here to stop the God War in the first place. If you land this attack now, at least we won’t be able to preserve this area.)

That being said, Alexia would not stop Li Sushang.

We have reached this point, and it would be outrageous to stop it. The only thing Ixia can do is to help deal with the aftermath as much as possible.

And soon, the next moment after both Mercato and Exia realized what was happening in the sky——


Like a stone hitting the water.

Like a hard object breaking through a window.

Amidst the loud noise, a scene that made people think of something falling from the clouds through the sea of ​​clouds was staged in the sky above Sardinia.

However, what fell was not a meteor that could fulfill people's wishes, nor was it a rumored alien, nor was it any other product that existed only in fantasy.

What fell down was the [Sword].

It reaches the sky and the earth, its shadow covers the sky and the sun, its body penetrates the sky, piercing the clouds and sky together. It is as huge as a meteorite and full of destructive oppression!

The sword exuded a brilliance that almost burned your eyes.

It wasn't until this moment that Mercato realized that what was shining down was not the brilliance of the sun, but the sword light of this giant sword!

"Taixu, Sword God."

There was a mysterious light shining between her eyebrows, and bathed in the power of the divine sword, the embarrassed Li Suchang was suspended in the air like a goddess, overlooking everything on the ground.


Looking up at the divine sword that towered over the God King in the sky, Mercato suddenly laughed wildly!

He is angry!

Incomparably angry, because Li Sushang dared to override him and unleash such a blow that shook the world above his head!The god-king of this Mediterranean is Mercato!The mere fact that a mere mortal dared to surpass the God King made his anger so strong that it could not be extinguished!

But at the same time, Mercato also felt an unparalleled surge of heart!

At first glance, he is just an extremely fragile mortal, but he is able to perform a blow that even the God King is amazed by. This bravery and strength are undoubtedly worthy of the praise he gave the God King!

"You are a weak being who cannot escape the fate of death. It seems that you really want to cross the corpse of the God King! In this case, I should use the power of the God King to defeat your divine sword!"

"Come out, [Yagrush]! [Aymur]!"

Two giant sticks with strange shapes appeared in Mercato's hands along with the word spirit - they were Mercato's sacred tools, symbolizing storms and lightning, and were made by the god of craftsmen.The reason why Mercato became the God King was precisely because he defeated the Dragon King with these two divine tools and won the throne of the God King.

If there was more time, Mercato would have interrupted the Divine Sword before it appeared.

However, Li Sushang's movements were too fast, and Mercato's self-esteem as the God King did not allow him to do such a thing. Otherwise, he would have summoned these two divine tools long before Li Sushang made any move. .

"Come on! Human! No matter how powerful this blow is, I will crush it head-on!"

This is also the pride of being a god king, and the tolerance and contempt that a god should have when facing mere humans.

(It’s really... looked down upon.)

(In that case, I’m--you’re welcome!)

Using all his strength, Li Sushang raised his hands above his head, and then waved them down with all his strength——


The Titan's Sword crashed down!

It didn't fall like a meteorite. It looked so huge, but the speed at which the Excalibur fell was like an orbital bombardment shot from a satellite orbit to the earth!The speed was so fast that the Titan Sword almost turned into a beam of light connecting heaven and earth!

Not to mention that Mercato had no plans to dodge at all. Even if he wanted to dodge, he couldn't dodge at this speed.

And at the moment when he was hit directly by the Taixu Sword God, Mercato suddenly understood one thing——

He lost.


"——Idiot, Taixu Sword God cannot defend himself."

Standing on the edge far away from the influence of the Taixu Sword God, Ixia carried Erica on her shoulders, who had fainted due to the aftermath of Mercato's thunder, and looked at the place where Mercato was receiving the Taixu Sword God's face. Stupid figure.

"The Taixu Sword God has no body, and he transforms into a sword by deity. This sword fills the space, and this sword is the space. Therefore, it is everywhere and is invincible - I want to rely on my physical strength as a god and my resistance to the curse. Even I wouldn’t dare to do such a thing.”

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