In fact, there was a wall between the rooms of Alexia and Li Sushang. According to Erica, this was requested by Alexia so that she could take care of her.

After knocking on the door twice, getting a response from inside and going in, Li Sushang immediately saw Alexia sitting by the window not far away, holding a book in her hand and flipping through it casually.

"Little Master Uncle!"

"Hey, Su Shang, are you finally awake?"

Closing the book, Aixia looked at Li Sushang with a smile: "I've been sleeping for two days, so you are really lucky. But being able to sleep for such a long time means that your body has fully recovered, right?"

"Of course, I also want to thank you, Junior Uncle, for picking me up - at that last moment, you were the one who caught me, right?"

Although she didn't see that person at that time, Li Sushang could only think that it was Alexia who might have caught him in that situation.

"You're welcome, it's fine. Just sit on the bed for a while and I'll finish the things here first. I'd also like to trouble you to pick up Su Shang. Erica, please step aside first."


As if she had long been accustomed to ordering others around, Alexia ordered Erica naturally. After she exited the room, she looked again at the person who was in the room from the beginning. Li Suchang also looked over naturally.

Kneeling on one knee in front of Exia was a girl.

She should be about the same age as Li Sushang and Erica. She is wearing clothes similar to Erica's, but the colors are cyan and black, which is different from Erica's red and black.

He has a delicate and upright appearance, but his expression is extremely tense, giving people a cute feeling but also a bit majestic and serious.

The most eye-catching thing is her long silver hair that is styled into a high ponytail. You can tell that her hair is beautiful just by looking at it. She has long silver hair and blue eyes. If she changes her hair color, her figure will look better. If it were better, it would probably be [-]-[-]% similar to Bianca.


"Who is she? Junior uncle." Li Sushang suddenly asked.

"Well... Liliana Kranichal belongs to the magic society [Bronze Black Cross], and she has a hostile relationship with Erica and the Bronze Black Cross we are in now, and She is the eldest daughter of the famous Krannichal family, and like Erica, she is a well-known prodigy girl among the younger generation in Milan - is that right?"

Alexia introduced.

The silver-haired girl - Lilliana Kranichal - knelt down on one knee and lowered her head deeply, responding with an extremely humble and obedient attitude: "Your Majesty, you can remember me. I am really frightened. In addition, please forgive me for not being able to salute you immediately, eighth king."

"No, it really doesn't matter to me. There is no need to be too polite to me. Really, I'm not used to it." Li Sushang waved her hand, "Then why did you come to see me?"

"Yes...actually, on behalf of the Bronze Black Cross, I come to swear allegiance to His Majesty the Knight King." Liliana explained.

Two days ago, two kings suddenly appeared in Sardinia.

This is a huge thing that magicians all over the world now know.It has been more than four years since the last time the God Killer appeared. Now it appears again, and God Killers appear continuously. This has directly scared the magicians around the world to death!

Six of these demon kings who have their own way of doing things are enough for the whole world to suffer, but now that there are two of them again, it's no big deal that all the magicians in the world are trembling.

As usual, the birth of a new king is naturally accompanied by the distribution of territory and the allegiance and surrender of many magic associations.

This is an unspoken rule that magicians all over the world have tacitly accepted after the birth of the God-Slayer. In principle, the area where the God-Slayer was born is the opponent's territory, and the surrounding countries and territories will automatically become his territory. , the magic associations within the scope must also surrender to it.

However, Alexia and Li Sushang are from another world, and no one in the world can find their identity certificates - this puts magic associations around the world in trouble.

But when it comes to adversity, the oath of allegiance is absolutely indispensable, especially for the bronze and black cross.

Two days ago, the news that the Seventh King returned to Milan with Erica Browntree, the prodigy of the Red Bronze and Black Cross, spread throughout Italy in an instant.As the old enemy of the Bronze Black Cross, how could the Bronze Black Cross still sit still?If the Red Copper Black Cross were protected by a king and became that king's minister, the balance between the two families would undoubtedly be broken.

Therefore, in order not to lag behind the Bronze Black Cross, the Bronze Black Cross must also step up its contact with the new king.

——For reasons like this, Exia immediately understood them all after learning that Liliana came to see her and learning a little about the relationship between the two families.

He has been exposed to too many such things. During the few months when he was the True Ancestor Emperor of the Kaslana Empire, he handled countless similar applications and documents. Later, he was so annoyed that he hated them to death. In just one week, he gave it all to Motoki Yase.

(Even if the world is different, similar things will still happen.)

Alexia sighed slightly: "I understand the situation, Ms. Liliana. It's just that I have a little doubt - if I remember correctly, the Magic Association Alliance in Southern Europe has already moved the [Sword King] as the leader of the alliance, right? Why do you want to serve me now? Do you want to serve two kings at the same time?"

"We do not mean any disrespect to the king!"

Liliana's voice immediately contained strong panic and fear.

"About this...actually——"

"Ah, there is no need to explain the reason." Ixia waved her hand, "I have no intention of accepting anyone's allegiance, whether it is a bronze black cross or a red copper black cross, even if a brass black cross appears tomorrow. Same. You can go back, Ms. Liliana. Just tell your superiors what I said."

"King...obey. I'm sorry to have disturbed your precious time."

After biting her lip lightly and responding, Liliana stood up with a somewhat gloomy expression, bowed to Aixia and Li Suchang respectively before turning and leaving the room.

Watching her leave, Li Sushang shook her big white legs: "Uncle, did you scare her?"

"Is there any? It should be said that they scared themselves. I didn't do anything." Ixia jumped down from the window. "Rather than this, let's talk about our affairs - now we are both familiar with each other. Now that you have become a god-slayer, you have more things to do, so let’s deal with all the things that need to be dealt with first.”

"The first and most important thing is naturally the power we get. What kind of power did you get from Mercato, Su Shang?"

50.Three Li Sushang!?

The power I got from Mercato.

Li Sushang remembered this matter after Alexia said this.

She is already a God Killer. In this case, she should have obtained a power from Mercato.


"What do you think of Quan Neng?"

Li Sushang touched her head blankly.

Alexia fell silent immediately, and after a while she raised her forehead and said, "You...Pandora didn't tell you anything?"

"Pandora? Who is it?"

"Huh? Haven't you seen the woman in that immortal realm who claims to be our mother?"

"Hmm~~~~" Li Sushang held her chest and said, "When you say that, I seem to feel like I have been somewhere, but I don't seem to have been... It's so strange."

(Miss Ai Ge, what is Su Shang’s situation?)

(I don’t know, but I think it’s the physical difference between you and her.)

After all, Ixia arrived at that thought space while fully awake. She had also experienced going to the spiritual realm several times before, and she had already developed the adaptability in this regard.And this is probably the first time Li Sushang has said this, so it is not unacceptable to forget.

"Then how about you close your eyes and feel it?" Alexia said, "This is my own experience. If you close your eyes and start meditating, a symbol of power will naturally appear in front of you."

"Oh, let me try."

Li Sushang closed her eyes as she spoke, and began to silently recite the Jianxin Jue very skillfully, entering the world of meditation.

This was something she was very accustomed to.There is nothing special about the practice of the Sword Heart Jue. It is just a matter of repeating the Sword Heart Jue silently, and during the silent recitation, one can naturally enter the realm of Ming Jing Shisui.

Therefore, Li Sushang completely calmed down soon.And it was at this moment that she felt something appeared in front of her eyes. She felt it carefully for a while before opening her eyes again.

"felt it?"

"Well, there's also an extra paragraph in my mind."

"That is the word spirit that needs to be chanted when using the power, just like a password - so what is your power?"

Mercator is a god-king with a very complicated divinity. He is the god of the sky, the god of storms, the devil, the devil, the god of agriculture, the god of the underworld, and the dragon slayer... The possibility of the power that Li Sushang has obtained is real. It's too much.

Li Sushang hesitated for a moment: "...Rather than just talking, I'd rather let you take a look at it directly."

"Huh? Do you want to use your power directly here?"

"Yeah, what's wrong?"

"...Do you want to change places? I'm afraid you'll tear down the whole house here."

Exia herself has some experience of the effects of power. Even if it is a non-combat power, it is enough to cause a considerable degree of influence and destructive power to the surroundings.For example, for his own nine incarnations, he has thought about testing the specific effects in the past two days, but he knows very well that once his incarnation is used, the impact will be difficult to ignore, so he has been holding back.

And Li Sushang's power...

"No, no, no, it doesn't matter. I can feel it myself. This power doesn't seem to be the kind of power that can directly cause huge damage. How should I put's similar to Bianca's armor."

Similar to Bianca's armor?

Shining Knight·Moon Soul?

Are there any powers of Mercato that are similar to those of the Moon Soul Armor?

Li Sushang's statement made Alexia interested.

Under his gaze, Li Sushang also began to chant the spirit of words: "[Come out, pursuer, exile!]"

It was a very brief voice, so brief that it didn't even look like a voice, it was just a normal call.The moment Li Suchang finished speaking, two rays of light suddenly appeared around her, and then turned into two black and blue epee swords that looked as tall as two Li Suchangs, with extremely generous and heavy visual effects!

Each giant sword is entangled with some lightning and wind whirlpools, and some mysterious runes are engraved on the sword.

Two heavy swords like guardian angels appeared next to Li Sushang.

"Is this...your power?"

"Almost. It seems to be based on the power of the two big sticks that the immortal master used when he fought with me before. I can use these two swords freely, and they are as light as feathers. Even I can use them alone. Just wave your hand casually." Li Suchang said while holding the hilt of the sword, wanting to demonstrate, but Alexia was so frightened that she quickly held her down.

If the three-meter-long sword was swung across the room, it would be impossible without tearing down the wall.

"...Then what? What effect do these two swords have?"

"Let's see... um~~~ It will move and track automatically, and it will also change its size according to the amount of power I put into it. It has the power to cause thunder and storms, and it has a very powerful effect on dragons and snakes. Restraint effect, then when I use this power, my physical ability will also be greatly improved——"

Li Sushang explained.

And listening to her explanation, Alexia could probably understand where her power came from.

(Is it a pseudo-composite power based on the divine instrument of God Mercato, combining his legend as a sky god and a dragon slayer?)

This is somewhat different from what Ixia learned.

According to the information about the God Killer so far, the God Killer will only gain a single power after killing the god, which symbolizes one of the gods of the disobedient god.Taking Exia's power as an example, although it has nine incarnations, its essence is still the godhead of Veleslana as the [God of Victory].

But Li Sushang's power encompasses the plurality of gods of Mercato.

(Is it because Sushang, like me, comes from a different world, so the rules of this world cannot fully apply to us?)

This is all we can think about at this stage.

But no matter what, being able to directly summon two weapons that can fight on their own and have a variety of characteristics - this is also a huge improvement for Li Sushang, not to mention that this is the power of the God Killer. Those two swords Its destructive power cannot be underestimated.

(It is indeed a power very similar to the two self-propelled phantoms mounted on Bianca's Moon Soul Armor.)

"By the way, there is also a special ability. Junior uncle, don't be scared!"

"Huh? And?"

"[The pursuer, the exile. My beloved and trusted divine tool, you are my clone, and I am your master]"

Li Sushang sang a brand new spirit.

As the spirit of words fell, the two epees floating around Li Sushang also gradually changed. Then, when Ixia and Li Suchang were both stunned, the two epees actually changed rapidly - She looks like Li Sushang!

Three Li Sushang appeared directly in front of Alexia's eyes!


This unexpected situation made Exia completely confused. this also the effect of power? !

51. Convenience of creation by power

Li Sushang herself was a little stunned.

Looking at the two people on the left and right who looked exactly like herself, it took her a while to recover.

As soon as she recovered, Alexia couldn't wait to ask: "Is this, is this also the effect of your power? Su Shang?"

"I, I don't know, I just read the words that came to my mind, and they turned out like this." Li Sushang said in a panic, "Change back!"


With just one word from Li Sushang, the two [Li Sushang] transformed back into their heavy sword forms.

It looks like I can change back!

Li Sushang immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "Huh~~~ It would be great if I could change back - by the way, why does this power have so many effects?"

"This is your own power, you ask me?" Ixia was also confused, "But to be honest, this power of yours is comparable to my power. Usurped from Mercato A single power can actually have so many abilities... Miss Song, is it possible that Mercato has a legend about changing forms?"

"about this point--"

Alexia and Li Sushang appeared in front of them. Shajo Aige looked at the two giant swords: "My guess is that there are several. One of them is related to the god Mercato. As you know, Mercato Tuo Shen is a god with many gods, a very typical multi-faceted god who has different postures in different myths. Perhaps this is the reason why Miss Su Shang's powerful creation can change postures."

Judging from the posture of the heavy sword when it changes, it is probably integrated into Mercato's divine personality as the god of the sea. The sea has no specific posture, and its posture will only change due to the change of the container.Those two epees were the creations of Li Sushang's power. If you think about it, maybe the appearance of the epees was just made by Li Sushang's instinct. It's hard to say what they are in essence.

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